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See editorial page
See Today for details
Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. LXXXX. No. 45 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, October 27, 1979 Ten Cents Ten Pages
Internal problems
plague huii
Last in three-part series
A year after its members were appointed, Ann
Arbor's citizens advisory panel on Human Rights
is still in an "organizational" stage, according to
panel members and observers.
The seven-member Human Rights Commission
is' responsible for advising City Council and Per-
sonnel/Human Rights Department staff on city
anti-discrimination programs and educating the
public about the effects of discrimination.
BUT CRITICS of the panel's performance
suggest that it has failed to identify and address
problems of discrimination in the city.
"Ask them what they've done in the past year,
that's all I have to say," declared Kenneth Latta
(D-First Ward).
"The last six months to a year, I'm not aware of
much the new commission has done," Gerald Bell
(R-Fifth Ward) said.
EVEN THE Vice Chairwoman of the com-
mission, Sherry Chin, agreed: "I really think that
if you were to try to make a story about the Human
Rights Commission right now, there wouldn't be
much to say."
Chin cited membership turnover and lack of a
defined role for the group under the revised
Human Rights ordinance of Match, 1978 as
reasons for its inability to provide direction to the
Human Rights staff in City Hall.
Chin and commission members Bill Cash and.
Janice Caldwell referred inquiries about the
commission to its chairman, William Alexander.
BUT MONDAY, even as Chin spoke, Alexander
resigned from the human rights panel.
His resignation brought to three the number of
commissioners who have left the board recently or
who will lave soon. Former commission member
Doulas Buchanan moved out of the city in August.
and John Powell's term will expire Nov. 27.
Mayor Louis Belcher confirmed Tuesday that
Alexander had resigned, acknowledging that
tan rights1
"friction with the (Personnel/Human Rights)
Department staff contributed to Alexander's
"I THOUGHT the commission was getting far
too much into trying to solve its internal
problems," instead of fighting discrimination in
the city, Belcher said.
He added that he has asked the commission for
an evaluation of the city's human rights programs
and the group's "internal problems" should not in-
terfere in that evaluation.
Belcher also said Alexander's appointment to
another citizen's commission played a part in his
See CITIZENS, Page 7
S. Korea CIA chief
kills President Park;
U.S. troops on alert
Daily Photo by PETER SERLING
In anticipation of today's
homecoming football clash,
Univesity students yesterday
smashed cars and stormed the
Diag shouting "Let'sGo Blue."
In a demolition derby pitting
northside fraternities against
those to the south, a crowd of
more than 150 witnesses the an-
nual Evans Scholars Car Bash at
the north end of E. University.
Street. I
The south rose to take the vic-
tory by a score of 96.92 to 92.62 in
the contest that left a Maverick
and Falcon, circa early '70s,
JUDGING THE event were
state Sen. Edward Pierce'and
former marching band director
George Cavender. The autos,
which were inoperable to begin
with and even less so after the
contest, were donated by a local
auto supply shop.
After dark, "Meechigan" an-
nouncer Bob Ufer (above)
alleged before a Diag crowd that
the Maize and Blue are "No. 1."
From AP, UPI and Reuter
SEOI L, South Korea - President
Park Chung-hee, 62, authoritarian ruler
of South Korea for 18 years, was shot to
death last night by the chief of the
Korean Central Intelligence Agency in
a dinner party quarrel that exploded in-
to bloodshed.
The South Korean government said
Park and five other persons were slain
in a gun battle last night that erupted
following an argument between the
KCIA head, Kim Jae-kyu, and Park's
chief bodyguard, Cha Chi-chul, at a
dinner given by Kim. Cha also was
killed and Kim was being questioned by
military authorities, according to the
broadcast announcement by Infor-
mation Minister Kim Seong-jin.
HIS REPORT said the KCIA chief
accidentally fired the shot that woun-
ded Park and the president was taken
to a nearby army hospital where he
died at 7:50 p.m. ( 6:50 a.m. EDT).
President Carter was advised of the
situation at 2 p.m. EPT and the Defense
Department immediately ordered the
38,000 American troops in South Korea
into an increased state of alert.
The information minister's announ-
cement came several hours after the
government had declared over national
radio that Prime Minister Choi Kyu-
hah was named acting president under
a constitutional clause that permits a
successor to be named if the president
is unable to perform his duties. That
report made no mention of Park's
RUMORS OF an assassination swept
See S. KOREAN, Page 2
... assumes presidency ... 18-year rule ends
South Africa denies
Prices s pral: Kahn sees no end
From AP and PI'I
WASHINGTON - The worst rate of
inflation in 33 years continued its
assault on Americans' pocketbooks in
September as consumer prices in-
creased another 1.1 per cent, the gover-
nment said yesterday.
Administration officials added to the
gloom of the latest price report by con-
ceding temporary defeat in their efforts
to slow inflation, which was atan an-
nual rate of 13.2 for the first nine mon-
ths of the year.
"I SEE No short term relief in
sight," said Alfred Kahn, President
Carter's chief anti-inflation adviser. He
told a congressional committee it would
be "hard to quarrel" that inflation will
be above 10 per cent for a long time.
