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October 03, 1979 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-10-03

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Vol. LXXXX, No. 24 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, October 3, 1979 Ten Cents Ten Pages


filed on
Motions were recently filed by attor-
neys for the University and the
Washtenaw County Coalition Against
Apartheid (WCCAA) that could delay
the case which hinges on the state's
Open Meetings Act.
A motion 'to strike the University's
statement of facts on the case, curren-
tly pending in the State Court of Ap-
peals, was filed Sept. 21 by WCCAA
lawyer Thomas O'Brien. In response,
University attorney Peter Davis sub-
mitted a motion on Sept. 27, asking that
the case be dismissed.
ACCORDING T court regulations,
the state court was to have ruled on the
WCCAA request yesterday, but it may
be a month before a judgment is made.
Both motions have delayed oral
argument, which would have been
scheduled for later this month, accor-
ding to a spokesperson for the appeals
O'Brien alleges the University's writ-
ten argument on the appeal contains
factual assertions that did not cite a
source. He added that some infor-
See WCCAA, Page 2

Pope 's 'heart
with the poor'
in New York

NEW YORK (AP) - Pope John Paul
II took his traveling ministry from the
United Nations to Harlem and the South
Bronx yesterday, speaking to
diplomats and vast crowds alike of the
riches and poverty of people and
At the United Nations, he called for
"an energetic effort to do away with the
very possibility of provoking war." And
at a Mass at Yankee Stadium, he called
for a "simple way of life."
"It is not right that the standard of
living of the rich countries should seek
to maintain itself by draining off a
great part of the reserves of energy and-
raw materials that are meant to serve
the whole of humanity," he told the
70,000 worshippers in the stadium.
"IN A SPECIAL way my heart is with
the poor, with those who suffer, with
those who are alone in the midst of this
teeming metropolis," the pontiff said
earlier beneath the soaring, vaulted
ceilings of St. Patrick's Cathedral.
Hundreds of' thousands of people
waved banners, cheered and sang as
the pope made his way through the
streets of the nation's largest city. And
the pope's day was as diverse as the
crowds greeting him.
From the United Nations he went to
St. Patrick's. Then under a darkening
sky, the papal motorcade headed up
Adam Clayton Powell Boulevard, and
John Paul saw the broken windows of
Harlem. Next, speaking in Spanish, he
addressed a crowd in an empty lot in
the heavily Hispanic South Bronx. Then
came Yankee Stadium with a huge red
altar and red carpet stretching over the
green grass - and a truck to carry the
pontiff before the cheering throng.
THE POPE'S day was touched by the
nation's violent side, too. Acting after
the FBI received a letter saying the

pope's life was in danger, police raided
a house in Elizabeth, N.J. and found a
semi-automatic weapon and am-
munition. They issued an alert for a
man authorities said might be connec-
ted with Puerto Rican extremists.
John Paul's day was already 13 hours
long when he began the Mass in Yankee
Stadium, and his face showed his
weariness. Pope Paul VI also
celebrated Mass at the Bronx Stadium
14 years ago.
John Paul spoke of the United States'
"reputation for generosity," and said
Americans should be "faithful to that
tradition in keeping with your vast p-
possibilities and present respo
The pope referred to a speech he had
made in 1978 condemning the "frenzy of
consumerism, exhausting and joyless,"
and warned against "the temptation to
make money the principal and indeed
the very measure of human
AT ST. PATRICK'S, at least 10,000
greeted John Paul. Fifth Avenue was a
profuion of waving banners and han-
dkerchiefs, and balloons of papal gold
and white filled the air. A policeman
helping hold back the crowds bowed
before the pontiff and kissed his ring.
Along the route to Harlem, the
crowds clapped and chanted the song
"Wade in the Water" as young blacks
on bicycles pedaled along a' parallel
serviceroad trying to keep up with the
pope, who stood and waved in an open-
topped limousine.
At St. Charles Borromeo Church in
Harlem, the pontiff, was greeted by
Monsignor ,Emerson Moore, the only
black monsignor in the country. At St.
Patrick's, he was met by New York's
Cardinal Terence Cooke, Bishop Fulton
Sheen, and a crowd of-other churchmen
and worshippers.

