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March 31, 1979 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1979-03-31

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Down to the wire
It can be safely said that all the candidates in Monday's city election
are running for office, but Democratic Mayoral candidate James
Kenworthy is carrying it out to the letter. During his daily door-to-door
campaign, Kenworthy can be seen literally running across lawns bet-
ween doorsteps. Kenworthy;'s quick steps help him get the job done
quickly and the former Fourth Ward Councilman claims he has only
fallen twice since his fast-pace campaign began.
Funky but chick
Students may remember seeing Logos Book Store's window display
recently with all the baby chickens bopping around. The S. University
retailer bought two dozen infant chickens from a Milan hatchery to
complement their Easter decor. However, when customers began of-
fering to buy the chicks, the merchant began selling them for two-and-
a-half bucks a peep. After nearly a dozen were sold, according to store
manager Edward Sayles, a call was made to the local humane society
who informed the store that the practice was illegal. Logo's workers
promptly rounded up the chicks and sent them back to the hatchery. It
simply was a case of putting too many eggs in one window.
Star trekin'
By jupiter, if it isn't Mr. Sulu. Sulu, alias George Takei, is one of five
speakers featured at today's conference, "Voices and Visions - Asian
Americans in the Creative Arts." Beginning with a keynote address by.
Takei at 10 a.m. in the Union's 'Pendleton Room, the day-long con-
ference will focus on Asian American identity, music, creative writing
and the media. Warp factor eight, Captain. Full speed ahead.
Take ten
Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) on the evening of April 1,
1969 abandoned plans to disrupt University laboratories involved in
war research two days later on the anniversary of the death of Dr.
Martin Luther King, Jr. They voted instead to hold a rap-in on war
research in an attempt to gain greater student support. The proposal
to disrupt war research laboratories came in response to a nation-wide
call by Rev. Ralph Abernathy for a one-day halt in such research on all
university campuses.
Ann Arbor Film Co-op-Aguirre, The Wrath of God 7, 10:20 p.m.;
Heart of Glass, 8:40p.m., Aud. 3, MLB.
Mediatrics - The Goodbye Girl, Nat. Sci. Aud., 7, 9 p.m.
Cinema Guild - Love and Death (Woody Allen), Old Arch. Aud., 7,
9:05 p.m.
CineznaJJ - All the President's Men, Aud. A, Angell Hall, 7, 9:30
Tanner Lectures - Stuart Altmann, University of Chicago, "The
Relevance or Irrelevance of Animal Behavior to Human Conduct,"
Aud., 3, MLB, 9:30a.m.
Asian American Conference - "Voices and Visions - Asian
Americans in the Creative Arts,' workshops on Asian American
literature, music, and arts, registration at 9 a.m. at South Quad dining
room no. 4. Keynote address by George Takei (Star Trek's Mr. Sulu),
10 a.m.
Tanner Lectures - Alexander Allend, Columbia University,
"Human Genetics, Sociobiology and Culture," Aud. 3, MLB, 10:45
Tanner Lectures - John Searle, University of California,
"Sociobiology and Ethics," followed by panel discussion, Aud. 3, MLB,
1:30 p.m.
Tanner Lectures - Edward Wilson, Harvard University, "Com-
parative Social Theory," panel discussion, Aud. 3, MLB, 2:30 p.m.
Rhyme Space - poetry reading: Jacob Miller, Scott Mahler, and
Martin Walsh; Pendleton Center, Union, 2 p.m.