Inflation has been the chief factor in a
drop in the purchasing power of
workers' paychecks, which fell another
0.7 per cent in September and was down
4.4 per cent from a year earlier. Con-
sumer prices for the 12-month period
ending in September were up 12.1 per
While the most dramatic increases in
September were for food, housing and
fuel, prices were higher for virtually
everything therconsumer uses. Even
drowning one's financial sorrows in
drink was more expensive, as the price
of alcoholic beverages rose 0.6 per cent.
THE CONSUMER price report con-
tained the following bad news:
* Food prices rose 0.9 per cent, the
first substantial increase in food costs'
after three months of little or no
change. Fruits and vegetables were up
2.7 per cent.
. Gasoline rose 3.1 cents to 99.8 cents
a gallon, an increase of 31.3 cents since
December. The price is the average for
all types.
* Home heating oil rose 4.8 cents to
an average 84.8 cents a gallon, an in-
crease of 30.3 cents so far this year.
* Housing prices rose sharply for the
eighth consecutive month, up 1.2 per
cent. Home financing costs rose 2.5 per
cent because of higher mortgage in-
terest rates.
John Layng, a Labor Department
economist, offered an historical
prospective on the 1979 inflation level.
He said there was a good chance that
inflation would finish the year at the
highest rate since 1946, when the United
States was struggling to recover from
World War II.
nuke basi
From AP and Renter
JOHANNESBURG, South Africa -
South African leaders yesterday
ridiculed U.S. intelligence reports
suggesting that this country may have
set off a nuclear test explosion last
And in Washington, government of-
ficials backed away from U.S. in-
telligence reports suggesting South
Africa had detonated a nuclear device
in a remote area of the Southern
"THERE IS NO independent eviden-
ce that would link a particular country"
with the suspected explosion of the
nuclear device, said a senior Defense
Department official, asking that he not
be named.
And another government source; also
asking anonymity, said, "There is no
reason whatsoever to implicate South
Africa in this." This source said "no
one really knows" vwhat actually oc-
curred in the remote area where the
blast is reported to have taken place.
A one-second burst of light is the only
U.S. evidence thet a nuclear blast
might have occurred in the vicinity of
South Africa last month, a senior Pen-
tagon official added,
THE BRIGHT flash was picked up
September 22 by a U.S. satellite
especially designed to detect nuclear
t reports
Within hours the information was
known to President Carter and his top
aides, who relayed it to Washington's
European allies.
.If the Americans don't know what is
going on, I suggest they first make sure
of their facts before they run away with
the idea," said Foreign Minister Pik
"I KNOW absolutely nothing about
the matter," said Botha. "Why don't
you ask the Russians or the Chinese, or
even the Americans for that matter?"
If South Africa did acquire nuclear
weapons, they would be the seventh
country in the world to do so after the
United States, the Soviet Union,
Britain, France, China, and India.
Secretary of State Cyrus Vance said
the United States had been working for
months to obtain South Africa's
signature to the Nuclear. Non-
proliferation Treaty which would
preclude its development of nuclear
"They have refused so far to do that,"
he said, "but they have said that they
would not develop nuclear weapons.
"We do not yet have any evidence
that they have.
"I think the devefopment of nuclear
weapons by them would of course be a
de-stabilizing and dangerous' step for-
ward,.. Mr. Vance said.
Police arrest 4 in Ann
Arbor cocaine bust
Four persons were arrested early
yesterday morning when a team of un-
dercover police officers seized an un-
determined amount of cocaine from an
Ann Arbor residence, Ann Arbor Police
and a witness said yesterday.
Ann Arbor Police Captain Robert
Conn said the amount "was an ap-
preciable amount for a sale, at least one
According to police and the witness, a
team of WANT (Wayne Area Narcotics
Team) undercover narcotics agents
purchased the cocaine from four
college-aged persons at 1512 Geddes
Rd. between midnight Thursday and
12:45 a.m. yesterday, and then made
the arrests
__________________________________________________________________________________________ S
WCCAA appeal
A panel of three state Court of Appeals judges has ruled
that the University's written argument in the Washtenaw
County Coalition Against Apartheid (WCCAA) appeal of an
April decision will be allowed to stand. That earlier ruling,
allowed the University to bar protestors from Regents
meetings. The University requested the ruling after the
March Regents meeting when the WCCAA disrupted the
Regents meeting to protest the University's investments in
frend stood guard by the candy machine. Suddenly the
friend threw the quarter in the air, signalling to the
assassin, and a woman walked by. She spotted the assassin
and walked into the room. 'Are you looking for a guy with
curly hair," she whispered, "because he's right outside."
"No," the assassin smiled sadistically, "I'm looking for
you." The assassin pulled out her gun and shot the woman.
She was dead. Stranger than fiction? No, it's reality in East
Quad where Killer has once again taken over the minds of
mid-term crazed and dorm food-fed residents. Killer, which
players. By Friday at 3 p.m. more than 95 people were off
for that big East Cloud in the sky.
On the inside
Turn to the editorial page for the Current State of Con-
sumerism in the Pirgim Awareness Column ... The Per
suasions on Arts Page 5 ... and read all about the opening
of the Michigan Hockey Season on Sports, Page 8.