I 1
Page 2-Friday, November 2, 1979-The Michigan Daily
1st Lady Matnie dies
-Robin Clark
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14 . 0
United States
Office of Education
United States Office of Education
Regular Students
250 line Newspaper
Prepared by
Masai Enterprises, Inc.
From AP and Reuter
WASHINGTON - Mamie Eisenhower will be buried
tomorrow beside her beloved Ike, the husband of more than a
half-century with whom she shared a glittering military
career and the presidency.
To the nation, she was "Mamie," a shy, quiet woman who
was happy to be known simply as the wife of Dwight
Eisenhower, a five-star general and the country's 34th
"I miss this man of mine; he was my life," she would tell
interviewers after Eisenhower's death in 1969 at Walter Reed
Army Medical Center. They had been married nearly 53
PRESIDENT CARTER said she was a warm and gracious
first lady who "carried out her public and private duties,
despite a lifetime of fragile health, in a way that won her a
special place in the heart of Americans and of people all over
the world."
After 10 years of living alone on the Eisenhower farm at the
edge of the Civil War battlefield in Gettysburg, Pa., Mrs.
Eisenhower suffered a stroke Sept. 25 and was paralyzed on
her right side.
She had been undergoing physical therapy since then at
Walter Reed.
MRS. EISENHOWER died at 1:35 a.m. Thursday, ap-
parently of heart failure. She would have been 83 on Nov. 14.
.As Eisenhower planned, she will be buried beside him in
the "Place of Meditation," a small chapel with richly colored
windows and Travertine marble wall panels situated just
across from Eisenhower's boyhood home at Abilene, Kan.
Both are on the grounds of the Eisenhower Center at Abilene.
Beside her sister, Mrs. Eisenhower leaves her son, John,
his wife, their four children and four granddaughters. The
Eisenhowers had another son, Doud Dwight, who died of
scarlet fever at age three.
MAMIE GENEVA DOUD was born in Boone, Iowa, on
November 14, 1896, and was the eldest of three daughters to a
well-to-do meat packing house operator.
Mamie was 18 when she met 2nd Lt. Eisenhower while she
was visiting friends at Fort Sam Houston. The young officer,
fresh out of West Point, courted her and gave her an
engagement ring that was a full-sized copy of Ike's class ring
- amethyst set in gold.
They were married July 1, 1916, and Mamie, not yet 20,
began following her husband to a variety of duty posts.
SHE SAID ONCE that they lived in 37 houses during their
married life.
After Eisenhower's death she endured in silence the repor-
ts that Ike had a torrid romance with Lt. Kay Summersby,
his wartime driver, and that he once thought of divorcing
Mamie to marry the young British woman.
John Eisenhower called the divorce story an "egregious
falsehood" and wrote in the preface to a book "Letters to
Mamie" that "there is no evidence that divorce ever
seriously crossed Dad's mind, even in the loneliest moments
across the Atlantic."
With only her Secret Service contingent for company, Mrs.
Eisenhower tried last winter to move into Army Distaff Hall,
a home for Army widows in Washington that she helped
found. But there was no room in the 300-capacity residence
even for one who bore the name of one of America's most
distinguished soldiers.
For a short time she lived in Wardman Towers, the
Washington apartment building where she stayed when
Eisenhower was in Europe, but she went back to Gettysburg.
"The walls just kept closing in on me and I didn't like it,"
she said.
Panel: Chemicals unregulated
WASHINGTON (AP) - Millions of
tons of potentially hazardous
chemicals, some covered over by tennis
courts, parking lots and private homes,
are not covered by federal enviromen-
tal laws, a congressional panel said
A House Commerce investigative
subcommittee said in a report of its
survey of disposal sites that "the
hazardous waste disposal problem may
well be the single most significant en-
vironmental health issue of the
OF 3,383 WASTE sites identified by
the subcommittee, 1,099 are no longer
in use. The report said the closed sites
contain an estimated 100 million tons of
chemical wastes.
The report said among these closed
sites a substantial portion have
probably been abandoned, with no
company or person identifiable as
responsible for cleaning up the areas.
The subcommittee said it found such
abandoned sites beneath tennis courts,
a yacht club, church parking lots, a
18 die as Ell
SAN SALVADOR (Reuter) - At least
18 persons, including six National
Guardsmen, were killed in fresh
clashes in El Salvador as opposition
appeared to be mounting to a civilian-
military junta which seized power 17
days ago.
cemetery, a raceway, botanical gar-
dens, nurseries and an old silo.
