State Supreme Court
to consider Medicaid
The Michigan Daily-Thursday, September 27, 1979-Page 3
Rob Fuschini
Deborah Dudley
home-made soup and
sandwich 75C
i~nna Kp,.r Npu, Winpskinc
John Douglass Center, Columbus, Ohio
reading from their worksCetrCoubOh:
Thursday, Sept. 27 "Dreams: Pathways
7:30 PM to Inner Wisdom"
-REFRESHMENTS- Friday, Sept, 28, noon
GUILD HOUSE, 802 Monroe (corner of Oakland)
abortion su
Opponents of medicaid-funded abor-
tions appealed Tuesday to the Michigan
Supreme Court in an effort to overturn
Governor William Milliken's veto of an
anti-abortion funding provision.
The appeal of a lawsuit filed by State
Rep. Thaddeus Stopczynski (D-Detroit)
comes after a Court of Appeals upheld
the governor's veto, reversing an
Ingham County Circuit Court ruling.
MILLIKEN vetoed a section of the
state's Medicaid bill this summer
which limited funding of non-
therapeutic abortions to one dollar.
After vetoeing the provision, Milliken
spent other Medicaid money to finance
the abortions, according to Stopczyn-
ski. "The governor and the Department
of Social Services are spending money
without the consent of the legislature,"
he said.
The trial court ruled in Stopczynski's
favor in June, finding that Milliken had
no authority to strike down the one
dollar limit.
"MEDICAL SERVICES for indigent
people are provided under the state
Welfare Act," said Joseph Zanglin,
Stopczynski's attorney. "Before
medical services may be provided, a
doctor must certify that the treatment
is required."
it appeal
"The statute says 'required'," he
emphasized, "and a non-therapeutic
abortion by definition is not required."
Zangling defined a non-therapeutic
abortion as one "unnecessary for the
life and health of the woman."
He said medicaid money is now being
spent for abortions which violate the
"required" provision of the Welfare
Act. "These abortions are merely for
the convenience of the woman - elec-
tive abortions," said Zanglin.
THE APPEAL also contends that
Milliken acted illegally in violating the
legislature's one dollar limit, Zanglin
said. He said he expects the Supreme
Court to rule on whether the veto meant
the governor had exceeded his
Even if the veto was legal, Zanglin
said he believes Milliken illegally spent
other Medicaid money on non-
therapeutic abortions. "If the veto was
valid, he cannot use other funds since
the legislature clearly intended to
eliminate them (state-supported, non-
therapeutic abortions)."
Next, the court must decide whether
it will hear the appeal or permit the ap-
peals court ruling, and Milliken's veto,
to stand. Zanglin says he is not certain
when this will occur but, "My guess is
that it will be anywhere from ten days
to two months."
AP Photo
Knock, knock, which way?
A street sign in Knock, Ireland points the way for the thousands of visitors
expected here during Pope John Paul II's tour of Ireland. The Pope is
scheduled to arrive in Knock later this week.
State denied air quality test extension
Discussions with CAROLINE RICHARDS,
Author of Sweet Country
"So authentic a portrait'of contemporary Chile that it
supplants all news reports I have read" (Jose Yglesias).
Caroline and her husband went to Chile during the Frei
government and were there for eight years through the
Allende government and the Coup.
Thurs., Sept. 27, 11 a.m. Rm. 2233 Educ. School: Seminar
about Parent, Child Education Projectin Chile
Thurs., Sept. 27, 4:00 p.m. Rm. 124 Res. College: Chile
from Allende to Today
Thurs., Sept. 27, 7:30 p.m. St. Mary's Chapel: Juticia y Paz
en Americalatina-The Church in Latin America
Fri., Sept. 28, 4:00 p.m., Rm. 124 Res. College: Writing
Sweet Country, a political novel-"What a novel is sup-
posed to do but is now seldom even attempted" (Jose
LANSING (UPI) - Michigan cannot
expect to receive an extension on its
development of air quality testing stan-
dards, an administrator of the U.S. En-
vironmental Protection Agency told
state lawmakers yesterday.
