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January 26, 1979 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1979-01-26

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Mutiny in the dorm
house metng, three reidents asked tobe allowed to form their ow
corridor, complete with house funds for parties and activities. Juniors
PalCasto, Brett Sellers, and Dave Angood live in a triple suite con-
verted from a resident director's room. They are considered a part of
the 66-67 corridors even though they live in 6501, the only 65-numbered
*room in the building."We have legitimate reasons for the request. We
were never contacted for anything, including house dues," Casto ex-
plained. The motion was tabled, however.
Sex ed.
504 enthusiastic students rush breathlessly to the Nat. Sci.
auditorium three days per week.The course? None other than Human
Sexuality 123, which has one of the highest enrollments in the LSA this
term. Several sexuality students have observed that the auditorium is
unusually warm during the not so intimate class gathering, but
Biology Professor John Allen, course lecturer, says that it "has
nothing to do with the topic."
East Quad's Halfway 'Inn apparently just isn't ready for the new
wave of rock. The Ann Arbor-based Infidels have been banned from
performing at the popular Inn, lead guitarist Larry Newman ex-
plaied, because the management claims that "the place was trashed
up by audiences during past shows." According to Newman, the group
was never warned about its audiences, and security deposits had
always been returned. Halfway Inn manager Judy Stone was not
available for comment. Newman complains, "We just don't under-
stand this action. We put on a high-energy show and the staff of the Inn
seems to feel that we attract such a rowdy criwd that we should be
Take ten
Nudity on stage was an emotional issue ten years ago, as politics
raged over the production of "Dionysus in '69," a modern adaptation
of Euripides' Greek classic 'The Bacchae." The ten-member cast of
the production was photographed and fingerprinted after a perfor-
mance in the Union Ballroom on Jan. 26, 1969. The cast members were
released on personal recognizance, but City Police Chief Walter
Krasny said he would seek arrest warrants the next morning on
charges of indecent exposure during two nude scenes performed
before an overflow crowd of students and faculty. d
Crowd crams CRISP
Long lines and waits of more than an hour characterized the last
day for LSA drop-add at CRISP yesterday. Hundreds of students
flocked to the Old Architecture and Design Building for what has
become a traditional last-day rush. Students wishing to drop courses
now will be assessed fees, and any adds must be approved through
departmental channels. Long CRISP delays are apparently relative,
however. Natural Resource senior Thomas Drake beamed, "Usually
when I get here, the computer breaks down. Today it looks good."
A-V series-In a Class By Himself, 12:10p.m., Aud., SPH II.
Cinema Guild- Easy Pieces, 7,9:05 p.m., Old Arch. Aud.
Mediatrics-New York Erotic Film Festival, 7, 8:30, 10, 11:30
p.m., Nat. Sci.
Ann Arbor Film Co-op-Start The Revolution Without Me, 7, 10:20
p.m., and Quakser Fortune Has A Cousin in the BrOnx, 8:40 p.m., MLB
Aud. 3.
Gargoyle Films-Hitchcock's Notorious, 7, 9 p.m., 100 Hutchins
Alternative Action-It's A Wonderful Life, 7 p.m., Mr. Deeds Goes
to Town, 9:15 p.m., MLB Aud. 4.
Couzens Films-Murder By Death, 8, 10:15 pm., Couzens

Musical Society-Paul Taylor Dance Company, 8:00 p.m., Power
WCBN Benefit-Janico Renezvous Band, Flirt Cult Heroes, 8:00
p.m., Union Ballroom.
Scandinavian Colloquium-"Urban Renewal in Copenhagen,"
noon, 5208 Angell Hal.
Center for South, Southeast Asian Studies-Margaret Kartomi,
"Music of the Madailing (Sumatra)," noon, Lane Hall Commons
Center for South, Southeast Asian Studies-Chandra Agrawal,
"Issues in Technology in South Asia," 3:00 p.m., Lane Hall Room 200.
College of Engineering-Marty Auer, "Ecological Studies and
Mathematical Modeling for the Control of Gladophora in The Great
Lakes," 3:30 p.m., Room 185, Engineering 1-A.
College of Engineering-Nuclear Seminar, 3:45 p.m., White Aud.,
Cooley Building.
Psychology-William Davidson, "Experimental Social In-
novation: The Model and Its Application," 4:00 p.m., 447 Mason Hall.
Wholistic Health Student Group-Steve Harrigan, "Psi Chi
Chuan: An Art of Life," 7:30 p.m., Wesley Lounge, 602 E. Huron.
East Quad-Tom Fox, "Blackjacking the Power Structure through
Community Organization," 7:30 p.m., Room 126, East Quad.
Kelsey Museum-Oleg Grabar, ''Classical Past and Islamic
Present," 8:00 p.m., Angell Aud. A.
Guild House-Maureen O'Rourke, "Women and Career Choices:
Issues in the 1980's,"noon luncheon, Guild House, 802 Monroe.
Hillel Foundtion-Orthodox Minyan, 5:15 p.m., conservative
Minyan, 8:00 p.m., Hillel, 1429 Hill St.
MHTP-Art Print Sale Benefit, 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., Union Lobby,

