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November 18, 1979 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-11-18

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The Michigan Daily-Sunday, November 18, 1979-Page 3
Adams and Solomon vie for LSA-SG presidency

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SAID candidate gambles on election
By CHARLES THOMSON the presidential hopeful said. "This is student influence on the body.
Solomon is really gambling on one of the top-notch schools in the coun- Solomon is running with Kim Brower,
ction- try, but students are not getting the who was a member of the LSA-SG Ad
ke his opponent for the presiden- education they deserve for a school of ministrative Board last year.
the LSA Student Government that status."
G), Solomon, with Students for "The college should provide students
mic and Institutional Develop- with a broad liberal arts education," he
SAID), has not filed for both the said in a debate on Thursday. Solomon
ncy and a seat on the LSA-SG proposed that in order to provide.
ive Council. students with this type of education,
DDITION, Solomon says he has courses for non-majors should be of-
d from all the LSA-SG commit- fered. Such courses, he said, would.
sitions he held before the cam- "reduce fears of grade competition."
io that he will be able to devote SOLOMON ALSO proposed that, in
f to the presidency. order to improve education for studen-
esult, says Solomon, is that if he ts, greater student input is needed on...
morrow's election, he will be out the College Executive Committee. .
SG. Solomon said that "in reality, the n.
eason he's gambling on the elec- Executive Committee is the ultimate;
"because we're so dedicated that decision-making body in the College."
isking everything." '.Students," he asserted, "must have
)MON'S proposals for LSA-SG an institutionalized voice on the com-
ment revolve around his concept mittee." Solomon suggested that he n
cational development." might examine the legality of the Solomon
dents, are not getting the Executive Committee keeping its
on they really deserve here," meetings closed in an effort to increase ..". gambling on election

SABR E can



J.P. Adams thinks it's time for a
change on LSA-Student Government
The time has come, the LSA-SG
presidential candidate from the Student
Alliance for Better Representation
(SABRE) says, for LSA-SG to become
accountable to the students of the
"ACCOUNTABILITY seems to be the
most pressing issue before us," Adams
said at a debate with his opponent on
Thursday. "The need to build an effec-
tive, credible student government
organization is imperative. A struc-
tured internal organization, something
with which to push forth, must be for-
med to give specific focus to the im-
mediate future."'
The way to achieve accountability in
LSA-SG, Adams said, is to establish a
"strong internal organization," in-
crease communication between LSA-
SG and the LSA student body, and iden-.

idate proposes changes
tify the student needs and working for ference," he remarked. "We might
them." disagree on how to get to the same ends,
Adams said the type of internal but basically we are addressing the
organization he had in mind would in- same issues."
volve the establishment of a committee
similar to the Michigan Student
Assembly (MSA) Budget Priorities
Committee to consider fund allocation
requests, a personnel committee to
place students in the various commit-
tees of the student government, and
several "issue committees" which ''.
would investigate issues for the
Executive Council.
publish a newsletter to better com-
municate with LSA students.
Adams also proposed increasing
student input into the tenure process,
extending the program, of course
evaluations, and working on the .
problem of minority enrollment and at-
Adams said there are marked
similarities between the two can- Adams
didates. "I really don't see a lot of dif- ... wants change
Anthony.Asquith's 1952
An elegant, beautifully costumed, expertly paced rendition of Oscar Wilde's
immortal force, about a London man-about-town who invents a scapegoat
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pective mother-in-law, Lady Bracknell, is the most formidable dowager ever
conceived, a gorgon that cannot be dispatched. With SIR MICHAEL RED-
Mon.: Inuit Filh Series:
(FREE at 8)


