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October 06, 1979 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1979-10-06

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Page 2-Saturday, October 6, 1979-The Michigan Daily



SEABROOK, N.H. (AP)-Hundreds
of 'anti-nuclear activists stood in.
clusters outside the Seabrook construc-
tion site yesterday studying maps and
planning strategy for a weekend
takeover of the freshly fortified nuclear
power plant.
About 400 people converged on the
plant site at the New Hampshire-
Massachusetts border as scores of state
police, from various New England
states moved into the area to prepare
for-the planned occupation today.
"WE ARE WELL prepared for every
contingency including mass arrests,"
said an aide to Gov. Hugh Gallen. "But
we are hoping that will not be
"They are not going to overwhelm
qs," said the aide, who did not want his
name used.
Meanwhile, on beaches and in mar-
shes, and wood groves on private
property surrounding the 115-acre site,
clusters of five and 10 demonstrators
debated strategy for descending on the
plant site.
"THERE's no way to get in here at
night without getting wiped out," said
'Sandy Fulton of Trenton, N.J. as he

backstepped toa
deep mud hole
"The police wo
this damn mars
A three-mile-
circles the $2.61
iS bordered by]
heavy woods an
sides and a dee
the rear. The f
manmade em
granite, at som
three sides.
Traffic on US~
5,400 slowed to
evening as ra
scores of cars
along side roads
assembling infl
tubes and wood
they intended to
Today's low t
marshes would
at 5:42 a.mr
Other demo
slickers and ru
ting makeshift
trees, to spend t
Three people1

attempt nucle
avoid one of hundreds of along the highway to protest nuclear
s that dot the marsh. power and at the same time protest the
n't be our problem but attempt to storm the site. "I know this
h will be." is a crazy thing for a mother of three to
long security fence en- do, but if it keeps a single person from
billion plant site, which starting trouble, it's worth it," said
busy U.S. 1 on one side, Marlene Larson, 38, or Concord. "We
ad swamps on two other had to come and do something to show
.p-water tidal marsh to we're against the plant, but also show
ence runs atop a steep we're against violence."
bankment of jagged "I NEED THE job and the country
e points 40 feet high, on needs nuclear power," said one con-
struction worker entering the plant site,
S. 1 through the town of but he addethhoe opposed had the
a snail's pace by Friday right to protest "as long as no one gets
in began to fall, and hurt."
and vans were parked The Federal Aviation Administration
s. imposed air space restrictions over the
P IN the marsh was plant site to limit private air traffic
lated truck tire inner over the weekend. The order does not
d into a pontoon bridge affect commercial aircraft which fly at
use to reack the plant. altitudes higher than the 2,000-foot
ide, when the saltwater minimum.
be most passable, was Construction workers spoke of state
officials converting a warehouse on the
nstrators; dressed in site into what they called "storage
ibber boots, were erec- pens" for those who might be arrested.
plastic tents, tied to AT LEAST EIGHT District Court
he night. judges would be sent to the area in the
held a candlelight vigil event of mass arrests to process those

ar power plant

arrested, said Attorney General
Thomas Rath.
Aides to Gallen said 'bringing in the
judges was part of the state's plan to
foil the demonstrators' vow of over-
whelming the criminal justice system.
Norman Cullerot, a spokesman for
Public Service Co. of New Hampshire,
the plant builder, said yesterday he was
assured that New Hampshire State
Police, aided by troopers from nearby
states and National Guardsmen could

handle the demonstration.
"I HAVE ALL the confidence in the
world they will be able to protect
private property," he said.
Only 50 to 100 security and main-
tenance workers would be on the site
from this morning through the three-
day Columbus Day weekend, Cullerot
An estimated 3,500 laborers work at
the site, New Hampshire's largest con-

struction project.
Construction, which began in they
summer of 1976, has ben suspended,
several times by federal courts andt
regulatory agencies for resolution of
several environmental questions.
Repeated demonstratons have been*
held at the site, about 40 miles north of
Boston, including one in which 1,400
people were arrested.

Senate Committee: SALT aids
U.S. ability to monitor Soviets

Church Worship Services

From AP and Reuter
WASHINGTON - The Senate Intelligence Committee con-
cluded yesterday that the SALT II treaty "enhances the
ability of the United States" to monitor Soviet strategic for-
ces, even though the Russians can be expected to practice
The committee said it has determined~that most aspects of
the treaty can be monitored with a high or moderately high
degree of confidence.
HOWEVER, THE committee said, U.S. intelligence agen-
cies have less confidence in their ability to monitor
provisions that seek to limit improvements made on existing
The carefully worded report climaxing two years of work
stopped short of saying the treaty was "adequately
verifiable" against Soviet cheating - the phrase used by the
administration in its drive to win Senate approval of the pact.
The intelligence panel said it believes the Soviets can be
expected to continue present practices of concealment and
deception and to "push to the greatest extend possible any
advantages which the provisions or ambiguities of the SALT
II treaty might permit."
THE COMMITTEE added that under the SALT II accord,
"The Soviet Union will probably continue nearly all its
present concealment and deception practices, and additional
concealment and deception practices may be attempted."
The committee said, "In the absence of the SALT II treaty,
however, the Soviets would be free to take more sweeping
measures, such as unrestrained concealment and deception,
which could make monitoring these strategic forces still

