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October 05, 1979 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-10-05

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Page 2-Friday, October 5, 1979-The Michigan Daily


Senate passes Energy Mobilization Board

broadcast speech July 15. The board is
the first of his proposals to have
reached the Senate floor.
In a statement released by the White
House, Carter said the Senate vote was,
"a major step forward in the joint effort
of the Congress and my administration
to achieve energy security for our
Carter said the Senate bill substan-
tially reflected his original proposal
and said the board could "cut through
unnecessary procedural delays" to ex-
pedite consideration and construction
of priority energy projects "while en-
vironmental values and state and local
decision-making are preserved."
THE PRESIDENT'S supporters said
a board with unprecedented powers is
needed if the nation is to develop new
energy sources and reduce its depen-
dence on foreign oil.
Environmentalists and states' rights
advocates said the board would inter-
fere with the rights of affected com-

munities to decide if dirty or dangerous
energy plants should be built in their
neighborhoods. .
Sen. John Glenn (D-Ohio), an op-
ponent of the proposal, said creation of
the mobilization board would give
politicians a chance to claim they are
doing something about the energy
crisis. In fact he said the board would
add another unneeded level of federal
"WHAT WE ARE doing here is a
Washington whitewash for the problem,
a Washington charade," Glenn said.
A similar battle over what powers
should be given the board is expected in
the House.
Senate Democratic Leader Robert
Byrd of West Virginia predicted that
the board would be the first in a series
of energy measures to move quickly
through the Senate.
IN AN EARLIER, 65-28 vote, the
Senate turned aside an effort to split the
powers of the board with the two-year-

old Department of Energy. The amen-
dment, sponsored by Glenn, was the
last major effort by opponents to
weaken the proposed new agency. ..
The mobilization board would haye
authority to designate an unlimited t
number of energy projects for so-calW.
"fast track" treatment. If a local -o
state agency failed to meet a deadliitg
for approval or disapproval of a cqn-
troversial local project the board woi4),
step in and take over. ,w:
Stronger proposals giving the board x
authority to set aside federal, state-qr'1
local laws that obstruct energy projc
were defeated along with environmeppsi
talists' eff6rts to weaken the versi~n
supported by Carter and the Sen$v-
Energy Committee.
Glenn said the Energy Department
should retain responsibility for iit-
proving domestic production of energy'
If the department has faults, he saird,
these problems should be corrected w
without creating an EneI r"
Mobilization Board.

Beyond bucks-'U' prof. says cashing
in on happiness takes more than money-

r '7


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October 5, 3-9 p.m.
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(Continued from Page 1)
power it often brings, would lead to the
"good life." Economic status also was
considered a reliable predictor of an in-
dividual's sense of well-being, Cam-
pbell said.
BUT SOMETIME in the 30 years
following World War II, Campbell said,
"Something went wrong with the sim-
ple tie between welfare and well-
In that time span, Campbell noted,
one of the most "dazzling" rises in
economic affluence in U.S. history oc-
curred. Average family income, he
said, increased by about two-thirds in
constant dollars between 1945 and 1973.
The rise in family income, Campbell
said, was sufficient for comfortable
living, but the monetary gain did not

cause Americans to increase their sen-
se of confidence.
"WE DID NOT increase the feeling of
security against unemployment or the
feeling of satisfaction working people
find in their jobs," he said.
Increased wealth did not hold
families together, or prevent alienation
of young people and drug dependency,
according to Campbell.
"And least of all, did we increase the
citizenry's trust in its elected, of-
ficials?" he said.
CAMPBELL SAID this country is en-
tering an era in which "public
aspirations and values can no longer be
as fully satisfied by simple increases in
economic affluence.
"This does not imply that the general
public is no longer moved by economic

.Pope draws believers,
dreamers storytellers.
(Continued from Page 1)

Organizations Have to Offer







old pontiff.
"I esare4ierc at one o'clock because I
wanted. to seehim, touch him, and feel
him," sid Beverly Geyza of Omaha,
The crowd seemed full of hope, ap-
parently believing that seeing the pope
had given them a new hope in life. They
now felt that they could lick anything.
"He's a messenger of peace. With
him here with us we have nothing to
fear. He will save us from the decaden-
ce of society," said Marie Benah of
Cicero, Illinois.
Shouting, "Long live the Pope," the
crowd gave its longest ovation as the
paal motorcade departed.
Countless among the throng frankly
admitted they came only because the
papal visit was a "once in a lifetime ex-

