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November 04, 1979 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-11-04

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.I P

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Vol. LXXXX, No. 52

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, November 4, 1979

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages plus Supplement

Technology is societal scapegoat, experts say

Prometheus' mythological transference of
fire from Olympus to Earth is considered by
some to be the beginning of the technological
But the scope of technology has become so
broad that it has emerged as a scapegoat for
society's ills,-according to international exper-
ts who met in Ann Arbor last week for a three-
day symposium on "Technology and
THE SPEAKERS included representatives
from the fields of literature, history, political
science and engineering. The lecturers ad-

Symposium speakers cite pessimism

dressed society's fear of technology, placed it
in an historical context and speculated on how
society and technology can best interact to
produce a brighter future.
"If this conference were held back in 1880, it
is a safe bet it would have been called
'Technology and Optimism'," noted speaker
Melvin Kranzberg, History of Technology
professor at Georgia Technological Institute.
The industrial revolution, and advances in
transportation, communication and power

during the 19th century created a mood of
boundless confidence in the ability of
technology to solve our problems, he said.
But, Kranzberg added, "a funny thing hap-
pened on the way to Utopia."
IN THE 20TH century, technological
development was rapid, but these triumphs of-
ten brought more problems than they solved.
For example, he said, Americans were
promised a better living through chemistry,
but now are discovering that many of the by-

products of the chemical age have poisoned our
"Our cars are larger and more luxurious, but
we are running out of gas to drive them.
"WE FIND ourselves baffled by this series of
paradoxes," Kranzberg said. "Anxiety began
to overwhelm all of us - and technology has
been made the scapegoat."
Pessimism about technology is also, in part,
a form of bigotry, said speaker Samuel Flor-

man, author of The. Existential Pleasures of
Engineering. He said many so-called "intellec-
tuals" are prejudiced about technology
because it is a discipline in which they have, no
But the consensus at the symposium was that
technology, as an entity in itself, is not
something one can be pessimistic about.
"HOW CAN ONE be pessimistic about
something called technology? This is like being
pessimistic about art, or science or music or
government or religion," Florman said.
"It is possible only to be pessimistic about,
gee EXPERTS, Page 7

Just like old times!
Wolverine machine
wallops Wisconsin
By GEOFF LARCOM work totaled 590 yards in 67 plays, while coach Dave McClain said. "That first
Football nostalgia buffs had their the Badgers ran one less play in gaining half we got after them, but we let down
moment y'esterday in Michigan 227 yards. The deceptive statistics here after that.
Stadium. came in the first down column. Wiscon- "Mike's hand bothered him. He was
What the thoroughly chilled crowd of sin converted for. 16 firsts, while sporadic, although considering the
104,952 got for the price of entry was a Michigan, continually churning out situation, I thought he played well. ih
good old-fashioned Big Ten rout, the yardage in huge chunks,,notched 17 fir- just didn't get much protection out
kind Bo Schembechler's teams had st downs, there."
made a cliche before this year, as the OTHER THAN that, Wisconsin Such was not the problem for
Wolverines devastated downtrodden proved to be a badly over-matched Wangler, however. The Michigan
Wisconsin, 54-0, in climbing one more team. The Badgers Tumbled six times, signal-caller completed ten of 13 tosses
precious rung up the Big Ten title lad- losing three, while quarterback Mike for219 yards, with Marsh picking up 110
der. Kalasmiki played injured, nursing the yards and Ralph Clayton 54 on the
The journey down memory lane left broken thumb he sustained in Septem- receiving end.
the Wolverines still unbeaten and un- ber. Wangler's big play counterpart,
tied in the cqnference at 6-0, with a total "I thought we'd fight better than we Woolfolk, ran for 190 yards on only 19
record of 8-1: The lopsided win, coupled did, there was a lack of effort on our
with Ohio State's 44-7 crunching of part in the second half," Wisconsin See WOLVERINES, Page 11
Illinois, left intact prospects for the
season-ending, title-deciding ritual
between the Wolverines and the
MICHIGAN'S BIG play offense put in
a day-long appearance, and along with
the Badgers' second half letdown, tur-
ned an acceptable 17-0 halftime margin
into a full-fledged slaughter.
Tailback Butch Woolfolk scored on3'
runs of one, 30, and 92 yards, with the
final scamper breaking Tom Harmon's
all-time Michigan record for the longest
run from scrimmage, and tight end
Doug Marsh hauled down a 71-yardk r
strike from John Wangler to highlight
the Michigan point barrage.
"We had a lot of big plays and they
gave us a lot of turnovers. It was a good"
ball game for us," said Schembechler
immediately after the game. "That'
combination made the score what it
was. We did not have great consistency
on offense and they moved on our
Consistency may have been lacking,
but the Wolverines surely had their of-
fensive moments. Their afternoon's

Doily Photo by LISA UDELSON"
MICHIGAN TAILBACK Butch Woolfolk hurdles a Wisconsin defender as he breaks loose for a big gain. The sophomore
sensation shattered a 39-year-old Michigan record set by the legendary Tom Harmon yesterday when he raced 92 yards
from scrimmage in the third quarter. Woolfolk totaled 190 yards, the third straight game he has eclipsed 100, as the
Maize and Blue blanked the Badgers, 54-0.
FOIJFLn I.t-KK-archr
F i Cm
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From AP and UPI
carloads of whites armed with
automatic weapons opened fire at a
communist-sponsored "Death to the
Klan" rally yesterday. During a four-
minute spate of violence that left four
persons dead and 10 wounded.
Police arrested 14 persons. They said
12 of those claimed to be members of
the Ku Klux Klan.
The assault was apparently an an-
swer to statements made this summer
by the rally's organizer Paul Carl Ber-
manzohn, a self-described communist.
He called the Klan cowards and taunted
Klansmen to show up at the rally and
"face the wrath of the people."
BERMANZOHN, of Durham, N.C.,
was wounded in the gunfire and was
undergoing surgery at a Greensboro
hospital yesterday evening. Another
organizer, Thomas Conrad Clar, 28,
also of Durham, was also wounded.
Both men are white.
Police identified the dead as Sandy
Smith of Piedmont, S.C., who was
black, and Jim Waller, William Sam-
pson and Caesar Cauce, all of Green-
sboro. All were identified as white
Police Chief William Swing told a
news conference that an automatic rifle
and at least one shotgun were used in
the shooting.
Swing said two of the 10 wounded
were believed to be Klansmen. He said
there was no indication that police of-
ficers fired during the confrontation.
NEWSMAN Charles Travis of

