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January 26, 1979 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-01-26

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See editorial page

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See Today for details

Vol. LXXXIX, No. 97 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, January 26, 1979 Ten Cents Ten Pages

ear loss
of space
n Union
Staffers for three arts programs in
the Union are afraid their programs
may be eliminated from the building af-
ter a task force reassesses the Union's
services this winter.
Staff members from the Union
Gallery, the Pendleton Room, and the
Artists and Craftsmen Guild say they
fear their spots in the Union may be
meeting, the board decided to transfer
control of the Union from its present
directors to the Office of Student Ser-
vices (OSS), headed by Vice-President
Henry Johnson.
Proponents of the move hope the
transfer will* provide a more student-
oriented facility..
A series of recommended changes for
the building' were made in the Sturgis
Report-submitted to the Regents last
November. A task force, to be named
by Johnson, is slated to complete an in-
depth study of the Union sometime in
April, recommending how to im-
plement the Sturgis Report.
THE COMMITTEE, which will in-
clude 20 to 25 members, will probably
be named sometime next week, accor-
ding to Johnson.
The Sturgis Report recommended the
gallery, located on the first floor,
merge with the Pendleton Room on the
second floor. The open space would be
used for a student lounge.
See UNION, Page 7
" To see how everyone else got
along on the basketball courts
last night, check the Big Ten
Roundup on Page 9.
" If you just can't keep from
shaking during midterms, Prof.
James Papsdorf runs a program
which might calm you down. See
story, Page 2.,


Carter seeks
$5 million for
standb draf

Doily Photo by CYRENA CHAN
MEMBERS OF THE Ohio-based Farm Labor Organizing Committee came to Ann Arbor yesterday to push their boycottc
Cainpbell's and Libby's foods. The farm workers, along with local supporters, picketed outside the Broadway Kroger's stor


of Ohio went on strike, demanding better housing, a guara
teed minimum wage of $325 per hour medical coverage. an

WASHINGTON (AP) - President
Carter is asking Congress to pump $5
million into the standby draft-system to
meet the Pentagon's "worst case"
requirement for enough men to fight a
sudden, bloody war in Europe.
But White House officials say that is
only a first step and not Carter's final
decision on new efforts to resurrect
draft registration - if not the draft it-
self - that are expected to be taken up
early in the new session of Congress.
The push for reworking the draft
system comes amid studies that show
the present system could not turn out
4G enough soldiers quickly in the event of a
of European war in which thousands of
'e" GIs are killed.
SENATE ARMED Services Chair-
man John Stennis, (D-Miss.), says the
only answer is to bring back the draft
because the all-volunteer force cannot
supply the technicians that the military
Pentagon officials including Gen.
David Jones, chairman of' the Joint
Cheifs of Staff, favor renewal of draft
registration to create a pool of people
n- who could be drafted fast in a sudden
ns war.
rs The latest draft registration ad-
vocate Army Secretary Clifford
ly Alexander, said last week that women
should also be registered. He wouldn't
ssay whether he thinks women should be
w drafted for combat.
A FOURTH OPTION is to draft
m people into the military reserves and
p create a trained force to send into a
sudden war.
ct No one knows yet how far Carter and
he Congress will go.
s, But the betting is between improving
the present standby system or bringing
tm back only draft registration, not the
to draft itself.
FOR ONE THING, Stennis is the only

influential leader calling for renewal of
,the peacetime draft. For another,
neither Carter nor most congressmen:
want to antagonize young voters if they:
don't have to.
Some congressional experts who:
want more done predict privately that
Carter's decision will be to keep the
draft system on standby.
The problem is that right now the:
standby draft can't move fast enough to
meet the Pentagon's requirement,
based on a "worst case" sudden non-
nuclear var in Europe, that the standby
Selective Service System supply the
first draftees in 30 days, 100,000 draf-
tees in two months, and 650,000 draftees
in six months.
THE SELECTIVE Service, with a
skeleton staff of 92 people, would have
to move that quickly from a standing
Its present plan is to set up draft of-
fices in three days and withint 15 days,
use state election machinery to conduct
a mass one-day registration of more
than four million young people. It would
conduct a draft lottery in 20 days and'
mail out draft notices in 28 days.
But Carter's federal reorganization
experts say test runs last fall showed it
would take Selective Service possibly 58
days to do that - and at least eight to 10
months to supply the 650,000 draftees.
PENTAGON officials and the House
Armed Services Committee say
renewal of draft registration and 'the'
draft lottery is needed to meet the Pen
tagon manpower requirement. The
House committee concluded last year
that 18-year-olds should be registered,
,assigned draft priority numbers by lot-
tery and classified by draft status.
That way, the Selective Service
System would have only to mail out
draft notices to supply the 100,000 draf-
tees m two months and 650,000 in six

. Undaunted by the ¢cold wind and temperature, over 50
placard-carrying members and backers of the Farm Labor
Organizing Committee (FLOC) picketed a local Kroger store
yesterday afternoon to focus local attention on the FLOC's
boycott of Campbell's and Libb 'S food products.
..The FLOC has called for an international boycott against
these companies, claiming they exploit farmworkers by
refusing to negotiate with them over wages and working con-
MEMBERS OF THE Ann Arbor FLOC Sdpport Group
joined 30 migrant workers, carrying placards denouncing
Libby's and Campbell's, and distributing literature to
customers as they entered the Broadway Street store.
According to FLOC President Baldemar Velasquez, the
boycott is intended to bring pressure on the companies so
they will begin negotiations with the farmworkers. Besides
the boycott, the FLOC plans to go on strike during the harvest
period in August.
In early August of 1978, farmworkers in the tomato fields

