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March 13, 1979 - Image 1

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e~it 4ju


High-mid 40s
Low-mid 20s
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Eighty-Nine Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. LXXXIX, No. 128 Ann Arbor Michigan-Tuesday, March 13, 1979 Ten Cents Fourteen Pages
Carter scrambles to avoid failure in Mideast.

From UPI and AP
President Carter, unable to bridge the gap between
Israel and Egypt, will hold final talks today with Prime
Minister Menachem Begin and then shuttle to Cairo for
talks with President Anwar Sadat, the white House an-
nounced Monday night.
Carter, in a speech before the Israeli Knesset
parliament earlier yesterday, said "we have not yet
fully met the challenge" of attaining an Israeli-
Egyptian peace treaty and he admitted in somber
tones, "We must again contemplate the tragedy of
THE "TRAGEDY of failure" appeared closer Mon-
day night when White House spokesman Jody Powell
said Carter will depart Jerusalem without the
agreement he had sought and will fly to Cairo for an

airport meeting with Sadat to report on the Jerusalem
talks before heading back to Washington.
"We can't close the door on a breakthrough, but as of
now we have not achieved what we set out to do," an
American official sais.
U.S. Secretary of State Cyrus R. Vance, who
originally planned to remain in the Middle East to con-
tinue mediating, was preparing to fly home with Carter,
instead, officials said.
THE WHITE HOUSE made no effort to claim suc-
cess for Carter's six-day mission to Egypt and Israel.
White House press secretary Jody Powell said the
decision to end the talks here was mutual. He said he
did not know where the peace process would go next.
It was understood the Israelis flatly turned down

several suggestions to resolve the major three issues
remaining: Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, oil in the
Sinai and exchange of ambassadors.
Vance met with Begin and Israeli cabinet officials in
a last minute mediation effort while Carter awaited
word at the King David Hotel.
"WE MADE great progress in solving the outstan-
ding issues," Begin said afterward. But he said
problems remained "which will be negotiated con-
tinuously until we find a solution for them." Vance
reported on the session to Carter, and then attended an
evening meeting with Israeli Foreign Minister Moshe
Dayan. A joint U.S.-Israel statement was expected
before Carter's departure.
See MIDEAST, Page 5

Menachem Begin
. "Real progress" reported.

. a.ins

to study
Several University Regents, after
discovering D-ecently that the Univer-
sity's endowment funds have returned
low profits in recent years, said they
may review the situation at next mon-
th's meetings in hopes of better
evaluating the situation.
The combined funds comprise over
$90 million. The gifts are entrusted in
various investments, such as fixed in-
come bonds and common stock, the in-
terest from which is used for purposes
specified by the donors. Common
outlets for the fund revenues are
scholarships, research, and student
IN A STUDY of the year-long period
ending last June 30, the National
Association of College and University
Business Officers (NACUBO) found the
University endowment funds to rank
123rd of 125 college funds considered for
their money-making ability. The
University's funds during that period
grew by 5.94 per cent. When offset by
the inflation rate, it averaged to about a
1.36 per cent loss.
University Financial Officer Norman
Herbert said the University is making
no effort to compare its investments
with those of the' more profitable
schools because "that's hindsight. I'm
not sure what that does as far as the
future goes.
The endowment funds of some of the
schools polled earned gross increases of
over 14 per cent.
Muskegon) said the University's en-
dowment fund investment problem
See REGENTS, Page 8

Regents to consider


8.4-10% fee hike

Tuition and required fees for in-state
undergraduates will increase between
$.4 and 10 per cent next fall if the
Regents approve the recommendation
of Vice President for Academic Affairs
Harold Shaprio, who is also chairman
of the committee on budget ad-
The Regents will consider Shapiro's
rkommendation at their monthly
meeting Thursday. In previous years,
such recommendations have been ap-
proved without major changes.
SHAPIRO SAID the estimates for in-

state undergradautes must be
established by the Regents at this mon-
th's .meeting in order to meet the
deadline of the Student Financial
Assistance Services of the Michigan
Department of Education. The service
needs the data in order to compute the
amounts of competitive scholarship
awards for students.
Final tuition figures for all University
students, including non-residents and
graduates, will be fixed by the Regents
this. summer after the state ap-
propriation to the Univesity is finalized.
The. current range of possible tuition
rates is based on expected ap-

