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November 01, 1979 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1979-11-01

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Page 10-Thursday, November 1, 1979-The Michigan Daily

Tensions easing in Cuba?

In November
and December

From AP and Reuter
WASHINGTON-Secretary of State
Cyrus Vance said yesterday the Soviet
Union has taken steps over the past
month which have eased U.S. concerns
about the nature of Soviet troops in
Vance did not spell out what he
meant. But other officials said the
Soviet troops have adopted a "lower
profile" and no longer engage in
military maneuvers.
THESE OFFICIALS, who asked not
to be identified, stressed that there has
been no reduction in the number of
Russian troops or in the amount of
Soviet weaponry and other equipment.
At a news conference, Vance said ony
that "some factors" relating to the
troop presence "are different from
what they were before."
From the American viewpoint, these
changes are "not unpleasant," Vance
said. But he raised the subject again at
the end of his news conference to tell
reporters that he hads not meant to en-
courage optimism with his comments.

U.S. concern over the Soviet troop
presence stemmed from intelligence
photos last August which, officials said,
disclosed that the troops were
organized as a combat brigade and
were engaged in military maneuvers.
But Soviet leaders insist the troops
have been in Cuba for many years only
to train Cuban forces in using Soviet-
supplied military equipment.
SINCE CARTER'S Oct. 1 nationwide
address on the subject, officials said,
"there has been less traffic back and
forth" between the Soviet Union and
Cuba, and the Soviet troops have been
"less active."
They added that difference in the pat-
terns of behavior by thehSoviet troops
since Carter's speech has been en-
couraging, to the administration and
prompted Vance's cautiously op-
timistic statement yesterday.
Vance said yesterday that while the
Soviets were now building additional
facilities at the Cuban port of Cien-
fuegos, including a second naval pier,
there were no indications they would be


These fabulous acrobats, master magicians,
jugglers, tumblers, and kung-fu experts
will astound, mystify and delight audiences
with their uncanny ability and their un-
forgettable demonstrations of prowess and
physical perfection. Saturday, 8:30.
Hill Auditorium

.changes 'not unpleasant'
used for anything else but Cuban ships
and occasional port calls by Soviet
Sen. Richard Stone (D-Fla.), leading
critic of Soviet activities in Cuba, has
expressed concern that the Soviets
might be constructing a submarine

The first modern dance company in the
Republic of China appears in Ann Arbor
under the auspices of the University Musi-
cal Society on their first North American
tour. "Lin Hwai-min, the troupe's artistic
director and chief choregrapher, has suc-
ceeded brilliantly in fusing dance tech-
niques and theatrical concepts from the
East and West " (New York Times,
Oct. 16, 1979). Sunday, 8:00. Power Center


Sgt. acquitted in probe

Martha Graham

"Martha Graham is a genius recurrent. Her
dancers are tremendous and can perform
anything she asks and she asks for both
moons and suns. The Graham troupe by*
whatever standards you care to name is
quite obviously one of the greatest dance
companies in the world." Clive Barnes.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, - 8:00.
Power Center

FORT BRAGG, N.C. (AP) - A military jury yesterday
acquitted Sgt. 1st Class Marshall Brent Jackson in the first
court-martial stemming from a nationwide investigation into
alleged Army recruiting malpractices.
Jackson, 32, of Charlotte, was found innocent of a charge
that he failed to report improper activities to his superiors.
Earlier in the day, military Judge Craig Jacobson dismissed
a charge that Jackson actually took part in the alleged
A jury of two officers and five sergeants deliberated for
about 15 minutes before returning the verdict of acquittal for
Jackson, one of about 200 recruiters across the nation who
have been suspended because of allegations that recruiters
coached prospective enlistees.-
JACKSON HAD headed a recruiting station in Charlotte
until he was relieved of duty. Two other sergeants in the
Army's Charlotte Recruiting District are scheduled to be
court-martialed on similar charges.
If Jackson had been found guilty, he could have been
given a bad-conduct discharge, sentenced to six months at
hard labor, ordered to forfeit two-thirds of his pay for a six-
month period, and demoted to private.
The prosecution presented six witnesses and the defense
presented one during the one-day court-martial.
RETIRED MAJ. Samuel Slaughter, who was Jackson's
commanding officer, testified that he asked Jackson in Oc-
tober 1978 about rumors of recruiting malpractice. He said
Jackson agreed there were widespread abuses in recruiting
and estimated as many as 98 per cent of the non-
commissioned officers involved in recruiting were involved.

