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Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom
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Vol. IXXXX, No. 32 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, October 12, 1979 Twelve Pages
Campus LSD usage still low but
Second in a four-part series
(Editor's note: All those identified by first name
only requested anonymity.)
"You have this magnificent feel-
ing of benevolence when you're
tripping. You absolutely understand
how the whole generation of flower
children came about. You really
want everyone to trip when you're
-an LSD user
Acid may be losing 'scary' image
A decade ago it was synonymous
with the "new drug culture." Its aura
was created by an "establishment"
looking for an easy explanation to the
sudden upheaval of a younger
generation. LSD was the culprit.
Although the use of LSD, along with
its overblown image, has receded since
the early 1970s, in recent years there
has been an upsurge in the drug's
popularity in the Ann Arbor area.
DESPITE. ITS wide-spread use, the
physiological effects of LSD (lysergic
acid diethylamide) remain a mystery.
Some have alleged that the
hallucinogenic drug, which costs $2 to
$4 per dose, causes genetic or brain
damage. But little about the drug has
actually been sustantiated.
While some sources, like Ann Arbor
Police Chief Walter Krasny, think LSD
"is mostly a thing of the past," others
report high use of acid recently.
Dick Meloche, narcotics commander
with the Washtenaw Area Narcotics
Team, called LSD "pretty damn
popular" today, adding that he's "seen
a lot lately, within the last six months."
CAROL, AN LSD user and hashish
peddler,expressed similar sentiments:
gaining ast
"If you're not doing it, you don't know
about it, or if you don't know people that
are doing it, you can be under the im-
pression that it's pretty much disap-
peared-and it has in the context of the
way it used to be (circa 1970). But it's
very alive and kicking. People are
ravenous for acid. It could never meet
the demand it has."
Many drug users say LSD is difficult trip
to get today. One major reason for its
inaccessibility, they say, is the tighter
See LAUGHING, Page 2
Castro at
From Reuter and AP
NEW YORK-Cuban President Fidel Castro said
yesterday he has no objections to meeting U.S. of-
ficials during his visit here to address the United
Nations General Assembly.
Castro, under heavy guard at the Cuban mission to
the United Nations, yesterday received several
unidentified diplomats but did not emerge from the
THE CUBAN leader, on his first visit to the United
States in 19 years, will address the U.N. General
Assembly this morning as a representative of non-
aligned countries.
During his flight to the United States early yester-
day, he spoke to John Alpert, a freelance' television
reporter, who released segments of the interview on
Asked if there was any possibility he would meet
with U.S. officials, Mr. Castro said:
"That's not my responsibility. It depends on the
U.S. officials-that is, whether they want to meet or
not. I have nothing against it."
STATE DEPARTMENT officials said they were
not aware of any plans for meetings with Castro
during his visit.
Castro, in answer to another question, dismissed
the latest U.S. moves to strengthen forces in Guan-
tanano Bay in Cuba in reaction to about 3,000 Soviet
troops in Cuba.
"I believe all that is a comedy, although I do not
wish to speak alot about that.. . anything dangerous
that Carter carries out against Cuba is also
dangerous for Carter, for the United States."
"IS THAT A threat?" he was asked.
"A threat? I do not threaten anybody nor will I ever
threaten anybody," Castro replied. "I am simply
saying that any action against us of a national or
military nature would go against world peace."
He was whisked into seculsion at the building at
38th Street and Lexington Avenue, seven blocks from
the United Nations.
NOTING THAT IT was costing the city tens of
thousands of dollars to play host to him, Castro
gleefully remarked during his flight here, "I am not
planning to spend a single penny."
Some 2,000 New York City police officers, many
helmeted and wearing bulletproof vests, joined
Secret Service agents and security guards from
Havana in throwing a protective ring around Castro's
local headquarters, where he passed his first day
without showing himself.
It was far below the size of the 11,500-member
police detail that spread out to guard Pope John Paul
II last week, but it was unsurpased for the concen-
trated protection it afforded the bearded Cuban dic-
RUMORS OF ASSASSINATION threats were rife.