EIGHTY FORMER dump sites were
described now as private residences
and farms, including pasture land and
At a news conference, Rep. Bob
Eckhardt, (D-Texas), the subcommit-
tee chairman, said the nation's 53
largest chemical companies were sur-
veyed on their waste disposal practices.
He said the companies provided in-
formation on how 1,605 chemical plants
disposed of wastes at 3,383 sites. Most of
the disposal took place after 1950.
"THESE SITES do not necessarily
pose threats to public health or the en-
vironment," the report said.
However, the subcommittee found
that many of the sites contain large
amounts of dangerous toxic chemicals
that can cause disease or other poten-
tial harm.
E'ckhardt said the subcommittee
conducted the survey in 'part because
the Environmental Protection Agency
has failed to make its own comprehen-
sive effort to find out where the poten-
tial hazards lie.
Douglas Costle said he is ordering an
immediate review of the list to deter-
mine which of the sites might pose
"Where sites are discovered that
pose hazardous waste problems, EPA
will utilize all of its available resources
and legal authorities to undertake en-
forcement actions and, where authority
allows, to require cleanup," Costle said
in a statement.
The subcommittee report said that "a
substantial amount of potentially
hazardous waste is lying in landfills,
pits, ponds and lagoons and will not be
covered by EPA's hazardous waste
"Many of these closed sites contain
wastes with chemical components
known to pose potentially serious
hazards to the public health and the en-
vironment," it said.
Today, 'in
MiamCsburg, Ohio
NCR means
-next generation
Salvador riots
A military spokesman said 12 people
died near the central market here
yesterday when armed leftist demon-
strators hurled incendiary bombs at
security forces in a passing truck.
HE SAID the troops opened fire in
self defense.
Earlier six National Guardsmen
were killed in an ambush 40 miles
southeast of the capital.
The clashes occurred three days after
the worst recent outbreak of violence in
which armed leftists tried to storm a
San Salvador newspaper office. In a
six-hour gunbattle with security forces
at least 20 people were killed.
Since the junta deposed rightwing
President Carlos Humberto Romero in
a bloodless coup Oct. 15, nearly 100
people have been killed in a wave of
politically-motivated violence.
IN OTHER incidents yesterday
unidentified gunmen wearing military
uniforms kidnapped Jaime Hill
Arguello, a rich Salvadorean in-
dustrialist, after killing his bodyguard.
General Romero was deposed by the
junta for his failure to establish con-
stitutional order in El Salvador. As yet
the junta has made little progress in
bringing peace and order to this poor,
overcrowded country.
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Daily Official Bulletin
Friday, November 2, 1979
Dally Calendar
WUOM: Hispanic Heritage, "Lulac: 50 Years
Later" about the League of United Latin-American
Citizens, 10 a.m.
Engineering Humanities: Richard Falk, Leo
Marx, open discussion, Rackham Conf. Rm., 10 a.m.
Guild House: Luncheon, Michelle Russell, "Arts
and Politics," 802 Monroe, noon.
SSEAS: Robert Snow, "Multi-Nationals in
Southeast Asia," Lane Commons, noon; "American
Involvement in Export Oriented Industrialization in
the Philippines," 48 Lane Hall, 3p.m.
Center for Chinese Studies: Michel Oksenberg,
"U.S.-China Relations," 200 Lane Hil, 4p.m.
Music school: University Chamber Orchestra,
Paul Makanowitzky, conductor, Hill, 8p.m.
(USPS 344-900)
Volume LXXXX, No. 50
Friday, November 2,1979
is edited and managed by students at
the University of Michigan. Published
daily Tuesday through Sunday mornin s
during the University year at 420
Ma nard Street Ann Arbor, Michigan
48109 Subscription rates: $12 Septem-
ber through April (2 semesters) 13by
mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer
session published Tuesday through
Saturday mornings. Subscription rates:
$6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7.00 by mail out-
side Ann Arbor. Second class postage
paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POST-
MASTER: Send address changes to
Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109.
or every Wednesday-Noon & 8:00 P.M.-Michigan Union
For Information Call 668-8256 Room 4313
(C) 1976 World Plan Executive Council-U.S. All rights reserved.
Transcendental Meditation is a series of WPEC-U.S. a nonprofit education organization
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