See Editorial Page
High--mid 20's
See Today for details
Vol. LXXXIX, No. 103
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, February 2, 1979,
Ten Cents
Twplva Pnnr:c" "'
Faculty members to discuss salary disclosures
One history professor strongly favors public,
disclosure of faculty salaries. A doctor of
pathology questions how much of a professor's
salary should be revealed. A German professor
claims there are "incredible inequities" between
salaries in the sciences and the humanities.
Those on both sides of the question of whether
faculty salaries should be made public are lining
up in preparation for discussion of the persistent
issue at the Feb. 19 Senate Assembly meeting.
"THIS IS NOT a new enthusiasm on my part,"
commented History Prof. Stephen Tonsor, whos
said he believes faculty salaries should be
revealed. Indeed, the question has been debated
intermittently since 1973, when a poll showed
that faculty members opposed public disclosure
of salaries by a two to one margin. One year ago,
a professor in the German department-revealed
"I don't think equalization of salaries
would do us any harm, but I'm not
urging that. I would like to see the
disappearance of notorious dis-
-History Prof. Stephen Tonsor
German professors were paid less than faculty
members in other Literary College departments.
"I don't think that equalization of salaries
would do us any harm, but I'm not urging that. I
would like to see the disappearance of notorious
disparities," Tonsor commented.
"I believe that if we knew in a fairly exact way
how the monies were distributed throughout the
University, some really rational (salary)
decisions could be made, but few people know
this now," Tonsor continued. "Our department
Executive Committee makes decisions all the
time about tenure and so on, but nobody knows
anything concrete about the salaries."
TONSOR WOULD like to see faculty salaries
published in lists indicating rank and tenure but
not individual names. Some opponents, of such
lists claim curious individuals would be able to
match the names of professors in small depar-
tments with their salaries.
Tonsor responds, "I can't get alarmed about
"There is a problem between the
public's right to know and an indi-.
vidua l'sright to privacy; these rights
are diametrically opposed."
-Dr. Dorin Hinerman,
pathology professor
Peeping Toms."
Dr. Dorin Hinerman, professor of pathology
and a former Senate Assembly chairman, said,
"I don't really care one way or the other" aboul
faculty salary disclosure, but added he is con-
cerned that all of the issues be known.
Hinerman said he believes "there is a problen
between the public's right to know and an in-
dividual's right to privacy; these rights are
diametrically opposed."
HINERMAN ALSO cites the difficulty on
faces in obtaining an accurate picture of,".
faculty member's total salary. "It would be on
thing to say that we were interested only in tha
part of the money that comes from the Genera
Fund. However, that will not be a persop's
(total) income in a great many cases."
Tonsor would exempt outside revenues fror
See FACULTY, Page 2
to curb
Department has announced a revam-
ped public employment and training
system designed to crack down on
mismanagement and corruption and
target more aid to the most needy.
The department said yesterday it has
replaced top Washington managers of
the Comprehensive Employment and
Training Act (CETA) program,
developed new controls to root out
fraud and bad management and adop-
ted stiffer penalties for those who abuse
the program.
THE OVERHAUL also includes sim-
plified regulations, increased federal
assistance for local CETA managers,
and new eligibility rules that would
limit assistance to poorer and longer-
term unemployed people.
In addition, new emphasis is being
placed on encouraging private industry
to join the government in creating jobs
for young, chronically unemployed
adults, officials said.
Most of the changes announced
yesterday were initiated by the depar-
tment or mandated by Congress last
year amid publicized reports of
widespread fraud, abuse and incom-
petent management of CETA programs
around the country.
"CETA'S RECORD over the last two
years has not been unblemished,"
Assistant Labor Secretary Ernest
Green said at a news conference.
"But I strongly believe that gover-
nment can-and should-learn from its
mistakes. Particularly in a time of tight
budget dollars, we cannot afford to con-
tinue wasteful and ineffective
President Carter's chief domestic
counselor, Stuart Eizenstat, said the
See CETA, Page 9
Daily Photo by CYRENA CHANG .
Chanting "Tenure for Samoff, Let the students decide" students marched in front of the LSA building yesterdayto protest
the denial of tenure for Political Science Professor Joel Samoff.