Instead of reaching for peace and un-
derstanding, many said.they wanted to
be able to say they had seen the Pope.,..
"Face it, I'm, never going to Rome,
but my grandchildren will always know
I saw him," said Theresia Rees of
The usual merchants were in atten-
dance-making bucks with reverence.
Sixtebn year old Alan Kaye was
among those participating in the com-
mercialization of the pope'savisit. Kays
said he'd recently seen an ad that
guaranteedthe would make $100 by
selling pictures and pennants of the
pope. But Kaye said he was losing
. "This guy told me that I'd make $100
a day and so far I've made only 50¢. And
considering I had to pay $15 to get a
vendors license I'n pretty upset."

Hot Dogs -254 ,Entertainment & Door Prizes and More
sponsored by: UAC, MSA, and The Office of Student Development

values; this is surely not true," he said
"But there appear to be a growifg
number of people in this country ?bi
whom values other than those of Mm
economic character have become infjj
portant enough that they are prepared
to trade off economic return in orderti'
achieve them."
Protests against the "boredom" 'ai
"meaniiglessness" of much indust o
and white-collar work, reluctance t'd
join rat race competition for promotion,
and the current increase in population
flow into rural areas, indicate a
growing concern with values other than
those evaluated strictly in monetary
terms, according to Campbell.
"We are not likely to see a time when
concern with economic issues will
disappear," Campbell said, 'but if we
can find a way to extend the kind of
economic security that our more -
vantaged citizens apparently feel,, j
may hope to enlarge the lives of ann,
creasing number of people beyond th
constraints of an obsessive concrh
with meeting the material needs t6
everyday life."bi
Daily Official Bulletin if -
'4 4 , Jk L.
Daily Calendar:
Guild House: Luncheon lecture series, "Mirag' A
Teaching and Performing Creative Dance Cole-
tion, 802 Monroe, noon.
SSAS: Bernardito Operario, "American Ad1Ot
tising &,Filipino Tast Formation during the PreWk7
Years," Lane Hall Commons, 3 p.m. .. ,
Industrial & Operations Engineering: Michael
Magazine, U-Waterloo, "Assembly Lind Balancmig
Music School: Faculty dance concert, Dance,
Bldg.; University Symphone Band, H. Robert
Reynolds, conductor, Hill, 8p.m.Bt
Astronomy: Freeman D. Miller, "Mysterious
Spiral Galaxies," Aud., B., Angell, 8:30 p.m.
General Notices:
President's State of the University Address
terim President Smith will give the annual State o
the University Address to the faculty and staff in
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre at 8:oo p.m., Monday,
October 8, 1979. Distinguished faculty awards w
presented during the program. The Faculty Wo
Club and SACUA will host a reception on the second
flood of the Michigan League immediately following
the ceremony. All membersof the University com-
munity are invited to attend.
CEW: Dr. Barbara Forisa, Associate Profess6f of
Psychology at the University of Michigan-Dearborn,
will review the most recent literature on sex roles
and development at a noon-time book review, Wpd-
nesday, October 17, 12 noon to 1:30, East Conference
room, Rackham. Dr. Forisha will review Carol
Heilbrun's Reinventing Womanhood and Judith Bar-
dwick's In Trqansition. Dr. Forisha is the author of
Sex Roles and Personal Awareness, co-author of
Moral Development: A Survey of Recent Ap-
proaches, and is the author of numerous articles on
sex role orientation and sex role attitudes.
(USPS 344-900)
Volume LXXXX, No. 26
Friday, October 5, 1979
is edited and managed by students at
the University of Michigan. Publish d
daily Tuesday through Sunday mornins
during the University year at 0
Manard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan
481 . Subscription rates: $12 Septem-
ber through April (2 semesters);$13 by
mail outside Ann Arbor. Summier
session published Tuesday through
Saturday mornings. Subscription rat:
$6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7.00 by mail out-
side Ann Arbor. Second class postage
paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POST-
ASTER: Send address changes to
Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109.


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Bass is riding high on the Western look in fashion.


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