Canterbury Loft - Donald Hall's "Bre. and Roses," 332 S. State, 8
University Contemporary Directions Ensemble, directed by
Stephen Osmund: memoire/eroison" by Tristan Murail, "Metamor-
phosis" by Anne LeBarron, "Sunrise" by Charles Ives, and "Kon-
takte" by Karl Heinz Stockhausen; Rackham, 8 p.m.
Seligson Players-Plautus' "Pot of Gold," foyer, Angell Hall, 8
Black Festival - "Gospel Jambaree: A Celebration of the Black
Gospel Tradition," Trotter House, 8 p.m.
Asian American Conference - Nobuko Miyamoto, Benny Yee, jazz,
folk musicians, Pendleton Rm., Union, 8 p.m.
PTP - "Albee Directs Albee," a collection of one-act plays, Power
Center, 5, 8:30 p.m.
International Association for the Adyancement of Appropriate
Technology for Developing Countries - "International Cooperation in
Appropriate Technology," panel discussions, starting at 8 a.m.
Clarence Long, Chairman of U.S. House of Representatives Subcom-
mittee on Foreign Aid, 7-9 p.m.
University Program on Women and Work at the Institute of Labor
and Industrial Relations - all day workshops on "Working Women
and the Law," Kalamazoo Room, Michigan League, 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Women in Action Day - workshops 10:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. and music
and poetry reading 8 p.m., Michigan Union.
SHARE - flea market, Dunbar Community Center, 625 N. Main, 10
a.m.-5 p.m.
Greek Week - Greek Olympics, Palmer Field, 1 p.m.
College Bowl - championship of academic excellence, Union
Ballroom, 1 p.m.
Turkish Students Association - Professor Soucek: "Turks outside
of Turkey," followed by folk dancing, Turkish music, and food; Inter-
national Center, 7:30 p.m.
University School of Art - exhibition of metal work, by\the Univer-
sity, MSU, and Purdue University undergraduates; first floor in
University Art and Architecture Building on North Campus, opening
reception at 7:30. Exhibit continues through April 15.

The Michigan Daily-Saturday, March 31, 1979-Page 3
Minorities focus of 'U' research,

Two University social researchers,
working independently of each other,
are involved in studies intended to
produce the first nationally represen-
tative information on the social,
physical and economic status of
American blacks and Chicanos.
The project directors, James Jackson
and Carlos Arce, are working through
the Survey Research Center, one of four
divisions of the University's Institute
for Social Research. Although they are
working on separate projects, the
researchers agree that earlier studies
of blacks and chicanos have not paid
sufficient attention to the unique issues
of culture and heritage.
"THERE IS no want of research on
blacks, thestudies go back to the days
of slavery," Jackson said. "However,
most were conducted by whites from a
non-culturally relevant perspective.
This large body of research could lead
to fallacies about blacks, and that,
basically, provided the germ that star-
ted this study."

of their studies are being done
throughout the country and will involve
well over 5,000 families, half of these
black and the other half Chicano.
"We've gone from places as big as
East Los Angeles to towns like San
Juan, Texas, an extremely tiny city
between Brownsville and Harlington,"
said Arce. "We're conducting inter-
views all across the country, from
Wheeling, W. Virginia in the East to
National City, California, which is
about as far southwest as you can go in
the United States."
ARCE SAID that one of his major
concerns was finding people of Mexican
ancestry in an unbiased way. "Of cour-
se, we could have gone to areas like the
Vernor Avenue corridor in Detroit,
East Los Angeles or Laredo, Texas,
where Chicano populations are as high
as 90 to 100 per cent. Studies in those
areas could tell us something, but
wouldn't give a complete represen-
tative picture."
"We want to look at families as units
and how they work," said Jackson. "We

only 45 survived the weeding out
Both Arce and Jackson said the
results of their studies are to be used by
other social scientists and researchers
/as. a comprehensive data base for the
production of significant and accurate
works on Chicanos and black
"FOR THE FIRST time ever,"
claimed Arce, "policy makers will be
able to examine reliable and valid in-
formation to generate more sensitive
Al, n J. Pokul's

and humane policies that are more in
tune to the background and current
conditions of Chicanos."
Arce went on to say that the core of
his survey, in terms of planning,
design, and making proposals for fun-
ding, will take up to four years to com-
plete. "Right now, we're a little past the
half-way point, right in the middle of
gathering our data," he said. Results
of the study are expected to be ready by
the early fall.


