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March 24, 1979 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-03-24

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In tomorrow's Sunday magazkiRe:
War behind I Federal agencies

y groups spa for the
s. The lea! lot should e
evsiij) at tl;ro respective
oioun apictures should h
gating of or the takinr
niostis eisii-- ~ y


Birdy hits the

'U' Cellar

fight Freedom of
Information Act,

and more.

. . .

I a

See editorial page

r t ii

; aiIQ

See Today for details

Eight -Nine Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. LXXXIX, No. 138 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, March 24, 1979 Ten Cents Ten Pages

'The teach-in is an experimen
it was be fore-an innoration h
ing people get together and
about serious mriatters, and yel
spect one anot her in the process


On the evening of March 24, 1965, and into the nex
about 3,000 University faculty members, administrators
and others gathered for the first teach-in to protest th
it as War.
The widely-heralded event, which sparked student activ
st the Vietnam War on campuses across the country, pr
talk base for a national teach-in in Washington, D.C. less tha
ths later.
t re- ALAN HABER, a founder of the Students for a D
Society (SDS), which was a major catalyst for studente
the 1960s, was one of the students involved in organizing
"There were a lot of people that were very a
felt quite betrayed by the government," Haber said yes

brings activist back honme
eve of the fourteenth anniversary of the teach-in. Haber explained
t morning, that at the time a debate broiled within the'University as to whether
s, students, it was appropriate to suspend the normal function of the University
ie Vietnam to protest the war.
"There was a desire of the faculty to take some kind of action, 'Somehow peple hart> learned to
vism again- which looked like a faculty strike," Haber continued. "And there
rovided the was a desire from the administration to head that off. t> 'bothim ore suhtl(, and operatt at
n two mon- BOTH STUDENTS and faculty accepted the idea of a discussiona higher lerel and in more dire~rseI
about the war, and planned an all-night teach-in to last from 8 p.m.
Democratic March 24 until8 a.m. the next day, ending with a rally on the Diag. tra vs than allot'ing a situation to
activism in The major political discussion of the teach-in eventually wound
g the teach- up in 429 Mason Hall, also the site. of tonight's 'teach-in com-go to com hat in the stretts.

terday, the

memorating the original event.
"Part of this is to say we have essentially the same foreign policy
See TEACH-IN, Page 8,

order voided

Visiting Washtenaw County Circuit
Court Judge George Kent yesterday
terminated a temporary restraining
order which allowed the University
Regents to meet March 16 behind
closed doors following two days of
disrupted meetings.
Since Kent did not rule on the con-
stitutionality of such an order being
issued in the case, it is unclear whether
another order could be issued to bar
demonstrators from future meetings..
THE GROUP named in the suit, the
Washtenaw County Coalition Against
Apartheid (WCCAA), expects more
supporters at the Regents' April
meetings than were at the March
sessions, according to Jemadari Kamara,
spokesman for the WCCAA.
More than 200 demonstrators forced
the Board to recess three times during
the two March sessions, demanding
that the Regents reconsider their stan-

ce on University holdings in firms doing
business in South Africa. The WCCAA
advocates University divestment from
such holdings:
At yesterday's hearing, attorney
Thomas O'Brien, representing the WC
CAA, charged that the ex-parte
restraining order - issued by visiting
Judge Harold Van Domelen March 16
after he heard testimony from the
University - violated the 1977 Open
Meetings Act.
O'BRIEN STATED that there is
"nothing in the Act to allow private
meetings." He also blasted the
restraining order, saying that "it's not
restraint; it's allowing them (the
Regents) to break the law."
Peter-Davis, the attorney hired by the
University, rebutted that "we are
talking about a disruption. The Con-
stitution does not protect the right to
disruption; it is a misdemeanor."
See JUDGE, Page 8

February prices

Clash in)P
A police officer attempts to defend himself from two demonstrators trying to club
hidn during the first clash between uncontrolled demonstrators and police at the
Place de la Republique in Paris. Tens of thousands of steelworkers marched
Student tenure

b AP Photo
'aris street
through the streets yesterday to protest the French government's policy over
steel industry troubles.

