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November 30, 1979 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1979-11-30

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Page '10-Friday, November 30, 1979-The Michigan Daily
Icers reish cross-state rivalry

This weekend's two-game set for the
Michigan icers will not be just another
one of their run of the mill WCHA
series. These contests will mark yet
another chapter in their ongoing battle'
for state supremacy when the
Wolverines tangle with arch-rival
Michigan State.
The series has an added significance
for most of the Michigan players,
especially those who hail from within
the state.
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woman half his age. The intensity of his pos-
sessive desire con be matched only by the
intensity of her rejection. Likewise, the absurdity
.of their interactions can be matched only by that
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"It's for the pride of the state," said games," added Farrell.
Dan Lerg, the senior center from South- THIS COULD provide a slight advan-
field. "We've beaten them a few times tage to Michigan since it owns the most
since I've played and they've beaten.us explosive power play in the league,
a couple of times. But when you go scoring on 17 of 38 of its chances.
home during the summer, you want to However, Michigan State Coach Ron
'Both tearns are usually rerv emotional. These are
always two rery tough games to play. The riralry
ereates a tough situation to play in. There s no ques-
tion about that.' -Coach Dan Farrell

be able to say that you beat them."
Dearborn Heights native Rudy Var-
vari had similar emotions concerning
the rivalry.
"I'VE GROWN UP with it all of my
life. You bet I want to beat them," said
Varvari. "It makes you give that little
bit more when you play against them."
And according to Michigan Coach
Dan Farrell, the rivalry can play a
deciding role in the games themselves.
."Both teams are usually very
emotional. These are always two very
tough games to play," said Farrell.
"The rivalry creates a tough situation
to play in. There's no question about
"Penalties and power plays usually
play a very important part in these type

Mason said that his Spartans have not
given their opponents many oppor-
tunities for the power play this season.
"The power play is definitely an im-
portant part of Michigan's offense. The
easiest way to stay out of the power
play is to cut down on the number of
penalties," said Mason. "But other
than last weekend at North Dakota
when we had a number of penalties, I
think we've been the least penalized
team in the league."
MICHIGAN, (5-3, 9-3 overall) is tied
for second place in the WCHA with Nor-
th Dakota, and remained undefeated in
non-conference play following its 5-4, 8-
7 (ot) sweep of Western Michigan.
The Michigan hockey team hosts
intra-state rival Michigan State on
Friday night at Yost Arena. If you can't,
be there in person, you can catch all the
action live on WCBN, 88.3-FM, begin-
ning at 7:30.
The Dekers Club is holding its third
Blue Line Luncheon of the s eason at'
12:00 noon today at the Crystal House
on Washtenaw. Featured speakers will
be Michigan hockey coach Dan Farrell
and Michigan State's Ron Mason. All
you can eat for $4.50.

But despite the victories, Farrell said
he has not been satisfied with the
team's play, particularly the defense.
"Our team defense will have to be
better against State," said Farrell.
"We have to get back to playing like we
did a few weeks ago against Minnesota
and in one game at Wisconsin.
The icers had a problem with
dressing enough players for practice
this past week as a number of assorted
injuries and illnesses hit the squad, for-
cing Farrell to cancel practice on Mon-
MICHIGAN STATE (5-6, 5-7 overall)
faces the Wolverines following a split
with North Dakota, losing 9-2 and then
knocking the Sioux out of first place
with a 5-4 overtime victory.
Mason said that the primary concern
with his icers this season has been the
lack of consistency.
"We've played well for a period, but
we haven't been able to put it together
for an entire game."
MASON ALSO said that his team's
never-say-die attitude has been a key to
their performance. "We've been able to
battle back all year long."
The Spartans are currently trying to
battle their way out of eighth place in
the WCHA, having split series with
Wisconsin, Michigan Tech, Notre Dame
and North Dakota the last four weeken-
Michigan hosts the Spartans at Yost
Arena tonight at 7:30 p.m. with Satur-
day's rematch set for 8:00 p.m. at
MSU's Munn Ice Arena.
BLUE LINES: Doug Todd, who suf-
fered a concussion in Friday's game
against WMU and did not play in the
Sunday game, will be available for the
State series, as will goaltender Paul
Fricker, who injured his stick hand
during practice. . . Murray Eaves is
second in the WCHA with 22 points (10-

