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The Michigan Daily-Thursday, January 25, 1979-Page 3
u1. prices
WASHINGTON (AP) - California's
tax-cutting Proposition 13 helped slow
inflation in December, but cdnsumer
prices still rose nine per cent during
1978, the second biggest leap in 30
years, the government reported
The Labor Department also reported
that a typical. American wage-earner
fell behind in the race to keep up with
inflation in 1978, as workers' real
buying power declined 3.4 per cent on
the average during the year.
The inflation rate for the year, fueled
by sharp increases for food, housing
and medical care; was the highest since
a 12.2 per cent rise in 1974, when the
economy was reacting to soaring price
hikes for imported oil.
take jump
FOOD PRICES were up 11.6 per cent
in 1978, housing' costs 9.9 per cent and
medical care 8.8 per cent. The year's
biggest bargain was clothing, which
' rose only two per cent.
Excluding 1974, the last time con-
sumer prices rose as much as nine per
cent in a year was 1947. Prices rose 6.8
per cent in 1977, but wage earners in-
creased their buying power in that
The Labor Department said Califor-
nia's sharp property tax cut was a
major factor in holding December's
consumer price rise to 0.6 per cent -
equal to an annual inflation rate of
nearly 7.5 per cent. Consumer prices
rose 0.5 per cent in November.
Sam off essay contest
Those who enter the "Why Are
They Afraid of Joel Samoff" con-
test can get a chance to win the
socialist board game, "Class.
Struggle." Participants are
asked to describe in 25 words or
less why they are afraid of Joel
Samoff. A few helpful hints are.
that Samoff, a Political Science
professor, won the 1978
Distinguished Service award, is
active in many campus issues,
has wide support among studen-
ts, faculty, and staff, and is a
Marxian political economist in a
very quantitative department.
All entries for the contest, spon-
sored by the Samoff Student Sup-
port Committee, should be sub-
mitted to the LSA Student Gover-
nment Office by Feb. 16, and the
winners will be announced on the
Fri., Jan.26
AP Photo
A LONELY, English double-decker bus cruises Liberty Street in search of
Double-decker buses
lr er
0 o in orr l ems
Soup and Sandwiches 75C
Maureen O'Rourke -
U of M Women's Program Coord.
84 Manroe
Sam off
802 Monroe
Happenings \
A-V Services - In a Class... All By Himself, 12:10 p.m., Aud., SPH
Mediatrics - iy Fair Lady, 6:45, 9:30 p.m., Assembly Hall,
Ann Arbor Film Co-op - Middle of the World, 7p.m., The Wonderful
Crook, 9 p.m., Aud. A, Angell.
Alternative Action - A Boy and His Dogg, 7,.9 p.m. Nat. Sci. Aud.
Cinema Guild - Woman in the Dunes, 7, 9:20 p.m., Old Arch..
Residential College - Residential College Composers, musicians,
noon, Pendleton Room.
Studio Theatre - Mrozek's Enchanted Night , 4:10 p.m., Arena
Theatre, Frieze Building.
Guild House - Poetry Reading, Genghis, Ron Taylor, Jim Grondin,
7:30, 802 Monroe.f
Eva-Jessye Afro-American Music series - "An Evening of Robert
Owens Song Cycles", 8 p.m., School of Music Recital Hall.
Natural Resources Club / Wildlife Society / SAF - Bill Lawrence,
Weyerhauser, Wood Producing Company, "Wildlife Management",
noon, Room 1040 Dana.
ISMRRD - Ralph Rupp, "Measurement of Perceptual Performan-
ce in Children", 3:30 p.m., 130 S. First St.
Geology and Mineralogy - Professor E. William Heinricli, Mineral
Deposits and Geopolitics of Namibia," 4 p.m., 4001 C. C. Little.
Intervarsity Christian Fellowship - Denny Brogan, "Our Role in
God's Work Worldwide", 7 p.m., Conference Room 1, 2, 3, Union. .