University Vice-President for
Academic Affairs Harold Shapiro said
yesterday students should have input in
tenure decision-making processes, but
should not participate in actual tenure
Shapiro made the comments during
an informal talk with some 20 students
and professors at the Guild House.
Shapiro emphasized that the barring of
students from that final decisive role is
a personal opinion which could change
as the nature and significance of tenure
"A MORE important issue than
student involvement in the tenure
process, in my opinion, is whether
tenure is a viable idea altogether," said
" Wilma Rudolph, who won
three gold medals in track during
the 1960 Olympics, spoke to a
crowd of some 200 at the Business
School about motivation. See
story, Page 7.
" Columbia University's
trustees voted yesterday to divest
the school's holdings in some
corporations that are currently
doing business in South Africa.
See story, Page 8.

The Economics professor said i the
role of tenure in academia today has
changed som'ewhat from its original in-
ception, and that because it has become
a complex matter, it may no longer
preserve the full "flow of intellectual
However, Shapiro stressed that
student involvement is still an impor-
tant issue in today's tenure processes.
"IN SOME parts of the University,
student input in the tenure process is
very organized and in some parts it is
not," stated Shapiro. "Evaluation of
teaching is the most important part of
this participation, and student opinion
has a more important role (in tenure
decisions) than I think many people
currently know."
Shapiro said that while some depar-
tments choose not to use course

input possi~b
evaluations, it is "hard to articulate a are problems in thet
policy which covers all units of the are bureaucratic in
University in a reasonable and effec- to improve the amou
tive way." quality - of inform;
He s'aid departments should be en- teaching," he explai
couraged to use student course When questioned a
evaluations, but they should not be "dissidents" among
required. tenured faculty, Sha
"MY CURRENT view is students the "University does
ought not to participate in the actual See TENUR
voting process," continued Shapiro.
"Promotion to tenure is a permanent .
decision. It takes a good deal of ex-
posure and experience to make that


tenure process that
nature. "We have
runt - quantity and
nation available on
about the number of
g the University's
apiro jokingly said
s not have a count of
E, Page 8

h/ 11t4 year
From AP and Reuter "THERE IS
Led by sharply higher food, fuel and that can be s
housing costs, consumer prices in- level," said
creased 1.2 per cent in February, the Secretary Jody
worst one-month rise in inflation in 411 the economic
years, the government said yesterday. them built up o
The increase dealt the Carter ad- it will take a
ministration's anti-inflation program about them."
another blow. The February figures Lyle Gram
showed inflation increasing at an an- President Cart
nual rate of 15A4 per cent, more than Advisers, caller
double the administration's goal of 7.4 discouraging.
per cent. But Gramle
Food prices increased 1.6 per cent, chief inflation
led by a 4.9 per cent rise in meat costs, told a news c
while housing was up 1.3 per cent, due concern at the
partly to a 3.1 per cent rise in mortgage See FEB
interest costs.

3obviously nothing good
bid about figures at this
White House Press
y Powell. He added that
conditions that created
over several years, "and
while to do something
nley, a member of
er's Council of Economic
d the February rise very
ey and the President's
adviser, Alfred Kahn,
onference that, despite
faster pace of inflation,
RUARY, Page 7

im chief

kind of permanent decision and it is not
a question of intelligence.
"I do think students ought to act as
pressure groups on all kinds of issues,"
Shapiro said.
Shapiro, who said he would not
discuss specific cases, admitted there

Housing task force
proposes dorm board
By PATRICIA IIAGEN during the second week of Fall term.
Th in T k k Flrnni

Smith keeps
low profile
Amid the political squabbling and speculation
over who will be the University's next per-
manent president, often forgotten is the man
currently guiding the University.
That man is Interim President Allan Smith, a
tall, soft-spoken former University Vice-
President for Academic Affairs, and former law
professor here and at Hastings College in
SMITH LOOKED comfortable as he settled in-
to a chair in the office he inherited three months
ago when Robben Fleming left the University for
a job as head of the Public Broadcasting Service
in Washington, D.C. And Smith sounded equally
'at home describing the style he has brought to


A Housing task force last Thursday
endorsed a new route for dorm residen-
ts to express their ideas and concerns to
the University Housing Office by ap-
proving the draft of a constitution
estahlishing the Residenee Hall Ad-

S e mousingi asx orce, composes
of interested volunteer dorm residents
and building directors, was organized
last September to set up a council of
student representatives to the Housing
"WP nadcd an mehanim f 4tdnant

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