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March 13, 1979 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1979-03-13

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Take ten
More than 1,500 students overflowed the Union Ballroom on the
evening of March 13, 1969 to hear Joan Baez and her husband David
Harris talk about an impending nonviolent revolution. The folk singer
asserted that it is everyone's complicity with the military establish-
ment and an attitude of nationalism which makes war inevitable. She
called for reform of the, educational system-"a casration
process"-as well as passive resistance to corporate power to bring
the day when "the words 'oppressor' and 'oppressed' will disappear
from the earth." Harris, about to begin a three-year prison sentence
for refusing the draft, said, "the time is not scared-it does not exist
unto itself. It is a tool. . . . When it ceases to benefit men's lives, it
should no longer by obeyed."
The Is have it
Ominious warnings of "No mail service to Iran," and "No mail
service to Ireland" in the window of the Post Office in Nickels Arcade
prompted several students to plaster the window with notices of their
own. The pranksters worked early Sunday morning to post signs
bearing jibes such as "No mail service to Idaho" and "No mail service
to Iphigenia" on the window. A post office spokesman chuckled when
asked what was done yesterday morning when the office opened. "I
took the signs down. I did notice that all of the signs had places begin-
ning with the letter 'I.' Maybe somebody was upset about not being
able to send a letter to Iran."
A new addition
Linguists have been busy over the last few years tracing and
recording new words which have sprung up to cope with a changing
America. Watergate led to 'Koreagate,' and the nation's economic
woes have spawned 'stagflation.' But the latest term to crop up, com-
pliments of the Ann Arbor News, is 'potholitics' On Sunday the News
ran a front page story describing the possible political consequences of
Ann Arbor's menacing pothole problem, and there, in a bold, black
headline the word 'potholitics' was born. William Safire take note.
Will they do windows?
More than ever, Americans think they are too good for their jobs,
according to a study released this weekend by University researchers.
Results of the "1977 Quality of Employment Survey" show that 36 per
cent of the 1,515 workers surveyed felt underutilized as opposed to 25
per cent of those surveyed in 1973. Robert Quinn and Graham Staines,
authors of the study, said the majority of workers enjoy considerable
job security, but often feel "locked into their jobs." In the latest sur-
vey only 20 per cent of the workers polled said they thoughts it wouli
be very easy to find a job with similar income and fringe benefits, a
marked drop from the 27 per cent in 1973 and 40 per cent in 1969 who
stated they could easily find comparable employment.
17th Ann Arbor Film Festival-Showings 7, 8, and 11:00 p.m.,
Old Arch. Aud.
Ann Arbor Film Coop-Alice, Sweet Alice, 8:30 p.m.? The Crazies,
1;:00 p.m.; Aud. A, Angell.
Pendleton Center-MSU Russian Chorus, Denis Mickiewisz, Mary
Black, conductors, 8:00 p.m., 2nd floor, Union.
Music School-Stearns Lecture-Concert series; works by F.
Couperin, J.S. Bach, and English composers: Stearns Bldg., 8:00 p.m.
Music School-Flute Recital: 8:00 p.m.; Recital Hall.
Power Center-Musical Society-Los Angeles Ballet, 8:00 p.m.
Institute of Public Policy Studies-Henry Aaron, "Budget Cutting
and the Bleeding Heart": E. Conference Rm., Rackham, 4:00 p.m.
Tuesday Luncheon Series-Prof. William Medlin, "Universities in
the World Today: Identity Crisis?" Lunch is one dollar. 12:00 noon, In-
ternational Center recreation room.
Dean's Tea with Billy Frye-LSA and The Center for Near
Eastern and African Studies-3:30 p.m., 144 Lane Hall; all students
are welcome.
Spartacaus Youth League presents to the Alice Lloyd Minorty
council-"Revolutionary Road to Black Liberation," Freedom

Lounge, 1st floor, Alice Lloyd, 10:00 p.m.
National Organization for Women (NPW)-monthly meeting, 8:00
p.m., Unitarian Church, 1917 Washtenaw Ave.
Greenpeace-Save the Seals; discussion; Multipurpose Rm.,
UGLI, 7:30 pm.
UAC Mini-Course-"Hairstyling," conference room 3, 7:00 p.m.;
advanced registration, Ticket Central, Union.
Applications are being accepted for fall 79 "Project Outreach In-
ternship in Adolescence." Full time undergraduate field work and
academic program.
Silent speaker
Two months ago the Yale University Political Union asked
Richard Nixon to come to campus as a guest speaker and Peter
Rabinowitz, Political Union spokesman says his group has yet to hear
a reply from the former president. A Nixon aide, however, claims the
university has been contacted several times, by letter and phone. "We
regret Yale spreading this misinformation," said the Nixon
spokeswoman. Regardless, Rabinowitz says hisgroup has given up
hope that Nixon will accept.
Keep those cards coming
Cobwebs and dust line most of the mail boxes in the Roseland,
Arkansas post office which serves a total of 18 families. Despite the
fact that the cost of operating the office if five times more than the
reveniue it brings it, Roseland's post office has survived recent efforts
by the U.S. Postal Service to close rural post offices in an effort to
achieve greater efficiency. Roseland's Postmaster, Richard Rose,
who is one of two Roseland postal employees, speculates that if the
Postal Service were to close his office, it would be replaced by rural
carrier service rather than ask patrons to travel the four miles to the
neartest stations located in Dell or Manila. Rose, however, is confident
he would be placed in another post office. "They will find me a job
somewhere," said Rose. "Oh, they're generous people."

