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See Today for details
Ninety Years of Ediiorial Freedom
Vol. LXXXX, No. 72 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, December 2, 1979 Ten Cents Ten Pages
Tenure system may hurt future
LIE ENGEBRECHT departments have a higher ratio of which noted that the' University was The problem of an aging and more
st of a five-part series tenured to non-tenured faculty mem- leaving a period of rapid expansion and expensive faculty are especilly acute in
professor enters a large bers than ever before, University of- entering one of little growth. The study LSA where the resignation rate is par-
nearly filled to capacity ficials say. predicted the difficulties the University ticularly low, Johnson's study showed.
The aging
lecture hall
with students, some of whose parents
were not yet born when he finished his
doctoral thesis: Searching slowly
through yellowing notes, the University
veteran works through the material one
more time. The lecture is the same one
many of the students' older brothers
and sisters heard.
Many students have had similar ex-
periences with professors. And before
the century is over, the scene could be
repeated more frequently.
THAT'S BECAUSE the University's
professors are aging, and because
That situation creates an ever-
tightening market for younger
academics and means the University's
already strained budget must support
increasingly higher salaries for senior
According to George Johnson,
professor of economics and public
policy, these "tenured-in" professors
also form cliques in University depar-
tments, sometimes creating friction
between themselves and their younger
IN 1975, Johnson conducted a study
is now facing.
The report also indicated that few
faculty would be hired from 1976 to 1979.
Statistics from that period substantiate
that prediction. A similar study was
repeated this year and the results were
the same.
The music school and engineering
college are also adversely affected by
low turnover.
IN LSA, only 1.2 per cent of the
faculty resign each year, while the
medical school, for example, has a
healthy 5.8 per cent resignation rate.
Johnson's study showed that only a
five per cent turnover rate each year
would eliminate the problem LSA now
faces. But it is unlikely the resignation
rate will increae dramatically.
LSA Dean Billy Frye says this means
the college can bring in fewer young
scholars with new ideas and fresh poin-
ts of view. He adds that the problem is
especially noticeable in the sciences
and technical fields where new
discoveries are made on a frequent
"AGING PER SE in the case of an in-.
dividual is not bad," Frye says. "The
bad part is that we are not able to bring
in a proportionate number of young
One small consolation is that this
University is not the only one affected
by the problem of an aging faculty. As a
result of conditions in the late 1950s and
1960s, the academic marketplace was
flooded with young scholars.
Enrollments surged and new programs
sprang up during a period of substantial
growth at institutions of higher
education all across the country. In the
1960s, the fight to find out and keep new
faculty encouraged the use of tenure as
a bargaining tool and standards were
relaxed, University officials said.
Now, with plunging enrollments in
some places, dwindling budgets, and an
increasing flow of new young
See TENURE, Page 5
Threats to
"You are from Iran, and we are going
to kill you," was the phone message one
Iranian University student reported
receiving at the time the crisis in Iran
was intensifying. But, according to
many Iranian students, the calls have
ceased even as the crisis continues.
The bulk of threats to Iranian studen-
ts occurred approximately two weeks
ago when Moslem militants in Tehran
threatened "harsher" measures again-
st American hostages being held in the.
U.S. Embassy in Tehran. The calls
coincided with President Carter's an-
nouncement of the possibility of U.S.
Military action against Iran.
AFSHAN (NOT his real name) said
several of his friends in dormitories
were contacted at that time and asked
if they supported the current Iraniani
If the students said yes, Afshan said,
the caller claimed they "were going to
be killed very soon," and that he or she
"had been watching them for days."
But Afshan added "there wasn't
really a problem here" in reference to
the safety of Iranian students.
See THREATS, Page 2
Iran: 2 U.S.
hostages are
CIA agents
From UPI, AP, and Reuter
TEHRAN -, The Moslem militants
holding the U.S. Embassy here claimed
yesterday that one of their American
hostages had confessed that he is a Cen-
tral Intelligence Agency (CIA) agent.
The militants and revolutionary leader
Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini also
threatened again to put their 50 cap-
tives on trial as "spies."
The students produced a document
which they said proved at least two cap-
tives were CIA officers masquerading
as diplomats.
At a crowded press conference inside
the embassy compound, the students
produced a photocopy of a cable
marked "Secret" which they said
Bruce Laingen, U.S. charge d'affaires
in Iran, had sent to the State Depar-
tment on August 9.
repeated statements by the students
and Khomeini that the hostages would
be tried for espionage unless the U.S.
agreed to extradite the deposed shah
for trial here.
Meanwhile, members of the United
Nations Security Council met last night
at 9 p.m. EST to begin debate on the
crisis. The chief U.S. delegate told the
council the release of the American
hostages is "not negotiable."
