r i
Smith plays hookey
We don't have the foggiest notion why were're given a whole
weekend to get ready for the second day of classes, but it seems at
least one smart member of the University community sees no use in
the practice. Allan Smith, the University law professor who is serving
as our interim president until a replacement for Robben Fleming can
be found, appears sympathetic to a move within the faculty to
rearrange the schedule and maybe allow us to come to school on a
reasonable Monday or Tuesday. Smith, according to his secretary,
won't be back in his office until Monday. He went out to see the Rose
Bowl, and then to visit relatives in Oakland. Maybe he had to recover
from the Pasadena experience.
A2schools to study
The Michigan Daily-Saturday, January 6, 1979-Page 3
For the second time in 15 years, the Ann Arbor
Board of Education has established a committee to
study options for reducing racial imbalance in the
school district and increasing educational
opportunities for students.
This time, new state guidelines may force the
district to come up with a more substantial plan.
The school district was ordered to desegregate by
the Michigan Department of Education after six
elementary schools were found to be in violation of
state racial guidelines. No building's enrollment may
vary more than 15 per cent - up or down - from the
percentage for that racial category in that district.
THE DISTRICT was given until December to
submit a plan to comply with the state guidelines
which were created last summer.
The six schools named by the state are Northwest,
Mack, and Bryant, which have a "racially
identifiable" black population, and Freewood,
Lakewood, and Newport, which were found to be
"racially identifiable" in favor of white students.
September enrollment figures for the city's
elementary schools show 74.3 per cent of the students
are white and 17 per cent are black. Last year,
Northside had the highest black student enrollment
with 50.2 per cent, and Freeman the highest white
population with 96.7.
Administrative Services Robert Moseley said the Ahn
Arbor Board has held seminars concerning
desegregation and has heard experts speak on the
A Citizens Advisory Committee on Racial Balance
and Educational Opportunities was created by the
board to study options and make a recommendation
to the board, which will make the final decision on
which plans if any, it will use.
The board approved committee membership at a
meeting Dec. 13, and also approved hiring a
consultant to work with the committee until it is
organized and has defined goals. At a meeting
scheduled for Jan. 10, the board will consider hiring
of non-local consultants to study the system's
segregation problems.
"I THINK THE community is handling it well, and
the board is taking an intellectual approach by
involving community members," Moseley said. "The
committee is large, but it's not unmanageable, and
when steps toward desegregation are taken, the more
people involved, the less traumatic it will be."
The reason earlier committees never accomplished
desegregation, Moseley said, is that no clear
definition of a desegregated school was ever given,
and now that state guidelines have been established,
the move shoule be easier, he said.
Before last summer state desegregation guidelines
were unspecific and voluntary. Moseley said
yesterday desegregation led committees into real
problems, but added that without state guidelines,
the board would have been studying student
performance in minority schools. Test scores were
lower in schools with a high minority population and
the board wanted to study this, he said.
ace bias
ACCORDING TO MOSELEY, the use of boundary
adjustments does not seem feasible. But if the
committeedoes recommend this method of racial
balancing,, Moseley said, he doesn't see how the
balancing could be achieved without busing some
students. Half of the city's elementary school
students are currently riding buses.
The committee also plans to deal with the problem
of segregation within classrooms in the city high
schools. although the schools themselves are not
segregated by the state's mandated numbers.
Committee members were chosen from
applications, which were screened by a committee of
the board. The committee of the board also defined
ground rules for the citizens committee, including a
20 per cent minority representation.
MOSELEY SAID the committee will elect officers,
and will probably divide into subcommittees to
handle individual issues. The two major divisions of
study will be correcting racial imbalance and
studying the impact of segregation on learning in
The committee, which is comprised of 60
community members will probably be meeting
shortly after the Jan. 10 board meeting. The
committee includes one parent representative from
every district school, as well as two from the six
segregated schools; two student representatives, one
each from Pioneer and Huron High Schools; five
citizens-at-large; several organizational
representatives; three teachers; two school
administrators; Moseley; and Robert Potts;
assistant superintendent for community relations.
ts BOONE, N.C. (AP) - In a day when
alcoholism is regarded as a disease,
there is a 30-year-old treatment center
which operates on the premise that an
+ alcoholic is a plain old sinner.
