The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, November 21, 1979-Page 3
Teller wants job back
Alice Lloyd Pilot Program Multicultural Film Series-Henry: Boy of
the Barrio, The Fayette Story, 7:30 p.m., Alice Lloyd Hall.
Cinema Guild-The Lady Vanishes, 7, 9:05 p.m., Old Arch. Aud.
Stilyagi Air Corps-Science fiction club, 8p.m., Conf. Room 4, Michigan
Dharma Study Group-Buddhist meditation and study, 7:30 p.m., sit-
ting, 215 E. Kingsley.
Museum of Art-Deborah Fenton, gallery talk, Pissarro's "Peasants
Resting," 12:30 p.m.
WCBN-Radio broadcast, "World :Hunger--Which Strategy Will
Work?," 6p.m.
Folk Dance Club-Intermediate and advanced dance, 8 p.m., Union.
Plymouth Family Service-Support group for men, 7:30 p.m., Child and
Family Service, 118S. Washington, Ypsilanti. Call 453-0890 or 971-6520 for in-
Alumnae Council-Applications for 1980-81 scholarships available for
undergraduate and graduate women students, Alumni Association, Union.
Women's Studies Program-Discussion facilitators needed for Women's
Studies 200, Winter term. Applications available at 1058 LSA Building, due
Nov. 30.
Associated Black Students-U-M Dearborn, Birdland Bash, 9 p.m.,
Highlander Inn, Highland Park.
Interntional Center-Thanksgiving dinner in Frankenmuth, leave from
International Center Lounge, 1:30 p.m. Call,764-9310 for information.
Cinema II-They Shoot Horses, Don't They?, 7, 9:15 p.m., Aud. A, Angell
Cinema Guild-David Copperfield, 7,9:30 p.m., Old Arch. Aud.
Ann Arbor Public Library Youth Department-Thank You, Ma'am, Me
and You Kangaroo, Peter and the Wolf, Fable of He and She, The Concert,
10:30 a.m., 3 p.m., Main Library Meeting Room. Free.
Hillel-Orthodox Minyan, 4:45 p.m., 1429 Hill.
Cinema II-Invasion of the Body Snatchers, 7 p.m.; The Third Man, 9
p.m., Aud. A, Angell Hall. l
Cinema Guild-Wuthering Heights, 7,9:05 p.m., Old Arch. Aud.
Siddha Yoga Dham-M.P. Pandit, "Kundalini and Shaktipat," 7:30
p.m., 902 Baldwin.
Michigan League-International and American Heritage Night, 5-7:15
p.m., League..
A former bank employee who said
she lost her job because of her par-
ticipation in a strike in early September
last week filed an unfair labor practice
(ULP) charge with the National Labor
Relations Board (NLRB).
Mary Lewison, a former head teller
at the campus branch of Huron Valley
National Bank (HVNB), said when she
asked for her job back after two days of
striking, the bank's personnel director
told her she had been permanently
replaced. Lewison added that the bank
offered her a lower status "entry-level"
job which paid less.
vice president for personnel denied
Lewison asked for her job back, claimin.
Lewison only asked Grzelak if her for-
mer position was available. Grzelak
said she answered that both Lewison's
position, as well as others vacated by
strikers, had been filled.
"My main concern in taking this
thing to the NLRB is to ensure that this
right (to strike) is restored to the
remaining employees," Lewison ex-
She said the charge was filed in her
name, and in the names of four other
persons, who also were denied their
positions after asking to be returned to
them, according to Lewison.
states "the bank constructively
dismissed us because of our padr-
ticipation in a concerted, protected ac-
Lewison was one of nine bank em-
ployees who walked off their jobs Sept.
4, demanding a 27.5 per cent wage in-
crease. Of the nine employees, only one
has returned to work at the bank.
Representatives from the NLRB will
now take depositions from both former
and current bank employees. Verdicts
on NLRB cases usually take between
four to six weeks.
that she was denied her job because she
was one of 12 workers who signed
authorization cards in hopes of
unionizing the bank employees.
"Personally, I think we were set up so
we could be examples," said Lewison.
"The thing they hurt the most was to
take away the right of the remaining
employees to organize."
Lewison said she hopes her actions
will allow her to not only get her job
back, but also to receive back pay.
ba '
ballots in
Though the LSA Student Government
(LSA-SG) election is over, the results
may not be known until Monday.
Hildegarde Cummings, director of
elections, said last night that while it is
too early to be sure, turnout was
probably the heaviest in ten years. She
guessed that almost 2,000 ballots have
been turned in. They have yet to be
Dave Trott, SABRE's vice-
presidential candidate was pleased
with the turnout. "It's great," he said,
"it's better than the turnout usually in
any election - even MSA (Michigan
Student Assembly)."
At left, poll worker Cheryl Burkett
gives junior Austin Weber voting
materials and sophomore Robert Gantz
VO--- works on his ballot yesterday afternoon
- *in the Fishbowl, the site that saw the
S. most voters.
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Daily Photo by PAUL ENGSTROM
T 1
MSA asks safety
for Iranian students
Cinema II-Z, 7,9:15p.m., Aud. A, Angell Hall.
Hiking Club-Meet at Rackham Building, northwest entrance, 1:30 p.m.
Museum of Art-Cydna Mercer, gallery talk, Renoir's "Woman With a
Fan," 3, 4p.m.
