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November 01, 1979 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1979-11-01

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By Billy Sohn
Billy and Willie..
Two of baseball's best gone
ILLY MARTIN AND WILLIE MAYS have done a service to sports
writers this week. The recent controversies surrounding both figures
has enabled writers to continue to turn out baseball copy this late in the year,
stealing valuable space from basketball, hockey and football.
Martin and Mays were both forced out of baseball this week, each for
different reasons. Nevertheless, in spite of two starkly different
philosophies, both have reached similar conclusions.
Bye, Bye Billy
Billy Martin, the infamous manager of the former world champion
New York Yankees, is unemployed once again. For the second time in less
than two years, Martin's employment with the club has been terminated.
For the fifth time in a career punctuated by punches and drinking, Mar-
tin is out of a job as'manager. His three othier stints came with Minnesota,
Texas and Detroit.
Martin's charge, he slugged a marshmallow salesman and landed him
in the hospital with 15 stitches in his lip. Martin, at first claimed he didn't do
it. But the innocent-boy routine did not sit well with principle owner George
Steinbrenner. Steinbrenner called him out-out of a job.
Now here's a guy, managing a professional baseball team acting as a
professional himself. But there's no room for his antics on or off the field.
Steinbrenner should have realized that Martin would not change the.first
time he left the Yankees. Instead, he was rehired only to be fired again.
It's unfortunate, but you bet your dollar that Martin will be back in
another dugout. Martin's too good to be away from the playing field for too
long. But the said fact is that he'll never change, as he claimed when Stein-
brenner rehired him. He'll always be a fighter and a squabbler.
Billy simply cannot handle relationships of the human kind. He can
manage superbly from a dugout, but life is not a dugout. Away from the
ballpark and its secure environment, Martin is bound to end up in some
trouble. It's his nature. Maybe now Martin will realize that managing your-
self is completely different from managing a group of ball players. On the
field, you can employ the hit-and-run, but off the field you can't. The truth
always hurts.
For the fans
Unlike Martin, whose difficulty with people cost him his job, Willie
Mays lost his this week for the opposite reason, because he is seemingly too
good with people.
Willie's life of baseball, all those spectacular
catches and homeruns, has been to satisfy one
customer only, the fans. His playing days and
those in retirement were devoted to them.
But in all his ill-wisdom,- bar' ~om-
missioner Bowie Kuhn told Mays he It . the
game if he followedi through with his career
plans. Mays, formerly of the San Francisco;
Giants, held a public relations job with the New
York Mets 'and hoped to' continue it. But when
Kuhn got wind of Mays' new business adventure
with a casino firm in Atlantic City, Kuhn gave
him the ultimatum of either staying with the
Mets or leaving the world of baseball.-
Mays is incredibly good for baseball. It's a Willie Mays
tremendous loss not only for Mays himself, but
for all fans of the sport. It's too bad that Kuhn
took his stubborn stand, for it's Mays' dismissal that tarnishes the game.
Bally Manufacturing Company, owner of a boardwalk hotel and maker
of pinball and slot machines offered Mays a $100,000 a year job with
escalating pay to become a special assistant in community relations.
Kuhn ruled that "he could not take money from two places," so Mays
must leave the Mets. Kuhn's decision drew the line at orseracing, ruling
that a baseball figure's involvement in casinos would not be tolerated. The
commissioner ignored the (pet that gambling is legal in New Jersey, and that
Mays' association will be in the area of relations, not actual gambling.
The events resulted in an altogether embarrassing situation for a decent
guy. Mays was thrown into the middle of a conflict. Besides, gambling is not
illegal in New Jersey.
Quoted in the New York Times, Mays said afterwards that, "I am not in-
to gambling: The company is into gambling, not me. What skills do I have
outside of baseball? Only public relations, dealing with people."
Baseball has lost a great deal because of the commissioner's stand. Be
thankful that Kuhn can toss Willie only out of baseball, but not out of the Hall
of Fame.
We're left then witra mis-behaving Billy Martin and a humiliated Willie
Mays. Martin's approach to the game has been a rough one filled with tur-
moil. lie has experienced numerous downs throughout his tenure,
aggravating many people. Mays on the other hand has viewed the game as
an arena for the entertainment of the fans. His job with Bally is just an ex-
tension of his unique abilities to relate to people.-
For the time being, both Mays and Martin are away from baseball,
although their hearts aren't. These two totally different personalities have
ironically ended up in the same position: each was searately told to leave.

