Page 4-Wednesday, January 31, 1979-The Michigan Daily
WIbr 3icbigjau 1ailg
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Eighty-Nine Years of Editorial Freedom
What happened and why
Vol. LXXXIX, No. 101
News Phone: 764-0552
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan
Patricia i s free
ON MONDAY, President Carter
granted executive clemency to
Patricia Hearst and commuted her
seven-year sentence for bank robbery.
Mr. Carter said she "needs no further
rehabilitation" or punishment, and for
once we agree.
Those who oppose the clemency
argue that Ms. Hearst has not yet paid
her debt to society. The flaw in such
reasoning is that it is predicated on the
assumption that the purpose of the
penal system is primarily punitive;
this is not the case. The function of a
prison is to rehabilitate criminals, not
punish them. Hearst was locked up
because she had committed a crime,
and was, therefore, potentially'
dangerous to society. For the past 22
months she has been incarcerated.
During that time she has been a model
prisoner, and proved to prison of-
ficials, to the president, and to us that
she is completely rehabilitated.
She would have been eligible for
parole this July, but what point would
there be to keeping her in prison if she
is ready to reassume her place in
society? The questionable nature of
her conviction, in view of the duress
she was under at the time of the rob-
bery, makes her's a special case, and
Carter was right to take his unusual
action. Society has nothing to fear
from Patty Hearst.
LSA-SG President, Bob
Stechuk has been subjected to a
torrent of undeserved criticism
as a result of his endorsement, in
the name of LSA-SG, of the
demonstration against former
Israeli Foreign Minister Yigal
Allon last December. None of
Stechuk's critics, have seemed
terribly interested in discerning
what actually happened at the
demonstration and why. So let us
try to set the record straight.
The demonstration was spon-
sored by a broad coalition of 11
student groups who were united
in their belief that the university
has presented a one sided view of
events in the Middle East over a
lopg period of time. The demon-
stration was intended to protest
both the university's commit-
ment to a pro-Zionist perspective
and the continuing Israeli
violations of Palestinian national
and human rights. We felt that
the university should not lend
academic legitimacy to a
political speech by a prominent
Zionist figure, particularly since
Palestinian spokespersons have
never received an official in-
vitation to speak on our campus.
The catalogue of Israeli
violations of Palestinian rights is
lengthy and well documented
in a recent report issued by
the National Lawyers Guild.
Expropriation of land, construc-
tion of over 100 civilian set-
tlements, forced exile, denial of
political rights, torture of
political prisoners, impingemen-
ts on academic freedom, and
denial of access to water --these
are integral parts of the daily
lives of the Palestinian people
living under Israeli occupation.
And of course Israel remains
unalterably opposed to the
realization of the Palestinian
people's right to self deter-
Israeli's international alliances
display an affinity for some of the
most oppressive dictatorships in
the world. Israel has close
economic and military ties with
South Africa and Rhodesia; it has,
supplied arms to Samoza in
Nicaragua and Israel has been a
strong supporter of the Shah of
Less well known is the history
of the -University's promotion of
pro-Zionist views. Less than one
month after Anwar Sadat's visit
to Jerusalem in November, 1977,
Deam Emeritus William Haber
was invited by the Center for
Near Eastern and North African
Studies to expound the virtues of
Sadat's initiative. Dean Haber
has no academic expertise in the
Middle East aside from his
frequent trips to Israel in his
capacity as a member of the
Board of Governors of the
RHebrew University.
Professor Raymond Tanter of
the Political Science Depar-
tment, who frequently serves as a
visiting professor at the Hebrew
University and who has publicly
admitted that he has had a con-
sulting relationship with, the
C.I.A. also spoke on the Camp
David agreements at an event
sponsored by the Center.
chief political advisor to the
military governor of the West
There are no outspoken Arab
nationalists on the University
faculty, but there are several
vocal Zionists. Some professors
who have dealt with the Middle
East from an even handed or
Arab nationalistic perspective
have been subjected to pressures
from the Zionist community.
Since the Sadat trip, not a
single Palestinian has been in-
vited by any official university
body to explain that the Sadat
initiative and the Camp David
agreements are based on the
The Palestine Human Rights Committee
There are
faculty, but
outspoken Arab
the University
are several vocal
have their roots in the univer-
sity's fundamental social role: to
provide intellectual and prac-
tical support for American cor-
porate interests and worldwide
American hegemony.
The group of Zionists who con-
fronted Bob Stechuk and tried to
force him to rescind his endor-
sement of the demonstration
again opportunistically seized
on the issue of "free speech" to
mask their true grievance. They
simply opposed the position that
Stechuk took in the name of the
LSA-SG. But since a, majority of
LSA-SG supported Stechuk's ac-
tion (a fact which was consisten-
tly distorted by the Daily's repor=
tage), this group had no
legitimate complaint.