But Elsa Ybara, an organizer for Alpha 66, one of
several anti-Communist groups dedicated to Castro's
overthrow, called them untrue.
"We don't want any violence," she declared.
down, cradling shotguns and rifles.
Residents in the area around the mission building
had to be checked on a master police list before they
could enter the zone. Businessmen within the police
cordon said they expected losses running into the
Just prior to Castro's arrival at the mission about 2
a.m., about 80 Cuban security men from Havana
marched three abreast for a block down Lexington
Avenue. Two of them suddenly veered into a crowd of
about 50 anti-Castro demonstrators and a scuffle
broke out.
One of the guards pulled a gun, and 'police im-
niediately moved in on him, putting a nightstick to his
neck and ordering him to drop the weapon. The other
guard also was grabbed by police. Both were
released after they were identified by a Cuban
security colleague.
Wall St.
From Reuter and AP
NEW YORK-Wall Street regained
some of its composure yesterday as the
stock market struggled to recover from
the wave of panic selling that swept the
financial community Wednesday.
The stock market's three-day slide
stalled as trading on the New York Ex-
change, although still heavy, was off
considerably from Wednesday's
record-setting pace.
ANALYSTS WERE cautious in
predicting an end to the market's skid,
ascribing the calming in the market to
a number of internal factors.
The closely watched Dow Jones in-
dustrial average, after plunging 48.29 in
the first three days in the week, began
the day with a slight increase, fell shar-
ply, and recovered to close at 844.62,
down 4.70.
Trading wasn't at the fever pitch that
characterized Tuesday's session, when
55.56 million shares moved on the New
York Stock Exchange, or Wednesday's
session, when a record 81.62 million
shares changed hands, but the volume
of 47.53 million shares was still heavy.
CREDIT MARKETS also showed
.slowly r
signs of regrouping. Bond prices, which
plummeted Tuesday and Wednesday,
sending interest rates soaring, also
closed mixed.
However, in trading after the close,
bond prices dropped again. On the
bright side, the dollar firmed against
other major currencies in foreign ex-
change trading and the price of gold
The markets have been staggered by
the Federal Reserve Board's harsh new
anti-inflation policies, announced last
weekend, which have fostered the
highest interest rates in American
Fed Chairman Paul Volcker yester-
day said his "tight money" policies
would be good for the nation, the dollar
and the stock market, but nervousness
BUT IN SAN DIEGO, President Car-
ter, only two days after supporting ef-
forts to tighten the nation's money sup-
ply, said the Fed has set interest rates
too high.
. "Interest rates are too high, inflation
rates are too high," Carter said in a
speech to leaders of the nation's
building trades unions.
Carter promised the union leaders, "I
will not fight inflation with your jobs."
EXPERTS EXPECT the higher in-
terest rates to cause high unem-
ployment in the building industry
because of a lack of money available
for new homes and other construction.
As the president was flying back to
Washington after the speech, Deputy
White House press secretary Rex
Granum said Carter did not mean to
blame the Federal Reserve for the
higher interest rates and that he sup-
ported the boards new higher discount
rate. He said that while Carter feels in-
terest rates are too high, they are
designed to bring down inflation, which
is his No. 1 priority.
Tattered balloon crashes APPhoto
A ripped balloon carrying two persons plunges to the ground in the Sandia
Mountains east of Albuquerque yesterday, killing both balloonists. A sudden
shift of wind caused the balloon to catch fire and crash. The balloon was
one of more than 373 participating in the Eighth Annual International Hot
Air Balloon Fiesta.
Sophomore QB Lee quits
Wolverine footba squad
Union gala planned
Sophomore quarterback Gary Lee,
apparently dissatisfied with his current
backup status, has decided to quit the
Michigan football team and is thinking
seriously of transferring to another
school next year.
Lee was still considered a prime can-
didate for the starting quarterback slot
during early fall drills this year, along
with B.J. Dickey and John Wangler, but
had played little recently. Rick
Hewlett, a freshman from Plymouth
Salem,. made the Michigan State road
trip in Lee's place.
