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January 06, 1979 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-01-06

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Page 2-Saturday, January 6, 1979-The Michigan Daily
' C


Church Worship Services

Foster homes

530 W. Stadium
Across from Pioneer High)
Schedule of Services:
Sunday-Bible School-9:30 a.m.
Worship-10:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday-Bible Study-7:30 p.m.
(A Bible Study for college students)
For information call 662-2756
Wilburn C. Hill and Larry Phillips,
Transportation: 662-9928
(One Block North of S. University and
236 Washtenaw Ct.
'lev. Don Postema, Pastor
10 a.m.-Service of Holy Communion.
6 p.m.-Evening Worship.


* *

serving the Campus for LCMS
Alfred T. Scheips, Pastor
511 Washtenaw Ave.
s63-5560 and 648-8720
Double Sunday Services-9=15 a.m.
and, 10:30 a.m.
* * *
120 S. State St..
(Corner of State and Huron)
Worship Schedule:
8:30 a.m.-Holy Communion in the
9:30 and 11:00 a.m.-Morning Wor-
ship in the Sanctuary.
shChurch School for All Ages-9:30
,.m. and 11 a.m.
Choir Rehearsal Thursday-7:15
Dr. Donald B. Strobe
Rev. Fred B. Maitland
Dr. Gerald R. Parker
Education Director: Rose McLean
Intern: Carol Bennington

602 E. Huron at State, 668-6881
Rev. W. Thomas Schomaker, Chaplain
Rev. Anne Broyles, Chaplain
Shirley Polakowski, Office Manager
Sunday-5:00-Song practice.
Sunday, 5:30 p.m.-Worship service
followed by shared meal.
* * *
512 E. Huron St.-663-9376
JitsuwMorikawa, Minister
Worship-10 a.m.- "Keeping Alert"
Mr. Morikawa.
11 a.m.-College Bible Study.'.
* * *
409 S. Division
Steve Bringardner, Pastor
Church School-9:45 a.m.
Service of Worship-11:00 a.m.
Time of Meeting-6:00 p.m.
* * *
Join us for Sunday'School and Worship
Packard & Stone School Road
Sunday School-9:45 a.m.
Worship-11:00 a.m.
For transportation-call 662-6253
S* * *
1432 Washtenaw Ave.-662-4466
WilliamlM. Ferry
Carl R. Geider
Graham M. Patterson
Services of Worship:
Sunday 9:30 and 11:00 a.m.
Coffee hour at 12 noon.
Student Fellowship meets at 4:00
Tuesday at 7:30 p.m.-Campus Bible
Study in the French room.

502 W. Huron
Phone: 429-2139
10:30 Sunday morning, Jan. 7-A
Morning with Robert Ingersoll..
Quote of the week :
"Banish me from Eden when you
will, but first let me eat of the fruit of
the tree of knowledge."-R.G. Inger-
331 Thompson-663-0557
Weekly Masses:
Daily-Mon.-Fri. 5:10 p.m.
Saturday-7:00 p.m.
Sunday-7:45 a.m., 9 a.m., 10:30
a. m., noon, and 5 p.m.I
North Campus Mass-9:30 a.m. at
Bursley Hall, West Cafeteria.j
Divorced Catholic Meeting Friday at
7:30 p.m.
Right of Reconciliation-4 p.m.-5
p.m. on Friday only; any other timea
by appointment.
* * *
Episcopal Campus Ministry
332 Saijth State St.
Rev-Andrew Foster, Chaplain
11:00 a.m.-Bruch and Social Hour.
12:00 noon-Celebration of the Holy
Eucharist. '
Canterbury Loft serves Episcopal-
ians at the University of Michigan .and
sponsors - piograms in the arts which
have ethical or spiritual themes.
* * *
2535 Russell Street
Sunday School-10 a.m.
Morning Worship-11 a.m.
Thursday Bible Study and Prayer-
7:00 p.m.
Sunday Evening Service, 727 Miller,
Community Room-6:00 p.m.
For spiritual help or a ride to our
services please feel free to call Pastor
Leonard Sheldon, 761-0580.
Affiliated with G.A.R.B.C.
* * *
(The Campus Ministry of the ALC-LCA)
Gordon Ward, Pastor
801 S. Forest at Hill St.
Sunday Worship at 11:00 a.m.
Sunday Bible Study at 9:15 a.m.
Midweek Worship Wednesday at
10:00 p.m.
Midweek Bible Study Thursday at
7:30 p.m.
Volume LXXXIX. No. 80
Saturday, January 6. 1979
is edited and managed by students at the University
of Michigan. News phone 764-0562. Second class
postage is paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109.
Published daily Tuesday through Sunday morning
duringhthe University year at 420 Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription rates: $12
September through April (2 semesters); $13 by mail,
outside Ann Arbor.
Summer session published Tuesday through
Saturday morning. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann
Arbor: $7.00 by mail outside Ann Arbor.