POPE JOHN PAUL II acknowledges the standing ovation of U.N. General Assembly delegates yesterday afternoon.
In his hour-long speech he warned that the continuing arms race among the superpowers threatens "common exter-
mination" of future generations. From left to right are: Aly Teymar, U.N. acting Chief of Protocol, General Assembly
President Salim Ahmed Salim, the Pope, and William Buffum, U.N. undersecretary general for assemblyaffairs.

MSA regains control of its funds

Vice-President for' Student Services
Henry Johnson has told Michigan
Student Assembly (MSA) President
Jim Alland that the campus-wide
student government is in complete con-

MSA voted on the following three
major changes in their financing
" To alter the membership of the
Budget Priorities Committee to
guarantee four non-Assembly seats.

' Il Si} .. r' . $} + 'L.'ff+{ C00 "50 ... .S: SC Sa t
'MSA may proceed with the judicious exercise of
its funding procedures . . . in accordance with the
acepted University practices and procedures.'
-Henry Johnson, rice-president
for student services
y?'}{:'":'..: v:{. d""' :rr. ."if'; {"JJ { J. 1...+ "f .;; "..IM MO ~ig

are in total agreement with all the
above statements. Upon receipt of your
response, MSA may proceed with the
judicious exercise of its funding
procedures pursuant to and in accor-
dance with the accepted University
practices and procedures."
In other action, Assembly member
Riase Jakpor called for the creation of
a standing MSA committee to meet the
needs of international students at the
University. Riase noted that foreign
students constitute nearly six per cent
of the total student body and that the
creation of such a committee would
help guide them through the Univer-
sity's bureaucratic maze. The Assem-
bly voted to hold off on any such action
until its next meeting.
MSA also played host to Nelson
Jacobson, president of the University
Cellar Board of Directors, and Ralph
McKeean, a representative for the
bookstore's workers union.
Jacobson told the Assembly that
labor and management have agreed
upon a contract but had not yet signed
an agreement.- "This contract presents
both sides of the dispute with a win-win
situation," he said. "The whole thing
has a real progressive attitude and

foreshadows trends to come in national
labor laws."
MCKEEAN SAID his group is
satisfied with the agreements but
disagreed with Jacobson on the Board
of Director's progressive attitude.
"You've got to remember," he said,
"it -took a two-day strike before book
rush to get these things done."

GOP predicts SALT II failure

rol of its administrative finances.
Alland made the announcement at
the Assembly meeting last night. The
announcement culminated a five-
month waiting period during which
MSA funding capabilities remained in
limbo. The body accepted the news with
quiet resignation.
IN A. LETTER to Alland, dated Oc-
tober 1, Johnson discussed his inter-
pretation of changes made in the
|ssembly's allocations procedures
lover the last two weeks.

" To introduce an appeals process for
student groups dissatisfied with
Assembly allocations.
- And to establish procedures for the
investigation of alleged misuse of MSA
Johnson demanded the changes be
made before he would consider retur-
ning control of funds to the student
government. 40
"AFTER YOU (Alland) read this let-
ter;" Johnson wrote, "I expect to
receive a response indicating that you

WASHINGTON (AP) - Republican
leaders in the Senate said yesterday the
SALT II treaty cannot be ratified now,
partly because President Carter has
failed to separate the pact from the con-

U.S. halts funds to Mexico
for marijuana herbicide spraying

from the Senate's consideration of the
SALT accord.
IN HIS SPEECH, Carter said he did
not win agreement from the Soviets to
downgrade the status of the Soviet
He said he planned to increase U.S.
surveillance of military activities in
Cuba, bolster U.S. naval and military
presence in the area, and speed more
aid to Latin American nations that feel
threatened by the Soviet-Cuban allian-
But administration officials said
yesterday that Carter does not plan to
take any steps against the Soviet Union
and has decided against linking the
troop issue to such matters as trade
with the Russians.
IN THE SENATE Republican leader
Howard Baker of Tennessee said he
found Carter's response to the Soviet
troop issue "disappointing and
inadequate" and said his count shows
SALT II would attract fewer than 60
votes if a final test were held now. The
votes of 67 senators are needed for
Sen. Frank 'Church (D-Idaho),
chairman of the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee, was reported to
be considering a reservation to the
treaty saying the accord would not take
effect until the Soviet brigade is with-
drawn or dismantled.
But Baker, at a news conference,
called that idea "dodging the issue and
a cop-out." He said he would rather see
the withdrawal of the brigade as a
precondition to ratification.