Sam,off 'supportersral
Joy ous
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - Ayatullah
Ruhollah Khomeini, the voice from afar
that rocked Iran, came home trium-
phantly from exile yesterday, threw
down a challenge to a shaky gover-
nment, and warned Americans and
others he will "cut the hands" of
foreign influepce over this nation.
Pandemonium welcomed the frail,
white-bearded hero of the anti-shah
revolution back to his homeland.
MORE THAN A million ecstatic
Iranians, chanting "Allah Akhbar!"
("God is great"), cheered the 78-year-
old Moslem patriarch as he 'rode into
Tehran after flying in from France, en-
ding an exile of more than 14 years and
climaxing a year-long campaign of
mass protest that' drove Shah Moham-
mad Reza Pahlavi out of the country.
Khomeini immediately set the stage"
for a showdown with the government of
Prime Minister Shahpour Bakhtiar,
and possibly with the army. .
"I am going to establish a gover-
nment with the backing of this nation,"
he told hundreds of thousands of sup-
porters at a rally in the main Tehran
cemetery, burial place of many "mar-
tyrs" of the bloody anti-shah upheaval.
HE AGAIN denounced the monarchy,
the shah-endorsed Bakhtiar gover-
nment and the national Parliament as'
illegal. He accused the shah of
"despotism" and vowed the monarch
and his associates will never come back
to Iran.
"There cannot be a country with two
governments so the illegal Bakhtiar
government has to get out," he
declared. Khomeini wants to establish
a religiously oriented but vaguely
defined Islamic republic.
In a radio address Wednesday night,
Bakhtiar again defied Khomeini's
claims to leadership, declaring, "The
government will not permit the reins of
the country to be held by anyone except
the central government."
Khomeini damned Iran's foreign
military advisers, many of whom are
"OUR VICTORY can be achieved
only when the hands of these foreigners
are shortened," he said in an airport
arrival speech. "... I thank you all and
beg the Almighty to cut the hands of
The Moslem holy man, who named no
specific nationalities, repeatedly has
accused foreigners of robbing the coun-
try's wealth, and pro-Khomeini demon-
strations here 'in recent months have
had anti-Western overtones. Reversing
Iran's Westernization has been a key
goal of the orthodox Moslems' anti-shah
Bakhtiar's 27-day-old government,,
which has Washiigton's endorsement,
issued no official 'statements as
Khomeini hopscotched across Tehran
by helicopter and limousine through the
wildly enthusiastic crowds. The
nation's armed forces, whose comman-
ders have pledged to protect Bakhtiar,
also kept a low profile, even providing a
military, helicopter to ferry Khomeini
broadcast of Khomeini's arrival stop-
ped after only two minutes and, a pic-
ture of the shah appeared on the screen.
The break-off was not fully explained.
At the cemetery, Khomeini had been
expected to announce his plans for an
"Islamic Revolutionary Council" to
lead the nation toward an Islamic
republic. But a top ljhomeini aide,
Mehdi Bazargan, told reporters the
clergyman had shelved the idea of a
council in favor of other undisclosed
"measures" to achieve the same result.
Military officers have threatened to
move against Khomeini as soon as he
takes one step against the constitution.
But Bazargan, considered by Some a
possible Khomeini candidate - to lead
the government, denied that fear of the
military prompted the decision oti the
"Many officers have said or indicated
they agree with the Khomeini national
movement," Bazargan said.
Between 50 and 75 demonstrators
marched yesterday on the Diag and in
front of the LSA building to protest
Political Science Assistant Professor
Joel Samoff's tenure denial.'
The demonstrators marched in a cir-
cle and repeatedly chanted, "Tenure
for a teacher, not a jive researcher,"
and "Ours'is not to reason why, ours is
but to quantify."
Two security guards posted in the
lobby of the LSA building, and two Ann
Arbor police officers, were stationed at
the Diag in, case violence broke out,
though none was expected.
The protest, which was staged by the
Samoff Student Support Committee,
resulted from LSA Dean Billy Frye's
refusal to discuss the Samoff case at a
Wednesday meeting between Frye,
LSA Associate Dean Bernard Galler,
and a group of students on the commit-
-Some of the marchers agreed that the
protest would not influence Frye."I
doubt that he (Frye) will make any
acknowledgement (of the protest), but
he may discuss it at the Executive
Committee meeting," said protestor
Janice O'Neal. During the protest in
front of the LSA building, Frye was
reportedly inside at an LSA Executive
Committee meeting.