Nonetheless Stechuk
generously agreed to meet with
this group to clarify the issue.
One woman at this meeting had
the honesty to admit that she
would have been upset even if no
disruption of Allon's speech had
occurred. But others insisted that
the call for a demonstration in
and of itself constituted a denial
of "free speech". We wonder if
those who held this view also felt
that the demonstrations against
the Nazi bookstore in Detroit last
year were improper. We hope
Stechuk and representatives of
the Palestine Human Rights
Committee explained that the
demonstration was not intended
to prevent Allon from speaking.
The violence which figured so
prominently in the Daily's
description, was confined to one
incident towards its conclusion.
An Israeli student= who has
frequently been seen
photographing demonstrations
at which Arabs have been present
was repeatedly asked to stop
photographing a foreign student.
When he refused to do so a small
fist fight broke out. This was the
extent of the "violence".
Those who.attempted to disrupt
Allon's speech did so -because
they felt he is a criminal who
bears significant responsibility
for the oppression of the
Palestinian people. Those who
were offended by the disruption
should ask themselves why the
university provides a platform
for Zionist speakers without af-
fording the community an oppor-
tunity to hear alternative views.
No one can claim for himself the
right to "free speech" if it has
been denied to those who hold op-
posing views.
Workers unite
FOR A PERIOD between six and
eighteen months recently, line-
workers at the General Motors Chevro-
let truck assembly plant in Flint were
doing a lot of work for which they were
not getting paid. The world's largest
automobile manufacturer secretly in-.
creased the speed of the assembly line
to produce at least 1,600 more trucks
than usual and without paying an ad-
ditonal cent to workers.
When the United Auto Workers
(UAW) learned of the secret control
device hidden in a supervisor's office,
they were outraged and threatened to
strike. The workers' reaction was
justifiedc The speed at which the line
move is negotiated between the com-
pany and the union. Once agreed on, it
cannot be changed.
General Motors has admitted the
device had been used to. increase
production; the company said it was
used for only six months; the UAW
contends it was used for eighteen mon-
As a result of the strike threat
General Motors offered a settlement.
The auto manufacturer has agreed, at
the UAW's request, to pay the workers
who performed the extra service $1
million over a twelve month period.
That amounts to almost 32- hours of
back pay for every worker on the
assembly line. In addition, the com-
pany has agreed to an elaborate
system, which UAW Local 598 Recor-
ding Secretary Robert Evans calls
"fool proof," that will prevent in-
creasing assembly line speed.
The lack of productivity in American
industry is not the fault of the workers
as many people, including President
Carter, apparently believe. The fault
lies rather with what William Freund,
senior vice president and chief
economist of the New York Stock Ex-
change, calls a lack of "productivity.
growth." Gains in productivity come
from improving technologies and
production methods. As Freund wrote
in Newsweek magazine this week,
"The continuing increases in pur-
chasing power and leisure time that
have made Americans the envy of
working people every where have not
come from working ever harder-but
ever smarter."
At a time when American unions
have been criticized for driving up the
cost of living through their wage set-
tlements with major corporations, the
UAW's actions in the Flint dispute
were commendable and should be sup-
ported by the general public.
Indeed, it is only fitting that the Flint
dispute arose almost exactly 42 years
after militant auto workers seized two
General Motors plants to protest,
among other working conditions,
assembly line speed ups.
At the colloquium on Camp
David sponsored by Dean Billy
Frye's office and the Department
of Near Eastern Studies one of
the "pro-Arab" speakers was an
Egyptian who supported Sadat's
initiative, a second was a Leban-
se-American who has served as
an advisor to the State Depar-
tment, and the third was Allon's
speech sponsored by the Institute
of Public Policy Studies. In ad-
dition, numerous Israeli
academics have appeared at the
University (mostly at Ifillel) on
tours by the Israeli government.
Among these professors was
Amnon Cohen, who served as
denial of the Palestinian people's
right to self-determination and
the maintenance of American
hegemony in the Middle East. In-
fact, we cannot remember one
occasion in the last several years
when any Palestinian has been
invited to speak on campus by an
official University body:
l'romotion of pro-Zionist views
is hardly an exception to the
general thrust of the over-
whelming majority of the
teaching and research that goes
on here. The refusal to divest
from corporations with interests
in South Africa; the sttempt to
fire Professor Joel Samoff,
faculty links to the C.I.A. - all
Get back to where you belong Mr. Townsend
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Dear Mr. Townsend:
As a Michigan alumnus, I was
both surprised and disappointed
at your inane and vitirolic letter
directed at Canham and Schem-
I rectll you back in the 30's as a
member of the late "Cappy"
Capon's desultory basketball
quintets. Aside from your
brother, John, who was truly a
fine player, the best that could be
said for you was to label you
nothing but an ordinary jour-
neyman player whose meager
contributions have long been
Your contention that Bo should
be replaced is utterly ridiculous.