The Michigan Daily-Friday, January 26, 1979-Page 3


Pope arrives in Santo

By AP and Reuter
Republic - Pope John Paul II knelt to
kiss the Dominican soil yesterday as he
started his "mission to spread the
gospel" in a week-long Latin American
During his flight here from Rome, the
pope entered the cockpit of the Alitalia
DC-10 to chat briefly with President
Carter over a crackling radio circuit.
He greeted Carter as the plane flew
over Puerto Rico, but the conversation
was cut off because of poor connections,
Vatican officials accompanying the
pontiff reported.
AT SANTO Domingo, the pope step-
pedfrom the door of the jetliner, smiled

and spread his arms wide as he walked
down the steps of the plane onto this
Caribbean island.
"The pope wants his mission to be one
of spreading the gospel. That is why I
decided to arrive here following the
route that, at the tine of the discovery
of the New World, was established by
the first missionaries," the pontiff said
in Spanish during his airport address.
The main purpose of his journey is to
open the Latin American bishop's con-
ference i tMexico, and he will fly to
Mexico City today.
THE WIFE OF Cuba's best-known
political prisoner, Huber Matus,
yesterday sought the intervention of the
pope to ensure the life and liberty of
Cuban political prisoners.

China. to surrender
money to capitalists

Maria Luisa Matos, in an adver-
tisement in a Dominican newspaper,
said that despite Cuban promises to
free some 3,000 prisoners, including her
husband, she believed the Havana
government was studying ways to
avoid releasing them.
'The pope wants his mis-
sion to be one of spread-
ing the gospel. That is
why I decide d to arrive
here following the route
that . . . was established
by the first missionaries.'
-Pope John Paul II
As the 58-year-old pontiff stepped on-
to the Dominican island discovered by
Christopher Columbus, he knelt tokiss
the ground before greeting President
Antonio Guzman.
THOUSANDS cheered as he was
driven in an open car along the 18-mile
route from Las Americas Airport to the
Santo Domingo cathedral, the oldest
cathedral in the New World. Many
waved Vatican and Dominican flags
and held up pictures of the Polish-born
In a welcoming speech, the head of
the Dominican church, Cardinal Oc-
.tavio Beras, said the country had for
centuries been the booty of "the
economic and political ambitions of the
great powers and all-powerful groups."

IT IS JOHN PAUL'S first trip outside
Italy since his election Oct. 16.
Continuing to break protocol and
tradition, the pontiff surprised jour-
nalists aboard his jet by walking back
to their compartment as soon as the
seatbelt sign was turned off on the flight
from Rome.
In an 80-minute conversation on the
plane, John Paul said that he will visit
the United States and France and that
he intends to use "spiritual and moral
persuasion". to solve conflicts and avoid
war. On Wednesday, the Vatican an-
nounced the pope would personally
mediate a territorial dispute between
Argentina and Chile.
HE TOLD repprters he had discussed
prospects for world peace Wednesday
during his two-hour session with Soviet
Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko and
welcomed any criticism from com-
munist officials.
When asked to confirm reports that
he planned to address the U.N. Generl.
Assembly in New York City later this
year, the pope replied, "I suppose it will
be necessary.. The time .has not been
set." The General Assembly opens in
207 East Ann
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
8 Week Session Starts Jan. 29-$30.
Monday-Wednesday-6-8 p.m.
Saturday-i10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Call 769-4321