Although Samoff has appealed his
case, no report has yet' been filed by the
group organized to review the case. Ac-
cording to the College Appeals
Procedures, a report must be filed
within one month of formation of the
reviewing body. The group to hear the
Samoff case was selected just prior to
Christmas vacation.
"His (Frye's) problem is simply to
let the procedures work through,"
O'Neal said. One reason the
proceedings were held up was due to
"some disagreement on the part of the
(political science) department over the
selection (of members for the appeals
panel) from a list of 30,"O'Neal added.
"It's difficult to get information,
because the complaint process is
private and they (the administration)
have put a seal on the information,"
O'Neal said, adding that committee
members at yesterday's meeting only
received an assurance from Frye that
the hearings would take place, although
Frye did not specify when.
LSA OKs removal
of AP exam credits
LSA students may now petition to
have credit earned through the Advan-
ced Placement (AP) Testing Program
of the College Board removed from
their records, the LSA Administrative
Board decided earlier this week. Prior
to the ruling only Honors students could
have such credit stricken.
AP ;credit could cause increased
tuition rates for students attending the
University for eight terms, because un-
derclassmen may attain upper-
classman'status before they normally
Out-of-state LSA freshman and
sophomores pay $130 less per semester
than upperclassmen; in-state under-
classmen pay a somewhat smaller in-
crease. Because in many cases the AP
cred tadvances a student's class stan-
ding by one or more terms, many
students must pay the increased tuition
rates earlier than their peers without
AP credit.
HOWEVER, because many students
who bring AP credit to the University
use it to accelerate their programs and
graduate in fewer than eight terms, the
fFrida v
Contract negotiations be-
ween the University and the
increased costs are offset by the cost
benefits of avoiding one or more terms.
A problem has existed for those
students who study for a full four years
and amass ovei io credits - the num-
ber needed to graduate. In this case,
such students ultimately do not need
their AP credit, but still bear the
prematurely increased costs.
.Many students who instruct the
College Boad to send their AP scores to
the University (usually in the summer
preceding the student's first term) are
not made aware of the potentially in-
creased costs.
FOR YEARS, Honors students have
successfully petitioned the Honors
Council to' have tlie credit removed
from their records. Although no regular
LSA students have complained, they
now have the same privilege as Honors
Before Daily inquiries prompted an
evaluation of the AP credit situation,
"There was some confusion as to what
the policy was," noted Ernest Zim-
merman, assistant to the vice-president
for academic affairs. "Except in the
See AP, Page 9
Teng tours America,
inspects t(
By AP an'd Reuter
Teng Hsiao-ping came to the frigid
South yesterday to see first-hand the
American technology he covets for
China's catch-up race with the modern
world and he said again that it is impor-
tant for the United States and China to
oppose Russian expansionist policies.
Teng, who wants China to become
modern by the end of the millenium was
to get his first look at an Ameican
assembly line in the afternoon at a Ford
Motor Co. plant which turns out LTDs.
Among those on the list to accompany
him were Henry Ford II, chairman of
the Ford Motor Co., and Douglas
Fraser, head of the United Auto
THE CHINESE vice premier, ar-
chitect of China's drive to become an
advanced industrial power, spent 45
minutes touring the production
line-only a few minutes less than it
tak, th ntr ohio r-, a nr
echno ogy
statements made by Teng during his
THE CHINESE vice premier told an
audience of 1,400 businessmen in Atlan-
ta: "The.American people do not wish
their lives and peace disrupted by war
and the Chinese people also desire
peace in which to build up their coun-
try.'' But Teng warned that "all
realistic people admit the road is not
tranquil. The danger of world war
As he has before, Teng used the word
"hegemony" which means domination
over others, and which the Chinese
have repeatedly used to describe what
they see as Soviet expanionism.
Without mentioning the Soviet Union
by name, Teng talked of "strategic
plans of the warmongers" and said that
the United States and China are op-
posed to efforts by any other country to
gain domination over others.
ficially kicks off tomorrow
evening, when the Moscow
Philharmoic performs at Hill