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October 17, 1979 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1979-10-17

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Wage 10-Wednesday, October 17, 1979-The Michigan Daily
Reid: unsung h


The writers gathered for their weekly
Interviewing of players and were
presented with Mike Jolly, Butch
Woolfolk and Lawrence Reid, the
previous Saturday's heroes. Mike Jolly
hadn't arrived yet and Butch Woolfolk
Wvas eagerly switching television chan-
Oels, vacillating over which of his,
(avorite soap operas to watch.
So the writers settled on interviewing
Reid first. They asked at most ten
questions of the articulate senior,

nicknamed L.P., because they came to
interview his running mate on Satur-
day, Woolfolk. When interviewing
Woolfolk, the questions were endless.
Although Reid had accumulated 179
yards in just 10 carries in his finest
game at Michigan, he wasn't the one
the writers wanted - Woolf olkgar-
nered 194 yards and had more spec-
tacular plays with touchdown dashes of
58 and 41 yards.
Reid accepts this unsung hero fate

ro ofIM'
readily because he realies as the
blocking back in Michigan's option, the
spotlight and statistics will go to his
running mate. "If you looked at 'em
(statistics), I would have quit by now,"
concedes the Philadelphia native.
But Reid hasn't quit despite suffering
through some frustrating times.
"There's been frustrating parts but I;
wouldn't have gone anywhere else. II
know you have to pay your dues," con-
tinued the communications major who1
has totaled 351 yards in 61 attempts for a
5.8 average.
Some of the most frustrating momen-
ts came for Reid last season as the
backup fullback. "Sometimes, Russell
Davis was tired last year and instead of
putting me in, he (Coach Schem-
bechler) would just put Russell backl
out there again. I didn't think I got the
opportunity as much as I would have
liked; I was as good as Russell Davis1
was when he was tired," Reid asserted.I
Opportunity may not have knocked
tlis year, either, as Bo toyed with the

idea before the season, of putting
Woolfolk at fullback and Stanley Ed-
wards at tailback. But the experiment
failed, says Woolfolk, because "it was
just too much hitting. I tried it but I
didn't like blocking all the offensive
Blocking offensive linemen doesn't
appeal to Woolfolk, but Reid relishes
the opportunity. "Athletically, I had
never played for Michigan before. I
knew it would be tough. I was willing to
do whatever he (Bo) wanted me to do..
If I was going to block, I wanted to be
the best blocker Michigan ever had,"
Reid asserted.
Reid, who came to Michigan assone of
the most prolific running backs in Pen-
nsylvania high school history, seems to
have turned his focus to blocking, and
regards it as his specialty. "Until I got
my shoulder banged up in the Notre
Dame game, I was becoming a great
blocker. I was Amazed I could pick
through a lineman's block," he added.
Reid is stuck in the unsung hero role

of being a blocking back and takes little
credit for his outstanding running last
Saturday. "Anybody could have run
through those holes. You could have
driven through them with a truck and
brought along coke bottles," opined
Reid attributes some of his success
against Minnesota to the fact that,
"They (Minnesota) never expected the
Michigan fullback to run that much.
The element of surprise caught them.
The last time I was in the open field like
that was when I was in high school."
In high school, he was the hero. At
best now, he is an unsung hero, a role he
has grown accustomed to and hopes
will continue. He hopes it will continue
into a fifth year of football here, which
he is eligible for "if they (the Michigan
coaches) offer a fifth year."
Anyway, there is a lot of blocking to
do ind many more options to run, so
why not another year of being a hero -
even if it's just an unsung one.



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sive linemen and ends so teammates
Butch Woolfolk and Stan Edwards can
get big gains or running the ball hard UO
the middle, Lawrence. Reid (above?
does it well. He ran for 179 yards in, fo
carries against the Gophers last Satur-

Cherry-less Bruins to win Adams

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Daily Sports Analysis
Amidst the autumn entanglement of professional
sports, perhaps a month or two ahead of serious fan
interest, the NHL has embarked on its 1979-80 hockey
pilgrimage to the land of the Lord Stanley's Cup.
Although the NHL has once again complied with
the dubious decrees of professional sports that
"bigger is better" and "more is merrier," you can
rest assured that the addition of the Quebec Nor-
diques to the Adams Division will improve an already
tough race.
AT THE END OF last year Don Cherry resigned
as coach of the Bruins in the midst of personality and
contract disputes with general manager Harry Sin-
den, thus ending a career with Boston in which he led
the team to the Stanley Cup finals three years in a
row. Cherry had an excellent rapport with the
players-seemingly working miracles with often
mediocre talent. The Bruins' new coach Fred
Creighton (formerly of the Atlanta Flames) clearly

has a tough act to follow.
The Bruins have problems on defense, but then this
is pointed out every year. Four days into the
exhibition season Brad Park and the same knee
operated on that kept him out of half of last year's
games, yet is expected to be healthy for the entire
In spite of it all the Bruins should once again finish
first in the Adams Division, due primarily to the
relentless two-way hockey of forwards Terry
O'Reilly, Don Marcotte, and Stan Jonathan, and the
scoring of Peter McNab, Rick Middleton, and
THE BIGGEST NEWS in Bufflao is the Sabre's
acquisitionof the former head coach of the Montreal
Canadiens Scotty Bowman. The former Hab, who led
his team to victory in the last four Stanley Cup
playoffs, will be serving the Sabres as both head
coach and general manager this season. Things will
be tougher for Bowman, however, for when he
reaches into the Buffalo bag of tricks for a Guy

