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February 28, 1979 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-02-28

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See Editorial Page


Eighty-Nine Years of Editorial Freedom

L utj

See Today for details

Vol. LXXXIX, No. 125

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, February 28, 1979

Ten Cents

Eight Pages

arter announces
Iran's oil prices to soar

)a forrinS
>1an ,.r rationing gas
Plan for use in emergency

TEHRAN (AP) - National Iranian oil
company director Hassan Nazih said yester-
day Iran would resume oil exports Monday
after a four-month suspension caused by
strikes that finally toppled the shah.
And the Iranians who say they may soon
have production back up to three million
barrels a day, about half the pre-revolution
total, said they would sell the oil to the highest
bidder rather than through the consortium of
companies that used to buy it.
"THAT WOULD bring even higher prices,"
said Larry Goldstein, an analyst for the
Petroleum Industry Research Foundation, a

New York-based industry group. Iranian of-
ficials have indicated that they think they
could get as much as $20 a barrel for their oil.
The OPEC base price is $13.35 a barrel.
Several nations have raised their crude oil
prices five to ten per cent above that level,
however, including Kuwait, Qatar,
Venezuela, Libya and the United Arab
In addition, the Venezuelans have added 15
per cent to the price of heavy fuel oil exported
primarily to the U.S. East Coast for use in
factories and generating plants, which could
See IRAN, Page 8

From AP and Reuter
WASHINGTON - President Carter revealed
a standby gasoline rationing plan yesterday as
a last-resort emergency measure and other
fuel-saving actions, stating that he has no
present intention of putting them into effect.
Carter told a news conference he does not
want to impose stringent restraints on fuel use
that could impose economic hardships and
higher unemployment on the nation, but that it
is wise to have the plans ready just in case they
are ever needed.
THE PRESIDENT said he would send
Congress, early next month, proposals for ad-
ditional measures, presumably less stringent,
which he might use to ease the impact of shor-
tages resulting from the current loss of Iranian
oil production.

The plans are to be submitted formally
tomorrow to Congress, which then has 60 days
to approve or disapprove them..They would
not take effect unless the President declared a
national energy emergency, and they could be
blocked by a negative vote of either house of
Under the proposed standby plan, gasoline
would, if necessary, be rationed by mailing
gasoline allotment "checks" to owners of
registered vehicles, to be "cashed in" for
ration coupons at banks or other institutions.
THOUGH THERE had been speculation the
plan would limit individual motorists to two
gallons of gasoline a day, it assigns no specific
See CARTER, Page 8

... Reveals rationing plan.


plan draws
A plan for a multi-million dollar
high-rise that could have been the first
step in construction of a four-prong
apartment and condominium complex
at the intersection of Washtenaw and
South Forest Avenues, has been tem-
porarily withddrawn by the developers,
but that did not prevent a barrage of
protest against the proposal 4 last
night's City Planning Commission
The University Regents had voted at
their February meeting to allow
private developer John Stegeman to
bargain for a 1.4 acre parcel of Univer-
sity-owned land wedged between the
University Towers apartment building
and the Church Street parking lot.
THE PUBLIC hearing and discussion
session scheduled for last night's Plan-
ning Commission meeting was can-
elled,' in response to a letter from
developer Richard Fry stating that
plans for the project were being with-
drawn, but that "the project will be
,resubmitted for a later date." No ex-
planation was offered for the retrac-
tion, and the developers, who were both
absent from the meeting, were
unavailable for comment.
According to City Planning Director
Martin Overhiser, the Planning Depar-
tment had sent a memo to the
developers last week informing them
the project as proposed was unaccep-
table in terms of parking spaces and
Overhiser said the city would require
a minimum of 312 parking spaces for
the building, but "they (the developers)
are saying they don't need that many."
The planning director also said he
would recommend the apartment size
be "reduced from 36 stories to 22-23
See HIGH-RISE, Page 2

Chinese repulse
Viet attacks


AP Photo
The 1980 dream ticket?