1980 Marathon
Connecticut Sen. Lowell Weicker officially entered the Republican 1980
presidential sweepstakes yesterday, announcing at a Hartford press con-
ference his intention to seek the Grand Old Party's nomination. Weicker
calls himself "the longest shot in the field," and hopes to use his New Eng-
land base to score "favorite son" wins in the early primaries, Massachu-
setts, Connecticut, and Vermont.

border war
From UPI and Ap
Fighting escalated again yesterday
as Chinese troops slowly withdrew from
Vietnam and intelligence sources said
newly fortified positions in some areas
suggested the war may not be ending.
Intelligence reports said some
Chinese troops crossed back into China
and Hanoi said the Chinese were
moving border markers as if to hold on
to new territory.
Agency claimed 4,000 Chinese soldiers
were killed or wounded in fighting
Saturday and Sunday, the highest
casualty rate since China announced
the beginning of its withdrawal March
But Radio Hanoi, in its English and
/ Vietnamese broadcasts, said the figure
was only 1,800 for the same period.,
is Meanwhile, the Senate, in a symbolic
n gesture opposed by the Carter ad-
e ministration, voted yesterday to permit
r Taiwan to retain ownership of its em-
e bassy in Washington.
Nearing the end of debate on the
a China issue, the Senate accepted by
e voice vote a proposal by Sen. David
Boren (D-Okla.), allowing the gover-
- nment of Taiwan to continue to occupy
d the embassy, known as Twin Oaks.
io "The Republic of China has done
ic nothing to deserve mistreatment,"
Boren said.

E. Ann may be labelled historic

East Ann Street may seem like just another pretty block
to its primarily transient student population, but if a group of
concerned Ann Arbor citizens get their way the block could
soon take on a new significance.
On March 19 the Division Street Historic District Study
Committee will present its final report to City Council
recommending that the 500-600 block of East Ann Street and
houses at 123, 127, and 203 North State Street be designated
the "Ann Street Historic Block."
SUSAN GREENBERG (D-First Ward), the councilpersoi
for the East Ann Street area said that although she does sup-
port the creation of the "Ann Street Historic Block," there
are general problems with the whole issue of historic distric-

One of the major problems, according to Greenberg, i
that the creation of an historic district could lead to a boost i
property values in that area. "This would have a negativ
impact on the-neighborhood. If market values go up anothe
10 to 15 thousand dollars it could reduce the number of peoph
that can live there," she said.
The rising property values would subsequently lead to
less diversified neighborhood, primarily made up of singl
family homes, Greenberg said.
THE 500-600 BLOCK of Ann Street consists of ap
proximately 80 per cent rental units, housing students an
young professionals. But itis the minority homeowners wh
have been active in designating East Ann Street an histori
See E. ANN, Page 5

Idi Amin Dada
...- "Big Daddy" under fire.
Idi Amin
NAIROBI, Kenya AP-Nigeria tried
anew yesterday to mediate a peace
between Uganda and Tanzania as in-
vasion troops were reported advancing
on Uganda's capital. But Ugandan
President Idi Amin won't talk peace un-
til the invaders withdraw, Uganda
radio said.
Amin was quoted by the official radio
as saying he would meet Tanzanian
President Julius Nyerere to discuss an
end to the four-month-old war between
the East African neighbors but "I can-
not negotiate when the enemy is still 80
miles into Uganda.
THE BROADCAST, monitored here,
said a Nigerian envoy delivered the
mediation offer and Amin said the
meeting could be in a third country ac-
ceptable to both.
Nyerera reportedly received the
same message in his capital of Dar es
Salaam but had no immediate reply. He
has said he will reject peace offers until
uganda renounces claims on tanzanian
territgry and pays reparations for its
invasion of northwestern Tanzania last
Amin claimed success in counterat-
tacking the invasion force of Tanzanian
troops and Ugandan exiles, but
diplomatic sources said the invaders
were still pushing northward toward
the capital of Kampala.
Spokesmen for a Ugandan exile
group in Nairobi said the invaders were
in the region of Masaka and Likaya,
towns about 20 miles apart and about 70
miles south of Kampala.
The Nairobi Daily Nation newspaper

