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March 31, 1979 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-03-31

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In tomorrow's sun day maazit1: I

'U' students
in quest
of kudos

Kent State:
May 1st

the walls
have ears

See editorial page See Today for details;
Eighty-Nine Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. LXXXIX, No. 144 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, March 31, 1979 Ten Cents Eight Pages

Melt-down possible
in worst domestic
atomic emergency

From UPI, Reuter, AP, and staff reports
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), reporting the
nation's most serious atomic emergency is far worse than it
thought, said yesterday Three Mile Island nuclear plant in
Pennsylvania faces the slight but real risk of a melt-down
within a few days.
Dudley Thompson of the NRC's office of inspection and
enforcement said the threat ranges from the "real
possibility" of partial melting of the uranium fuel to the
"miniscule" chance the reactor core could melt and release
massive radiation-the worst type of atomic plant disaster.
PROMPTED BY a new, severe burst of radiation from the
plant, Gov. Dick Thornburgh urged all pre-school children
and pregnant women within a five-mile radius to evacuate.
Thornburgh ruled out a general evacuation, but said residen-
ts in a 10-mile area should stay inside.
"We cannot predict what the situation will be in 24 hours,"
Thornburgh said.
A melt-down occurs when the cooling system of a reactor
fails to properly disperse heat from the reactor's radioactive
core rods. At its worst it can lead to the core rods burning
through the plant, thus releasing amounts of radiation into
the environment. It is the worst mishap that could happen to
a nuclear reactor.
MEANWHILE, THE Public Interest Research Group in
Michigan (PIRGIM) yesterday asked the federal gover-
nment to halt nuclear power plant construction in Michigan
pending an investigation of the Three Mile Island accident.
President Carter said yesterday the accident at the power
plant probably will lead to stricter safety standards for
nuclear plants.
White House press secretary Jody Powell reported the
federal government stands ready to help evacuate citizens
near the Harrisburg plant if necessary. He said contingency
plans for evacuation have been prepared by state and local
officials and that the president was in touch with Thornburgh
by telephone through the day.
FEDERAL OFFICIALS said radioactivity levels in the
immediate vicinity of the reactor site had been as high as 20

to 25 millirems per hour, with off-site levels measured at a
few millirems. A single chest or dental X-ray provides 30
'Nobod y knows whether the chance is
one in a thousand or one in a million
or one in ten ... but they (NRC officials)
now admit for the first time that a melt-
down is possible.
-Sen. Richard Schweiker
Scientists have said it could be 30 to 40 years - when an
increase in cancer rates show up - before the full effects of
the radiation released since Wednesday's accident is known.
"We are faced with a decision on how to proceed within a
few days, rather than hours," Thompson told reporters at an
NRC news center.
"WE ULTIMATELY face the risk of a melt-down depen-
ding on the manner in which we cope with the problem. If
there is even a small chance of a melt-down, we will recom-
mend precautionary evacuation."
The accident has jeopardized the future of nuclear power
in the United States, several Senators said yesterday,
echoing Carter's statements.
Henry Jackson, chairman of the Senate Energy Commit-
See ATOMIC, Page 2

AP Photo
LATE LAST NIGHT, the 'three Mile Island nuclear power plant still faced the danger of melt-down. The plant, located near
Harrisburg, Pa., malfunctioned three days ago releasing unknown amounts of radiation.


S amoffU'

Political Science Prof. Joel Samoff
criticized the role of \the University in
pursuing academic freedom yesterday,
saying the structure of administrative
and faculty power prevents those with
radical views from obtaining influential
Samoff made the comments during
his talk on "Academic Freedom and
Radical Faculty" to a group of more
than 30 at Guild House.
HE SAID THE two goals of a univer-
sity= its creative function and con-
trolling function - cannot coexist, and
for this reason radical faculty whose
"sense of educational task is to focus
On critical evaluation of the Univer-
sity" are often "threatening to the for-
ces that have to do with maintaining the
present order."
" Edward Wilson, Harvard
biologist and a leading advocate
of Sociobiology, last night spoke
of his belief in a genetic foun-
dation for human behavior. See
story, Page 2.
" Two project directors from
the University's Institute for
Social Research (ISR) are
currently involved in studies of
the social, physical, and
economic welfare of blacks and
chicanos. See story, Page 3.
Road the Today

Samoff said one of the aims of a
university is to maintain "the order of
things" by classifying people in terms
of their level of accomplishment
through varioul grading procedures,
and leading them to believe they are
only capable of achieving that par-
ticular level of performance. He said
universities also are concerned with
"diverting some of those who might
otherwise be troublemakers into an
arena where they might not be dif-
Samoff also said a university must
serve a creative function. "A Univer-
sity has to deal with the ability of
scholars - to pursue topics without the
fear that society will object," he said.
"IF IT'S TRUE that a university has
a control and a creative function
they're in tension with each other,"
Samoff added.
Samoff, whose tenure denial appeal is

still pending, said tenure is designed to
make it hard for a university to fire
faculty, but that it also protects those
who already have tenure.
"Tenure enables those who are in to
See SAMOFF, Page 2

But first comes a lawsuit

Bomb blast kills

The annual mingling of Diag Hash
Bash participants may be sup-
plemented by Chriztian revival
music tomorrow, if the Sweetfire
Ministry, an area church group,
succeeds in obtaining a restraining
order today which would allow a
religious rock group from Chicago,
the Resurrection Band, to play at
tomorrow's bash.

