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Eighty-Nine Years of Editorial Freedom
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See Today for details
Vol. LXXXIX, No. 130
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, March 15, 1979
Ten Cents
Ten Pages
Mideast peace
Israeli Cabinet
approves key points
PRESIDENT CARTER, AFTER completing his Mideast peace mission, returns the open armed welcome of well-wishers at Andrews Air Force Base yesterday.
'U' profs doubt lasting peace despite pact
Though it appears the Egyptian-
Israeli peace treaty will be approved by
a narrow majority of the Israeli
Knesset, prospects are doubtful for
lasting peace in the Mideast, said three
University professors in separate in-
terviews yesterday.
"Steps toward peace (such as the
Mideast treaty) are destabilizing and
tend to polarize the opposing sides,"
said Political Science Professor
Raymond Tanter. Tanter said the
Palestinian Liberation Organization
(PLO), which is opposed to the treaty,
will try to make it ineffective. "The
PLO will heat up terror in Lebanon and
in the West Bank," he said.
Political Science Professor Zvi
Gitelman, agreed that the PLO con-
stitutes a major threat to Mideast
peace. "The PLO is in a position to
sabotage the treaty by making
autonomy in the West Bank impossible.
They would do this by terrorizing West
Bank residents into rejecting
autonomy. Making the treaty depen-
dent on this issue makes it dependent on
the PLO," Gitelman said.
C. W. Henry, political science
professor and expert on Egypt, said
"The PLO is opposed to the treaty
because it provides no assurance that
Palestinians not living on the West
Bank would be allowed to return there.
This leaves out two-thirds of the
Palestinian population."
Henry added that Israel is reluctant
to consider complete West Bank
autonomy. "What more do we have to
give Israel to make the framework for
autonomy something to hold out the
prospect of a Palestinian state on the
West Bank?"
EACH PROFESSOR had a different
view on which side made the most con-
cessions in the peace pact. According to
Tanter, both sides made some com-
promises. "Israel asked to have
preferential treatment when buying
See PROFS, Page 7
From Reuter, AP and UPI
The Israeli cabinet yesterday
approved the key proposals for a peace
treaty and Egypt's President Sadat
said he will fly to Washington next week
to sign the pact if all continues to go
The Israeli cabinet in Jerusalem
paved the way for a peace treaty with
Egypt by approving two key proposals
presented by President Carter during
his just completed Middle East
negotiations. The vote was 15 in favor
and none against with one minister
deferring his vote.
THE ISRAELI Knesset must now ap-
prove the proposals, which is said to be
virtually assured. One proposal deals
with supply of oil from the Sinai fields
which Israel would evacuate under a
peace treaty and. the other concerns
stages of withdrawal from Sinai and
timing of exchange of ambassadors.
Israeli Prime Minister Menachem
Begin -has threatened to resign if the
Knesset does not agree to the set-
In Cairo, Prime Minister Mustafa
Khalil said in a television interview
yesterday that if there were no delays
in. Israeli approval, the English-
language version of the peace
treaty-the first between an Arab
nation and the Jewish state-could be
signed in Washington "by Thursday or
Friday of next week."
"I DON'T anticipate any problems,
especially after the Israeli cabinet's
acceptance of the treaty draft today."
The premier said, "If there are no
problems and things go normally,-
Sadat and myself will fly to Washington
to sign the treaty either next Thursday
or Friday."
Begin has said the signing could take
place as early as next week..
Informed sources in Israel said one
important compromise was reached
when Israel dropped its demand to buy
oil directly from Egyptian oil wells and
settled for an American guarantee of
supplies for 15 years.
in fact sell oil to Israel, but this would
not be written into the treaty.
The nature of the other compromise.
was less clear, but it was believed to in-
volve a more precise timetable for
Israel's withdrawal from the Sinai
Peninsula, and an Israli concession on
Egypt's demand to station "liaison of-
ficers" in the Israeli-held Gaza Strip to
oversee moves toward autonomy in the
In Washington, President Carter said
yesterday the Israeli cabinet's ap-
proval of his Middle East ,peace
proposals settles all outstanding issues
on the proposed Israeli-Egyptian
He was effusive in his praise for both
Begin and Sadat, with whom he con-
ferred in Cairo before returning to the
United States.
