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October 26, 1979 - Image 15

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1979-10-26

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The Michigan Daily-Friday, October 26, 1979-Page 15

problem for last year's icers, as
was the defense and the offense.
Between the three goalies last
year-Rudy Varvari (left), Bob
Sutton and Peter Mason-a
rather disasterous '5.75 goals
against average was established.
The recruitment of Paul Fricker,
the top goaltender in the Pacific
Coast League last year, should
improve the situation.


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Yost Arena

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Yost is almost
Y OST ARENA, THAT old rectangular building the color of dried blood
with a thousand pigeons roosting on the roof, is the place where the
Wolverines play hockey. The sight lines there are effective, so it's a good
place to watch a hockey game. But that's where the pleasantries end.
First of all, the place is extremely old and it was not built with the inten-
tion that artificial ice would be made inside or that hockey games would be
played there. The place was originally built as a fieldhouse, and guys like
Cazzie Russell and Bill Buntin went floating up and down the court making
dazzling layups; Yost was originally the home of the Michigan basketball
When Yost was renovated for hockey in 1972, the seating arrangements
were not changed. All of which means that the 104 or so seats in each corner
are good for nothing because they are tucked away behind the end zone
grandstands. So when the Michigan press guide advertises Yost as having
the largest capacity (8,100) of any college owned rink in the country, it is
grossly misleading.
The fact that Yost is old is not bad in itself. I've heard many people say
that Yost is their favorite place in the WCHA because it is old and charming.
Apparently there is something comforting in being able to squash a cigar
butt or haphazardly toss away an empty pint of Jack Daniels and not have to
worry about where they end up.
Perhaps the biggest hangup at Yost is the loudspeaker system, a per-
petual problem since they started playing hockey games there in 1973. The
fact is, you can't hear what the hell the announcer, Glen Williams, is saying.
'Bloor blah bloooo, ersay, bersay ornt gorsh frok," is similar to what each
announcement sounds like.
The Michigan pep band plays at Yost for every game, which is great
because they make beautiful music and get the crowd fired up. But there is
one problem with this. If you happen to be sitting in or near the south end of
the arena where the band is, it is impossible to carry on a conversation with
a friend or date without screaming at full volume, and even then it is dif-
ficult. The band just plays too loud.
So Yost has a few problems, but they shouldn't stop one from going to see

Doug Todd
1979-80 captain

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