Four independents compete for LSA-SG

Candidates running as independents
in the LSA Student Government (LSA-
SG) elections tomorrow and Tuesday
face uphill battles in their bids for elec-
tion, says one of the four independents
seeking positions on the LSA-SG
Executive Council.
Elizabeth Scott; a junior, said it, is
"extremely difficult" for candidates to
run without the support of a party.
Scott said while she thinks parties are
of great assistance to a candidate in
getting elected, "Parties are irrelevant
except for informational purposes. "
THE OTHER independent candidates
are freshperson Karin Gregory,
sophomore Keith Lee, and senior David
. Gregory aid her first priority if she
were elected to the Executive Council
would be to increase student input into
'decisions which affect student affairs.
She wrote in a position statement that
she wanted to be on the council to "start

getting involved and familiarize myself
with the University." Gregory also said
she wanted to promote programs that
will yield "effective affirmative action
procedures, effective student grievance
procedures, and fairness in academic
misconduct hearings."
Michel advocated change to allow
students to vote on tenure decisions at
the department level.
GREGORY ALSO said students
should have more input on tenure
decisions, adding, "If anybody can
judge who is going to teach us, it should
be us (the students)."
Michel said his first priority if elected
to the council would be instigating
change in the process of granting,
faculty tenure. Citing a need for student
evaluations of instructors as necessary
in determining which faculty members
are to be tenured, Michel called for the
selection of students to sit in on tenure
discussions and the eventual inclusion
of students as voting members of
department committees which make

tenure decisions. Michel also suggested
that the council initiate a standard
training program for teaching assistan-
ts in the college, and increase the num-

ber of LSA counselors.
Lee could not be reached for com-

Students to vote on

(FREE at 8)


7:00 b,4:05



ballot proposals

7:00 & 9:05

Mediatrics-Beat the Devil, 6:30 & 10 p.m., In a Lonely Place, 8:15 p.m.,
Assembly Hall.
Cinema Guild-The Importance of Being Earnest, 7 & 9:05 p.m., Old Ar-
ch. Aud.
Cinema Guild-Le Boucher, 7 & 9 p.m., Aud. A, Angell.
Cinema Study Club-Final Vietnamese Border Clash, 1 p.m., Aud.
A, Angell.
International Center-Brunch and concert featuring "Nuttmigs and
Giner," 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., Detroit Art Institute.
WPAG-FM-Live Country Music, noon until 10 p.m.
New Musket Co.-"In the Dark," 2 p.m., Power Center.
UAC Theater Productions-"'Robin Goodfellow," 2 p.m., Kuenzel Room, .
Michigan Union.
School of Music Opera Theater-"La Boheme," 3 p.m., Lydia Men-
delssohn Theater.
U Club-Brunch on the Terrace, featuring Antares, noon, U Club.
Gay Discussion Group-Tom Morson, speaker, 6 p.m., Guild House, 802
International Center-Thanksgiving dinner in Frankenmuth, 1:30 p.m.,
leave from International Center lounge.
Washtenaw County/Regular ACLU Executive Board-Monthly
meeting, 7:30 p.m., First Unitarian Church.
Museum of Art-"Crisis of Impressionism 1878-1882" seri% featuring
Camille Pissarro's "Peasants Resting," 3-3:20 and 4-4:20 p.m., Museum of
Cinema Guild-Ice People, 8 p.m., Old Arch. Aud.
Ecology Center of Ann Arbor-Living the Good Life, Looking for
Organic America, and Farming is Farming, 7:30 p.m., Public Library, 343 S.
Fifth Ave.
EMU Laboratory Theater-"Home Free" by Lanford Wilson, 7 & 9 p.m.,
EMU Quirk Bldg., Rm. 107.
Michigan Varsity Band-Public Concert, 8 p.m., Hill Aud.
WUOM/WVGR-Live broadcast of Sterling Chamber Players, 8:05 p.m.
Society for Creative Anachronism-Medieval Group, 7:30 'p.m., West
Lounge at South Quad.
School of Music-Opera Workshop, 8 p.m., Recital Hall.
Wesley Foundation-"What You Are is Where You Were When," 12:10
p.m., Pine Rm., Wesley Foundation.
UAC-Viewpoint Lectures-Susan McGee, "The Changing Roles of
Women," 8p.m., Kuenzel 'Rm., Union.
Resource Policy & Management Program-Frank Ruswick, "Legal
Issues in Wetlands Protection," noon, 2032 Dana.
Macromolecular Research Center-Eugene Helfand, Bell Labs,
"Kinetics of Confomational Transition and Relaxations in Polymers," 4
pm., 3005 Chem. Bldg.
Center for Social Concerns-"Sexist Language and Its Effects on
Everyone," 7:30 p.m., Catacombs Rm. of Holy Trinity Chapel, 511 W.
Forest, Ypsilanti.
Feminist Federal Credit Union-"Give Women Credit," 7:30 p.m.,
Lawyer's Club Lounge.
Center for Near Eastern & North African Studies-Clement Henry,
"Qadhafi's Green Book in a Circus Perspective," noon, Lane Hall Commons.
Washtenaw Association for Retarded Citizens-Membership meeting,
7:30 p.m., High Point Cafetorium, 1735 S. Wagner Rd.
Reith Lectures-Ali Mazrui. "The African Condition-A Political