Freshman Diemer

He's short, thin, and painfully quiet.
He almost seems meek. But freshman
Brian Diemer has asserted himself on
the cross country course, coming out of
nowhere to become one of the top three
runners on the men's squad. As coach
Ron Warhurst proclaims, "He lets his
feet do his talking!"
Diemer's original goal for the season
was to be among the top nine harriers
on the team southat he would be on the
traveling squad. Last Saturday,
Diemer finished third in the prestigious
Central Collegiate Conference Cham-
pionship at Western Michigan, making
it certain that Warhurst will take him
anywhere he wants to go.
DIEMER'S TIME of 24:09 over the
8000-meter course placed him right
behind Michigan's ace reunner, Dan
Heikkinen. Junior Dave Lewis had been
the number two man, but minor in-
juries have slowed him recently.
"He's been a pleasant surprise,"
Warhurst said of his freshman phenom.
"We've had little nagging injuries to
some of our runners, and he's really
taken over and done the job.
"He's number two right now because
Dave Lewis got hurt last week,"
Warhurst continued. "He could be third
or second or first; it's hard to tell
what's going to happen in the big ones. I
just hope he keeps running as well as he
DIEMER SEEMS almost awed by his

own improvement. "I can't believe it.
It's just happened so fast; I haven't
even thought about it," he said.
Success is hardly a new experience
for Diemer, however. In his senior year
in high school, he won the Michigan
ClassB state cross country champion-
ship. He also excelled in track, winning

move, hi
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they wi

The Michigan Daily-Thursday, November 1, 1979-Page 9
makig tracks
e has had to change his style .O IN A SPORT such as cross country,
ntbilagoruoes ofhee where the emphasis is on individual
Brian sort of keys off where performance, upperclassmen often
is and stays behind him," resent the sudden success of an upstart
st explained. "He's running as freshman. That isn't the case at
v as (Mike) McGuire or (Bill) Michigan, however.
wski or Greg Meyer did when "Theyth :' reat,'hWarurs
erefreshmen."_Donakowski commented. "Brian has the type of
personality that allows it. Whenever
you get a freshman in there running
well,s it keeps the upperclassmen
ts his feet do his talk- honest."
Despite his unassuming personality,
-Ron Warhurst, Diemer has an inner confidence
unusual in freshmen. He's:cool, his pre-
cross country coach race trademark is a stone-face.
"I'M SURE DEEP down inside he's
nervous, but he never seems like he's
going to lose his head," Warhurst said.
"Did you tell him how nervous you
get before the races?" the team's
trainer jokingly asked Diemer.
't bellere it. It's just hap- "Really, I wish you could rub off on
so fast; I haven't even some of the other guys."
Diemer's mettle is sure to be tested
it about it." Saturday in the Big Ten Championships
-Brian Diemer in Columbus. "I definitely think he'll
finish in the top eight in the Big Ten
meet," Warhurst predicted. "He's
made steady improvement this year.
He'll probably be the best freshman ii
e Michigan records in the 500- the Big Ten meet."
00-meter track races, McGuire DIEMER IS A pre-business'student
All-American in cross country, in LSA, but is business Saturday will be
er is a former AAU cross coun- to finish as high as possible in Colum
npion. bus. And one can bet that he'll take care
of that business. Quietly.

Brian Diemer

the state title in the mile twice, and in
the two-mile once.
Whereas Diemer would be able to lay
back in high school cross country races
and overtake his opposition whenever
and wherever he chose to make his

holds th
and 10,00
was an A
and Mey
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Grid pionteer Yale
aims for 700th Win
NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP)-The college that has won more games, }
scored more points and produced numerous All-Americans is on the verge of
another football milestone.
Yale University, which pioneered the game in the person of Walter
Camp, is one victory away from 700 wins.
The New Haven school is actually on a historical fulcrum. Its next loss
will be the 200th in its 107 years of competition.
"We're thinking 700, not 200," said Yale Coach Carmen Cozza this week.
"It's a great honor to have the chance to lay claim to such an impressive j
milestone," said Cozza. "The fact that our first crack at the mark will come
in such a crucial game for us seems very appropriate as well."
The Elis play at Cornell Saturday in a game that may decide the Ivy
League race. Yale, the last unbeaten major college team in the East, leads
Cornell by one game.
Yale's 699-199-53 record is impressive in light of the fact that its nearest
rivals are Harvar, ,d Princeton with 629 victories, followed by Penn (615),
Michigan (612), and Notre Dame (605). Those figures include victories in
bowl games.
Camp heads a long list of Yale greats. The 1880 graduate played on
teams that posted a 36-1-5 record and later coached for five years with a 67-2
won-loss mark.
But more importantly, Camp was the "father of American football." He
is credited with reshaping what was essentially English rugby into
American football. For instance, he developed the concept of the play from
scrimmage, the quarterback and the first down rule. From 1879 to 1925,
Camp participated in every major change in the sport's rules.
A total of 22 Yale players are members of the National Football Foun-
dation Hall of Fame, more than any other school in the country.

