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Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom
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Vol. LXXXX, No. 22 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, September 30, 1979 Ten Cents Ten Pages plus Supplements
ELIfaces conflict between teaching, research
Second in a two-part series
Throughout the University, research is a
highly-prized activity, often to the despair of
students. But at the University's English
Language Institute (ELI), research has taken
a back seat to teaching.
Recently, however, concerns have been
raised that extensive teaching loads are posing
a major threat to ELI's continued excellence
by preventing instructional staff from devoting
sufficient time to research.
.THESE CONCERNS, expressed by several
ELI instructors, as well as ELI Director Larry
Selinker, and Literary College (LSA) Dean
Billy Frye, have already generated a stronger
research orientation policy at ELI.
ELI currently enjoys a prestigious
reputation as the world's pioneer in teaching
English intensively as a foreign language and
for its impressive output of texts and teaching
materials in the field. r
ELI lecturer Joyce Zuck teaches two one-
hour classes, Monday through Friday. In ad-
dition, as ELI Writing Coordinator, she. works
closely with the teachers of over 10 ELI writing
sections as well as working on development of
classroom materials for the writing sections.
ments are the rule, not the exception, among
ELI's 10-12 permanent instructional staff, all of
whom have at least an M.A. (generally in fields
related to linguistics or education). Those who
are not subject coordinators, as Zuck is, are
most likely teaching three classes daily.
Most University students would be amazed
and envious of those who receive such close
daily classroom attention from an instructor
with Zuck's qualifications - over 20 years
teaching at ELI, a Ph.D., and widely
recognized as an innovative thinker in her
In addition, the high quality and depth of
ELI's teaching role in providing intensive
English training to the more than 200 students
who enroll for each of the six eight-week terms
provide dividends for the University.
THE $500 TUITION each student pays per
term goes into the University's general tuition
fund. ELI offers no financial aid. The tuition
payments generate annual revenues between
$600-$700,000 for the University. In turn, ELI is
allocated a budget through LSA.
This year, ELI received approximately
$410,000, which pays for its permanent instruc-
tional staff, ELI administrative personnel, and
the 20-25 graduate students (most in Depar-
tmental Linguistics) who teach one or,
sometimes two classes daily as teaching
Texts produced by ELI instructors have been
recognized as a major innovative force in
English language teaching since, the first
publications of ELI's founders in the late 1940s
and are used worldwide. Sales from ELI
publications accound for nearly half of the ap-
proximately $12 million annual revenue of the
University of Michigan Press, according to
director Wallace Sears.
ELI TEXTS TEND to be very profitable, and
Pollution an
issue a s U.S.,
Mexico chiefs
end talks
'From AP and UPI
WASHINGTON - President Carter
and Mexico's Jose Lopez Portillo con-
cluded two days of talks yesterday by
announcing their agreement to
cooperate on matters involving energy,
the environment, and illegal aliens.
The pair said they would give "a high
priority" to discussion on air and water
pollution that crosses the border bet-
ween the United States and Mexico.
The two leaders agreed to try to
negotiate an agreement that would
'lessen or eliminate environmental
damage in the future" from such sour-
ces as the Mexican oil well blowout,
which created a huge oil slick in the
Gulf of Mexico and tarred Texas
The discussions also will include U.S.-
spawned pollution that crosses the bor-
der into Mexico, officials stressed.
IT WAS uncertain, however, whether
See CARTER, Page 2
Record Irish
throng greets
John Paul' HII
From AP, UPI, and Reuter
DUBLIN, Ireland - "In the footsteps
of St. Patrick," Pope John Paul II came
to Ireland's tragic and pious isle
yesterday where he blessed a million
Irish in a Dublin park and pleaded "on
my knees" for an end to violence in a
land long steeped in it.
More than half the nation - perhaps
two million people - thronged to air-
ports, parks, and motorcade routes
waving flags, shouting greetings, and
AP Photo holding smah children aloft to see the
Polish pontiff, the first pope to visit
rts to Ireland.
THOUSANDS WEPT openly at the
greatest gathering in Irish history as
the pope celebrated Mass in Dublin's
emerald-green Phoenix Park.
The congregation went wild with joy
and enthusiasm at the end of the three-
hour service on the park's playing
fields under a bright cloud-flecked sky.
Near the northern border at the an-
cient walled city of Drogheda, John
POPE JOHN PAUL II greets more than one million Irish in a Dublin park. The pontiff called for increased effo
curb the sectarian violence that has plagued the Irish people for years.
Ireland, the more the danger will grow
that this beloved land could become yet
another theater for international
terrorism," the pope added. It would
"drag down to ruin the land you claim
to love and the values you claim to
cherish," the pontiff said.
Armed Irish soldiers, evidence of the
tight security operation mounted for
the papal visit, ringed.the 35 acre site
where the pope made his strongest
statement on Northern Ireland -
where mostly Catholic guerrillas are
fighting to end Protestant domination
and British rule in the latest round of
centuries of sectarian strife.
IT WAS AN emotion-filled start to a
10-day pilgrimage to Ireland and the
United States, a tour the 50-year-old
pope says he hopes will contribute to
the cause of peace on this divided island
and in the world. He leaves Ireland
Monday for Boston.
John Paul became the first pope to
visit the land where St. Patrick spread
Christ's word. He knelt to kiss the Irish
soil, then plunged without hesitation in-
to the subject of sectarian strife that
has claimed more than 2,000 lives in
this decade.
The pope's original plans to visit Nor-
thern Ireland were scrapped when Lord
Mountbatten died last month in, a
terrorist bombing.
Unersty's real age uncertain
This year the University is celebrat-
ing its 162nd birthday. Or is it its 142nd?