Contrary to appearances here, Sen. Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts and Gov. Jerry Brown of California have not
decided to run as a team in the 1980 primaries. Rather, the discreetly ambitious Senator and the overtly ambitious
Gov. just stopped to chat for a moment at the National Governor's Association conference in Washington. What are,
they talking about? ... Just bet Jimmy Carter is dying to know.
LSA group won't advise cuts

By AP and Reuter
Vietnamese troops launched several counter-invasions "into
Chinese territory .in the previousfew days, but were driven back
each time, the official Chinese news agency reported yesterday.
Intelligence sources said China appears to show no intention
of withdrawing from Vietnam and has even moved to reinforce
its troops along Vietnam's northeastern front, where some of the
Vietnamese incursions reportedly took place.
IN HIS BLUNTEST comment on the 10-day conflict, Presi-
dent Carter asked China yesterday to undertake "a speedy with-
drawal" from Vietnam. The
request was in a message given
to top Chinese leaders by
Treasury Secretary W. Michael Bw
Blumenthal, who is visiting
Blumenthal told Senior Vice Premier
Teng Hsiao-ping on Tuesday that , o COtt
China's invasion of Vietnam is causing
"unwarranted"risks. But he said Teng
set no date for ending the action E-M i
Blumenthal told reporters that
during a 90-minute meeting, "I con-
veyed the position of the U.S. gover- su m i t
nment with respect to China's move in-
to Vietnam and indicated our opposition JERUSALEM (AP) - Israel's
to that move and our hope for a speedy Cabinet yesterday rejected President
withdrawal from Vietnam."' Carter's call for a Mideast summit, but
HE SAID Teng gave him a lengthy Prime Minister Menachem Begin said
reply for President Carter. BuKmenthal he would go to Washington for "per-
is to meet Premier Hua Kuo-feng sonal talks" with Carter. The Cabinet's
today. nsaction plunged Israeli-Egyptian peace
In Washington, Carter said at a news efrst n fterlws onssn
conference that he has made known to Erts to one of their lowest points in-
the Chinese his "firm disapproval" of ce gyptan Presi nwar t's
- their invasion but said it would be coun-hstoric trip oJerusalem 15 monts
- terproductive to terminate the ago.
newfound bilateral relations with Carter also announced that Begin
Peking. would arrive in Washington tomorrow
EARLIER YESTERDAY, Chinese evening for a "frank discussion" of the
Senior Vice Premier Teng Hsiao-ping breakdown in the peace process. He
told American reporters "we have no told a news conference yesterday he
other claims than to explode the myth had telephoned both Begin and Sadat
that is Vietnam's claim to be the third after hearing the Israeli Cabmet had
strongest military power in the world rejected his ivitation to a summit
See BEGIN, Page 8

The Literary College's (LSA) Curriculum Committee will
not be making any recommendations to reduce the credit
available for the Psychology Department's Project Outreach
as a result of yesterday's meeting.
In two close votes, committee members defeated a motion
to cut the possible number of credits a student can receive for
Project Outreach from 12, to six. The committee also
defeated a motion to cut the credits to nine.
THE COMMITTEE has been reviewing all experiential
courses, with special emphasis on Project Outreach for
several months, and will make their recommendations to the

LSA Executive Committee.
As a result of an investigation of some hospital Outreach
programs, Curriculum Committee Chairman John Knott
said he found "patterns that need to be considered." Accor-
ding to Knott, many students repeat the Outreach experien-
ce, and also much of the supervision of the project is done by
undergraduates who advise and grade other undergraduates.
Knott said there is also a great deal of variation in the
requirements of the projects.
Some committee members said that cutting credits from
the courses was not the issue, but stressed a need to raise
consciousness in the various departments to prove the worth
of their experiential courses.