4G U11111 11WiGV p.G: l1VU , 11 l:1G Y I ,.Q
the right to participate in the annual contract negotiation
between the growers and the canneries, FLOC membe
THE UNION LEADER said workers are present
working on publicizing the boycott.
" We are active in 50 cities around the country," Velasque
said. "We are planning how to structure the boycott and hog
to better organize the FLOC for the best effect on it.
"We are also working in cooperation with other farr
groups, like Cesar Chavez's United Farm Workers; who su
port us entirely," he added.
Valasquez said the boycott may not economically affe
the companies. But, by making the customers aware of ti
situation, pressure can be brought upon the food producer
he said.
' "IF THE COMPANIES start getting letters fro
customers supporting the farmworkers, they will startt
listen more closely to what we say," he claimed.
' See LIBBY'S. Page 7



" On Page 7 is a listing of the
week's movies.Plan ahead.
" Harvey Wasserman .writes
about nuclear energy on the
editorial page today, Page 4.
Read the Today
column, Page 3

to Iran delayed.

By AP and Reuter
Ayatullah Ruhollah Khomeini raged
against the "ftreacherous" Iranian
government of Shahpour Bakhtiar
yesterday for blocking his triumphal
homecoming and vowed to return to
Iran as soon as the country's airports
are reopened, possibly Sunday.
This contradicted earlier Associated
Press reports that Khomeini had
agreed to postpone his return for three
weeks at the request of Bakhtiar.
AFTER A WEEK of relative quiet
during which Khomeini seemed to

refrain from attacking Bakhtiar, the
spiritual leader of the Iranian uprising
met with about 1,000 of hi followers,
accused the shah-appointed gover-
nment of "treason" and predicted its
The exiled Moslem leader's plan to
fly home tonight with his family, en-
tourage and 150 journalists was check-
mated by the government-ordered
closing of Iran's airports for 72 hours.
Khomeini aides said the ayatullah
would fly home Sunday night unless the
See KHOMEINI, Page 7

zaps MSU
time l0eft
"I think everybody got their
money's worth tonight."
Yes, Johnny Orr, that's one
way to put the insanity ,that hit
Crisder Arena last .night. Keith '
Smith's absolutely clutch.free
throw with no time left .giving
Michigan a 49-48 heart-stopper
victory. over Michigan State's
Spartans was emblematic of a
few other things, too.
EVEN THOUGH Michigan has
four losses in Big Ten play,
Smith's free throw has given a
breath of life to what had been a
rapidly sinking Wolverine ship.
At the same time, it plunged the
visiting Spartans into a deep
depression despite the fact that
MSU possesses one less loss than
the Wolverines in the Big Ten.
But back to the game. Smith
was able to perform the hero's;
role when with time running out he
threw up a desperation shot over
See SMITH'S, Page 9

MSA seeks longer bus hours

North Campus residents now for-
ced to return early from the library and
parties, will be staying out later if
University administrators appropriate
funds for extending the North Campus
bus service hours.
Richard Pace, chairman of the
Michigan Student Assembly (MSA)
special committee on North Campus
transportation, said for the sake of the
safety and convenience of North Cam-
pus residents. the administration ought
to fund the extra bus hours.
BASED ON conversations with
University administrators, Pace said

he thought chances for an extension of
bus service were good, although he had
no idea when it might begin.
The University extended the
operating hours of the North Campus
buses on- an experimental basis from
Nov. 13 through Dec. 15, 1978.
Hours were extended to 3:15 a.m. on
weekends and 2:30 a.m. week nights.
Regular bus hours end at 12:30 a.m.
week nights, 12:15 on Sundays, and 1:30
on Saturday. Extra buses were also
scheduled for the last football Satur-
day, along with an early bus for nursing
students at 6:45 a.m.
Pace met with John Ellsworth,

manager of University transportation
services, earlier this week to negotiate
extending the North Campus bus ser-
vices permanently. According to Pace,
Ellsworth said he didn't -have enough
money in the current budget to cover
the extra costs.
Ellsworth was generally supportive
of the plan, Pace said, and they agreed
to look into the matter further.
-Ellsworth could not be reached for
Pace set up a meeting with Interim
President Allan Smith Tuesday to
discuss funding for the bus services. If
See STUDENTS, Page 2

Drily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG
INTENSITY WAS THE WORD for last night's Big Ten basketball game between
Michigan and Michigan State at Crisler Arena. It can be seen in the face of
Michigan's Mike McGee (40) as he leaps for a ball that has been tipped out of
his reach by Spartan Ron Charles (15). Michigan won the game 49-48 with zero
time left on the clock.

U' plans increased minority recruitment efforts

Concerned about. dwindling minority
enrollment and the University's repeated
failure to meet a 10 per cent black enrollment
goal set in 1970, the Office of Undergraduate
Admissions is attempting to reach more

Enrolled minority students are asked to
submit the names of friends and relatives who
might .need some encouragement from the
Admissions Office. The office then hopes to call
prospective students and urge them to apply.
The Admissions Office has never before at-
tempted this type of person-to-person ap-

"When the letters hit, I think
we are really going to see a
Lynn4 resnvns.P I think we 'll be

not been higher than 7.2 per cent. Last year,
black enrollment declined to 6.6 per cent.
Commenting on these statistics, Robinson
said, "Obviously we have fallen far short of the .
10 per cent black enrollment committment, but
nevertheless, it continues to be a goal."

In another effort Ito increase minority
enrollment, the Admissions Office has been
sending representatives out-of-state to prin-
cipal cities, including Atlanta, Philadelphia
and Houston. These representatives par-
ticipate in mass gatherings with other college
representatives for interested students.

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