Page 2-Wednesday, February 28,1979-The Michigan Daily
Soviet crew foils
Ih ijacking attempt
MSA debates University Cellar structure
STOCKHOLM, Sweden (AP) - Four'
persons reported to be of foilf different
hationalities hijacked a Soviet airliner
yesterday and threatened to blow it up,
but the Soviet crew overpowered them
and turned them over to police,
Sauthorities said.
"We don't know yet whether it was a
hijacking attempt or just some kind of
protest action," said Police Inspector
Lennart Pettersson of the airport
security force.
THE FOUR - two men and two
women - reportedly took command of
the Tupolev 154 jetliner just before it
was scheduled to land at Stockholm's
airport. The plane was en route from
Oslo, Norway, to Moscow with a
scheduled stop-over in Stockholm. It
had 24 passengers and'a crew of ten. t
The pilot radioed for police assistan-
ce and the plane was parked at an
emergency runway after it touched
down. Ambulances and fire engines
were rushed to the scene.
(Continued from Page 1)
tivities. Dorm council presidents have
been meeting to discuss concerns and
coordination of activities in regard to
common problems which face dorm
governments and residents.
WIlliam McNee, newly appointed
MSA member, agreed to be responsible
for coordination of dorm activities.
Dorm governments officers will con-
tinue to meet regularly.
Jeanne Barr, nursing school
representative who lives in Couzens,
said, "I've felt all along that MSA is
really lacking in dorm representation.
We're making progress in doing this,
and I'd like to see it continue."
Also, Personnel Vice President Jim
Alland, reported that Jeff Hartwig, a
junior from the Engineering School has
been appointed as MSA elections direc-
tor. The elections will be held April 2. 3.
and 4.
Also reporting at the meeting Joseph
Pelava, special projects coordinator,
and Richard Pace who represented the
Assembly at a meeting of the city plan-
ning commission last night addressing
the issue of a proposed four-part apar-
tment complex and how it relates to the
needs of the students.
Pelava spoke to the planning com-
mission of assuring student input into
the development projects. In reporting
to the Assembly last night about the
planning commission, Pace said,
"Students should be involved. They're a
large per cent of the population of this
The Assembly passed an extensive
resolution last week on addressing
student concerns on the project. (See
related story)..
In other action, Howard Epstein,
Legislative Relations Coordinator, said
that plans for a lobbying seminar had
been dropped because of a lack of coor-
dination and communication among
committee members. There also may
have been problems with an alleged
misrepresentation on the part of in-
dividuals on the'committee in planning
for the seminar. However, Assembly
members said they had no proof of this.
The issue of establishinga Univer-
sity-wide judiciary to hear grievances
was also discussed at both the steering
committee meeting and the Assembly
meeting. The judiciary would comprise
administration, faculty and students.
The major area of contention with the
program, MSA President Eric Arnson
told the Assembly was a problem over
the number of students represented on
the court. They discussed the issue of
wanting student parity on the court,
and expressed concerns that more
students would be using the court than
faculty or administrators.
Michigan Daily editors also ad-
dressed the Assembly concerning
operations and answered questions
concerning University coverage by the
High-rise plan draws
(Continued from Page 1)
-stories, in order to comply with the
zoning ordinance.
THE HIGH-RISE would be only one
of four housing structures proposed un-
der Stegeman's master plan. The entire
complex would include a second high-
rise, at the southern corner of
,.Washtenaw and Forest, and two mid-
rnses, at the northern and eastern cor-
. Councilwoman Leslie Morris, who
was present at the meeting, speculated
'ihat Stegeman would come back at a
liter date and request a PUD zoning for
the proposed area in hopes that he
would receive a parking waiver. "I
don't think he's going to get through'
with no parking, anyway," Morris said,
explaining that Overhiser announced
-the city will demand adequate facilities
-no matter what the zoning.
A potential parking problem was the
major concern addressed at the
:udience participation session of last
:ight's meeting. Since the public
h earing was cancelled, because of the
developers' last minute wihdrawal,
.those citizens who. had planned to speak
tt the hearing waited until the open
rticipation session.
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THE PROPOSED apartment
building, though it would contain a pen-
thouse floor and eight floors of luxury
apartments, is billed as an answer to
the student housing shortage.
Boby Snyder, of the Community
Development Block Grant (CDBG)
Central Neighborhood Strategy Area
Citizen's Committee, declared that,
contrary to Stegeman and Fry's ap-
parent assumption, "students do indeed
have cars, and University Towers has
the highest percentage of cars per
household" of any Ann Arbor high rise.
Three of the corners targeted for
developemnt fall within the CDBG
neighborhood boundaries, and
Quadrium One lies just west of the bor-
der. Snyder read aloud a resolution by
his committee recommending that a
proposed housing structure at the inter-
section of Washtenaw and Forest be
required to provide parking spaces for
all its residents, be limited to mid-rise
dimensions, and cater in character and
price to students, low-income residents,
and senior citizeans. The resolution
also asked that alternative uses for the
land in question be considered.