Last year's Hash Bash attracted
over 3,000 people, many of them out-
siders and high school students.
THE PERMIT allowing the group
to play was revoked by University
officials late Thursday.
In turn, the group filed a $10,000
lawsuit yesterday against the
University's trustees and three of-
ficers of the University, on the
See GROUP, Page 2

4th Ward holds city power base

Local political observers will watch
with keen interest Monday's Fourth
Ward City Council race between
Democrat LeRoy Cappaert and
Republican Edward Hood because of
the ward's image as a microcosm of
Ann Arbor.
Ann Arbor's ward system, since its
revision in 1973, has tended to result in
strong Republican domination of the
outlying Third and Fifth wards and an
equally strong Democrat advantage in
the First and Second wards which are

currently located in the campus area.
The Fourth Ward, however, includes
large student areas of Democratic sup-
port, as it extends south from Hill
Street. But as it stretches between I-94,
US-23 and Briarwood, the ward absorbs
many of the city's strongest Republican
FOURTH WARD voting in the
citywide mayoral race is expected to be
a good yardstick of the race's outcome.
Democrat mayoral candidate James
Kenworthy says voting in the Fourth
Ward will be a "sample of what will
happen in the whole city." Cappaert
and I will both win or both lose," says
Kenworthy. Republican Mayor and
candidate Louis Belcher says the Four-
th Ward "will certainly be the key

The Fourth Ward council race also is
expected to be a tight one. Last year,
Cappaert lost the council seat to
Republican David Fisher by 58 votes.
HOOD, AN Ann Arbor attorney, was
selected by the Republican Fourth
Ward organization and sworn in this
January to replace Republican coun-
cilman Ron Trowbridge who resigned.
city elections '79
Hood says he has concluded from
citizen "excitement" over recently
issued property tax assessments, many
representing 25-30 per cent increases
from two years ago, that the "tax bur-
. See POWER, Page 8

British 1
From AP and Reuter
LONDON - A terrorist bomb blasted
apart, an automobile outside
Parliament yesterday and killed a top
Conservative Party leader who fiercely
opposed the Irish Republican Army's
(IRA) battle to end British rule in Nor-
thern Ireland.
Within two hours of the blast, two
Irish guerrilla groups claimed respon-
sibility for the assassination of' Airey
Neave, a member of the House of
Commons and right-hand man to Con-
servative leader Margaret Thatcher.
A MAN purporting to represent the
Irish National Liberation Army,
military arm of the Irish Republican
Socialist Party (IRSP), telephoned a
Dublin newspaper and said:
"This is the first attack in a new
campaign against the British political
and military establishment and will
continue until there is a complete with-
drawal of the British political and
military presence" from Northern
The IRSP, a left-wing revolutionary
splinter group of the IRA's Marxist
"Official" wing, is allied to the
movement's "Provisional" wing
fighting to end British rule in Northern

SOON AFTER, a further claim was
made to the same newspaper by a man
claiming to represent the Provisional
IRA. He said, "We have this message
for the British government: Before you
decide to have a general election, you
had better state that you have decided
not to stay in Ireland."
Neave, who represented a district in
Berkshire west of London, was the Con-
servatives' spokesman in Parliament
on Northern Ireland and had long called
for tougher measures against the IRA.
He opposed the outgoing Labor gover-
nment's withdrawal of some army units
from Northern Ireland and demanded
the death penalty - abolished in
Britain - for terrorists.
The IRA statement threatened more
disruption in the election campaign and
police immediately put extra guards on
other prominent politicians.
The assassination could catapult law
and order and the Northern Ireland
conflict into major issues in a campaign
otherwise dominated by economic mat
No politician had been assassinated
at the House of Commons since 1812,
when Prime Minister Spencer Percival
was shot there.

Greeks occupy Diag,

A Diag rally for Democratic mayoral
candidate James Kenworthy scheduled
for noon yesterday was all but
smothered by a crowd of 400 Greek
Week. celebrants participating in a
giant game of spin the bottle.
Due tn an error in scheduling, the

processed the forms and sent them
Moresaid that in addition to the
Kenworthy and Greek activities, the
Natural Resoutes Club was also given
permission to use the Diag area.
"We've gone through the books and
don't anticipate having this problem
. ...1 - -

. YSA uses elections to
leducate for social change

Fourth in a five-part series
The Young Socialist Alliance (YSA)

Bob Warren, a junior in the Literary
College (LSA), said, "We want to use
the interest in student government elec-
tions to nublicize these issues." Warren

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