LSA students will have the oppor-
tunity to vote on seven ballot proposals
from the LSA Student Government
(LSA-SG) tomorrow and Tuesday. The
results of voting on all but one of the
proposals will be non-binding, designed
merely to determine student opinion.
The only question students will decide
with their votes involves a possible
change in LSA election procedures.
IF PASSED, the proposal would
replace the current preferential voting
procedure with one based on "approval
voting." Approval voting does not
require that students rank their 15 votes
according to preferences as does
preferential voting..
According to one of the proposal's
propoinents, LSA-SG Vice-President
Kathy Friedman, "As the ballot is right
now, voting is very confusing."
LSA-SG member Dan Solomon,
agreed. "It (approval voting) would be
a lot clearer for the voter." Solomon
also noted that approval voting would
significantly reduce the time necessary
to count the votes since all votes would
be of the same value.
Political Science Prof. John Cham-
berlin agreed, but emphasized that
preferential voting allows for election
of representatives from minority
groups or organizations. "Approval
voting strikes me as a good system to
elect one individual (such as a student
government president). But it doesn't
strike me as a very good system to elect
minority representation," Chamberlin
The other ballot questions, all non-
binding, are:
" A proposed increase in the LSA-SG
mandatory fee from 50 to 75 cents. "It
would increase our allocating ability to
student groups that really need it,"
Solomon said. A similar proposal to
raise the fee to one dollar was narrowly
defeated in last year's election. Larry
Litchman, president of the Michigan
Republicans Club, said his organization
would oppose the fee hike, due to reser-

vations about the way student gover-
nments have dispensed money.
" The extension of drop/add
deadlines and pass/fail modifier
deadlines to "give students a better
chance to get a feel for a course before
they have to decide," according to
Solomon. He also noted the fact that
most classes don't have their first test
until after the deadlines have passed.
* Possible establishment of a
uniform program for the training and
supervision of graduate teaching
assistants. Solomon and Friedman
cited a lack of proficiency in the
English language as one of the
problems that the proposed program
could help alleviate. Friedman stressed
that the program would be implemen-
ted on a department-by-department
* The establishment of an office to
aid students in filling out applications to
graduate schools. While noting the suc-
cess of a similar office at Stanford
University, Friedman noted that such
an office would mean a substantial cost
to the University.
* The inclusion of student represen-
tatives on the administration's LSA
Academic Actions Committee, which is
delegated the responsibility of granting
individual exemptions to University
regulations such as the drop/add
deadline. The committee is currently
composed exclusively of faculty. Ac-
cording to Solomon, "Faculty may not
be sympathetic to a situation a student
may be in." Friedman explained that
the proposal would allow student
representatives access to other studen-
ts' files. Because of this problem,
Friedman suggested the possibility of
instituting a program where students
would have the option of allowing
students' representatives to view their
Even though the results of six of the
ballot proposals are non-binding,
Solomon emphasized that the results
would carry weight.



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