Two recruiters in the Charlotte area admitted they
illegally had copies of recruiting tests that were allegedly
used to coach potential enlistees.
However, none of the six prosecution witnesses testified
he knew Jackson had copies of the test or participated direc-
tly in recruiting malpractices.
MUCH OF THE testimony involved allegations of
widespread cheating in the Charlotte area. Staff Sgt. Robert
Fant, who worked under Jackson's supervision, testified for
the prosecution that he was given a copy of the recruiting
tests earlier this year by another Charlotte recruiter, Staff
Sgt. Ronald Pepper.
Fant, who said he had not been granted immunity for his
testimony, said he kept the tests, "used them a few times"
and subsequently burned them.
Pepper, who testified that he was given immunity fromh
prosecution, admitted that he gave the tests to Fant and said
he brought them to Charlotte from his previous assignment
in Montgomery, Ala.
It THEY WERE given to me by the station commander" in
Montgomery, Pepper said.
Another Charlotte recruiter, Master Sgt. Stanley Frick,
said Jackson called him at home last April 25 and told him of
alleged recruiting malpractices. Jackson was a subordinate
of Frick.
According to Frick, Jackson said "higher headquartgrs
was aware of it and everybody was doing it." Frick quoted
Jackson as saying that if the malpractice were eliminated it
would cut that station's enlistment by about 50 per cent.

The oldest and one of the most dis-
tinguished orchestras in the world, the
Dresden State Orchestra was founded in
1548. Under the direction of Herbert
Blomstedt, the orchestra will play
Wagner's Overture to "Die Meistersinger,"
Beethoven's Symphony No. 8, and Strauss'
"Ein Heldenleben" in Ann Arbor during
their first American tour. Sunday, 8:30.
Hill Auditorium



Fred Waring and his Young Pennsylvanians
have developed another musicalnvariety ex-
travaganza this year entitled "BEST of the
BEST." The show will highlight."the Best
of every type of song: interpretations of the
best records of the finest recording stars,
songs by the finest composers and, of
course, some of the Pennsylvanians'
greatest concert and recording hits through.
the years." Friday, 8:30. Hill Auditorium

The Radical Arts Troupe offers a Theatrical Re-
search Project using "The Measures Taken" by Ber-
tolt Brecht and original street theater material.
Thursday & Friday at 8:00 p.m.
332 South State Street (second floor)
(,. 96 thru Nov1

A curiosity to discover and recreate un-
known and long-forgotten works motivated
these musicians who, since 1963, have amj-
massed a large collection of manuscripts
and instruments. Under Kees Otten, foun-
der and director, they will present "Anno
Domini 1501" - compositions by masters
from the Low Countries. Tuesday, 8:30.
Rackham Auditorium No
?z +* fg * $



One of Ann Arbor's most cherished tra-
ditions is the Choral Union's performance
of "Messiah". Once again, under the direc-
tion of Donald Bryant the Choral Union,
and soloists present Handel's great oratorio
to begin a joyous Christmas season. Soloists
are Elizabeth Parcells, soprano; Victoria
Grof, contralto; David Eisler, tenor; and
Donald Bell, bass. Performances Fri. & Sat.
at 8:30; Sun. at 2:30. Hill Auditorium


OurBet uts
acre pow on 801


Con sumers
gethelp in'
bitter battle,
with lemons
WASHINGTON (UPI) - New steps
designed to help consumers complain
and receive quick resolution about cars
they consider lemons were announced
yesterday by the federal government
and the automobile industry.
The arrangement involves an
upgrading of standards for voluntary
complaint-handling panels currently in
operation at 44 locations across the
Called the Automotive Consumer A C-
tion Programs, or AUTOCAPS, th*
panels are designed to provide
hearing for the consumer who has
reached a dead end with an auto dealer.
IDEALLY, THE hearing would be
conducted by a panel composed of con-
sumer representatives and industry
members. But the programs have
varied widely in their makeup and e~f
fectiveness. Some. consist only of staff,
with no formal hearing panel. Some
were open to press coverage and public,
scrutiny while others were not.
Participation in AUTOCAPS is volun-
tary and dealers need not cooperate if
they choose.
The four suits in playing cards
originally represented four classes:.
hearts were the clergy; spades the
military; diamonds the merchants, and
clubs the peasantry.
All Gpokworms:
Now that your ,
are over,
1 tiI

Nina Beilina, a topflight Russian violinist
has already become a name to be reckoned
with in North and South America and
Western Europe. Harold C. Schonberg of
The New York Times called her "a major
talent, a virtuoso violinist of formidable
powers, an important instrumentalist and
a first-class musician to boot" after her
New York debut recital in 1978, noting that
"Russia's loss is our gain." Tuesday, 8:30.
Rackham Auditorium

t Dec. 4

Each dinner includes baked potato, warm roll
with butter and our All-You-Can-Eat salad bar.


A sparkling entertainment awaits the
whole family as the Pittsburgh Ballet pre-
sents the wonderment of Christmas seen
through the eyes of a little girl, Clara. Five
performances of this Tchaikovsky favorite
(taped music) - get your tickets early!
Thurs., Fri., Sat. evenings at 8:00;
Sat. & Sun. matinees at 3:00.
P~ower Center

Regular Cut Sale
Reg. $4.79 $3 9
King-Size Cut Sale
Rea. $5569 $ Af00

Reg. $4.29 .

0 AA



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