The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, October 17, 1979-Page ~1 LADIES NH~I
Bues shut out sagging 0's, 4-0
BALTIMORE (AP)-Dave, Parker fallen into a dreadful slump, managing criticized for his poor hitting in earlier PARKER, WHO carried a .429 Series Finally in front, Pittsburgh went to
~nd Willie Stargell, the power part of just one run in 19 innings. Their slum- games, drilled his third hit of the night, batting average into this game, drilled the ace of its bullpen, the lanky, bespec- P14MG
Pittsburgh's lineup, drove in a pair of bering bats proved fatal to starter Jim a single to right. Then, on a hit-and-run a single past second baseman Rich tacled Tekulve. He had been ripped in
seyenth-inning runs to ignite the Palmer, who pitched a creditable play, Tim Foli bounced a ball up the Dauer, scoring Moreno with the game's Game Four-the victim of the bulk of DROPOUrSI
Pjrates attack as they tied the 1979 game, matching Candelaria's shutout middle. Orioles shortstop Kiko Garcia first run and sending Foli scampering that big Baltimore six-run rally. This
World Series at three games apiece by through th~ first six innings, tried to field the ball and keep his foot to third. A moment later, Stargell got time, it was a different story as he How to Pfrv t*u r~
defeating'Baltimore 4-0 in last night's Candelaria, who has been troubled by on the base for the force play on the second run home with a sacrifice fly mowed the Orioles down easily,
sixth game. back and rib cage injuries, was lifted Moreno. But he succeeded in neither, to left field. allowing one hit the final three innings. Liespite YDDiT ?&
It was the second straight victory for for pinch-hitter Lee Lacy leading off the and the ball squirted through for a
the Pirates and forced the Series to a seventh as the Pirates sought to get single. Two years of testing have prodt~~
d&cisive seventh game Wednesday something going against Palmer. But That set the Pirates' table with big
struck out as a guns and . on amaztng breakthrough in piano ii~i
night. Scott McGregor, the winner of Lacy capacity Memorial Parker Stargell coming up. In A p I~'e DUlY UP! Twen course in making music. This course
Game Three, will pitch for the Stadium crowd of 53,739 roared its ap- the first inning, Palmer had escaped a Top 731 Top and it is intended tar poop1. who can
read and play o simple melody line o#not~
Baltimore Orioles-possibly against proval. similar jam against the same two hit- 1. Alabama (42).......5.O..0 1,332 1 Alabma (28)........50 This new technique teaches you toj,~tlt
ability to make music. You wtll~f~
Jim Bibby, who started Game Four but Soon, however, the Pirates silenced ters. This time, however, he didn't get 2. Texas (26).........4-0-0 1,313 2. Texas (9)............5-0 572 to take any melody and play It a'vli
was not involved in the decision for Pit- the crowd. away. 3. Nebraska.........5..0..0 1,204 3. Nebraska (4)........5-0 528 ways: rock. talk, swing. ia~z. st~iitj.~
ts~urgh. SPEEDY OMAR MORE NO, 4. So. California......5-0-1 1,108 4. Southern Cal.......5-0-1 433 bolero. . you naM~ it.: . lust for tN*I
~LEFT-HANDER'John Candelaria s. Houston 5-0-0 1,057 (tie) DAILY LIBELS.. 5-0 of itl Bythe end of this 8 lessoncourft~
a~id bullpen ace Kent Tekulve com- . know how to arrange and enrich a
II., 1 7 (tie) DAILY LIBELS. 500 1,057 5. Houston............5..o 415 ou won't need sheet music or
well you play depends upon prat
bjned for the seven-hit shutout-the fir- a it fl How
~1j of the Series-as Pittsburgh kept its ~Li (i7~ tiia (1 10 S 6. Ohio State.........6-0-0 1,010 6. Ohio St............6-0 388 course.
