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October 06, 1979 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-10-06

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See editorial page

Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom

Vol. LXXXX, No. 27 Ann Arbor Michigan-Saturday, October 6, 1979
Pioneers Press doesn't avoid
power. But the next issues might carry a verbal battle jects which wouldn't be printed in the "jock
By NICK KATSARELAS on the relative virtues.of disco and rock - spiced by a newspaper, their term for the opposition.
Remember your high school newspaper? Most long string of vulgarities - and an essay on the purpor- Student David Isaacson says the purpose of t
likely, it reflected traditional high school values and in- ted evils of secondary education institutions. paper "is to publish an entertaining and interestin
terests. The "Press" covers a spectrum of issues. Strictly newspaper. We also do it for conscience-raising,t
It was devoted to the football player of the week, the high school topics such as attendance policies, lockers, educate the readers on liberal issues."
most popular student, the best-liked teachers, or the ;and record reviews, appear along with delicate topics THE PAPER got its name from the originator
most attractive couple. - especially for high school students - like belief that only five per cent of the high school studen
NONE OF THAT, though, ever gets into "The 5% homosexuality and birth control. would read it. It is published every month by an are
Press", a product put out by students at Ann Arbor's " 'The Optimist' was the voice of the . ad- printer. The staff asks for donations. "We don't plant
Pioneer High School who are more interested in South ministration," says "Press" writer Royd Buchele. "It put advertisements in the paper unless we run outc
African divestment than the class jock or in birth con- was sugar coated," says another student, Brian money," explains Pioneer student David Wolfe.
trol information than the cheerleaders' tournament. Durrance. The "Press" is distributed free of charge, mainlyt
The underground monthly serves as an alternative "'THE OPTIMIST' seemed to cover more sports Pioneer students, but also to students at the other ar
to the more orthpdox, "official" Pioneer newspaper, than anything," adds a former "Optimist" writer. She high schools - Community and Huron.
"The Optimist." calls the "Press" a "party paper." "When the kids bring it here," says Community Hig
THE RESULT is hard to describe. One month there When they began publishing in the fall of 1978, School Assistant Dean Liz Gray, "there is very littlei
may be serious articles on birth control or nuclear "Press" organizers agreed the paper would cover sub- See 'PRESS,' Page 2

Employment up
for U.S., state


From AP and UPI


unemployment rate fell unexpectedly
in September from six per cent to 5.8
per cent, giving American workers a
reprieve from layoffs that still are
predicted to result from a weak
Private economists warned the
recession still is likely to put an ad-
ditional 500,000 workers on unem-
ployment rolls before the year was out
and to cause a sharp loss of jobs next
THE NUMBER OF unemployed
people in the country declined last mon-
th by 164,000; the Labor Department
reported yesterday.
Michigan's unemployment rate also
dropped last month - three-tenths of a
per cent to 7.2 per cent, chiefly because
of callbacks in the auto industry, the
Michigan Employment Security Com-
mission reported yesterday.
MESC said 310,000 persons were
without jobs in the state, down 15,000
from August when the Michigan jobless
rate was 7.5 per cent.
IT MARKED the second straight
month the state's jobless rate dropped,
according to MESC.
The drop-in the national jobless rate
came as a cheerful surprise to Carter
administration economists, who had
predicted that a spurt in unemployment
during August - from 5.7 per cent to six
per cent - would continue in Septem-
It also came as a surprise to many on
Capitol Hill and may reduce pressure
there for a tax cut.
MOST OF the improvement on the
national scene occurred among women,
particularly wives. The unemployment
rate for adult women fell from 5.9 per
cent to 5.5 per cent.
The rate for adult males was un-
changed at 4.2 per cent, and there was
only a slight decline in unemployment
for blacks, from 11 per cent to 10.6 per
Among black teen-agers, the rate
rose from 30.7 per cent to 31.5 per cent.

AT THE White House, press
secretary Jody Powell said the report
was "certainly an indication the
economy is not being overrun by per-
sistent recessionary forces. The
business demand for labor is sur-
prisingly good.
On Thursday, the Labor Department
reported the largest monthly rise in
wholesale prices since 1974, a clear
signal that the current 13 per cent in-
flation rate would not abate in the mon-
ths to come.
GOVERNMENT officials said the
latest jobless figures confirm a'
dramatic slowdown in new job growth
during the past six months but fail to
provide a clear sign of labor market
Nancy Barrett, a department
economist, said the slowdown in
economic output has not yet hit the job
market. "But it just has to happen, she
said. "Eventually you will start seeing
a rise in unemployment."
The Carter administration also
forecasts unemployment rising to 6.5
per cent this year, but it predicts the
rate will peak at seven per cent by the
time of next year's presidential elec-