That sinking feeling AP Photo
Colorado Rockies goalie Bill Oleschuk looks back and finds something
gaining on him at the Atlanta Omni Tuesday night against the Atlanta
Flames. The Flames burned to a 3-1 victory.

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wings i
DETROIT (UPI)-Al MacAdam and
Tom McCarthy scored third-period
goals 59 seconds apart last night to snap
a 3-3 deadlock and lead the Minnesota
North Stars to a 5-3 victory over the
Detroit Red Wings.
MacAdam scored his second goal of


First plac
and owe
CHICAGO (AP) - Coach Earle
Bruce credits undefeated and fifth-
ranked Ohio State's success this season
to the development of team defense and
that is reflected in this week's Big Ten
The Buckeyes lead the conference in
scoring defense and pass defense, are
second in total defense and third in
rushing defense.
IN FIVE conference games the
Buckeyes have allowed a total of 30
points or 6.0 per game to 12.6 for second
place Michigan. They have yielded only
125.4 yards a game passing to 131.4 for
second place Michigan State.
Purdue leads the league in total
defense, allowing 261.0 yards a game to
261.4 for Ohio State. Purdue also leads
in rushing defense with 100.6 yards a
game to 102.6 for Michigan and 136.0 for
Ohio State.
All of Ohio State's success isn't
limited to defense. The Buckeyes lead
the league in rushing with 306.6 yards a
game to 306.0 for second place
qiIO STATE leads in total offense
with 454.0 yards a game to 429.8 for
Michigan and the Buckeyes lead in

e Ohio State defense
r offense top Big Ten
scoring with an average of 37.0 points a receiving. Todd Sheets of Northwestern
game to 31.0 for Michigan. leads with 24 receptions, one ahead of
Minnesota leads in passing, Glenn Bourguin of Minnesota. Elmer
averaging 216.7 yards a game to 194.8 Bailey of Minnesota and Dave Young of
for second place Purdue. Purdue are tied with 22 each.
Dennis Mosley of Iowa is the in- BUTCH WOOLFOLK of Michigan is
dividual rushing leader with 116.2 yards the scoring leader with 54 points
a game while Mark Carlson of Min- followed by Mosley and Marion Barber
nesota: is the passing and total offense of Minnesota with 48 each while Vlade
leader. Jankievski of Ohio State is the kick-
ON A GRADED formula, Carlson is soiglae ih3 ons
scoring leader with 36 points.
first in passing followed by Mark Reggie Roby of Iowa is the punting
Herrmann of Purdue and Art Schlichter leader with a 45.3 average followed by
of Ohio State. Greg Hayes of Purdue at 44.5, Ray
Carlson is averaging 209.3 yards on Stachowicz of Michigan State at 43.7
total offense to 192.4 yards for Tim Clif- and Tom Orosz of Ohio State at 43.3.
ford of Indiana and 181.2 for Schlichter. Mike Jolly of Michigan leads with
There's a close race in pass three interceptions.
will hold am information meeting
for Undergraduates
0 MONDAY, NOV. 5-4:10 .m.
W iat 2016Friez e
We will answer questions about the

ose, 5-3
the night at 10:06 of the final period
when he backhanded a rebound past
Detroit goalie Jim Rutherford. McCar-
thy's third goal of the year less than a
minute later iced the game for Min-
THE NORTH STARS had taken a 3-2
lead on second-period power play goals
by MacAdam and Craig Hartsburg, but
Detroit's Peter Mahovlich tied the
score at-the 7:00 mark of the final stan-
Detroit opened the scoring with first-
period goals by Mike Foligno and Den-
nis Sobchuk.
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