Or maybe even its 138th. Well, it depen-
ds on whom you ask and where you
It seems that if there's one thing a
university would know, it would be its
own founding date, but that's a bone of
contention at this University.
The sign outside the Graduate
Library says 1837. So does the mosaic
on the floor of the Old Architecture and
Design building. But the official
University seal reads 1817. And there is
a plaque on the corner of Larned and
Bates Streets in Detroit which claims to
mark the first site of the University and
bears the date 1817.
According to historians, the real truth
of the matter is that an institution
called the Catholepistemiad was
established in'Detroit on Aug. 26, 1817.
This institution, which was described
by the Board of Regents in 1928 as
"feeble" and "sickly," began with a
humble staff of two-John Monteith,
Professor of Universal Sciences,a nd
Gabriel Richard, * Professor of
Mathematics, Astronomy, and Intellec-
tual Sciences.
In 1818, Monteith offered the first an-
nual report of the University 'of
Michigania to the governor and judges
of the territory. Apparently, the
University has existed without-a break,
ever since.
The date of '1837 crops up, however,
because it was in that year that the
State of Michigan was accepted into the
Union, and the state legislature passed
a resolution "to, provide for the
organization and government of the'
University of Michigan." In addition,
Ann Arbor was selected as the site of
the University.
Harlan Hatcher, president emeritus
of the University explained, "The state
was incorporated in 1837. That's how
that date got into it." Hatcher also said,
"No students actually arrived in Ann
Arbor until1841."'
In 1928, the Regents investigated the
confusing situation and, based on the
information about the institution foun-
ded in Detroit, officially resolved to
alter the seal of the University to read
So why, in 1937, nine years after the
inatter was officially settled, did the
University decide to have a centennial
celebration? The answer to this per-
plexi problem lies hidden in several
must volumes in the Graduate
According to the author of this sour- that celebration on the reorganization Paul told some 250,000 -m
ce, Rank Culver, Class of '75 (1875, that of the University in Ann Arbor in 1837," came down across the North
is), even after the Regents resolved to said Howard Peckham, author of The border, 39 miles away - th
officially change the founding date to Making of the University. "They had to terrorists must "walk t
1817, members of Little's entourage do that to smooth over the fact that the reconciliation and peace."
"deliberately and maliciously" sup- seal had already been changed," "ON MY KNEES I beg3
pressed the truth about the University's Peckham said, away from the paths of viol
beginnings. Nevertheless, in 1967, only 20 years return to the ways of peace,"
"There was considerable emphasis in See WHEN, Page 7 ,The longer the violence
Here &tere
S fRock loses Blue cage
es rr YB 0
Nroll, 45-1l4 Cal, 14-10
The day of The Rock was not to be. Special to The Daily
Going into yesterday's Pen- BERKELEY, Calif. - In spite of
nsylvania Conference battle with their faltering kicking game, the
Shippensburg State at Michigan Michigan Wolverines maintained
Stadium, Slippery Rock had their coinposure as they defeated
everything going for it. They had the California Golden Bears 14-10 at
been labeled the home team, they Memorial Stadium before a crowd of
had the majority of the 61,143 Band 57,000.
Day fans rooting for them and they Michigan quarterback John
had all the pre-game hoopla pointed Wangler, who started the game over
their way. In other words they had it B. J. Dickey, played brilliantly as he
made. led his offensive unit down the field
But the hot and humid day instead time and time again. However, the
belonged strictly to the Shippen- offense only scored twice, both
sburg State Red Raiders, who spit in touchdowns coming in the second
the eye of adversity and rolled to an half. Michigan placekickers Ali
easy 45-14 victory over the Rockets. Haji-Sheikh and Bryan Virgil com-
Freshman fullback Steve bined to miss five field goal attem-
Moskowitz led the crusade to put pts.
Shippensburg on the map as he The total offensive yardage for the A bone crunching pile-up
See SHIPPENSBURG, Page 10 See BAD, Page 10 Slippery Rock-Shippensbu
any of whom
hern Ireland
hat religious
he path of
you to turn
lence and to
'he said.
continues in
Harlan Hatcher
... former 'U' president
One thin booklet, righteously titled
"The Truth About the Founding of the
University," asserts that the date of
1837 was merely a practical joke on the
part of Clarence Cook Little, who inven-
ted an alleged 100th anniversary of the
founding of the University to be
celebrated in June, 1937.
.. .
OP, , t
e to , b.
U_ 1 1 11 J__--
i I
We were Khanned
He was a savage general, a brilliant leader. He unified
more than ten Mongol tribes in 1206'and then went on to
pillage China and sack Peking nine years later. His name is
hardly ever mentioned without reference to raping and
pillaging. But now, the legendary Genghis Khan is getting
his rep reworked. Chinese historians are calling the chief-
tain a hero of the Mongolian people. Khan, they say, ac-
tually had a positive influence on Chinese history by helping
to end political fragmentation. China has more than 50
nationalities and is currently emphasizing the importance
of its ethnic groups. I
you will visit" on whether America can get along without
nuclear power. The Edison Electric Institute, an
association of investor-owned electric companies, is spon-
soring Keifer and Draper as a "truth squad" to tail Jane
and Tom.("
Jordan to be cleared
Department trying to separate the truth from "circum-
stantial evidence" against the White House aide. It's not a
Deep Throat investigators need in the case but a Numb-
On the inside
For an analysis of the continued dominance of Fraice
over its colonies, see the Editorial Page . . . The jazz
festival is soff to a fine start according to a review on Page
5 ... Michigan was the victor over California yesterday and
,.h atrp' .ia j mn nPgop in n
The FBI is
expected to. clear
Ham Jordan this
week of
allegations that