balance on fine line
Nadia Comaneci did it to perfection. Olga Korbut made it look like a Sunday
stroll. Countless others do it routinely.
"It" is performing on the balance beam with total concentration. And
Michigan gymnasts strive for this goal in their routines.
"Concentration is the 'key' to a superior performance," said women's coach
Sheri Hyatt.
A lack of concentration on the balance beam results in disastrous scores.
Asking for total concentration however, is easier than doing it.
Consider the situation: Three superior moves (such as an aerial cartwheel)
and four less difficult tricks are required in a balance beam routine. But judges are
also checking for form, overall impression, rhythm, distribution, risk, originality
and virtuosity. A perfect score is 10, but if a routine doesn't contain certain "risk"
(or dangerous) moves, the maximim score is then 9.2.
Keep in mind that this is all done on a beam 3 and 7/8 inches wide and almost
four feet above the ground. A strict time limit is also set and points are taken off if
it is not adhered to. And tenths of points are also deducted if each category is not
executed to perfection. Coach Hyatt sets a goal of 8.5 as realistic.
Well, against all the odds, how does the college gymnast accomplish total con-
"I try and make it seem as though the beam is on the floor," explained fresh-
man Angela Deaver, a beam specialist. "It's like anything else. The more you do
it, the easier it gets."
A number of other methods are utilized. Some Michigan tumblers try talking
or counting to themselves in order to avoid outside distractions. Others stress the
importance of working on each trick as they come to it. It is also important to stay
tight the whole time.
"It looks easy on television," said Coach Hyatt. "They (beam specialists) ap-
pear to be relaxed. In fact they're not. Once you relax, you'll probably fall off the
And staying on the beam is obviously vital. Each fall results in a deduction of .5
points. Coach Hyatt stated that this happens frequently during meets.
Concentration is important throughout the entire routine. It must be held from
the mount right up until the end of the dismount. A lapse for just a moment can
result in a low score or an otherwise flawless performance.
Points are not given or deducted for concentration by judges. But concen-
tration, unlike other factors key to a good performance (agility, strength, style),
figure in on all areas of scoring. Nothing else even comes close in directly affecting
the final score.
No, it is not as easy as it looks on television. The next time you observe a
Michigan gymnastics meet or see one on television, you'll be able to appreciate
this fact.
Michigan's beam specialists, along with the rest of the Wolverine gymnasts,
compete at Eastern Michigan this Saturday.

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Daily Photo by DAVID HARRIS
FRESHWOMAN GYMNAST Diane McLean demonstrates the concentration
and agility necessary for performing a routine on the balance beam.
Eastern schools next
on wrestlers' agenda

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First, stop at Ulrich's. Then home for the Holic
r A -

This weekend, Coach Dale Bahr will
send his Wolverine wrestlers east to
face some of the finest matmen of the
eastern schools.
The trek begins on Dec. 1 when the
Blue wrestlers compete in the Penn
State Invitational. They will be in a
pack that includes: Clarion State, Hof-
stra, Maryland, North Carolina State,
Penn State, Pittsburgh, and Syracuse.
"Penn St. and Syracuse have always
had some of the best wrestling teams in
the East," said assistant coach Joe
ON DEC. 3, the Wolverines take on
Lehigh, which is currently the sixth-
ranked team nationally. The Lehigh
team was good enough last year to

finish third overall in the country and
looks just as strong this season.
Lehigh is paced by defending national
champion, Darrell Burley at the 134-
weight class and Mike Brown, who
finished second in the nationals. -
Michigan goes into the two meets af-
ter tying 13th-ranked Michigan State
Tuesday night at Crisler Arena. Some
of the impressive performances for the
Wolverines were Nemir Nadhir's pin-
ning of Mike Vamette in the 167-weight
class after 1:56 of the first quarter and
Steve Fraser's pinning of Mark Severn
which put the Blue matmen ahead in
the match.
The team is healthy going into the
matches and Coach Bahr hopes he can
return to Ann Arbor with some im-
pressive results.

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