This fascinating film accuratelv and orecisely re-enacts all of the events,
times, places and people involved in the Watergate cover-up. Robert Redford
and Dustin Hoffman star in brilliant performances, as Bob Woodward and
Carl Berstein, the Washington Post reporters who blew the lid off the Nixon
White House. Jason .Robards won an Academy Award for his supporting
role. An exciting and absorbing cinematic experience heightened by
Pokula's use of light and shadows. "A spellbinding detective story . . . a
breathless adventure . . . an unequivocal smash-hit . .,. first and foremost
a fascinating newspaper film."-Vincent Canby (135m).
Sun-Michael Caine in ALFIE
Tonight at Angell Hall, Aud A
7:00 & 9:30 $1.50

'We want to examine the realities of Black American life,
and how Black Americans cope with stress and strain. The
study will be representatire of the entire black population,
which is the most critical part of the study in as much as this
has nerer been attempted before.'
-James Johnson
Unirersity researcher


Jackson went on to claim that "there
is nearly a total lack of knowledge on
Chicano social structures at a national
level, and that any addition to that data
base would be a real contribution." Ar-
ce was not as pessimistic as Jackson,
stating that a number of well-done
historical studies have been carried out
by Chicano historians over the years.
"But in the area of national represen-
tative studies," he agreed, "infor-
mation is essentially non-existent."
ARCE AND Jackson hope to remedy
that situation with their research.
"This study began from the very
basics," said Jackson. "The first thing
we did was go to local black com-
munities and ask the people what they
felt were the important things in their
lives. Our approach was not to take
from the old, but to start from the
basics with a very carefully conceived,
structurally sound and culturally
relevant research instrument."
Although they are working
separately, Arce and Jackson's projec-
ts are similar. Both researchers ex-
pressed concern that earlier studies
were conducted at local levels and did
not represent the total black and
Chicano populations in the nation. Both

plan to do that by looking at individuals
from different generations within the
family, and see what values are passed
on from one generation to the next. We
want to examine the realities of black
American life, and how black
Americans cope with stress and strain.
The study will be representative of the
entire black population, which is the
most critical part of the study in as
much as this has never been attempted
Jackson's study is being conducted
-by over 200 interviewers, all of them
black. "The reason for this is that prior
research has found that race matching
interviewers with subjects produces
more accurate results."
THIS PROCEDURAL policy has been
carried to a further extent by Arce in
his study. "All of our materials,
training procedures, and question-
naires are completely sensitive to the
bilingual character of Chicanos," he
stated. "Although many Chicanos are
bilingual, there are just as many who
speak only Spanish, and just as many
who speak only English."
Arce said 2,000 people were originally
contacted as prospective interviewers
and national support staff, and of those,

The Ann Arbor Filn Cooperative presents at MLB Aud. 3
A uirrThe Wrath of God
(Werner rzog, 1972) 7 & 10:20-MLB 3
Not enough can be said of this great movie. Features some of the most
haunting moments and breathtaking photography in all cinema. In sheer
beauty and subtlety of expression, it can be compared to BARRY LYNDON.
A 16th-century conquistador (Klaus Kinski) descends into madness as he goes
deeper and deeper into the mysterious Peruvian jungle, searching for gold
and El Dorado. Highly recommended. In German, with subtitles.
(Werner Herzog, 1976) 8:40 only-MLB 3
This latest film by the world's best young filmmaker, Werner Herzog, is a
bizarre tale which concerns a disaster at a glass factory. Says Herzog: "In my
films I always try to find new images of things-as if you were to open your
eyes and see a tree for the very first time." Such new images are realized in
HEART OF GLASS, a beautiful film in which Herzog, among other things,
hypnotized his entire cast. In German, with subtitles.

Monday: Tim Corey festival:


The .Great Train Robbery'

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