propriations as well as the amount
needed to sustain current services, ac-
cording to Shapiro.
Last year, the Regents increased un-
dergraduate tuition-including a new
registration fee-12.1 per cent for un-
derclass residents (to $565 per term)
and 10.6 per cent for uppercleasspersons
(to $635 per term).
IF THIS YEAR'S proposed range of
possible increases is approvd, in-state;
underclass tuition will rise to $613-622
per term while upperclass tuition will
increase to $689-698' per term. The
tuition figures include a new
See TUITION, Page 8
Women rap
in Iran
From Reuter and AP
Thousands of women demonstrators
braved hostile crowds of religious sup-
porters to march through Teheran
yesterday in protest against Iran's in-
creasingly strict enforcement of.
Islamic rules.
To continuous taunts from groups of
jeering, chanting men waving pictures
of Hyatolla Kuhollah Khomeini, the
women followed a three-mile route
from Teheran university to "Freedom
Square," escorted by a small number of
revolutionary guards.
MARCHES ALSO were reported in
Abadan, in Iran's southern oil region,
and in the northwestern city of Tabriz.
In apparent efforts to defuse the
protest, a deputy prime minister said
women civil servants would not be
required to wear 'traditional dress and
Dariush Forouhar, minister of labor
and social welfare, said women factory
workers would continue to enjoy equal
rights and would be able to be elected to
Khomeini, the white bearded leader
of the revolution that toppled Shah
Mohammad Reza Pahlavi's gover-
nment Feb. 12, has strongly urged
women to wear the traditional
"chador" in public. The 78-year-old
Moslem leader also abolished co-
education and scrapped 'a law that
allowed women to initiate and
challenge divorce proceeding. Men now
are free to have more than one wife and
The protesters, wearing blue jeans
and skirts, carried placards that said
'"We want equal rights" and "Freedom,
Freedom," and chanted: "At the dawn
of freedom, we have no freedom."
* Sports update: While you
were awaythree of Michigan's
varsityrsports squads were
gamely trying for honor and
glory over spring break in the Big
Ten Championships. See page 11
for a grunt-by-grunt description
of how the Wolverine track,
swiming, and gymnastics squads
fared in their respective league
" There were once again high
times, in Fort Lauderdale,
Florida, as University students
flocked to the nation's hot spot for
gnrin'i hpoeL'la-c,* aak ajL ,n *1.,

Ford finishes two da visit to 'U

Former President Gerald Ford
closed out a busy two-day stint at the
University with a speech to the Council
on Michigan Foundations (CMF) Thur-,
sday, Marci 1, and a series of graduate
seminars and a lecture to political
science classes the next day.
In his speech to approximately 175
business persons from CMF-a philan-
thropic association of bankers and cor-
porate executives-at Ann Arbor's Win
Schulers-Marriott Inn, Ford praised the
charity fund-raising activities of the
group and criticized some recent
federal tax policies which affect the
tax-free qualities of privatre donations
to charities and other social service

courses at the Modern Language
Building on Friday afternoon. The
distinguished alumnus discussed
national budget issues and soundly
criticized President Carter's handling
of the energy crisis.
Ford also said he opposes the con-
vening of a constitutional convention to
balance the budget. He said the
President and Congress have the tools
to do it by themselves,
"I thought he was pretty candid,"
said Engineering junior Doug Hutchin-
son of the lecture, "but I was surprised
at how much he criticized some people.
He sidestepped the stupid questions."
Student loans

per cent, and that of the state of
Michigan, 19.8 per cent.
More than 40,000 Michiganstudents
who have received loans through the
National Direct Student Loan (NDSL)
Program have defaulted, and owe,
almost $34 million to the federal gover-
The program provides money at 3 per
cent interest to students from low in-
come families.
Several Michigan student financial
aid officers criticized the HEW report,
saying it was trying to make the federal
government look concerned about
saving, or getting back federal funds.

Nursing students
University nursing students returned
from vacation on a happier note than
twhen they left-the House of Represen-
tatives last week voted to restore more
funds to nursing programs, which
President Carter's budget had cut.
Restoring another $17 million to nur-
sing programs, total House recommen-
ded cuts to be made from nursing were
down to a bout $22 million, from an,
original figure of $109 million.
THIS NEWEST figure. is down from
the $38 million cut that the House HEW
subcommittee recommended on

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