more difficult."
The panel's comments were contained in an unclassified
version of its report to the Senate Foreign Relations Commit-
SEN: JAKE GARN, (R-Utah), a leading opponent of the
SALT II treaty, said the report leaves each senator to decide
for himself "whether existing or projected levels of uncer-
tainty represents unacceptable risks."
Garn said there is a need for amendments to the treaty;
preventing the Soviets from sending the results of their
missile tests in code and to prevent certain types of
deliberate concealment and deception.
Sen. Henry M. Jackson (D-Wash.), another strong op-
ponent of the treaty, praised the committee for not trying to
reach a final judgment on whether the treaty is verifiable. He
said it has "produced a reference book which each senatot-
can turn to to determine for himself whether the treaty is
"IN MY MIND - and this is strictly subjective - it is not
adequately verifiable," Jackson said.
Sen. John Glenn (D-Ohio), said if U.S. intelligence
capability has not been increased by the time the Senate is
ready to vote on the accord he would be inclined against the
"This is certainly not a clean-cut forceful endorsement,"
Glenn said of the committee report. "It is far less than, a
rousing endorsement."
But Sen.. Joseph R. Biden (D-Del.), said, "I am convinced
that the SALT II treaty is adequately verifiable in its essen-
tial elements, and I believe the findings of the Intelligence
Committee support that conclusion."

727 Miller Rd.
Sunday School-10 a.m.
Morning Worship-11a.m.
Thursday Bible Study and Prayer-
7:V0 p.m.
Sunday Evening Service, 727 Miller,
Community Room-6:00 p.m.
For spiritual help or a ride to our
services please feel free to call Pastor
Thomas Loper, 663-7306.
* * *
Episcopal Campus Ministry
332 S. State St.
Rev. Andrew Foster, Chaplain
306 N. Division
9:00 a.m.-University Study Group.
10:00 a.m.-Worship Service with the
12 noon-Luncheon and Student Fel-
332 S. State St.
6:00 p.m.-Sunday Evening Medi-
331 Thompson-663-0557
Weekly Masses:
Mona-Wed.-5:10 p.m.
Thurs. and Fri.-12;10 p.m.
Saturday-7:00 p.m.
Sunday-7:45 a.m., 9 a.m., 10:30
a.m., noon, and 5 p.m.
North Campus Mass-9:30 a.m. at
Bursley Hall, West Cafeteria.
"Rite of Reconciliation - 4 p.m.-
5:p.m. on Friday'only; any other time
by appointment.
* * *
(Free Methodist Church)
1951 Newport Road-665-6100
Sunday School-9:45 a.m.
Worship-11:00 a.m.
(Nursery and Children's Worship).
Evening Worship-6:00 p.m.
Robert Henning, Pastor. 663-9526

Serving the Campus for LC-MS
Rovert Kavasch, Pastor
1511 Washtenaw Ave.
Double Sunday Services-9:15 a.m.
and 10:30 a.m.
Sunday Bible Study at 9:15 a.m.
Midweek Worship-Wednesday at
10:00 p.m.
* * *
120 S. State St.
(Corner of State and Huron)
Worship Schedule:
8:30 a.m.-Holy Communion in the
9:30 and 11:00 a.m.-Morning Wor-
ship in the Sanctuary.
Church School for All Ages-9:30
a.m. and 11 a.m.
Choir Rehearsal Thursday-7:15
Dr. Donald B. Strobe
Rev. Fred B. Maitland
Dr. Gerald R. Parker
Education Director: Rose McLean
Education Asst.: Anne Vesey
* * *
602 E. Huron at State, 668-6881
Rev. W. Thomas Schomaker, Chaplain
Mike Pennanen, Shirley Polakowski'
Sunday-5:00-Gathering for Sing-
ing. Meal at 5:30.
Sunday-6:15-Worship Fellowship.
Huron Valley Mission
809 Henry St.
Sunday Service 2:30 p.m.
Rev. Marian K. Kuhns
(The Campus Ministry of the ALC-LCA)
Gordon Ward, Pastor
801 S. Forest at Hill St.
10:00 a.m.-Worship Service.
* * *
409 S. Division
Steve Bringardner, Pastor
Church School-9:45 a.m.
Service of Worship-11:00 a.m.
Time of Meeting-6:00 p.m.
Tuesday's 4:00 p.m.-Course, "The
American Evangelical Heritage."

