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See Editorial Page
High-uppers 20s
See Today for Details
Vol. LXXXIX, No. 91 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, January 19, 1979 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
on hotel to switch
orm under OSS
plan: most
The University Regents yesterday
passed a resolution by a 7-0 vote to
allow hospital administrators to submit
to the state a certificate of need for the
$254 million Hospital Replacement
James Waters (D-Muskegon) was
absent for the vote.
Allan Smith praised the move, as did
the regents and administrators.
"This is an historic day. This is
unquestionably the largest capital
project we have ever been engaged in,"'
Smith said.
Construction on the project is slated
to begin in August, 1980 and is expected
to be completed in six years.
THE PROJECT, estimated last mon-
th to cost $309 million, was cut by $53
million when hospital planners decided
less space is needed.
The bulk of the money will be spent on
the construction of new facilities direc-
tly north of Main Hospital. The total
cost of the new building is estimated at
Other expenditures in the program
include over $36 million for new equip-
ment, $23 million for renovation of
existing facilities, $22 million for
demolition and site preparation, and
$10 million for renovation and equip-
ment purchases for St. Joseph Hospital,
which was purchaued by the University
in 1977.
The major source of funding for the
project is the state - which is expected
to give $200 million. Hospital revenues
will provide $34 million, and $20 million
will come from private philanthropy.
HOSPITAL Director JepthaDalston
said he was asked by state officials to
postpone submitting a request for the
funds until the certificate of need has
See HOSPITAL, Page 7
The University Regents
passed a resolution yesterday
which will create 137 more
dormitory spaces from hotel
rooms in the Michigan Union.
Students will occupy the cham-
bers in September.
The vote in favor of the
measure was 7-1, with DeaneI
Baker (R-Ann Arbor) voting
against it.
The board also unanimously
passed a resolution turning
over the responsibilities for the
Union from the Michigan Union-
Board of Directors to the Office
of Student Services (OSS),
headed by Vice-President
Henry Johnson.
OVER 60 STUDENTS present loudly
applauded following the two votes.
Many of them had been involved in lob-
bying the Regents (see related story).
The 93 hotel rooms will be renovated
at a cost of $219,700. The money will be
provided by Housing Reserves. No star-
ting date has been set for the room
TWELVE OTHER hotel rooms will
still be used for guests.
Johnson said additional spaces will
have no effect on dormitory rates.
The same proposals were recom-
mended to the Regents last month, but
the board tabled the resolution until it
could get more information. The role of
the Union has been questioned for
several years by administrators,
regents, and former Universityc
President Robben Fleming. The majorI
concern has most often been thel
Union's failure as a "student center."
A NINE-MONTH study on the
Union's facilities-The Sturgis
Report-was presented to the Regents
in November. The four staff membersl
who worked on the report recommen-3
ded transferring the Union's authority
to OSS but didn't make a recommen-I
dation for or against chaning the hotel{
into dormitory rooms.
The report also made several specifict
recommendations, such as advocating
"a short order food service witht
moderate prices."
The University Club has also come
under fire from the administration and
from students for its declining
popularity and health standards below
legal regulations.
JOHNSON SAID he wouldn't presen-
tly address the University Club issue
"with a ten-foot pole" nor other specified
Instead, he will appoint a six-member
committee to:
" 'research in a more appropriate
manner, the student needs;
" "investigate ways these needs are
being met elsewhere;
" "inform itself and me about the
Union as it presently exists, its role, ac-
tivities, physical condition and needs of
current tenants;
"develop alternative plans for
meeting identified needs through: (1)
programming, (2) revenue-producing
See UNION, Page 7
"Jubilation" is what Jeff Lebow said
after the Regents voted yesterday to
convert the Michigan Union hotel into
dormitory space.
"This is going to be a student center,"
said the elated Lebow, who for the past
month has led an extensive student lob-
bying effort to get the Regents to con-
vert the Union to student space.
other students in attendance at the
Regents regular monthly meeting
yesterday. Most of the students were
from organizations such as the
Michigan Student Assembly (MSA), the
Literary -College Student Government
(LSA-SG), University Activities Center
(UAC), and the Union Programming
Committee (UPC) which is part of
After the vote was taken, the students
cheered loudly. Lebow and others
congratulated themselves and the
See STUDENTS, Page 7
Shake a leg A h~
These legs have attracted a lot of attention. Someone in Cedarburg, Wisconsin put a pair of pants and shoes on a pair of sticks
to bring some humor to the heavy snows. About 21 inches have fallen there since the first of the year, adding to the nine inches
that fell last year.
Proposed ceating rules hit
A controversial revision of the rules
which govern the handling of cheating
cases in the Literary College (LSA) has
provoked strong protest from members
of the college's Administrative Board
and student government.
The proposed new Manual of
Procedures of the LSA Academic
Judiciary, which was discussed at
yesterday's closed session of the
" Ten U.S. District Judges
have recommended that a new
federal court be located in Ann
Arbor. See story, Page 12.