The Colony, started in 1947 by the
Rev. E. Archer Dillard with a
icked. Dyer minimum of cash and a maximum of
atudents." hope, takes its name, Hebron, from a
ate could be biblical reference:dthe Old Testament
tt just the Jews found peace and hope at Hebron
e submitted after wandering in the wilderness for 40
, 11 S t (T--
n 4
JZU eHy e,~
Perils of parking
Remember in the '50s when the thing to do on a date was take your
honey to Lover's Lane and'close the convertible top but you left the
motor running? Well, with two already dead and two close calls near
Ann Arbor already this winter, a University Hospital physician is
warning young people to remember the dangers of carbon monoxide
poisoning when parked in cars with the engine on during the cold
months ahead. Dr. John Weg, head of Pulmonary Disease Division,
noted that one young woman was saved only through treatment by a
University diving machine specialist in a high pressure chamber
normally reserved for "bends" patients. "Carbon monoxide poisoning
is very subtle," he said. "You cannot depend on a warning. The person
simply drifts off into unconsciousness without even feeling sleepy." He
warned young people not to depend on a sound car exhaust system-,
"The best insurance," he said, "is not to park with the motor
Fighting the English comp. blues
Do you dread English 125? The Pilot Program in Alice Lloyd Hall
has openings in its interesting, topical sections of English composition
125. Pilot Program courses are offered to all students in LSA, although
overrides are needed for some courses, so if you're trying to put
together that perfect schedule you might want to check out some other
Pilot Program offerings. Those unique three credit Pilot seminars
such as "legal 'issues", "Energy and Appropriate Technology",
American Art; and Literature", and Contemporary Theater." And the
Pilot Program also offe.rs a variety of one credit mini courses with
titles like "Imaginative Thinking: The Development of Paradigms";
or "The Jewish Family in Crisis." For more information call 764-1180
or 764-7521 or stop by Alice Lloyd Hall at 100 Observatory.
The final blow
It seems like nothing has gone
right lately for Woody Hayes, they
volatile former Ohio State
football chief who was finallyF
ousted from his post afterr
punching a Clemson player
during last week's Gator Bowl. In
his heyday, the folks in the
Columbus state capitol just loved
Woody. Apparently, that's no
longer the case. When Ohio State
Senator Thomas Van Meter
introduced a proposal in the
recently-convened Ohio
legislature to honor the ex-coach
for his 28 years at the helm of the
Buckeyes, he was blocked by the
leadership. "It's very unusual to
have a resolution of
commendation turned back," he
commented. It just goes to show
you-if it's not one thing,.it's the Haes
Alternative Film Series - The Front, Nat. Sci. Aud., 7 and 9 p.m.
Cinema II - Shampoo, Angell Hall, Aud. A, 7 and 9 p.m.
Ann Arbor Film Coop - East of Eden, MLB Aud. 3, 7 p.m. only;
Rebel Without a Cause, MLB Aud. 3, 9 p.m. only.
All Mozart Saturday Dessert Concert - Chamber Orchestra Society,
8:30 p.m., Vandenberg Room, Mich. League. Call 996-0066 for tickets.
Youth Against War and Fascism - march against U.S. involvement
in Iran noon, Detroit's Grand Circus park, ending at Federal Bldg.,
call 662-3511 for rides from Ann Arbor.
Hockey - Michigan vs. Minnesota, Yost Ice Arena, 7:30 p.m.
Rkeirthall - Men'sfnwmcfrnm Minhinn an anrI a fnp nff ('-iclcr
EMU presidential selection pi
students, faculty against Rege-
Governor Milliken's announcement
that Eastern Michigan University
(EMU) President James Brickley
would be his running mate for
lieutenant governor kicked off a major
conflict between the students and
faculty and the Board of Regents over
EMU 's presidential selection process.
With Brickley leaving for Lansing,
EMU, like the University of Michigan is
searching for a new president. At both
schools, the students are demanding
more input in the selection process
from the Regents, who have the
ultimate decision power. However, the
major difference lies in the fact that the
faculty at EMU is siding with the
students, while here, the faculty and
students have been on opposite sides of
the fence.