"At this historic moment, I want to
congratulate the great leaders of both
countries . . . for their leadership and
the courage that they have consistently
demonstrated," he said.
"The peace which their peoples so
clearly need and want is close to a
reality. I am proud that our country has
been able to assist these two long-time
See MIDEAST, Page 7
Treaty to
cost U.S.
$5 billion
in aid
From AP and Reuter
WASHINGTON-President Carter
told a group of Senate and House mem-
bers yesterday that an Egyptian-Israeli
peace treaty will cost American tax-
payers about $5 billion in additional aid
to the two nations, according to some
who attended the president's briefing.
Senate Republican Leader Howard
Baker (R-Tenn.) said, "It appeared
that the financial commitment would
be about a billion dollars a year for four
years. We are talking about something
in the range of four to five billion
said he understood the cost would be
roughly $4 billion and said "this is a
relatively small price to pay for
It was understood that the proposed
additional aid would include about $4
billion in military aid for both Israel
'U' student regent still unlikely
Despite a strong nationwide trend
toward student participation in college
policy-making, student representation
on the University's Board of Regents
seems at least several years away.
Michigan Student Assembly (MSA)
President Eric Arnson, who last April
presented a proposal to the Regents for
a non-voting student member, said op-
position to the idea was fairly strong at
that time. Though the proposal failed
by a mere 3-2 margin, Arnson remains
pessimistic about student participation
in policy-making in the future.
THE MSA CHIEF will meet with
Regents in April to once more advocate
student participation in University
Whether or not the Regents agree to
ease restrictions on student par-
ticipation in lower levels of policy-
making, Arnson is certain a student
regent is far in the future.
"I think with the current composition
(of the Regents) it seems like it just
won't happen," he said. He added that
the Regents' "we make the decisions
and we'll tell you about them attitude
(is) very similar to the attitude (they
have) taken in the presidential selec-
tion process."
WHEN THE Regents reviewed
MSA's proposal, Regents Deane Baker
(R-Ann Arbor), Robert Nederlander
(D-Birmingham), and Thomas Roach
(D-Grosse Pointe), who rejected the
measure, cited several reasons for.
their opposition.
Nederlander argued that students
already have access to Regents and
administrators, so the added step is un-
Another reason for opposition, em-
phasized by Baker, was that other
campus groups, such as faculty and
alumni, might also ask for represen-
tation if the students were granted a
Lansing) who officially offered the
resolution, and Regent Sarah Power
(D-Ann Arbor) had apparently changed
their minds on the issue since the board
unanimously opposed a student Regent
resolution in November 1975.
Since last year, however, the Regents
have remained opposed to the idea.
Regent David Laro (D-Flint) believes
the structure of the Board, mandated
by the Michigan Constitution, offers a
fair voice to the students.
"THERE ARE EIGHT Regents; they
represent the people from the state.
There isn't an issue which comes up in
which the student view is not represen-
ted," Laro said. "One doesn't have to
be a student to represent students."
"In the foreseeable future, I don't see
a change," Baker said. He added that
he still believes an offer of represen-
tation to students will prompt other
groups to demand equal treatment
"like night after day."
Power would not commit her self on
the issue. Though she said she could see
many problems with a student regent,
she said she is "willing to work with
anyone. If it comes around, I would
gladly work with it."
THE STRONGEST administration
advocate of student representation on
the board is Vice-President for Student
Services Henry Johnson.
Johnson, like student advocates of the
plan, claims it would be a chance for
students to make their views known at
times when they would have the most
impact: at the meetings.
"I think it's just simply one ad-
ditional source of immediate input," he
said. "I don't know that the presence
would make the Regents any more or
less effective as a policy-making body.
The important thing is that the person
be informed and articulate."