vhances going to become the fourth 7. Florida State ' 6-0-0 894 7. Florida State........6-0 355 Come and experience this revolutidn4
team to recover from a 3-1 game deficit ~ 8. Oklahoma.........440 883 8. Oklahoma..........4-1 300 way of bringing adults back to the pia*~
and win a best-of-seven Series. 9. Notre Dame.......4-1-0 810 9. Notre Dame........ 4-i FREE DEMONSTRATNi ~
Since scoring six runs in the eighth 1"Sl;LO SSS, ~ 10. Arkansas.........5-0-0 803 10. Arkansas..........5-0 229 held Monday. O'ct@hwr ~
WOdflSdIIy, Octebor 24. IW~
inning of Game Four, the Orioles have 11. MICHIGAN........5-1-0 746 ii. MICH1G~N 54 226 7-8pm in Rm. 2015 School df
By The Associated Press 12. Washington........5..1..0 5~7 13~ Washington.........5-1 134 Building on theNorth Ceiwpi*~
13. Brigham Young.....5-0-0 497 13. Brigham Young......4-1 94 University of Michigan.
RICHFIELD, Ohio-Randy Smith pumped in 23 points as the Cleveland 14. Auburn............4~±~0 370 14. Pittsburgh.........4-1 '54 For more I,$rm.fIu1*4'~
Cavaliers' run-and-gun offense coasted to a 137-117 National Basketball 15. No. Carolina State 5~10 359 15. Purdue............4-2 42 7~3-4321. ext. *
G rid d e Association victory over the Detroit Pistons last night. 16. Purdue...........4-2-0 229 16. Navy.............5-0 37 University of M14
It was the first victory for Coach Stan Albeck in three outings. Detroit is 17. Pittsburgh.........4-1-0 147 17. North Carolina St.....5-1
lw. 2-1. Tennessee.........4-1-0 141 18. North Carolina......4-1 19
D* c s Extension iee*
The Cavaliers took a 46-26 lead into the second period and collected a 19. North Carolina......41~~0 139 19. Tennessee...........4-1 18
club record 79 points in the first half. 20. Navy.............5-0-0 117 20. Lousiana St.........3-2 16
'If you came out of the Kenny Loggins to Smith ripped off 10 quick points, all on layups, early in the third quarter ____________________________
no closer than 18 the rest of ___
c~ncert hungry for a one-item pizza the game. -
give Cleveland a 90-61 advantage. Detroit got ~ IL~5 If r.. ~ W ednesday is
from Pizza Bob's, run down to the of- Rookje forward Greg Kelser led the Pistons with 21 points. ~ ~ -~ - ~
With your Gridde picks by midnight
fices of the Daily at 420 Maynard Street Cleveland had seven players score in double figures. ~ M AM A
Friday. If you win, somebody will Spurs 1 18, Hawks 1 16 ~InIIV II
pnbably "call you friend.' ATLANTA-George Gervin, the defending National Basketball Asso- NB'
1. 0 ciation San Antonio 118 ~tlanta 116
MICHIGAN at Illin is (pick score scoring champion, sr.ruci~ for points last night, including the New York Knick% 126 Houston 121 N IG H T
?. Purdue at Michigan St. winnng basket with four seconds left, to lead the San Antonio Spurs to a 118- Cleveland I h Detroit 117
~. Wisconsin at Ohio St. 116 triumph over the Atlanta Hawks. Nil!
4. Minnesota at Iowa New '~ ork Islander't 5 ~
.5.. Northwestern at Indiana Knieks 126, Roekels 121 O nly 1.25
.6~. Southern Cal at Notre Dame NEW YORK-Rookie center Bill Cartwright and guard Ray Williams
7. Texas at Arkansas boths cored 31 points to give the New York Knicks a 126-121 victory over the
$~ Stanford at Arizona Houston Rockets in a National Basketball Association game last night.
~ California at UCLA. With the score tied at 119, Cartwright put the Knicks ahead to stay with a PINBALL 7 pm to Closing
10. Arizona St. at Washington Si.. close shot from the baseline with 43 seconds to go.
IL Missouri at Colorado UNION
12, Ieent St. at E. Michigan AT THE
13. Auburn at Georgia Tech
14. Dartmouth at Harvard 50 machines
~5. Maryland at Wake Forest You name it,
16. N. Carolina at N. Carolina St. We've got two of each I
.17, Tennessee at Alabama
,1'8. Pittsburgh at Washington UNION LANES
,19, Grambling at Jackson St. AND
20. J.T.'s Natchez Nibbles at DAILY UNION STATION
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