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November 18, 1979 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-11-18

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Page 2-Sunday, November 18, 1979-The Mit igan Daily
Iranians to free women, blacks
Wh o M Aa d 1(Conined from Page 1)
jr G Officials said President Carter, who treatment in New York, is extradited to
puts the number of Americans held at last Thursday called the seizure of the stand trial as a criminal.
other nationality also held. About seven students an act of terrorism, did not in- "We are leaving the decision on the.
i CO L women and at least three blacks are tend to submit to Iran's demands as the shah's exit (from the United States) up
believed to have been at the embassy price for seeing all the hostages to the shah and his doctors," th State
0 COC ASwhen the students scaled the wall of the released. Department spokesman said.
compound on November 4. State Department spokesman Hod-
THE WHITE HOUSE welcomed ding Carter said: "As far as we know, The State Department declined to say
Iran's decision to free women and black the basic demand is the return of the how the freed hostages would eae
hostages, but urged the release of all shah of Iran." Ia rterdsiainbtsucs~
captives held since Nov. 4 by militant KHOMEINI HAS said hostages would WesothGermanysid eaation tsucs to
Islamic students demanding the return be held at the Embassy until the dbifad fncsay optl~
ofrefad the shah. deposed shah, now undergoing cancertehsae er en aei
~Now ~ayin~ UtMORE THAN 5,000 black clergy at a
conference in Detroit yesterday ap-
WEDNESDAY I FRIDAY MID NITS MONDAYNIH IS roved a resolution urging. Carter to
AT STATO1WS -4Tw"UT SAIGTG Tedhmaciia"h tl iloso
"BARGAIN DAY"SHWI return the deposed shah to Iran, calling
$1.50EUTLAY5:30 STUDENTS with . D. $1.50 For $3.00 dollars from his people.
T The " F A+ C A T S 'Pastorsin a statement Ascitissued at thk
AL PCINGend of a five-day conference here,
' " urged the Carter administration to end
what it called the harassment of
t d3 E Iranians in the United States. It also
1 tf t called on Iran to release Americans
A AU ®held at the U.S. embassy in Tehran.
WE, HU. RI ST UNMON & TUE 7:059:40 a '',
1:0-:0-6459:01254:25-7:059:40 Daily Official Bulletin
State '12 3 4 MODY__EBE 8,17
231 S. Stat. " 662-6264MNDYNOMER9,17
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'Cofo- mtinSEPHnstiHE ndRelaxations in Polymers;"
" " "WAMBAUGH'S School of Music: Varsity Band, Conductor, Glenn
" ONIONRichter, Hill, 8 p.m.
"A True Story. IEL D
THE NIGHT® (USPS 344-90)
HE CAME HOME . m E im. Volume LXXXX, No. 64
Sunday, November 181979
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