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April 03, 1979 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-04-03

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Summer Sessions
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Page 2-Tuesday, April 3, 1979-The Michigan Daily
Teamster lockout may idle nation



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WASHINGTON (AP) - Thousands of
auto workers were given short shifts
yesterday and the prospect of product
shortages, and other disruptions
loomed as a trucking industry lockout
of 300,000 Teamsters took hold.
The lockout, ordered by industry
executives after the union launched a
limited weekend strike over a contract
dispute, was expected to halt a sizable
portion of interstate shipments of
general freight - from fresh foods to
factory parts - within days.
THE AUTO industry was the first to
feel the impact of the industry shut-
down. The nation's two largest
automakers, General Motors Corp. and
Ford Motor Co., said an estimated
48,000 assembly line workers were
being sent home early yesterday
because of parts shortages and further
production cutbacks were imminent.
A spokesman for Trucking
Management Inc., (TMI), which had
ordered the lockout Sunday, said its
more than 500 member firms account
for 85 per cent of the unionized inter-
state freight business.
The spokesman, Norman Walker,
said "virtually all" of TMI's members
were complying with the lockout - a
tactic used in labor disputes in which
employers refuse to let their employees
ONE INDUSTRY analyst, who asked
not to be named, predicted a nationwide

shutdown could trigger a "very serious
crisis" in the economy within two
Some food stores could run out of
fresh foods, particularly meat, within a
week, said Robert Dobkin, a
spokesman for the retail food industry.
"Right now, we'll have to assess this a
day at a time," said Dobkin.
The Carter administration has said it
would seek a court order under the
Taft-Hartley Act to end either a
nationwide strike or lockout if the labor
dispute poses a national emergency.
THERE HAS never been an industry

shutdown of this scope that lasted
longer than several days.
As a result, administration officials
said yesterday it would take several
days for them to determine the impact.
The only previous industry shutdown
came in 1976, when the Teamsters
union struck for three days before set-
tling on its last national contract, which
expired this past Saturday at midnight.
MEANWHILE, federal mediators
said it was unlikely that bargainers for
the union and TMI would resume
negotiations until Thursday at the
earliers, in part because the union's

350-member national bargaining com-
mittee is meeting in Chicago tomorrow.
Industry negotiators said they of-
fered a three-year package that would
boost wages and fringe benefits by
about 30 per cent - a figure the in-
dustry said was in compliance With
Carter's relaxed wage standard.
THE UNION, however, sought ad-
ditional improvements in cost-of-living
protection for workers, a demand the
industry rejected as exceeding the

MD congressman attacks U.S. aid

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policy as cause of income

The United States' foreign aid
program has served only to enrich ad-
ministrators in the recipient countries
while the poor in those countries
haven't been aided at all, Congressman
Clarence Long, (D-Mo.), told a con-
ference here last Saturday.
Long, who is chairman of the House
Subcommittee on Foreign Operations,
said that foreign aid has been
distributed "to fight communism
rather than to help poor people." In
comments made before some 50

delegates of the International
Association for the- Advancement of
Appropriate Technology in Developing
Countries (IAAATDC), Long said the
result of foreign aid has been the
creation of thousands of demonstration
projects in recipient countries which
create glaring income disparities, but
do not help the poor of those countries.
THE SOLUTION to the problem, ac-
cording to Long, is the adoption of
"capital saving technology," more
commonly called appropriate

All the speakers at the conference,
including Long, emphasized that ap-
propriate technology is a philosophy.
They maintain that the only way un-
developed countries can improve their
economic status is to utilize small
amounts of capital to develop,
manufacture, or construct facilities,
tools, and plants. These facilities must
be designed to meet the specific needs
of each nation. Long asserted that the
majority of the capital investment for
development projects must be
generated by the undeveloped countries x
-The Maryland congressman's speech:
came at the conclusion of a day of
speeches and discussions in which the
theme of appropriate technology was
expanded upon.