" The GEO hearings reached a
near conclusion yesterday as the
University called its last witness.
See story, Page 12.
* Alan Hardy's last second
basket enabled the Wolverines to
nip the woeful Northwestern
Wildcats 5.3-51 in basketball ac-
tion last night. See story, Page 11.
Read the Today
column, Page 3
Executive Committee, contains several
clauses which some observers feel may
violate students' rights.
ONE SUCH clause allows "individual
faculty members (to) handle minor
cases of plagiarism, fabrication, aiding
or abetting dishonesty with minor con-
sequences, and minor cheating."
Another clause mentions "disciplinary
grading" as a punishment which in-
structors may invoke.
According to Eugene Nissen,
Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs
the intent of the first clause was to "en-
courage the faculty to use the
Nissen said that the small number of
cases handled by the Judiciary each
year indicated that "most faculty han-
dle these things on their own." Nissen
said that by allowing faculty to handle
minor cases on their own, they would be
more likely to bring important cases
before the Judiciary.
But some students disagreed that the
clause would promote more use of the
Judiciary.' "The fact that it (private
handling of dishonesty) goes on doesn't
mean that it needs to go in the rules,"
said LSA-SG President Bob Stechuk.
"It seems what they want to do is
provide a method where the Judiciary
can be circumvented in some cases,"
he said. Stechuk also expressed con-
cern that the phrase "minor cases" was
open to interpretation by faculty mem-
Another Administrative Board mem-
ber, who asked not to be identified, felt
the "clause would cause pressure on
faculty members to decide a student's
guilt or innocence impetuously." ]
NISSEN acknowledged student op-
position to the clause and said he would
not be opposed to deleting the measure
from the code.
"My own reeling is that if this is an
area of concern and apprehension to
our students, it (the code) is better with
the paragraph out," he said.
Nissen said he related his personal
feelings as well as "the student and
faculty concern expressed at the last
meeting of the Administrative Board"
to the Executive Committee. The com-
mittee will issue its responses to the
Academic Judiciary before the manual
goes to the Administrative Board for
final ratification, he said.
ministrators voiced almost unanimous
support for another new clause in the
revision, which states that "a student
may request a hearing regarding
alleged dishonesty even though the
faculty member or administrator
refuses to go to the Judiciary."'
Although students may currently
initiate a hearing, Nissen said that few,
if any, ever do. Nissen called this
change one of the most important in the
Students also objected to a clause
which would require immediate ex-
pulsion from the college for a student
found guilty of two offenses. According
'The fact that it (private
handling of dishonesty)
goes on doesn 't mean
that it needs to go in the
_ob Stechuk,
LSA -St presidet t
to Judy Bardwick, Associate Dean for
Academic Affairs, that clause will be
amended to include only students found
guilty of two serious offenses.
Administrative Board members were
more divided over the issue of
disciplinary grading. While some ex-
pressed fear that the phrase would
See NEW, Page 5
Schools likely to reopen
Although Ann Arbor Public
Schools were closed yesterday
because drifting snow blocked many
rural roads, Ann Arbor School
Superintendent Harry Howard ex-
pected that classes would resume
today. A definite decision on the
school status was scheduled to be
made early this morning.
"All indications are that we will be
open," Howard said. A spokesman
for the Washtenaw County Road
Commission said that all roads were
opened yesterday afternoon, and
snow predicted to develop later
today was not expected to affect this
morning's transportation.
YESTERDAY morning most nor-
th-south roads in Washtenaw County
were impassable because of drifting
snow. Close to fifty per cent of Ann
Arbor public school students rely on
bus transportation to get to schools.
Many parents who attempted to
drop off students at area schools
were surprised to find them closed.
The cancellation of classes was or-
dered at 5 a.m. yesterday morning.
In southern Washtenaw County,
classes were cancelled after two
buses filled with students slid into a
ditch. There were no injuries repor-
ted from the mishaps.
Violence sinks Iran
deeper into chaos
move to oust Rep. Digs -
By BRUCE BRUMBERG <<, __ >_>- , ,.
From AP and Reuter
TEHRAN, Iran - Troops in tanks ran
down protesters' cars, royalist gangs
rampaged in the streets and guerrillas
attacked from across the Iraqi border
yesterday as Iran, sinking deeper into
chaos, searched for a way out of its
political limbo.-,
Between seven and 21 persons were
reported killed and more than a dozen
others wounded in bloody fighting
across the country.
"BECAUSE OF the chaos, the nation
is headed for a new type of dictator-
holy man rejected any discussion of a
After arriving in Paris yesterday,
however, Tehrani said he had come on
a private visit, not as a representative
of the council, the body supposedly ac-
ting in place of the shah during his ab-
sence. Tehrani also denied a claim that
he intended to resign, but said he might
meet the Ayatollah. He was staying in
Paris on his way to Brussels, and will
return to the French capital afterward.
AIDES SAID Khomaini still main-
tains that the shah-endorsed, U.S.-