chairman of the Senate Republican
conference, said there is no chance now
for ratification. He predicted that the
Democratic leadership would postpone
action on the treaty until next year and


The United States will no longer
financially assist the Mexican gover-
nment in its use of the dangerous her-
bicide paraquat, the UPI reported
Paraquat was used to kill Mexican
marijuana crops, but the marijuana
was often harvested before the her-
bicide infected plants were completely
THE HERBICIDE, which has been
found in Mexican-imported marijuana
throughout the U.S., was determined by,
the Department of Health, Education
and Welfare (HEW) to cause fibrosis of
the lungs. It has been the focus of much
controversy and debate by both
marijuana aficionados and health of-

The administration's decision to ter-
minate paraquat funding was done by
way of letters sent to Mexican officials,
and was purposely downplayed in order
not to upset the precarious relationship
between the United States and Mexico.
According to a State Department of-
ficial; the Mexican government was not
happy with the decision. The ad-
ministration will continue funding the
program of spraying )poppy fields,
which are harvested to manufacture
"It's a victory for us," said Peter
Meyers, chief counsel for the National
Organization for the Reform of
Marijuana Laws (NORML). -"This is
something we've been pushing for for
two years." NORML had filed suit this

summer to force the State Department
to cease its aid to the paraquat spraying
program in Mexico.'
the aid was in the form of helicopters,
technical assistance, and pilot training.
The State Department also organized
the spraying operation for the Mexican
d Paraquat was not supplied by the
United States.
The use of the herbicide has been un-
der attack since its effects became
known in a study released by the
National Institute on Drug Abuse. A
later study found one-fifth of all
marijuana sampled cortained
paraquat. An average of 500 parts per
million of the herbicide was detected in
See U.S., Page 10

... tries to save SALT II
tinuing furor over Soviet combat troops
in Cuba.
But the Senate's Democratic leader-
ship fought to save the treaty, saying
Carter has succeeded in demonstrating
that the presence of 2,600 soldiers in
Cuba in no way overshadows the impor-
tance of a treaty to control the race in
nuclear arms.
The debate over the future of the
strategic arms limitation treaty con-
tinued despite Carter's effort in a
nationally broadcast speech Monday
night to defuse the issue and separate it

... says treaty's doomed

said the delay could extend to April.
But Senate Democratic leader Robert
Byrd of West Virginia said he still in-
tends to bring the treaty up this year.
Tower said that if Byrd does so, he will
likely face an attempt to send it back to
the Foreign Relations Committee,
either until 1980 or indefinitely.
Baker said he does not believe Senate
debate on SALT II should be postponed.
He said it should be changed by amen-
dments dealing with such issues as the
Soviet backfire bomber and the SS-18

University of Detroit and two community colleges were on
-. -. .-...the bottom with scholarships in only two sports. The study prpslwihhs-enivh ok frsvrlyas
yy Perhaps -a certain visitor here in the States might want to
S.'.S,......'..was compiled as a guide for female high school students ,^ ;stpin and offer his blessing of the Vatican of the West.. L
Swho may be interested in pursuing athletics in college. Qij stop.
SThe price o f perfection O~~~fn thep inside


s.:;: -.9 0

The University's annual Homecoming Parade will cost
the city about $2,600 for security, because the student
group sponsoring the event is broke. While mulling over
alternatives to paying for security directly from city funds,
Councilmember Gerald Bell (R-Fifth Ward) suggested at
Monday night's meeting that a benefit softball game be

A look at the Black English case is on the editorial page,
Peoplemania is on Page Five, and on the Sports Page is a
clarification of allegations by the University's Sports In-
formation Department that the Daily is waging a campaign
to change the status quo of the football team's kicking

7 - -- - -

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