Lafluer, he may only come up with a Dave Schultz.
This is not to say that the Sabres are not a
legitimate divisional threat, for with two-thirds of the
"French connection" line in Gil Perreault and
Richard Martin and the aggressive checking of Dan-
ny Gare, Don Luce, and Craig Ramsay, Buffalo is
rich at the forward positions.
THE NEW ENTRY into the Adams Division race;
the Quebec Nordiques boast a WHA born and bred of-
fensive machine. Twenty-three year old Real
Cloutier had 75 goals, 54 assists, for a total of 129 poiff-
ts last season.
Toronto Maple Leaf's GM Punch Imlach is
throwing virtually .the same team into the ring this
season that finished only one game over .500 a year
ago. Darryl Sittler, Lanny McDonald, and Borje
Salming will need to grow wings to carry the Leafs
past fourth place.
The Minnesota North Stars will be loaded with
young, promising talent this year and also loaded
with losses.

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Johannesburg, South Afric
place and the combatantsa
Tate and Gerrie Coetzee.A
Saturday is the heavyweigh
championship of the world.
there is a lot, lot more at stake.
At stake, in a converte
stadium in Pretoria, is thea
policy of an abhorrent count
referring to, of course, the de
policy of apartheid that the gov
of South Africa follows.
Apartheid is the policy
racism whereby blacks li
segregated world. They havei
rights, can't own property an
make anywhere as much mon
same jobs as a white.
The South African govern]
promised that all sports an
events in this country will n
tegrated.. Is that a cr
statement; who knows?
What we do all know that i
former Olymic boxer from K
Tennessee is pitted against C
South African. The obvious

ca is the persists-why would Tate, a black,
are John fight in a country with policies like
At stake those of South Africa.
it boxing Money talks again
But no, The answer to this question is easy-
money. Tate's last fight was also staged
d rugby in Bophutawana, South Africa, where
abhorrent he knocked out another South African,
ry. I am Kallie Knoetze. Knoetze, by the way, is
estestable the fighter Who as a policeman had shot
vernment a black teenager for no apparent
reason. Jose Sulaiman, president of the
of legal World Boxing Council, reached in
ve in a Mexico, states, "if (this fight) -is ex-
no voting elusively a matter of business in
d cannot xing."
ney in the As a black, Tate has been widely
criticized and justifiably. He claims
ment has blacks will now have more oppor-
nd future tunities in this segregated country.
ow be in- Well, I can't believe that these are.
reditable really his motives because there would
have been better ways to protest the
s Tate, a policyu of apartheid.
Knoxville, For example, he could have done
'oetzee, a what black tennis star Arthur Ashe has
question done for years-to refuse to enter tennis

tournaments in this country. Instead,
all he is doing is feeding the business of
South Africa with money and thus, the
government with tax money. And as a
black man, he shows an extreme insen-
sitivity - to the problems of his
beleaguered race.
Sulaiman, whose council does not
recognize South African boxers
because of its policies, is opposed to the
fight. "We don't believe in 1979 you
should show the blacks through one
gate and the white through another, and
that the blacks should have one.
bathroom and the whites another and
the blacks have different seating;"
Sulaiman said.-
Fight goes on
"They (the South African govern-
ment) have so many abominable prac-
tices we do not support. But the
pressure from all over the world has
been so strong that some changes might
have been made,"added Sulaiman.
The fight will go on despite all the
protest. Today, three days before the
fight, I agree with Sydney Maree that it
should, as long as the South African
government's promises are kept.
Maree is the black South African
track star and premier miles in the
world who was banned from inter-
national events this past summer for
being a South African. "At this point,

the fight must go on. If you're a spor-
tsman, and the way the fighters have
been training, you want to fight. You
train so hard for that special day," said
the Villanova University track student,
"The fight will be a breakthrough for
South Africa. Coetzee should be allowed
an opportunity to fight. They promise to
open the stadium to blacks and whites.
That's something I can't promise. They
may do it; I don't know," added Marie.
The world hopes, waits
"I'm looking for a betterSouth Africa
where blacks and whites should go forth
as a family and be accepted," con-
tinued Maree. He isn't the only one who
would like to see such a change-the-
whole world is waiting and watching.
This is the hope. Although Tate, as- a
black man should not have fought this.
fight on principal alone, he did so
because of the ever loving dollar. Now
that the fight will be staged, we will
hope that since the world is watching,
the South Africans will uphold their
promise and put to rest their racist
Or as Maree puts it. "Regardless of
color and race, if they stand by their.
promise, that is an improvement."
There will be lot of people pulling for
Tate on principle alone Saturday and a
lot more pulling for South Africa.

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