WHILE ONLY regental approval
would be necessary to provide for a
non-voting student regent, an amen-
See REGENTS, Page 10
alcandi aedates fc f
ment . . . would make the extension of daries," Belcher said, referring to When asked by an audie
State and Eisenhower Streets more recent negotiations with outlying town- how effectively they thou
convenient," said Kenworthy. City ships over official dividing lines. "For has been minimizing mari
the first time in history, we have set a the high schools, the
size for Ann Arbor." responded with diverging vi
* University economists have
predicted a 'near recession' later
this year. See story, Page 2.
* Palestinian educator Philip
Farah spoke last night on Israeli
repression of Palestinians on the
West Bank. See story, Page 2.
* The seventeenth annual Ann
Arbor Film Festival began
Tuesday evening, starting off a
six-day screening of over 25 hours
of films. For a glimpse of what
the first night was like, see
review, Page 5.
" Tennis Coach Brian Eisner
previews the men's season. See
story, Page 8.
0 Reed the Today
column, Pge 3
In the first mayoral debate of the
election season, incumbent Republican
Louis Belcher and Democratic conten-
der James Kenworthy crammed
outlines of their respective platforms
into a 45-minute breakfast session
before the Chamber of Commerce
In the pink and red surroundings of
the Roma Hall Castle, less than three
weeks before the election, the can-
didates discussed street repair, high
school marijuana use, and the mayor's
record in office.
KENWORTHY opened by answering
negatively to three questions he said
are crucial to the city's well-being. The
questions were: Are local roads soun-
dly constructed, is City Hall planning
adequately for the future, and is Ann
Arbor in better financial shape than it
was last year?
Without going into much detail, since
he was restricted by a rigid time
restriction, Kenworthy attacked
Belcher's street repair program as
"shoddy and unrealistic." The
Democratic candidate charged that the
city has incurred a $200,000 deficit
because too much money was spent last
year on road "patching," which he con-
siders an ineffectual method that can-
not last longer than a few years.
Belcher retaliated, however, by
declaring, "Regardless of what my op-
ponent says, the streets patched last
year ... have held."
KENWORTHY SAID the city is "not
really doing any nlanning" for the
Council, however, has already moved
against the expansion of those two
The incumbent, though, said he has
been launching several important
projects that will prove beneficial to the
city later on.
"We have begun to define our boun-
cited is the southwest fire station, sub-
ject to voter approval in the upcoming
election. The station would be the last
built in the area, since the city's growth
would be limited by the boundary
restrictions. The response time for the
station is estimated as four and a half
minutes, Belcher said, as opposed to
the current area response time of six
and one half minutes.
city elections '79
"I think the city's been doing well in
curbing it," Belcher declared. "We are
doing everything we can to crack down
on the suppliers. This is something both
parties on Council feel - that these
people who have been pushing drugs to
young people are the scum of the ear-
Of the pot-smoking situation, Ken-
worthy said, "I don't think the city of
Ann Arbor has a great influence on
ce member
ght the city
juana use in
experts investigate
contaminated local lakes
01i-- 2" -.~ A group
.4.r.. ~.~ plans t
T. A buy. local
-S4 -. Though it may be a year before
a final agreement is reached,
representatives of a non-profit
° °A city corporation are confident
they will succeed in purchasing
the historic Michigan Theater.
The five-member corporation.
was organized by City Council to
purchase the theater after
several local groups expressed
interest in preserving the 50-
year-old Ann Arbor landmark.
The theater, located at 603 E.
Spurred by citizen concern over the
closing of nearby Ford and Belleville
Lakes, a team of University environ-
mental and water quality experts is
completing a preliminary study to pin-
point causes of pollution in the lakes.
The study, due out at the end of the
month, will be followed with a full-scale
Center at the University, said the
group's responsibilities include the
collection and review of existing infor-
mation on the lakes, the development of
a mathematical model to simulate the
lake's bacterial ecosystem, and the
development, and implementation, of a
detailed field sampling program in
support of the model.