In ten years' time, he has won 96
games against only 15 defeats
and 3 ties. During this period the
Wolverines have never failed to
place out of the ten ranking
teams in the entire country and
either win or place second in the
Big Ten.
I will admit Bo is suspect on the
way he has handled his offense on
occasions. He seems to lack the
knack of diversifying his attack
and I don't believe he provided
Leach with proper pass patterns
to utilize this youngster's
unquestioned talents. The new
backfield coach of two years, Don
Nehlin, seemingly has prevailed
on Bo to open up somewhat.
Nevertheless, Bo still runs his op-
tion offense without much
imagination. Every good team
.has virtually set down his wide
plays simply by stacking eight
and nine men lines and stringing
the plays to the sidelines.
Nevertheless, to contend he has
not done a good job overall is
There were only two Bowl
games out of the six lost where
we should have won. Namely, the
ratings, can only be criticized by
a failure to pass early on. Again,
in this year's Rose Bowl, S.C. had
both bigger, faster and generally
better players. Any strategy
faults or breaks, including the
goal line fumble, I doubt would
have changed the outcome. Cer-
tainly, our defense was superb in
holding the top ranking Trojans
to a mere 17 points.
Now having granted Bo has
made some mistakes, he still has
provided the Wolverines with the
best decade of football in our
What particularly irls me is
your reference to Forest
Evashevski. There has never
been a more devious, underhan-
ded coach representing a Con-
ference school. His recruiting
tactics were abomiiable and
disgraceful. Just ask Bill
Reichardt, a loyal Hawkeye
alumnus and player, and he can
document verse and chapter on
this score.
As for your shots at Canham,
they are absolutely an insult. He
took Crisler's lackadaisical
regime and completely
rejuvenated our entire program.
Our facilities, thanks to Don's
farsighted planning, are one of
the best in the country, and the
whole sports record in all sports
during his tenure is unmatched.
So pout to your heart's con-
tent-keep your lousy $1,000 con
tribution as somehow or other we
will manage to survive without it.
Although I am just a lowly
member of the Maize and Blue
sector of the fund raising ac-
tivities, I am at least loyal and
supportive and any criticisms I
may have will not be publicized ir
the cheap, uncalled for manner
that you did.
Henceforth, I suggest you stay
in Indianapolis, preferably in or
close to the old slimy - White
River. Thus, you will be where
you rightfully belong.
-Rovert J. St. Clair
Evanston, Illinois
Cutting controversy
To the Daily:
Since the outset of winter term,
there has been much controversy.
concerning Bob Stechuk's endor-
sement of a rally protesting the
apperance of former Israeli
Foreign Minister Yigal Allon, on
Dec. 17, 1978, at Rackham
Auditorium. As was reported in
the Daily, Mr. Stechuk used his
position as advocacy coordinator
to put the LSA-SG name on a
leaflet denouncing Allon's ap-
pearance. Since the incident, Mr.
Stechuk has agreed to apologize
to Mr. Allon and has signed a let-
ter of protest against the violent
disruption of the Israeli leader's
It should be emphasized
however, that in asking Mr.
Stechuk to denounce the violence,
we, the so-called unnamed group
of LSA students, never asked him
Mr. Stechuk should be ap-
plauded. First, because he had
the courage to bring the Allon af-
fair out into the open after the
winter break by calling a general
meeting concerning the matter.
Second, because Bob Stechuk had
the insight to differentiate bet-
ween his politics and the Israeli
leader's right to free speech.
Although he may not agree with
Mr. Allon, Bob Stechuk has sup-
ported the man's right to speak
and has demonstrated that he is a
truly progressive student leader.
Finally, we appeal to the other
groups of the coalition to join
those of us who have actively
protested the disruption of Mr.
Allon's speech. These groups
The Palestine Human Rights
The Association for Critical
East Wind: Asian American
Iranian Student's Association
Organization of Arab Students,
Ann Arbor
Young Socialist Alliance
Revolutionary Communist
Youth Brigade
The Washtenaw County Coalition
Against Apartheid
If these groups are truly inter-
ested in a broader sampling ol
ideas, and recognize that th
University should be a forum foi
free thought and expression, ther
they should stand with us, an
Bob Stechuk, in an active con
demnation of the disorder whici
denied Yigal Allon his basii
human right of free speech.
-David Leopold
LSA student
Regards from Harry's