Three adult foster care homes in Ann
Arbor, all operating without license,
may be forced to close their doors later
this year as a result of court action
initiated last month by the attorney
general's office.
Judge Edward Deake of Washtenaw
County Circuit Court issued a
preliminary injunction at a Dec. 29
hearing against three adult foster care
homes owned and operated by James
Taublee. The facilities are located at
1642 Traver, 320 Larkspur, and 1119
Wright on the city's north side. The in-
junction demands that employees of the
Department of Social Services be given
access to the homes and to records con-
cerning the homes and the personal
finances of Taublee.
It also prohibits Taublee from accep-
ting any more ,residents into the
unlicensed homes, and from moving
any people currently living in the
homes to other licensed facilities.
'iI'VE BEEN DOING a good job and
I'm still doing a good job and I can
prove it," said Taublee. "I'm optimistic
that I won't be closed down." Taublee

declined to comment further.
The hearing came as a result
filed against Taublee by A
General Frank Kelley on De
temporary restraining order,
down by Judge Deake on L
prohibited the operation of the:
as adult foster care homes, pr
interference with Social Servic
tors, and required that reside
their relatives be informed
unlicensed status of the homes.
Assistant attorney genera
Brown said he plans to ask the
close the homes and move thei
ts, who are mentally retarded,
and otherwise dependent ad
licensed facilities within 20 day
court's final decision. The, t
been scheduled for March 21.
TAUBLEE ALSO faces a pos
days in jail and a $100 fine for o
the homes without a license wh
result from a criminal case brc
district court by the Washtenaw
prosecuting attorney's offic
court date is Jan. 9.
According to James Quigley,c
of adult foster care for the Dep
of Social Services, Taublee ope

may close
facility in the spring of 1975 without ob-
of a suit taining a license. Later the facility did
Attorney receive a license, which expired in
c. 15. A April 1978, according to Taublee. An
handed application to license a second foster
Dec. 18, care home was denied in early 1977, and
facilities in October 1977 the Department of
rohibited Social Services discovered that Taublee
e inspec- was operating a third facility without a
ents and license, according to Quigley.
of the Quigley added that efforts to per-
suade Taublee to license the homes
l Philip between November 1977 and May 1978
court to failed. Quigley also said that Taublee
residen- refused to allow Social Service em-
elderly, ployees to enter the foster care homes
lults, to for inspections. Eventually a court or-
ys of the der permitted inspectors to enter the
rial has homes and to interview the residents,
who were "seemingly pretty well cared
ssible 90 for," according to Quigley.
perating Brown .added, "We have no in-
uich may dications that care given the patients is
,ought to poor. There are no allegations of poor
v County care, resident abuse, or anything like
e. That that."
- The foster care homes are remaining
director open under close supervision by the
artment Department of Social Services, accor-
ned one ding to Brown.

Michigan Theater's lease ends
in March; future remains cloudy

'The Michigan Theater may soon see
its last day as a movie house. W.S. But-
terfield Theaters Inc., which owns
theaters throughout the state of
Michigan, failed last December to
renew its lease for the 1800-seat theater,
which was originally built as a
vaudeville house.
Butterfield has leased the theaterion
Liberty Street from the Angelo Poulos
Family since it was built in 1928.
Although they will continue to run the
Michigan Theater until March, Butter-

.The closer you get...
@...the better we look.
th~be MirbganBiI

'U' profs publish paper
An article by Prof. William Gamson
and Russell Stambaugh of the Univer-
sity was recently published in
Simulation & Games-an International
Journal of Theory Design and Resear-
ch, the University announced.
The paper, "The Model Underlying
SIMSOC" (Simulated Society), is an at-
tempt to fully explain the underlying
model of SIMSOC and to draw some
generalizations about its design and
Gamson is a professor of sociology
and a staff member of the Center for
Research on Social Organization.
Stambaugh is a program associate at
the Extension Gaming Service and is
currently working on a simulation of
household energy futures.

field is not willing to pay close to $65,000
that the owners are asking for the
coming year.
TWO OPTIONS are reportedly being
explored by the owners of the theater.
The structure may be leased to one
commercial tenant or the theater may
be divided into a shopping mall,
creating leasing space for several
tenants. Butterfield Theatres has ex-
pressed an interest in leasing the 450-
seat balcony area and turning it into a
smaller theater.
The company also owns the State
Theater and it is planning to renovate
it, dividing the State into four smaller
theaters. This has been a trend recently
for economic reasons. The cost of
movies and the maintenance of
theaters has become so expensive that
many theaters would be forced to close
if they did not remodel.
HOWEVER, because of the natural
beautyof the Michigan and because of
the structural soundness of the
building, another course may be taken.
The recently-created Friends of the
Michigan Theater organization is op-
posed to the creation of any cominer-
cial establishment in the movie house's
place. The group says the Michigan
would serve a much better purpose as a
site for community use while remaining
a theater. The Ann Arbor Civic Theater
is reportedly looking into thelpossibility
of leasing the theater to stage its