U Club-Brunch on theterrace, with Louis Smith Quartet, 11:15 a.m.,
1:15 p.m. brunches. Noon, 2 p.m. shows.
Cinema Guild-Twilight in Tokyo, 8 p.m., Old Arch. Aud.
Wesley Foundation-What You Are Is Where You Were When, 12:10
p.m., Pine Room, Wesley Foundation.
Ecology Center of Ann Arbor-Alaska, Land in the Balance, Admiralty
Island, Fortress of the Bears, At the Crossroads, Michigan Wilderness Slide
Show, 7:30 p.m., Meeting Room, Ann Arbor Public Library.
International Association of Students in Economics and Business
Management-Oliver Revell, assistant director in charge of criminal 'in-
vestigations for the F.B.I., "Economics and White Collar Crimes," 12:30
p.m., Hale Auditorium, Gradute School of Business Administration.
School of Education-Meldon Hollis, assistant to the deputy com-
missioner of education, Department of Health, Education and Welfare,
"Minority Access to Higher Education," 2 p.m., Whitney Auditorium, School
of Education.
Center for Near Eastern and North African Studies- Prof. Rudi Lindner,
"Anatolian Nomads During Shah Ismail's Reign," noon, Lane Hall Com-
mons Room.
University Activities Center-Mini-course in disco dancing, bartending,
7:30 p.m., Union. Tickets available at Ticket Central, Union.
WUOM-Radio broadcast, "Live Jazz by Griot Galaxy," 11:30 p.m.
Cinema Guild-The Magnificent Ambersons, 7, 9:05 p.m., Old Arch.
Cinema II-Trollstenen, 7, 9:15 p.m., Nat. Sci. Aud.
Center for the Continuing Education of Women-"Gearing up for the
GRE's, LSAT's,. GMAT's," 7:30-9:30 p.m., East Conference Room,
Rackham Building.
Museum of Art-Cynda Mercer, gallery talk, Renoir's "Woman With a
Fan," 12:30p.m.
Residential College Writers--Arturo Vivante, short story reading, Ben-
zinger Library, East Quad, 8 p.m.
Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations-Prof. William Whyte,
"Saving Jobs Through Employee Ownership," 7:30 p.m., Hale Auditorium.
Michigan Republicans Club-Lt. Gov. James Brickley, 8 p.m., Union
Assembly Hall.
Turner Distinguis~hed L ecture Serie-Prof. Anthonv Phi liotts.- IUniver-
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In light of recent anti-Iranian demon-
strations, the Michigan Student
Assembly (MSA) unanimously passed
a comprehensive five-point resolution
last night that, in part, called on the
University to prevent the harassment
of Iranian students.
The resolution, proposed by assembly
members Tim Feeman and Mervat
Hatem, read:
* All students should be free from
harassment and/or threat of physical
* The University has a responsibility
to provide an environment free from
harassment, and to assist students sub-
ject to harassment;
" No group of students should be
discriminated against on the basis of
national origin, citizenship, race, sex,
religion or political beliefs;
" (MSA) feels that the action of the
U.S. Immigration and Nationalization
Service in regard to the special review
of the status of Iranian students is a
form of harassment of students by the
U.S. government. The University
should protest this action and urge that
it be rescinded, and;
" In the case of Iranian students, the
University should make legal service
available to those who need them.
The proposal was drafted at meeting
Monday night by students, faculty, ad-
ministrators and civic leaders concer-
ned about the possibility of violence in
view of recent campus anti-Iranian
demonstrations, the assembly mem-
bers said after the meeting.
"THERE WAS a feeling something
had to be done immediately on the part
of the University," Hatem said.
Another point discussed at the Monday
night meeting, she continued, was a
proposed teach-in to educatedstudents
about the Iranian situation.
The group had requested that Interim
University President Allan Smith allow
three of its representatives to address
yesterday's meeting of the executive
officers of the University, Feeman said.
Smith, however, denied that request
and issued his own statement on the
Iranian crisis (see Page 2).
The Smith statement echoed the
University's responsibility to provied
an environment free from harassment
and commitment to non-
discrimination, but did not address the
issue of legal aid for Iranian students
facing deportation.
"Our utmost concern," Hatem told
the assembly, "should be for the
foreign students who'll be packed up
and shipped back to Iran due to nothing
they have done in this country."
The assembly member insisted the
University should provide those studen-
ts with some form of legal assistance
because it was her belief that Student
Legal Services - a free legal aid ser-
vice provided to all studentsr- does not
handle deportation suits.
"As the student government,"
Feeman said, "we should take the
initiative to protect Iranian students at
the University as well as make a more
active effort to take these issues to the
Cambodians refuse
refugee co
KHAO I DANG, Thailand (AP) -
Relief workers raced to prepare a vast
new refugee camp here yesterday, but
leaders of the estimated 400,000 Cam-
bodians camped inside Cambodia at the
Thai border said most would refuse to
be resettled.
Planners estimated about 200,000 of
the organized refugees would enter the
imp move
. Thailand decided last week to move
the camp here, to a safer place, four
miles inside Thailand and 130 miles
east of Bangkok.
But "free Khmer" leader Van Saren
said that "I will not surrender" as he
stood amid bulldozer raising clouds of
dust on the new camp site. "If our
people move here, it will be like a
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