See Today for details
Ten Cents Eight Pages
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5% Press: an alternative for Pioneer High.al ht yJ EDE
Pope rejects
liberalism in
sex, marr'iage
By KEITH RICHBURG time duririg his U.S. tour that he will not,
SpecialtoTheDaily tolerate any liberal, more permissive
CHICAGO - Pope John Paul II translations of the rigid Catholic doc-
5esterday called upon the various trine on sex and marriage. To under-
alements of* the American Catholic score his reaffirmation of that doctrine,
hurch to unite around a common faith the pope quoted his conservative
yd to overcome their divisiveness by predecessor, Pope Paul VIland told the
peaffirming the church's traditional, audience:
::onservative teachings. "While being translated into all ex-
The pope chose his visit to Chicago to pressions, the content of the faith must
Lay down the law with the most neither be impaired nor
sweeping and substantive pronoun- mutilated .. . It must remain the con-
e:ements on Catholic doctrine of his tent of the Catholic faith just exactly as
year-old papacy, and to clear any the ecclesial Magisterium has received
Lingering doubts about his own stands and transmits it."
rn the controversial issues of sex and That homily, and the statements
marriage currently dividing the Chur- made earlier to the bishops, once and
he p. for all dashed the hopes of some who
TO A MORNING meeting of about 350 thought this pope, the youngest in-the
cmerican bishops at a seminary here, church's history, would be more liberal
the pope restated the church's op- on those controversial and thorny
position to' premarital sex, abortion, issues currently dividing Roman
divorce, and homosexuality, and told Catholicism in this country and world-
the church leaders, "It is not possible wide.
for us to avoid all criticism, nor is it But if some hopes were dashed during
possible to please everyone." 'this Chicago visit, enthusiasm for the
For the first time in his brief papacy, pontiff was as high here as on any stop
John Paul categorically rejected ar- during his tour that began last week i
tificial birth control. . Ireland. The pope received a ringing
the pope acknowegedoanh ovationoafter hisddr es i nth par
eostima toed5mailexopligahered sndeatcnerpontlydring hRseehmas
on Lake Michigan in Grant Park left momentarily speechless by an im-
yesterday afternoon for an outdoor promptuchi ntof "Longlivethepope!"
Mass - the largest throng he, has THE THRONG began to gather on the
drawn in his tour so far - that the city's lake front long before sun-up to
church in America consists of diverse get the best seats at the base of a 20-
elements. He nevertheless called for "a foot-high altar especially constructed
harmony and consistency of doctrine' for the pope to celebrate the afternoon
and a renewed faith in the traditional Mass. Another much smaller crowd
teachings of the church. kept arl all-night vigil around the home

THE POPE made it clear for the first See POPE, Page 8
John Paul's charisma, not
opinions draws crowds
With wire service reports the National Organization for Women
The scene was repeated time and (NOW) criticized the pope's hard-line
again. Just as in Boston, New York, stances on abortion, birth control and
Philadelphia and Des Moines, thousan- women in the priesthood, which were
ds packed the streets to see Pope John outlined in an address to 350 bishops
Paul II in Chicago. Some climbed trees yesterday morning in Chicago.
and scaled low buildings to get a good Ellie Smeal, NOW president and a
view as the pontiff completed his two- Catholic, said the pope was "absolutely
day visit to the second largest Polish out of touch with the people" on the
community in the world. three issues and predicted that the
So strong was the pope's hold on the Catholic church would lose members
heart of his audience that many in because of the pope's positions.
yesterday's crowd candidly admitted Smeal said she believed the over-
that his reaffirmations of rigid Catholic whelming majority of Catholics in this
doctrine were irrelevant to them. country believe in equality for women
Others, however, farther away from and practice and believe in birth con-
the pope's captivating presence, trol.
assailed the pope's opposition to birth TWO GROUPS of women theologians
control, abortion, and the ordination of sent telegrams to the pope charging
women priests. See POPE'S, Page 8
plishments on the entered seventh grade last year. Mom Maley also says that
system, an infra- Miller has two sets of friends: those in college and those his
river to see perfec- , own age. "He has different friends for different functions,
r gas and oil slick as most of us do," she said. "It's just that some of his frien-
very system, and a ds are twice as big as he is." f
o a motorbuke hid-
complimented by
of construction. So On the inside
Ily one hundred or-
tes. O A review of operatic soprano Joan Sutherland on Page
5 ... A look at the MSU-Michigan game on Page 7 . . And
on the editorial page, the Answer Man gives his insights on

Young Republicans expound
Two Young Republicans display party information at the Organizations'
Expo held yesterday in the Michigan Union Ballroom. The fair, whici was
sponsored by the University Activities Center, the Michigan Student
Assembly, and the Office of Student Development, was intended to make
studens think of the Union as a central meeting place.