Nehlen verified last night that Lee was
not at practice this week, making it cer-
tain that the 6-3, 200-pounder is through
for the season.
"If you're sick or have an excuse, you
can miss a practice," said Nehlen, "but
he (Lee) hasn't told us anything this
week. You can't win that way."
United Press International reported
yesterday that Lee had informed Coach,
Bo Schembechler of his decision on
Monday after deliberation the week
before, but neither Lee nor Schem-
bechler were available for comment.
Lee, who graduated from Flint
Southwestern, would have to sit out a
year under NCAA rules, but would then
have two years of eligibility remaining
at his new school.
HE HAD appeared in only the North-
See LEE, Page 10
to honor 7.
This weekend the Michigan Union
will officially become the student's
The entire campus is invited to
celebrate the 75th anniversary of the
Union along with its "re-dedication" to
University students. The weekend
festivities are planned to com-
memorate the Union's past and future
as a center for student activity.
"WE'RE LOOKING forward to
hosting the students, staff, and alumni
all weekend," said Jeff Lebow, student
coordinator of the weekend activities.
"A lot of groups have worked really
hard to put this thing together, and
we're really excited about it."
The weekend festivities will begin
today at 4 p.m. when students, Univer-
5th b-day
sity Regents and executive officers,
and campus leaders will officially re-
dedicate the Union at its entrance on
State Street. The ceremony will be
followed by a reception inside the main
. Tonight, the University Activities
Committee (UAC) will sponsor a "Gong,
Show" in the Union's ballroom.
TOMORROW, birthday cake and
cider will be served on the front steps of
the Union after the football game, with
free bowling and billiards available in-
side. The festivities will culminate
tomorrow night with an all-campus bir-
thday party in the Union, with many ac-
tivities and musical performances. ,
Throughout this week, a memorabilia
display has been featured in the Union's
main lobby, illustrating th'e 75-year
history of the campus center.
Tal ma (dge
... action called 'reprehensible'
'den ounces.
From AP and Reuter
voted overwhelmingly yesterday,
to denounce Herman Talmadge,
one of its most senior members,
for "reprehensible" handling of
government funds.
The 81-15 vote culminated mon
ths of investigation by the Senate
Ethics Committee and a brief
debate on the Senate floor. It was
the first time the Senate used the
word "denounce" in expressing
disapproval of the actions of one
of its members.
Sen. Adlai Stevenson III, (D-
Ill.), chairman of the ethics
panel, had urged the Senate to
"discharge a disagreeable duty"
and accept the panel's resolution
of denunciation against the
Georgia Democrat.
AS STEVENSON spelled out
See SENATE, Page 5
..transfer likely
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'law and order' - I have met a lot of the great and near
great: Senators Proxmire, Jackson, Byrd, Javits, and a
host of Congresspeople ... ," Dr. Diag explained. Between
exchanges of wisdom with the nation's political elite, Dr.
Diag says that he has been spending time with U.S. Rep.
Carl Pursell,' (R-Ann Arbor), who "has graciously opened
his office and the protection (sanctuary) it provides." All
those wishing to say hello to the good Doctor can reach him
through Pursell's office in Washington.C
white sign was no simple matter. An appeal in MSU's
student paper, the State News, pleas by MSU student ac-
tivity groups, and a personal visit by U-M student Tim Car-
penter all failed to get the students to yield the banner.
However,, in Lebow's words, "Once they were assured
that what they did was a felony, they decided to give it
back." Suzanne Young, the Union's director, said yester-
day that the banner "may make its appearance at an
auspicious moment" during today's rededication
ceremonies in front of the Union at 4 p.m. [ 1
energy which "stimulates a component in the flavoring to
emit light." Wintergreen Lifesavers are the most con-
sistent sparkers, but spearmint and peppermint, will also
put on an occasional display. i
On the inside
A preview of the Pistons' upcoming season is on the
snorts nage. . . "The Life of Brian," a new movie, is