U.S. Delegate Donald McHenry also
told the council that even the
whereabouts of the hostages are uncer-
"THE UNITED States insists that its
diplomatic personnel be released and
its diplomatic premises restored. These
are not negotiable matters. The United
States will hold the authorities in Iran
fully responsible for the safety of the
Americans held captive," McHenry
"I speak today for hostages who are
endangered by the frenzy and uncer-
tainty of events; by the inhumane con-
ditions under which they are held, and
by the threat of the authorities in Iran
to compound unjust acts through
He said the American captives, 50 of
See U.S., Page 2
IRANIAN STUDENTS display a document they claim to have found in the files of the U.S, Embassy in Tehran. They
said the letter, addressed to Secretary of State Vance, included references to using diplomatic cover for spies. Students
say the author of the letter is U.S. Charge d'affaires Bruce Laingen, who is currently one of 50 hostages being held.
Carter gains popularity
With Wire Reportst
Although a national poll released
yesterday showed President Carter's
popularity boosted six percentage poin-
ts because of his handling of the crisis
in Iran, students and local Democratic
party workers said the gain would not
help the president substantially in the
1980 election.
"If anything, I'd say that it (Iran)
has helped Carter somewhat, only
because of the fact that the newspapers
have all been saying that he's been
doing such a great job, that he's been
very calm. So from that standpoint, it's
helping him a great deal. But I don't
think it's helping him enough" to win
the 1980 Democratic nomination, LSA
sophomore William Wcislo said yester-
THE IRANIAN situation has not hurt
the Kennedy campaign, according to
former Second District Democratic
Congressman Weston Vivian, who said
he was "lukewarm for Kennedy."
"All of the candidates have been
doing their best to keep quiet so as not
to interfere," Vivian said.
PRESIDENTIAL candidates from
both parties have carefully refrained
from criticizing the president's treat-
ment of the Iranian situation. The crisis
has moved news of the 1980 race to the
back pages of newspapers.
According to a national poll conduc-
ted by the Associated Press and NBC
News, 67 per cent of Americans said
they approved of the president's han-
dling of the Iranian situation. But only
15 per cent of Americans approved of
(arne r
...p pularity up slightly
Carter's economic policies and only 19
per cent approved of his energy
policies, according to the survey, which
was taken after the president's news
conference Wednesday night.
The poll, based on 1,381 interviews
with adults across the nation, showed
that 30 per cent of Americans approved
of the Carter presidency in general, a
gain of six percentage points over a
mid-October poll. The rating is still low
historically - Richard Nixon's rating
did not reach the same low levels until
early 1974, as the Watergate scandal
The results of the poll were reflected
"HE (CARTER) has failed to inspire
the people to work for resolving the
issues we face, namely inflation and the
need for energy alternatives," obser-
ved LSA junior Linda Tanzini, who said
she was undecided as to who she would
support in 1980.
A handful of students interviewed
yesterday in the graduate and un-
dergraduate libraries said they were
either for Carter or remained un-
decided. But few said they supported
his major contender for the 1980
Democratic nomination, Sen. Edward
Kennedy (D-Mass.).
"I THINK a lot more people are for
Carter now," said third-year medical
student Kurt Holland, who cited
national polls aired on television as a
basis for his comment.
See CARTER, Page 3
Mother Nature had a crisis on her
hands Friday afternoon because
December was nearing and dirty, lef-
tover snow was all that covered the
But the Grande Dame solved the
crisis by heralding in the twelfth month
with one-and-a-half inches of fresh
white snow.
FRIDAY NIGHT'S snowfall inspired
Ann Arborites to venture into the out-
side world yesterday to welcome win-
The wet snow (or "good packing"
white as it's known in some circles)
provided an excellent opportunity for
obligatory snowball fights. Marilyn
Tsao, a fourth year medical student
collecting donations for the Galens'
Medical Society on the Diag, said she
witnessed periodic snowball fights
throughout the day. Also partaking in
the wet warfare was an unidentified
couple on the corner of Glenn and
See FRESH, Page 3
Daily Photo by JIM KRUZ
THE WEEK'S SNOW has added a touch of pristine beauty to the campus,
but it also has its drawbacks, as one of these two students found yesterday.
Christmas Art Fair being held today, also at the coliseum.
Although Mr. Bill could not be reached for comment last
night, Berta will reportedly be showing "throwing and han-
dbuilding techniques while constructing and destroying
'Mr. Bill and his dog Spot."' Berta will also be presenting a
skit called "Samurai Ceramics," also based on characters
from Saturday Night Live. Mr. Sluggo refused comment.
The luck of the draw
"new experience," Imron said "It's kind of nice to see
snow." Although he hasn't decided who he will take with
him on his trip or the exact time he will go, Imron said he
was leaning toward taking the jaunt to Toronto around
Christmas. Imron added that he would like to see it a little
colder than it is now. You will, Asjhar, you will.Cl
Going once
First there were pet rocks, then trained sticks. Now the
board also suggested the hydrants as gifts for the family
dog. Q
On the inside
Francis Ford Coppola's long-awaited film Apocalypse
Now is critiqued on the editorial page. . . an arts reviewer
says the 1979 Soph Show Sweet Charity needs help itself
and sports has the results of yesterday's Women's
Gymnastics Meet against Eastern Michigan Univer-
sity. Q
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