Law School and MSA - Judge William C. Hagve, Detroit Recorders
Court, "Enforcement of Prostitution and Gun Control Laws in
Detroit", 7:30 p.m., Room 116 Hutchins Hall.-
Chemistry - S. Hanessian, Universite de Montreal, "Synthetic
Design with Chiral Templates", 8 p.m., 1300 Chemistry Building.
Germanic Languages, Literatures - Timo Tiusanen, University of
Helsinki, "Durrenmatt's 'The Visit': A Modern Classis", 8 p.m., West
Conference Room, Rackham.
Medical Center Bible Study - 12:30 p.m., No. F2230 Mott Children's
Michigan Economic Society -5 p.m., 301 Economics Building.
Michigan Student Assembly - Mass meeting, "Volunteers for Drug
Help", 7:30, Conference Room 4, Union..
Alcoholics Anonymous - staff, patients, community members, 8:30
p.m., N2815 University Hospital.
Adventure World - European student tour company, discussion of
organization and tours by representative, noon, International Center.
International Night - Israeli menu, 5 p.m., League cafeteria.
Peace Corps and VISTA - Volunteers on campus to discuss various
opportunities. Interested students should call 763-1363, Career Plan-
ning and Placement for an appointment.
LSA-SG - Interviewing for college communities on Saturday,
January 20. Applications available at 4003 Michigan Union. Call LSA-
SG at 763-4799 or 663-2139 for further information.
For the past six months, a touch of
England has been traveling through the
streets of Ann Arbor. Since July 1978,
three bright red double-decker buses
have been searching for passengers in
The three buses have had little public
response except for an occasional
second glance. Jan Van Hull, chief
operating officer for the First Martin
Corporation, a real estate development
firm which supplies the buses to the
city, says the problem stems from a
lack of communication.'
THE MAJOR questions that people
have include how much does it cost,
where or when to pick up the buses,
where do they go, and why the buses
are even here in Ann Arbor, Van Hull
said. She and her associates feel that if
they could get their message across,
the buses would do very well.
"We're going to develop different tac-
tics on promotion and advertising in or-
der to increase our ridership," said Van
Hull. This week, bus step signs were put
up around Ann Arbor so people will
know where the buses stop. Van Hull
said they might' start to distribute
flyers about the buses around town.
The buses were purchased by Ann
Arbor Tomorrow, a local organization
concerned with downtown
revitalization. It bought the buses from
a British promotions company in
McLean, Virginia.
"We turned the management of the
buses over to the First Martin Cor-
poration in November because *we
thought a larger business office could
operate the buses better," said Diane
Gutterman, head of pilanning and
research for Ann Arbor TomorrQw.
not run to earn a profit, but were bought
Daily Official IBulletin
Thursday. January 2. 1979
Daily Calendar
Physics/Astronomy: H. D. L. Abarbanel, Fermi-
lab, "Application of the Renormalization Group to
the Theory of Turbulence" 2038 Randal Lab., 4p.m.
Guild House: Poetry Readings, Genhis, Ron
Taylor and Jim Grondin reading from their works.
802 Monroe, 7:30 p.m.
Chemistry: S. Hanessian, U-de Montrea
"Synthetic Design with Chiral Templates," 130u
Chem., 8 p.m.-
Germanic Languages/Literatures: Timo
Tiusanen, U-Helsinki, "Durrenmatt's 'The Visit': A
Modern Classic," W. Conf. Rm., Rackham;,8 p.m.
"with the intention of providing a dif-
ferent type of transportation to the
people of Ann Arbor and also in hopes of
linking together the shopping areas
around town," said Van Hull.
The double-decker buses cost a dime
to ride. "It's pretty cheap compared to
other transportation in Ann Arbor,"
said Van Hull.
These towering buses can be char-
tered by anyone for two hours at a time
for $50 an hour. "But they can't go for
long distances because the buses don't
reach really high speeds," says Van
Hull. The buses' maximum speed is 38
miles per hour.