"WE HAVEN'T been pleased" by the
Regent's actions, said Prof. George
Perkins, temporary head of the newly-
formed Faculty Council. "We asked the
Regents for more involvement in the
EMU students and faculty did win a
small victory when the Regents
postponed appointing a new university
president at a December 20 meeting, so
that students and faculty coul interview
the final candidates. "The Regents took
a major step in the right direction" by
allowing an interview to be held,
Perkins conceded, "but it was not
enough of a step."
Students and faculty had complained
when EMU Regents cancelled an
interview session that had been
scheduled for them with the six originial
candidates. These complaints
";t":%::x;;=;z:';'s>:3:>:s }':E ::s >:::f: ::::<>::r:r>:::::ยข::
prompted the Regents' agreement to that he (Dyer) was hand-p
allow the students and faculty to meet was nominated by some ex-
with those candidates and any new Robb added that a candid
possibilities they might come up with. nominated by anyone n
RICHARD ROBB, chairman of the
Board of Regents, said the 'interview
with the original sixhcandidates was
cancelled after the hopefuls' names
were published in the campus
newspaper, The Eastern Echo. The
Regents had tried to keep the names
confidential so that candidates' present
jobs would not be jeopardized, Robb
After the names were printed, two
candidates were disqualified following
questioning by the Regents. Later,
three more candidates withdrew from
the race. Two of the withdrawals were
conditional, however.
John Porter, state superintendent of
public instruction, said he withdrew
until staff was given more input, and
Robert Leestamper, president of.
Southeast Missouri State University,
said he withdrew because he would be
unable to assume the post until June.
Leestamper said that if the Regents
would wait until then, he would run.
ROBB SAID the interview was
cancelled since it seemed illogical to
interview only three candidates. A date
for the student and staff participation
interview has not yet been set.
According to Judy Keenen, president
of EMU's student body, the Regents
had set up an ad hoc committee to
discuss criteria for a new president.
The students participated in that
committee. "It was our understanding
from these meetings that students
would have more input," Keenan said.
Students had also complained that
the selection process had been
preplanned since Regent Timothy
Dyer, who was on the committee that
drew up the guidelines to select a
president, had been nominated for the
EMU presidency. Critics had also
complained that Dyer did not have the
qualifications for the job - teaching
and administrative experience in an
institution for higher learning.
Dyer, superintendent of the Wayne-
Westland schools, said he withdrew
from the race due to student and faculty
pressure. Robb claimed "It is not true
Regents. No Regents hav(
names for nominations.
"A Triumph ... A privilege to
review..."--The New York Times.
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From coast to coast the critics
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"Song of Solomon' covers four
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Daily Official
Saturday, January 6.197k
:1200 SAil 763-4117
Los Alamos Labs, New Mexico. Openings for
seniors, grads, in analytical, inorganic, computer
science, environ. science, econ., etc. Further details
Department of Interior. Openings for Park
Technician and Park Aid jobs on Isle Royal. Apply
through Jan. 15. Appls. and further details available.
Brookhaven National Labs. New York. Openings in
the fields of biology, chemistry, engineer., math,
medicine, etc. Students who have completed their
junior year and on up. Deadline for applying Jan. 31.
Details available.
Oak Ridge National Lab., Tennessee. Summer
Research Internship for students in math,
environmental, physical and social sciences. Apps.
deadline Jan. 15.
Ceday Pointe Live Show audition: Ann Arbor, Feb.
8. School of Music. Your big chance at show biz.
Openings for performers, musicians, technicians.
Hurry. Final notice on the summer Federal Civil
Service Exam-deadline is Jan. 12to apply.
Prof. McClendon visits Libya
Prof. E. J. McClendon of the Uni-
versity's School of Education was in
Libya, North Africa, Dec. 15 to Jan. 3 to
serve as a consultant on that country's
national program in health education,
the University announced.
497 340 001 *Creative Writing on Women's Themes 11
497 340 002 *Women's Health Care 20
497 350 001 *Women and the Community 12
497 360 001 *Psychology of Women 7
(*prerequisite is W.S. 240)