WGHP-TV in High Point, who wit-
nessed the shooting, said two carloads
of whites opened fire first, and some of
those involved in the demonstration
returned fire.
At the height of the battle, he said,
about a dozen people were blazing away
with various weapons.
"I was standing about 50 feet from
the demonstrators and had just direc-
ted my photographer when I heard
what sounded like a firecracker going
off. I looked down the street and I saw
two carloads stop and individuals jum-
ped out shooting shotguns and

automaticweapons," Travis said.
"At that point, I hit the dirt. I looked
over to where the demonstrators had
been and the area was cluttered with
demonstrators and blood. People were
shooting. It was an awful sight."
. TRAVIS said the gunfire lasted about
two minutes, and police closed in im-
mediately and blocked off the area.
Williamson said some of those arrested
were fleeing the scene in a yellow van.
He said he was not aware of any Klan
activity in the area, and there had been
See ANTI-KKK, Page 6

B alanced budget hopes wane; Congress
likely to up '80 deficit by $2 billion

DoilyPhoob *y JIM KUZ
JANICE HARTWELL (left), president of the Women's Law Students
Association, Sherri Goodman (center) of the National Lawyer's Guild, and
student Suzanne Dey, were among the protesters at last night's showing of
the movie, "The Opening of Misty Beethoven," at the Law School.
Lawschool students,

rhetoric about moving toward a balan-
ced budget, Congress finds itself in the
embarrassing spot of voting for a
higher 1980 deficit than was recorded in
just-completed fiscal 1979.
The budget compromise, hammered
out by House-Senate negotiators last
week, calls for $29.8 billion in red-ink
spending for fiscal 1980 - about $2
billion more than was reported in fiscal
1979, which ended Sept. 30.
SURPRISINGLY high tax revenues,
resulting largely from soaring in-
flation, cut the 1979 deficit to $27.7
billion, nearly $10 billion below what
had been expected.
But while the lower-than-expected

1979 deficit might be good news for op-
ponents of government borrowing, it
creates a dilemma for lawmakers who
claimed the deficit in 1980 would be
lower than in 1979.
Reducing the deficit in 1980 was sup-
posed to be a sign that congress was
heeding growing public demands for a
balanced federal budget. The com-
promise budget is slated for floor action
in the House and Senate this week.
THE CHANCES for balancing the
federal budget by fiscal 1981 -
President Carter's long-held goal -
also seem to be fading with the expec-
ted onset of a recession and private
administration forecasts of a likely $1C
billion deficit.

The continued deficits seem certain
to fuel public interest in reducing
government spending, an issue that
already scared many members of
Congress in 1978, the year of Califor-
nia's Proposition 13 and tax cut fever.
That public concern led to a flood of
constitutional and statutory proposals
to require a balanced budget, restrict
government spending or limit federal
taxes. However, none of them is expec-
ted to go anywhere this session.
California Gov. Edmund Brown Jr.
called for a constitutional convention to'
enact a budget balancing amendment,
making the issue part of his campaign
for the Democratic presidential

picket r
Some 25 people picketed the showing
of the X-rated movie "The Opening of
Misty Beethoven" at Hutchins Hall last
night, claiiing the movie is por-
nographic and oppressive to women.
The protest of the movie, which was
being shown by the Gargoyle Film
Society, was organized by the Women's
aw Student Association (WSLA),


bated film4
Feminist Legal Services, and the Law
School chapter of the National
Lawyer's Guild.
IN LEAFLETS handed out last night
and at Friday's showings of the film,
the organizers said the Law School-
affiliated Gargoyle film society exer-
cised poor judgement by sponsoring a
pornographic film. "It is particularly
See LAW, Page 2

__ _
... ..


grew up in Montreal," Shap-
piro said. The economics
expert noted that his two
youngest daughters,
Janet, 17 and Karen,
15, were born in this country
and therefore not subject to
the change their parents and
older sisters Anne, 21, and
Marilyn, 19, underwent. U.S.
citizenship was granted to
the Shanirns reeanth, by

10. Convicted in 1972 of conspiracy and arson in the
firebombing of a North Carolina grocery store, nine of the
Wilmington 10 were later paroled. Chavis remains in jail.
The Alliance called for an "immediate release and also
complete pardon of innocence for Chavis and his nine co-
defendants," said Alliance member John Sokolow.
Names were collected for petitions directed to President
Carter and North Carolina Governor James Hunt. The
demonstration is part of a nationwide campaign which has
been active since 1974 according to Sokolow. The Alliance
'plans to continue its demonstrations and petition signing
the first nfiminvof Pvm~rv mani nth n rn.,:c :s - n .

council representatives and interested students. Three
ROTC guards, raised the state capitol flag at 11:00 a.m. to
the tune of the Star Spangled Banner, which the band mem-
bers played. El
On the inside
President Carter's performance in fulfilling his 1976
campaign promises is examined on the editorial
page ... highlights of the Michigan Hockey Team's shot at
its civth streaiht win aainst Minnenta are nn the annrt

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