The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, March 13, 1979-Page 3
UN seeks strategy
in war on poverty

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ROME (AP)-The head of the U.N.
Food and Agricultural Organization
said yesterday that more than a million
people live in "Absolute poverty and
destitution" and said the problem is
getting worse. He called for a world-
wide "direct assault on poverty."
"We must design and implement a
comprehensive strategy which would
have a direct impact on economic
growth and alleviate poverty," Direc-
tor Gneral Edouard Sacuma of the FAO
said in an address to food officials from
more than 100 nations discussing
agrarian reform and rural develop-
"WE FIND THAT poverty not only
persists in all developing countries, but
is actually increasing in most,"
Saouma said. "It is a tragic
anachronism that more than one billion
people in the rural areas endure lives of
absolute poverty and destitution. More
than 450 million people suffer severe
Saouma mentioned the 'grim reality of
deteriorating rural conditions" and
asked for long-term efforts to improve

The food authorities began a five-day
meeting to prepare for the World Con-
ference on Agrarian Reform and Rural
Development scheduled here July 12-20.
The current meeting will review the
world's agricultural situation for the
"program of action" to be taken in
SAOUMA ASKED for more efficient
use of rural resources and greater in-
vestment in the rural sector. He said
heavy reliance on "the strategy of in-
dustrialization" of the past did not work
in the developing countries.
"Rural development involves a
thoroughgoing transformation of social
structure," Souma added. "It requires
extensive mobilization and motivation
of the masses. We must recognize that
any such process of change upsets the
prevailing balance of social forces.."
WHILE ASKING for "massive com-
mitment of resources" in agriculture,
theLebanese director general of FAO
said the primary responsibility for
rural development belongs to the
devleoping countries.
But the developing countries,
Saouma said, must be protected from
'unfavorable swings"in trade.

UAC now taking applications for Eclipse
Jazz. If you think you are qualified, stop in
at UAC (2nd Floor Michigan Union) for an

application for, an
tion call 763-1107.

interview. For informa-

Bottle price review sought

LANSING (UPI)-The Michigan
United Conservation Clubs yesterday
asked Attorney General Frank Kelley
to investigate beer and soft drink price
increases levied after imposition of the
ban on throwaway bottles and cans.
MUCC, the state's largest conser-
vation group and leader of the initiative
dirve for the so-called bottle law,
questioned whether price fixing was in-
"SINCE NOT ALL distributors have
had to spend money to comply with the
new law and since many distributors
are gaining additional income from
recycling metal, glass and cardboard
and from deposit monies, it is
questionable whether any price in-
creases due to the deposit law are
(LISPS 344-900)
Volume LXXXIX, No. 128
Tuesday, March 13, 1979
is edited and managed by students at
the University of Michigan. Published
daily Tuesday through Sunday morn-
ings dunringthe University year at 420+
Maynard Street. Ann Arbor. Michigan
48109. Subscription rates: $12 Septem-
ber through April (2 semesters) ;$13 by
mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer ses-
sion published Tuesday through Satur-
day mornings. Subscription rates:
$6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7.00 by mail out-
side Ann Arbor. Second class postage
paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POST-
MASTER: Send address changes to
Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109.

justified," said Thomas Washington,
MUCC executive director.
Washington also speculated that the
price hikes were in part intended to
make the law look ill-advised and to
discourage other states and the federal
government from enacting throwaway
The hours
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Burning the midnight oil can be tough on your eyesight,
pookie. (Didn't you know Ulrich's carries a full line of Luxo
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Ulrich's has everything you need, including the lowest
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549 East University at the corner of East U. and South U.






The College of Literature, Science, and the Arts is currently
interviewing students interested in participating in an alumni
fund-raising telethon. LSA alumni across the country will be
called from campus. The telethon runs four nights per week,
Monday through Thursday, April 2nd through April 1,9th.
You have the option of working a minimum of two nights per
week to a maximum of four nights.


Hours are

7:00 to 10:00 Pay:
LSA Students Preferred

$3.50 per hour

CALL 763-5576

APPLICATIONS will be available to currently enrolled students for Fall, 1979.
drawing will be used to establish priority for assignment, therefore:
Do NOT line up early!
Do NOT camp overnight!
(Students currently living in the residence halls must follow the established re-application procedures
to return to the halls.)
COUZNS ALLwil beopened for the spring and summer terms. APPLICATIONS willj

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