502 E. Huron St. (between State &
Dr. Jitsuo Morikawa, Minister
10:00 a.m.-Worship Service-World
Communion Sunday, World Vellow-
ship Offering-Oct. 7 Sermon: "The
Pope and Protestants."
11:00 a.m.-College Class-led by Dr.
Nadean, Bishop.
5:30 p.m.-Sunday Family Night Sup-
pers, Fellowship Hall. Student Wel-
Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m.-Campus
Discussion Group-led by Margi
Stuber, M.D., in the Campus Center
* * *
2580 Packard Road
Michael Clingenpeel, Ph.D., Pastor
Sunday-9:45, Sunday School; 11:00,
Morning Worship.
Student Transportation call 662-6253
or 764-5240.
6:00 p.m.-Student supper; 7 p.m.-
Wednesday, 6 p.m.-Dinner and
Church family activities.
* * *
1432 Washtenaw Ave.-662-4466
Service of Worship:
Sunday 9:30 and 11:00 a.m.
4:00 p.m. College Student Fellowship
in the French Room.
Prayer Breakfast Wednesday at 7:00
a .m.
Bible Study Wednesday at 4:00P.M.
Theology Discussion Group Thurs-
day at 7:00 p.m.
* * *
1236 Washtenaw Ave.
Fellowship Supported by the
Christian Reformed Church
Dr. Harry Boer
Service 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.-
Clayton Libolt-Sermon on I Peter 2.
* * *
530 W. Stadium
(Across from Pioneer High)
Schedule of Services:
Sunday-Bible School 9:30 a.m.
Worship-10:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday-Bible Study 7:30 p.m.
Bible classes for College Students.
For information call 971-7925
Wilburn C. Hill, Evangelist

Jackson laudsPLO; urges policy change

From Reuter and AP
BEIRUT - U.S. civil rights leader
Jesse Jackson said yesterday the
Palestine Liberation Organization
(PLO) had seized the moral initiative
by declaring a ceasefire in southern
But Western diplomatic sources in
Beirut said a six-point statement by the
PLO which included the ceasefire'
pledge fell short of any major policy"
IN JERUSALEM, Israeli officials
expressed skepticism about the
statement. "This is not the first time we
have heard such promises," a foreign
ministry source said.
-Official sources said the Israeli
cabinet might comment on the matter
at its next meeting but no official
statement would be made at present.
"But at the moment it looks like
another non-serious attempt by the
PLO to achieve some sort of public
relations success," one source said.
United States today via Amsterdam af-
ter a personal diplomatic initiative in
the Middle East aimed at' putting
pressure on Washington to open talks
with the PLO.

Meanwhile. Turkish leaders
welcomed (PLO) leader Yasser Arafat
with a warmth that underlines the
Ankara government's desire for closer
relations with the Arab and Islamic
Arafat's visit, the highest official con-
tact between the PLO and Turkey,
began less than 10 days after the official
opening of a PLO office in Ankara.
"I INTEND to challenge our gover-
nment: to break its no-talk policy with
the 'Palestine Liberation
Organization," Jackson told reporters
in Amsterdam. "I have found that the
PLO is an established fact and I hope
America will soon be in a position to
recognize it," he said.
Jackson said he was "convinced" the
PLO did not want to destroy Israel.
"Their goal is not the negation of the
Jewish state," he said.
Jackson began his Mideast tour in
Israel on Sept. 24. While he met with
Israeli opposition leaders, Prime
Minister Begin and other government
officials refused to see him, claiming
Jackson was pro-PLO. Some of Begih's
closest aides reportedly disagreed with
the prime minister's refusal. Reports.

this week from Washington quoted of-
ficial U.S. sources as saying President
Carter had personally attempted to
change Begin's mind.
DURING STOPS in Israel, Syria,
Jordan, Egypt, and Lebanon, Jackson
repeatedly called on PLO chief Yasser
Arafat to renounce terrorism and rely
on diplomatic pressure to achieve a
Palestinian state.
Jackson said he planned to report his
findings to President Carter in an effort
to "clarify" what he called American
perceptions that the PLO was bent gn
destroying Israel.
Jackson said he would also try to
convince the president to change U.S.
policy which prohibits American of-
ficials from'talking with PLO members
as the result of a U.S. pledge to Israel in
"There will be no peace on one side
until there is justice on both," Jackson
declared in Lebanon. "Just and lasting
peace is inextricably bound to a state
,for the Palestinian people and the
recognition of the PLO as the gover-
nment-in-exile with which our nation
must negotiate. The PLO must have
equal opportunity to communicate with

'Press' reports on sensitive issues

Do a Tree
a Favor:
Your Daily.