Although John Swisher III, realtor for
the Poulos family, refused to comment
on the reasons for the closing of the
theater, dwindling attendance does not
seem to be the reason.
When asked if the emergence of film
co-ops throughout the University
created a decline in student attendance,
* the manager of a local theater said,
"We're doing pretty good. I haven't
noticed any decline. The kids will go to
THE UNIVERSITY holds stock in
W.S. Butterfield Theaters Inc. The
University holds 25 per cent in W.S.
Butterfield stock and one-third of W.S.
Butterfield Michigan Theaters.
Norman Herbert, an investment of-
ficer in the Finance Office of University
vice-president James Brinkerhoff said,
"The impact of the closing of the
Michigan Theater on our holdings will
probably be negligible. It's really hard
to evaluate, although it is unlikely it
will have a significant effect on the ear-
nings in the company (W.S. Butter-
When asked to comment on the actual
closing of the theater, Herbert said,
"We (the University) have not become
involved. We are not involved in that
part of the management. I am talking
from a financial standpoint. I don't see
how we could become too concerned."

Bush enters presidential race


Two more reasons to get
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WASHINGTON (UPI)-Former FBI Director George
Bush yesterday authorized a campaign committee to start
raising funds for his 1980 presidential campaign-effectively
making him the fourth official Republican contender.
The former Texas GOP congressman has been actively
stumping in Iowa and New Hampshire for the past year.

Those two states hold the first caucus and primary respec-
tively in the 1980 presidential campaign.
Bush is viewed as a moderate in a Republican field
crowded by such conservatives as Ronald Reagan, Rep.
Philip Crane, former Gov. John Connally and Sen. Robert
Dole. He has already gotten support from some backers of
former President Gerald Ford.

Blues plea no threat-Daiston
(Continued from Page 1)

spending millions maintaining an ob-
solete building. Current situations truly
inhibit the practice of modern medical
care," Dalston said.
UNIVERSITY Hospital will present a
plan to the Regents later this month
outlining their-specific plans. If Regen-
ts' approval is obtained the Hospital

will then proceed to apply for a cer-
tificate of need from the state.
After the certificate is granted, the
state legislature evaluates the situation
and determines whether to grant fun-
Dalston feels that the Department of
Health will take McCabe's letter into.

consideration, but he doesn't feel it is a
direct threat due to the Blues' limited
"There is no direct organizational
relationship between the State and
Blue. I know that everyone is carefully,
evaluating the entire situation,"
Dalston said.

2 software pakettes
with purchase of a TI-58
Jan. 1- Feb. 28,1979

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Jan. 1- Feb. 28,1979

Psalms 2:1 and Acts 4:25

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TI Programmable 59. Extra savings on the most advanced
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DEFIED-I" Psalm 79:1.
Christianity Is a warfare: "Fight the good fight of faith, lay
hold on Eternal Life." 1st Timothy 2:12. When The Sword is
drawn and used, The Sword of The Spirit which is The Word
of God, somebody Is going to get hurt; that is the way in
warfare! If the Christian gets wounded, the Sun of
Righteousness will arise for him with "Healing in His Wings."
If he gets killed, he will be raised from the dead to die no
more, and enjoy Everlasting Lifel
The object of this article is to take advantage of this
Christmas season to do a little fighting, to strike a blow at
those heathen which "are come into God's inheritance and
defiling His Holy Temple: "We refer to all those who reject
The Virgin Birth and Deity of The Lord Jesus Christi The
Second Psalm identifies the heathen as those who fight and
rage against God, and His Anointed, The Lord Jesus Christ.
Probably the worst variety of heathen of all are those who
have gotten into God's inheritance, His House, His Church,
and especially in the Protestant Christian Ministry, and are
there on the Inside raging, and denying the Virgin Birth and
- .-. _" - -- a w r-.A/ asm - ari

It is the conviction and observation of this writer, and
therefore his testimony, that many, many so-called Protes-
tant Christian preachers, professors, teachers, and other
sorts of Church leaders are this type "heathen!" In fact, they
are so numerous that they have about usurped authority in
most of the great Denominations which were produced and
developed by men and women who believed The Biblical
record of the miraculous Virgin Birth of Christ, His Deity, and
"every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God"; that
DURETH FOREVER." Psalm 119:160. These heathen are
highly esteemed among men, not being recognized by most
Church people. Jesus Christ said: "That which is highly
esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God."
Consider the context in which this statement occurs: It Is
found in the 16th chapter of Luke just a few verses before The
Lord pulls back the curtain and gave us the picture of two
souls in the spirit world: One was Lazarus in Abraham's
bosom; the other was the rich man tormented In the flames of
eternal hell fire!
At this season of the year when true believers in Christ

*Pakettes do not include plug-in modules or magnetic cards.


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