"IT'S MUCH cheapre than Dial-A-
Ride and the bus drivers are really
friendly," said Kathy Conley, 19, a
student who rides the buses to work
'twice a week.
Gene Greer said he has been saying
"Have a nice day," since he started
driving the double-decker buses in July.
"I get lonely sometimes but it's
something you don't mind doing - at
least, I don't mind, and during football
season I had 70-80 people riding in the
bus, but I had to make four trips for
them all," Greer said.'
The general route of the buses exten-
ds from the South University shopping
district to the Main Street shopping
area. On Saturdays, the buses extend
their route to include Farmer's Market,
They travel through their route every
15 minutes Monday-Friday 10 a.m. to 4
p.m., and Saturday from 9 a.m. until 3
p.m. The buses don't run on Sundays.
The buses are financed through ad-
vertising revenue from Ann Arbor
merchants whose messages appear on
the outside of the buses.
The initial cost of the three buses was
between $33,000 and $36,000. The funds
needed to buy the buses were raised in a
pool by all the local Ann Arbor banks.
~Ct c0
Happy Hour until 6p.m.
(Sunday thru Thursday) Closed Mondays
611 Church St., near S. University 995-59
January 29th (Saturdag)
2nd Floor Concourse of West Quad
11 am-5 pm
Watercolors, Oils, Pen & Ink and Other Mediums
Live Entertainment & Refreshments
Volume LXXXIX, No.96
Thursday, January 25,1979
is edited and managed by stude~ts at the University
of Michigan. News phone 764-0562. Second class
postage. is paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109.
Published daily Tuesday through Sunday morning
during the University year at 420 Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription rates: $12
September through April (2 semesters r $13 by mail.
outside Ann Arbor.
Summer session published Tuesday through
Saturday morning. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann
Arbor; $7 t(Mby mail outside Ann Arbor.
you h jthe
aeciion ?
yeah, Mkey.'
Thy par y oer!
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Hiroshi Teshigahara
(3 .
Wild times overfor Mickey
Mickey Mouse was spared disgrace earlier this week when the
Supreme Court ruled against bawdy comic book producers using
Disney characters. The justices let stand a lower court ruling that said
Walt Disney Production's copyrights were infringed upon by three
"counter-culture" comic books. Mickey and other popular cartoon
characters were portrayed in uncharacteristic activities such as
having sex, swearing, and taking drugs.
Hail to the Girl Scouts?
Loyal Michigan fans who regard "The Victors" as a sacred hymn
may be surprised to discover that the song has been appropriated for
commercial purposes by no less of an American institution than trig
Girl Scouts. The Huron Valley Girl Scout Council, as part of its an-
nual cookie-selling project, has prepared a booklet of songs which
combine well-run tunes with lyrics changed to Girl Scout Cookies
propaganda. Thesbooklet, entitled "Cookie Disco" includes the song,
which was submitted by a fledgling Girl Scout songwriter. Sung to the
tune of "The Victors", the song's lyrics include, "Hail! to the granola
ennkie Hail! tn the n pant htter patties: Hil !Hil! tn iH grn,1Scu
A man is kidnapped in the desert and thrown into a deep pit, to live and,
what else, dig sand with a quiet enigmatic woman who has never seen the
outside worlds. Sand becomes the universal metaphor in this visually erotic
film. (Japanese with subtitles)
Saturdgy: BILLY JACK '
7:00 8 9:20
urn El
The Ann Arbor Film Coopersfive presents at Aud A
(Alain Tanner, 1974) 7 only-AUD A
Tanner's story of a love affair between a Swiss politician and an Italian
waitress takes the materials of a classic femme fatale tragedy and refashions
thgm into an erotic tale of the growth of a woman's consciousness. "One of
the very few intelligent films about passion . . . one of the very best films
about eroticism."-Penelope Gilliatt. In French, with subtitles.
(Claude Goretta, 1975) 9 only-AUD A
A pleasant ht srritly troabled fail m en (GFRA1 n (fcOAI fl flDADVi1. ...