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September 27, 1979 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-09-27

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The Michigan Daily-Thursday, September 27, 1979-Page 7

Human rights group blasts death penalty

LONDON (Reuter) - Amnesty In-
ternational, the London-based human
rights group, called on all governments
yesterday to abolish the death penalty.
Many countries do not publish
figures, but in a major report Amnesty
said more than 5,000 people were known
to have been executed in the past ten
years, and over 500,000 murdered for
political reasons, in many cases with
the approval of governments, it said.
Most of the death sentences had been
for violent crimes, but some had been
for sexual or economic offenses, such
as hoarding grain, the group said.
THE METHODS by which convicts

were put to death varied from the
guillotine in France, last used in 1977,
the electric chair and gas chamber in
the United States, to hanging in South
Africa and the firing squad in Ghana
and Syria.
In China, - the most widely used
method was the shooting of the victim
in the head by a security officer, Am-
nesty said.
Amnesty listed 18 countries which
have abolished the death penalty for all
offenses: Austria, Brazil, Colombia,
Costa Rica, Denmark, Dominican
Republic, Ecuador, Fiji, Finland, West
Germany, Honduras, Iceland, Luxem-

bourg, Norway, Portugal, Sweden,
Uruguay and Venezuela..
EIGHT OTHER countries, Canada,
Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Panama,
Peru, Spain and Switzerland, have
abolished the death penalty in times of
In several other countries, while the
possibility of the death penalty was
retained, it had not been carried out in
recent years, Amnesty added.
In the United States and Australia the
death penalty is under the jurisdiction
of individual states, and some but not
all have abolished it. The electric chair
was used in Florida earlier this year.

The last hanging in Australia was in
AMNESTY'S REPORT also condem-
ned "murder committed or acquiesced
in by government."
Amnesty said mass killings of this
sort were reported to have taken place
in several countries including Uganda
under the Amin government (up to
300,000 people killed), Cambodia (at
least 200,000), Ethiopia (up to 30,000)
and Guatemala (up to 20,000).
Amnesty also said the death penalty
violated international standards of the
right to life.

The group said there was a lack of
evidence that the death penalty was a
deterrent and concluded that execution
was a threat to human values.

Class ifieds

Battle Creek attorneys fight

FTC attack on cereal

BATTLE CREEK (UPI) - Attorneys
for Calhoun County and the city of Bat-
tle Creek yesterday began drawing up a
lawsuit aimed at preventing the
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
from breaking up the nation's leading
cereal makers.
In a special early morning meeting,
the county commission approved $5,000
in matching funds to join in a federal
court suit to be filed by the city to force
the FTC to complete an environmental
impact study before it goes ahead with
its shared monopoly suit against
-Kellogg Co., General Mills and General
The suit - which was expected to be
filed before Oct. 2 - was believed to be
the first of its kind.
THE FTC claims the three com-
panies unfairly monopolize the cereal
market and is seeking to break them
up. Such action could cost grain millers

2,600 jobs nationwide and 1,500 jobs in
Battle Creek alone.
"This would absolutely devastate the
county's economy," county Com-
missioner Bess Jordan said. "We feel
it's about time the federal government
started listening to the local people.
"If they go forward with their
hearings, then they need to hear from
the people it would directly affect. They
so often forget about us," she said.
"WE ARE very happy they are on our
side of the issue," said Ralph Davis, a
Kellogg spokesman. "The greater the
output of noise, the greater the
possibility of being heard."
Jordan said breaking up the cereal
makers would not only deprive 1,500
workers of their jobs at Kellogg's and
the Post Division of General Foods, it
would also force layoffs in related in-
dustries like paper, glue and grain.
"This could push our unemployment
rate up three or four points," Jordan

said. Unemployment in Battle Creek
usually runs about eight per cent. Some
141,000 persons live in the county.
"Our job market is our environ-
ment," Ms. Jordan said. "We think an
economic impact study is justified."
The FTC was scheduled to resume its
hearings on breaking up the cereal
makers Oct. 2. Kellogg also has filed a
suit aimed at postponing resumption
because of questions on how a new ad-
ministrative law judge was picked to
hear the rest of the case.
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Passed-up spectators
can press charges .

de t o aoothe P Us9 jta
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(Continued from Page 1)
"There's always the difficulty of
identifying the person," Laidlaw said.
iAnd there's always the question of
whether the person consented to the
assault." Laidlaw said it is easier to
prosecute in most cases "if the person
makes it clear they don't want to be
passed up.
"If a person assaults someone and
'the victim is seriously injured, it (the
charge) could turn into aggravated
#ssault - which is a felony."
LAIDLAW SAID injuries sustained
from being passed up "could possibly
result in serious civil liability, meaning
suing for damages. I'm sure it would
(work) if you could put together the
proof and identify the person.
Questions have been raised about the
role of security guards at the stadium
.and why they can't help prevent the
practice of passing people up.
: Hawkins explained the police officers
'cannot simply arrest someone in the
stands for helping pass someone else
"OUR WHOLE role is preventative -
to make our presence known," Hawkins
explained. "The mere fact that you
have a policeman (there) tends to con-
trol overindulgence and assaults."
Hawkins said there are 18 officers

from both the city police force and the
University's Department of Safety on
the field to prevent over-zealous fans
from getting on the field and disrupting
activities. There are also 23 officers at
the stadium entrances to control skir-
mishes in the crowd and gate-crashers.
They have no power to arrest in connec-
tion with passing up because
technically, no crime has been commit-
ted unless someone is injured.
"Most of them (the crowd) are there
to have a goodrtime,"tHawkins said.
"Some games are a little wild, depen-
ding on the importance of the game.
But we have not had a major problem
But Hawkins added he is surprised
the police have not received any com-
plaints about people being passed up.

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