LSA faculty abolishes
(Continued from Page 1) is
MEDIEAL AND would not prevent faculty members of
from coming to the meetings, but in- s
RENAISSANCE , stead would allow those present to act
on important issues rather than post- d
poning them until a quorum could be p
A"We have been reduced to ridiculous pl
tudent eusing expedients to drag professors out of
FALL AND WINTER 1979-80 their classes or take them from their b
Would you like to live in on elegant neo-tudor research to participate in these ta
mansion (East Quad)? Dining hall, library, cul- meetings, stated Willis.r h
ural events, interesting associates, old-world H admitted hor, that his
ambience. The Medieval and Renaissance Cot- 'o eth
legium is now accepting reservations for student proposal was not the ideal solution to
accommodations in the MARC Residence House, prpslwsntte&da ouint
effective September 1979. If you are a MARC the problem. "It is not completely (F
concentrator or if you are interested in the wtotfasbti ewi o ps
Middle Ages and the Renaissance, you are without flaws, but if we wait for a p tl
eligible to live in the MARC House. For informa; feet solution, we might wait forever,"
tion or to reserve a room for the fall, call either
the Housing Office (763-3164, 1011 SAO) or the he said. f
MARC office (763-2066, 206 Tyler, East Quad, Histor Prof. John Broomfield spoke f
M-F 1:00-5:00) with your name and address. i lo
Act now on your reservation. Only a limited against Willis' proposal, saying it is
"dangerous" to allow those attending W
LSA faculty meetings to decide major

sues because it might place the power
the group into the hands of a few.
"There is a tradition of misusing
mall bodies in the name of large
;semblies," he said. Broomfield ad-
ed the proposal was the wrong ap-
roach to solving the absenteeism
aguing the LSA faculty.
"The reason we do not get faculty in-
rested in coming to these meetings is
ecause we are not in control of impor-
nt issues here," he said. "What we
ave is most decisions being made by
e Vice-President for Academic Af-
irs (Harold Shapiro) or the Dean
Frye) and only the broad issues of lit-
e significance get discussed here."
AFTER FURTHER debate, the
culty rejected a substitute proposal to
wer quorum to fifty faculty mem-
ers. The group then agreed to vote on
Villis' proposal.
But before the vote was taken,
roomfield asked for a recount to en-
ure that 100 faculty members were
ill at the meeting. After several op-
onents of Willis' measure left the
neeting in an attempt to block quorum,
olburn recounted the group and said
01 voting members were still in atten-
ance. The motion passed 51-42 after a
how of hands.

KLAUSE STANDKE, director for
Science and Technology at the United
Nations, told the workshop delegates
that he foresaw increasing pressure in
the next decade on industrialized
nations to correct the economic and
technical inequities which exist bet-
ween developed and undeveloped
Standke told those at the conference
that "the idea that 'small is beautiful'
will perpetuate dependence of un-
developed countries on colonial
powers." He added that any technology
which advances the growth of a country
should be considered appropriate.
William Ellis, director of. Tran-
snational Network of Appropriate
Technologies, said "The best thing the
U.S. government can do for the Third
World nations is get out of their way."
Other speakers at the gathering in-
cluded Valentina Borremans from the'.
Center for Intercultural Documen-
tation, and William Eilers, who is direc-
tor of the Office of Science and
Technology at the U.S. Agency for In-
ternational Development.

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welcome i
CAIRO, Egypt (AP) - Israeli Prime
Minister Menachem Begin got-his first
taste of normal relations with Egypt
yesterday and said he was "deeply
moved," but the Egyptian reaction to
his visit here appeared strained and
President Anwar Sadat avoided the
welcoming ceremonies, sending in-
stead his Vice President Hosny
Mubarak and a few cabinet leaders t
greet Begin at the airport. Officials said
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Fives cool
n Egypt
protocol did not require Sadat's presen-
t ce since Begin is not a head of state.
t SEVERAL government officials and
Egyptian reporters accompanying the'
o prime minister grumbled that thef
Israeli leader should have waited until'
the Arab anger over the peace treaty;
e had abated. They expressed concern.
- about the economic and political san-
ctions imposed on Egypt over the:
o weekend and the departure of Arab:
ambassadors from Cairo.
"Why did he have to come now?":
asked one.
But for Begin, the trip was a momen-
tous occasion that signaled a new era of
reconciliation after four wars and 30:
years of open hostility.
HE TERMED THE visit "a dream-
come true" and said he was visiting to
convince Egyptians of Israel's wish for.
a lasting peace.
"It is a great day for Israel," Begin.
told reporters after hopping from an
Egyptian army helicopter that flew him,
to the 4,000-year-old pyramids of Giza.M
His bald head beading with per-:
spiration from the blistering 105-degree
heat, Begin climbed the first few tiers:
of the Pyramid of Kephren, surrounded
by aides, security men and Egyptian.
guides and officials.
THE 65-YEAR-OLD Israeli leader
said he saw "hundreds of thousands:
who waved at me, smiled at me and
greeted me," but Egyptians are known,
for waving at any passing motorcade.
"It was a very friendly reception and I
am very appreciative," he said. -


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