(Continued from Page 1)
terest. There have been no revolutions
started with it."
NOT AS MUCH interest has been
sparked at Community, according to
Wolfe, "because the students there
aren't repressed. They have more
rights than we do at Pioneer."
Milo White, principal of Pioneer, says
the "Press" has "a real bias to it. It
isn't anything that has a lot of reader-
(USPS 344-900)
Volume LXXXX, no. 27
. Saturday, October 6, 1979
is edited and managed by students at
the University of Michigan. Published
daily Tuesday through Sunday mornings
during the University year at 420
Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan
48109. Subscription rates: $12 Septem-
ber through April (2 semesters); $13 by
mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer
session published Tuesday through
Saturday mornings. Subscription rates:
$6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7.00 by mail out-
side Ann Arbor. Second class postage
paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POST-
MASTER: Send address changes to
Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109.

Wolfe disagrees. "They may criticize
it, but they read it." Buchele adds that
although students may throw it away
even after a brief look, "it's important
that the paper and the ideas stay inside
their minds."
The staff of the "Press" takes an ac-
tive interest in the topics they write
about. Last May, some participated in a
rally held at the Federal Building in
Detroit to protest proposed legislation
to reinstate the draft.
Two weeks ago, Wolfe presented the
University's Regents with a resolution,
on behalf of the Pioneer Student Council
Executive Board, calling for divest-
ment in American corporations doing
business in South Africa.
And Thursday, . the newspaper
writers organized and held a "Late-In",
in which approximately 450 students
showed up 15 minutes late to protest a
new attendance policy. The organizers
were encouraged by the excitement
they saw in their chanting
"IT WAS really high energy," says
Buchele. "It was beautiful."
The writers are proud of their
aberrance. They joke that of 13 students

Psalms 2:1 and Acts 4:25

who ran for election to 12 J student
government seats, one of their own,
Buchele' was the one to lose. "They
called him 'The Freak'," says Eric
Woolf with a smile.
"I was the radical," Buchele beams.
David Wolfe, on the other hand, did
well - he was elected president of
student council. But his political and
social views don't make him a-popular
leader. "They hold meetings without
me," he claims. He adds he's
authorized by school regulations to set
the times for the meetings, but has had
that power taken from him.
A SENSITIVE issue at. the high
school is homosexuality, and "The 5%
Press" staff feels strongly about
making it a subject open for discussion.
"There was a tremendous anti-gay
feeling in junior high, and it carried
through to Pioneer," says Isaacson.
"You were even considered a fag if you
didn't go out for sports. A lot of people
don't recognize their oppression."
The students' career desires are a
reflection of their early political and
social activism. Wolfe wants to be
either a lawyer or a psychologist.
Isaacson would like to be a fiction
writer. Buchele says he'd like to
organize radicals, and work toward a
"socialist world revolution."
"I've always wanted to be a
politician. I want to change the world,"
said Wolfe.

Are you a fighter? If so, on whose side? Are you neutral?
Some time ago we were told of a promising young preacher
who said he was not going "to fight." He had gotten his
degree from the seminary and ready to go out in the world to
do something or other. He testified he was a fundamentalist
that believed the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments
to be The Infallible Word of God, that he intended to so
preach and teach, but he would not be contentious "and fight
unbelievers, modernists, apostates, etc.-don't that sound
and look sweet and lovely? We are of the opinion that such
an attitude is not only wrong, but mighty dangerous.
In Revelation 3:15, 16, Christ said of those "neither cold
nor hot,-lukewarm, I will spue thee out of My mouth!" Con-
sider the picture Dante gives us of those down in hell who
had been "spued out:"There were signs, lamentations, and
loud cries of woe resounding through the starless air.
- f.. £--.- s-L.n1,iajaetA. wnrds ofann sh.

who did not know how to make up their mind and take a
decisive step, but preferred to await events and reserve to
themselves freedom to join the successful side.-Justice
and mercy hold them in equal contempt! They are dis-
pleasing to God and His enemies! (We trust our motive is not'
just to rail on the "lukewarm and non-fighters" but rather to
so get them "hot under the collar to the end they may be
stirred up"to fight the good fight of faith, and lay hold on
eternal life!") We are persuaded, unless one "believes in
vain", that the fundamental faith of the Infallibility of The
Scriptures of The Old and New Testaments will so stir up and
quicken a man not only to fight, but also to run-"flee the
wrath to come!"
"THE LORD IS A MAN OF WAR" - Exodus 15:3, Abraham,
the Friend of God, fought several kings and whipped them -
Genesis 14:14, etc. Judge Deborah was a "woman of war" -
Judges 5:7. King David the man after God's own heart, was "a
man of war." The Apostle Paul was a fighter:"'I have fought a
good fight, I have kept the faith;" and he called upon all true
Christinatn "Put on the whole armour of God. that ye may


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