Peking (Reuter) - China will return
money and property seized from for-
mer capitalists during the Cultural
Revolution, the New China News Agen-
cy (NCNA) said yesterday.
The dramatic policy switch was seen
as a further move to ensure cooperation
in China's modernization program by
people with commercial and industrial
expertise. .
IT ALSO appeared to be a signal to
Chinese abroad, particularly in
Taiwan, that capitalists would get a fair
deal in the new China.
Former businessmen and in-
dustrialists, grouped together under the
term "national bourgeoisie" will also
receive back pay owed to them since
their wages were cut at the start of the
Cultural Revolution in 1966, NCNA said.
The agency said the announcement
was made by Communist Party
Politiburo member Ulanhu at a
meeting last Monday in Peking, atten-
ded by some "200 of the largest
capitalists and leading members of
democratic parties."
THE NATIONAL bourgeoisie would
"recover huge sums in bank deposits
and property confiscated... during
the great Cultural Revolution," the
news agency said.
Most of the money had originally
been paid to the China's capitalists
when the government bought up their
enterprises after the Communist
vistory in 1949.
As usual, the late Defense Minister
Lin Pao and the purged "Gang of Four"
extremist leaders were blamed - this
l &dI Official Bulletin
Daily Calendar:
Guild House: Soup and sandwich .75ยข luncheon,
Maureen O''Rourke "Women and Career Choices;
Issues in the 1980's," 802 Monroe, noon..
Center South/Southeast Asian Studies: Margaret
Kartomi, Nonash-U., Australia, "Music of the Man-
dailing (Sumatra)," Commons Rm., Lane Hall,
noon; Chandra Agrawal, "Issues in Techn ology in
South Asia, 200 Lane Hall, 3 p.m.
Psychology: William Davidson, MSU., "Ex-
perimental Social Innovation: The Model and Its Ap-
plication," 447 Mason Hall, 4 p.m.
Astronomy/Physics: K. Yoss, U-Illinois, "Stellar
Composition at the Galactic Poles," 807 Dennison, 4
p.m.; B. Savit, "Duality in Field Theory and
Statistical Systems," 2038 Randall Lab., 2 p.m.

time for persecuting the "national
bourgeoisie" and their children and
repriving them of their legal rights.
NCNA QUOTED Ulanhu as saying all
private homes would be returned to
their owners, while the talents of for-
mer capitalists should be used and ap-
propriate titles granted to them.
"No discrimination is allowed again-
st their children with regard to ad-
mission to the (Communist) Party, the
Communist Youth League and schools
and employment," NCNA said.
"These measures were well received
by all atending the discussion," the
agency added.
It quoted Ulanhu as saying bank
deposits, state bonds, gold and silver
and other personal belongings of many
of the capitalists had been confiscated
during the Cultural Revolution.
"MOST OF THE confiscated bank
savings consisted of interest paid by the
state in line with the buying-out policy
and the bulk of personal belongings
taken away were means of livelihood.
"These were all legitimate incomes
and private property protected by the
constitution. Taking them away was no
proletarian policy. It was uncon-
stitutional," the agency quoted Ulanhu
as saying.
NCNA quoted Ulanhu as having ad-
ded that some confiscated bank savings
and personal property had been retur-
ned over the last few years but that a
considerable amount still had to be
returned, mainly in Shanghai and other
large and medium cities.
In view of this, he said, the party Cen-
tral Committee had decided that con-
fiscated bank savings - whatever the
amount - should be returned im-
mediately with interest at bank rates. If
the accountholder was dead, the spouse
would get the money, he was quoted as
volume LxxXIX, No. 97
Friday, January 26, 1979
is edited and managed by students at the University
of Michigan. News phone 764-0562. Second class
postage is paid at Ann Arbor. Michigan 48109.
Published daily Tuesday through Sunday morning
during the University year at 420 Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription rates: $12
September through April t2 semesters); $13 by mail.
outside Ann Arbor.
Summer session published Tuesday through
Saturday morning. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann
Arbor; $7,00 by mail outside Ann Arbor.

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A W man,
" a woman, _
a murder
" could do 'rt.
The Ann Arbor Film Cooperative presents at MLB
(Bud Yorkin, 1970) 7 & 10:20 -MLB 2
Gene Wilder's funniest role is in this spoof of swashbucklers. Wilder and
Donald Sutherland play dual roles as two sets of twins mixed up at birth-
one set grows up artistocrat, the other peasant. Their accidental but simul-
taneous presence at the court of Louis XVI years later causes such riotous
confusion that the French Revolution is almost averted! "A mad affectionate
tribute to every historical melodrama you ever saw."-LA. TIMES. With
Orson Wells.


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