SPEAKING FOR the Michigan
Student Assembly (MSA), Natural
Resources student Joseph Pelava
asked that equal listening time be given
to students, since the project would
greatly affect them and the University
environment. Pelava stated that MSA
would oppose the project until satisfied
that the complex would help relieve the
city's student housing market and
alleviate the present Sopth University
and Forest vehicle and pedestrian cir-
culation harzards.
MSA has sent a letter to each of the
Regents, chiding them for having left
the students out of the preliminary
decision-making process and urging
them to request a more detailed plan
from the developers. Pelava said he
feels the Washtenaw-Forest intersec-
tion is a strategic area. for develop-
ment, since it has been "neglected" un-
til now, but he stressed the Univesity
and the city must be careful in their
"I've heard people say Mr. Stegeman
has the habit of altering his plans once
they are in the works," Pelava said.
"THIS. IS THE entrance to the
University of Michigan for many people
this area does not need another
University Towers," the MSA
representative continued. "This project
looks as if it could be another disaster in
the making . . . due to lack of
imagination" in planning.
Former University student Tom
Weider spoke from the audience and
warned the Planning Commission to go
over the plans for the complex "with a
fine tooth comb" and warned that,
should the entire development be built
as presently designated, "we might
have what we could call 'Masssachuset-
Former University student Tom
Weider spoke from the audience and
warned the Planning Commission to go
over the plans for the complex "with a
fine tooth comb" and warned that,
should the entire developement be built
as presently designated, "we might
have what we could call 'Manhattan-
ization' of the area."
Both Weider and Morris said that
many of Stegeman's projects-which
include nearly every high-rise in the
city-have stepped heavily on the
boundaries between legality and
"Everything should be written in
blood-preferably Mr. Stegeman's, not
ours-so we don't say in a few years,
'he slipped another one by us again and
wrecked another neighborhood,"'
Weider insisted.
(USPS 344-900)
Volume LXXXIX, No. 125
Wednesday, February 28, 1979
is edited and managed by students at
the University of Michigan. Published.
daily Tuesday through ,Sunday morn-
ings during vethnirsitynyear at 420"
Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan
48109. Subscription rates: $12 Septem-
ber through April (2 semesters) ;$ 13 by
mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer ses-
sion published Tuesday through Satur-
day mornings. Subscription rates:-
$6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7.00 by mail out-
side Ann Arbor. Second class postage
paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POST-
MASTER: Send address changes to
Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109.
No reduction in alcoholism
(Continued from Page 2)
hundreds of millions, abused by tens of
millions, and deadly or destructive toc
hundreds of thousands each year."
Douglass said in an interview yester-
day that the main point of his testimony1
was that too much research has been
devoted to the theoretical aspects of
alcohol abuse and not nearly enough on
the pracitcal side of the problem.
"IT'S AMAZING how narrow-minded
many researchers can be," he said.
"A physiologist might get a rat drunk1
and send it through a maze, but so
what? He might find the results in-.
triguing, but they do not speak to the
public health problem. I think that it's
about time that the government quit
using funds for eloquent, but useless,
Douglass said that it is high time for
the federal government to establisi a
new set or priorities that would see
research on alcoholism lean toward the
prevention of the problem rather than
its belated treatment.
"What we need to find out is why
these problems occur at all," he said.
"We need to learn how to prevent these
calamities, rather than pick up the
pieces afterwards."
DOUGLASS CLAIMED that there is a
strong, but misguided tendency to treat
alcohol abuse and alcoholism as distin-
ct health probolems with appropriate
medical solutions.
"Alcoholism involves much more
than that," he said. "There are family
and economic aspects involved here,,
too. To prevent the problems, we have
to look at the human situations that
precipitate them.
"Until we do, it is absolutely stupid to
claim that we 'can begin effective
prevention programs, because we still
have no idea on what to prevent," said
IN HIS testimony, Douglass pointed
to three areas which he considers
highest research priority: prevention,.
alcohol availability and distribution,
and special population research.
The researcher called for a precise
definition of the goals that alcoholism
and alcohol abuse prevention programs,
intend to accomplish. He also proposed
the evaluation of current prevention
programs, and suggested that such ef-
forts should not be declared effective
until solid scientific evidence can sup-
port those claims.
Douglass told the subcommittee
nothing appeared more illogical to him
than the dissassociaiton of alcohol from
alcohol-related social and health
"WITH MOST other drugs that have
a potential for addiction and abuse," he
said, "there appears to be a societal
assumption that greater volumes of the
drugs in society lead to higher levels of\
the probelms associated with them. I
think it is curious that alcohol has been
exempted fromn the levels of public
health accountability to which other
drugs have been held."
In addition to serious research regar-
ding the effectiveness of the alcohol
control laws, Douglass called for
research in the areas of advertising,
retailing practices, taxation effects on
consumption, and other factors on the
ways alcohol is made,availble and sold
to the public.