No decrease in alcoholism,.
'U' researcher testifies

University researcher Richard
Douglass told the U.S. Senate Subcom-
mittee on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse
Monday that 30 years of. inquiry and
millions of private' and public dollars
spent on funding have left the nation no
closer to solving its problems with
alcoholism and alcohol abuse.
Douglass, who holds joint appointmen-
ts with the Institute of Gerontology and
three other University research in-
stitutes, said there was an urgent need
to examine why certain

populations-such as youth, women,
and retired persons-are particularly
vulnerable to alcohol abuse, and to
discover what kinds of prevention
programs are effective.
"WE ARE woefully short of the
critical insights that are apparently
necessary to reduce the enormous
public health costs of abusive and inap-
propriate drinking practices of
Americans," the researcher said.
Doulgass continued, "Alcohol is one
more retail product that is enjoyed by
See NO, Page 2

* Certain members of' the
women's track team are comn-
plaining they aren't getting
enough time and space in which
to practice. For the story, see
page 7.
" The Ramones, a rock group
from New York City, performed
Monday night at the Second
Chance. The group played some
of their most popular tunes, in-
cluding "Pinehead," "Suzy Is A
Headbanger," and "Cretin Hop."
For the review see page 5.
Read the Today
column, Page 3

The Michigan Student Assembly
(MSA) had not made a decision by
press time last night on whether to for-
ce its appointees to the University
Cellar Board of Directors to take
specific action on negotiating a new
management structure with Cellar em-
Assembly member Jim Sullivan in-
troduced a resolution which would
direct MSA's appointees to negotiate
with employees. MSA would be enac-
ting a new policy in relationship with its
appointees with the pasing of the
resolution. Assembly members were

involved in a lengthy debate on whether
MSA should set this precedent.
During constituents' time, Walter
Smith, second year medical student,
gave his view on the recent problems
University Cellar has had in dealing
with a proposed management structure
for the bookstore.
"I use the 'U' Cellar a lot," said
Smith. "I've been keeping up with the
controversy and I've been talking to a
lot of people. A lot of them are unhap-
Smith said that while medical school
tuition, already very high, keeps rising,
the price discounts offered at the Cellar

are very important to medical students.
"Personally speaking, I have very
good relationships with the people down
there (working in the Cellar), and I feel
very comfortable going in the Univer-
sity Cellar," Smith said. "You have a
fine bookstore here. You should really
consider keeping it as it is. The struc-
ture is fine; don't screw up a good
Also during constituents' time, Laura
Leary, East Quad dorm council
treasurer, addressed the Assembly,
asking it to provide a coordinator to
deal with dorm governments and ac-
See MSA, Page 2

See GROUP, Page 2

MSA debates 'U' Cellar status

Byrne edging Bilandic,

may topple city machine

(AP) - Democratic upstart Jane
Byrne took a razor-thin lead over
Chicago Mayor Michael A. Bilandic,
the man who ousted her from city
government, as the party machine
faced one of its stiffest primary
challenges ever yesterday.
Meanwhile, Cleveland voters gave
their financially pressed city a boost by
nvrruhdlminlu unnrnvinL 2an increase

Rose, Mrs. Byrne's campaign
manager. !"But it's not definitive yet.
"The size of this margin is so small that
it could be whisked away at any
Mrs. Byrne is a one-time Democratic
Party regular and city official who was
fired after she criticized the mayor.
The city's bitter winter and the
nrnhleam it hvnuuht gav imntne n

per cent to 1.5 per cent a 73,648-34,717
lead. The proposal to sell the Municipal
Electric Light System trailed 69,302 to
38,363. Kucinich and many of his
political foes supported the tax increase
to help the city stave off bankruptcy but
the mayor bitterly opposed selling the
In Kansas City, Mo., early returns

Another councilman, Joe Pelofsky,
received 19 per cent of the vote, while
John D. MCDonough, head of the Tax-
payers Defense League, and James R.
Lloyd, a high school algebra teacher,
had less than three per cent of the vote
A projection made at midday showed
that about 49 ner cent or 697.000. of the

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