- -

University Cellar employees,
management sign first contract

Smiles and a few quiet cheers ac-
companied the "historic" signing
yesterday of an "optimistic" first con-
tract between the University Cellar
employees' union and the bookstore's
board of directors.
The Industrial Workers of the World
(IWW) Local 660 ratified the final
revision of the pact Wednesday. The
signing was the final step in a tedious
eight-month-long effort to write the

U-CELLAR Assistant General
Manager John Sappington said the one-
year contract "places a lot of focus on
employee participation" in the
operations of the student bookstore in
the Michigan Union. i
The contract includes a precedent-
setting clause establishing a joint
committee of board, management and
union members to "study and produce
detailed plans for a new participatory
structure" for the store.
The eight-member committee will

Carter to announce decision Dec. 4.,
leaves on fund-raising tour next day

begin meeting next week to discuss
decision-making structure and the
definition of the bargaining unit, accor-
ding to Board President Nelson Jacob-
son. A recommendation from the com-
mittee is expected in December.
ALTHOUGH THE negotiations were
punctuated by a three-day strike and
impasses on several major issues, Sap-
pington said the talks were probably
"standard" compared to other first
labor contracts.
The document signed yesterday is
"something to work with," Sappington
added. "It's a positive step in most
everyone's mind."
"I'm happy," said IWW negotiator
Felicia Cassanos after the signing. "We
can begin to work together as people
again.. . rather than on opposite
Negotiators for the union and
management have said the talks were
slowed by inexperience, and a lack of
familiarity with the contract process.
THE NON-PROFIT bookstore was
established a decade ago by the
University's Regents under pressure
from students for a discount store for
textbooks. For the first ime two union
members are guaranteed positions on
the board of directors. Three faculty
members and one administrator are on
the board, along with seven students
appointed, by the Michigan Student
Assembly (MSA).
After a controversy-filled
See IWW, Page 8

From UPI and AP,
WASHINGTON-President Carter
will formally announce his decision on
seeking a second term Dec. 4, then
leave on a four-day, four-city tour to
raise more than $2.5 million for his
campaign coffers, it was announced
"The plans are for the president to
announce his intentions for 1980 on Dec.
4,' , press secretary Jody Powell told
ASKED WHETHER there was any
chance Carter might not seek election
to a second term, Powell said, grinning,

"I think you know the answer." Then he
added: "I'm not aware of any."
Powell qualified his announcement
slightly, saying the date could be
altered "ifthere were overriding mat-
ters of national interest." But such a
situation is not anticipated, he said.
Sen. Edward Kennedy has said he is
weighing a possible challenge to Carter
for the Democratic nomination and that
he will reveal his decisio before year's
end. There has been speculation the
Massachusetts senator may enter the
race around the end of November.
POWELL SAID the idea of the an-

nouncement is being made public
because of press speculaton and the
fact "the activities surrounding the an-
nouncement would require a certain
amount of planning and a large number
of people and it's obvious . . . those
plans would become public."
The day after the announcement, the
president, wife Rosalynn and Vice
President Walter Mondale will fan out
across the country on money-raising
campaign trips, according to 4Linda
Peek, spokeswoman for the Carter-
Mondale campaign committee. The
president will visit New York, Chicago,
Atlanta and Los Angeles.


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skirmish was part of what has become a regular night-time
tradition for the Greeks, according to Theta brother Stuart
Bikson. He said supplies for the weekly jousts are borught
up from Toledo, where they can be legally acquired. Bikson
said the two frats got together after last night's celebration
for a beer. Fireworks buffs undoubtedly hope they don't
become too friendly. t
That, no whitewalls?
Those super-duper, ever-ready automobile gadgets
Jnmpc Rnnd nr s Ptn a varietyr ofviains are no lingr fi-

up to 500 feet away. Other fun accom
mobile fortree include a bomb detection
red night vision system that allows the di
tly in complete darkness or smoke, tea
emission devices, a $20,000 kidnap recov
hidden escape vehicle, which amounts ti
den in the trunk. All these and more are
the car's fully bullet-proof and bomb-pro
far, the company has filled approximate
ders, largely from outside the United Stat


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