During the course of his testimony,
Douglass pointed to a growing
awareness that special drinking
problems may exist among minorities,
women, young people entering the
labor force, and the elderly who live
"RESEARCH IS critically needed to
determine if certain groups are par-
ticularly vulnerable to alcohol abuse,"
so that policies can be developed to
protect them from commercial ex-
ploitation and' subsequent health
problems, Douglass said.
Douglass claimed that effective
solutions to alcohol abuse problems are
as elusive as ever.
"There is an appalling lack of
knowledge on the subject," he said:
"For all the smoke and fire that has
been raised,we have seen very little
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Tuesday, March 13, 1979
7-10 p.m. Union Conf.-Room 3
(Continued from Page 1)
RESIDENTIAL College English
Prof. James Robertson then introduced
a revised set of guidelines for experien-
tial courses which had been drafted by
Robertson, Cloke, and student commit-
tee member Valerie Mims. The
n proposed guidelines stated that the ex-
perience must be "directly related to
an academic discipline." Current ex-
periential course guidelines do not
specify this requirement.
According to Robertson, the
guidelines' purpose is to set up a broad
framework which will bring experien-
tial courses under close supervision of
faculty, involve the application of ex-
perience to ,"theory, concepts, or
research methodology," and make the
department accountable for the value
of the experiential courses through a
yearly report.
The committee did not pass the
guidelines in.order to allow more time
for other committee member input. In
addition to passing guidelines, the
committee will also have to decide on
changes in the distribution status of ex-
periential courses within the next few
WIaVg Official Bulletin
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Sponsored by Union Programming
Daily Calendar:
WUOM: Peter Brown, "The Public and the Con-'
templatie Life in Late Antiquity: the Philosopher
and the Monk," reviewing the effect humane lear-
ning has had on historical events and people, 10:10
a. m.
Center Russian/E. European Studies: Deming
Brown, "The Future of Russian and East European
Area Studies," Commons Rm., Lane Hall, noon.
Ctr. Afro-American/African Studies: Andrew
Salkey, Hampshire College, "The Responsibility of
the Third World Intellectual," 346 Old A&D, noon.
Journalism: Marianne Berry, Ben Taylor,
"Television and Leisure Time," 2040F, LSA 12:10
Applied Mechanics/Eng. Science: W. H. Yang,
"an Illustrated Talk on China after 1976," 311 W.
Eng., 4 p.m.
Physics/Astronomy: M. Moldover, National
Bureau of Standards, "Critical Phenomena in
Fluids: Experiment and Theory Coverage After 70
Years," 296 Dennsion, 4p.m.
Statistics: F. Osterrelcher, U-Salzburg, "The Con-
struction of Least Favorable Distributions is
Traceable to a Minimal Perimeter Oroblem," 451
Mason, 4 p.m.
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Cincinnati and working on a part-time basis, ap-
proximately 25-30 hours a week. Write to Mr.
Thomas Wagner, Director of Professional Recruit-
ment, Burke Marketing Research, Inc., 1529 Maz-
dison Road, Cincinnati, O 45206.
The Graduate School of International Studies, Un-
versity of Denver, offers fellowships for graduate
studies in international and comparative studies.
Stipend is based upon merit and need. Applications
and additional information may be obtained by
writing to Director of Student Affairs, Graduate
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ver, Denver, Colorado 80208.
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Institute for Sensory Research, Syracuse Univer-
sity, N.Y. Summer research assistantships for
juniors who are science or engineering majors in-
terested in sensory and brain research. Further
details available.t
Rochester Museum & Science Center, N.Y.
Museum Internship Progra'm with disciplines such
as history, natural science, anthropology, or
technology. Further details available.
Midland Macromolecular Institute, Mi. Summer
Fellowship position for research in physico-chemical
lab. Background must be in math, computer
programming. Further details available.
Jackson-Hillsdale Community Mental Health
Services, Jackson, Mi. Beth Moser Clinic. Opening
for a student in a master's level program or a
mater's degree in social work or psychology. Fur-
ther details available.
California Tomorrow Environmental' Intern
Program. Openings throughout California. Dozens
of fields covered - urban/transportation planning,
policy admin., photo., energy., econ., journalism,
languages, many others. Further details available.
Cranbrook Institute of Science, Bloomfield Hills;
Mi. Openings for day camp instructors in the fields of
geology, lake research, anthro-ology, or-.
nothology/entomology. Furthar information
North Carolina Internship Program, Dept. of Ad-
min. State governm. and gra-hics, poli. and social
science, statistics, editing, design, many other fields;
Further details available. Deadline undetermined at
this time.
Camp Tamarack. Brighton, Ortonville, Mi. Will
interview Wed., Mar. 14. Openings for counselors,
specialists, supervisors, many other positions."
Register in person or by phone.
Maumee G. S. Council, Toledo, Ohio. Will inter-
view Thurs., Mar. 15 from 10 to 2. Positions open -x
assist. director, bus. manager, health supvr., kitcher
help, waterfront (WSI), counselors - general and
specialists. Register in person or by phone.
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