"Michigan has had reasonable oppor-
tunity to take action. . . under our
most diligent reading of the law, it can't
be extended," the EPA's Douglas
Costle said during a special Senate, in-
formation session.
The deadline for developing a plan to
measure emissions from industries ex-
pired July 1, causing a ban on new per-
mits to pollution emitting businesses in
Michigan. The state kow faces possible
loss of highway construction funds, he
COSTLE WAS invited to brief the
-legislature on federal environmental
stands, but also took the opportunity to
plug President Carter's proposed win-
dfall tax on the oil industry because it is
"impossible to discuss environmental
issues these days without encountering
an energy problem."
Although only Congress can extend
the deadline, Costle said even if he had
the power he would not give the state
extra time. /
But funds for sewage treatment plant
expansion and improvement, par-
ticularly in Detroit, probably would not
be withheld if the state misses the
deadline, he said.
He said of 29 states required to sub-
mit pollution control plans, the EPA is
uncertain about legislation only in
Michigan and California.
Government boosts Work/Study
',,amLueuiinm rate I)
political or religious issues. The jobs
must be open to everyone.
THE PURPOSES of Work/Study are
to help students meet educational costs,
to minimize loan burdens, to offer
students positions within their own field
of study; and to help students learn to
budget their time, according to
Longmate. "Work/Study is a super
form of financial aid. It has so many
positive aspects for students,"
Longmate said.
Zimmerman said he sees Work/Study
as a "viable alternative to taking out
exorbitant loans." There is no debt to
repay after graduation. Reisman said
students with large blocks of free time
can learn to allocate their time well
between working and studying.
Students on Fall-Winter programs
may work until April 25 or until they
have earned the specified amount.
Presidents 'presence
confuses callers
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(Continued from Page 1)
"IT'S SOMETHING to write home
about," said freshwoman Kathi Gertz
of Jackson. "It's neat that they take
time to meet the students. He's not just
a president, he's a person."
"I like your garden," one student told
Allan Smith.
"WELL, I REALLY didn't have
anything to do with it," Smith respon-
ded. He continued to explain that since
he knew he would only serve as
president for a short time, that he and
his wife decided not to live in the
President's House.
"Some students obviously wanted to
see the house," Alene Smith said. She
told of two women who stopped by one
day recently and asked the time. "They
peeked in. You could tell they came up
just so they could get a look at the
house. "This makes it easier for studen-
ts to get a look. After all, they walk by it
all the time."
"I really do enjoy meeting students,"
said Alene Smith, who admitted the
reception was hard to plan because
there was no way of knowing how many
students would attend. "I think that's
what the University is all about. I've
obviously met a lot of students and it's
still fun to meet them. Each group had
a particular air of its own. There were
years when it was tense and serious,
and years when they came to steal the
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Alternative Action-Woody Allen's Sleeper, 7, 9p.m., Nat. Sci. Aud.
Cinema Guild-Blow Up, 7,9:05 p.m., Old Arch Aud.
Mediatrics Films-Raisin in the Sun, 7,9:30 p.m., Assembly Hall, Union.
Center for Western European Studies-History Prof. Charles Trinkhaus,
"The Question of Truth in Renaissance Rhetoric and Anthropology;" noon,
Michigan League.
Center for Western European Studies-Dr. Edmund King, "Slavery and
Serfdom: The Medieval English Peasant," 4 p.m., Rackham East Conferen-
ce Room.
Kudu-lecture-demonstration, "Politics and Music in Southern Africa," 4-
5:30 p.m., Lecture Room 2, MLB.
Museum of Art-Helga Goetz, head of Inuit Art Section of the Canadian
Department of Indian and Northern Affairs, "Inuit Graphic Art as an Ex-
pression of Traditional Culture," 8 p.m., Aud. A, Angell.
First Session of Conference on Contemporary Inuit Graphics, Sept. 27-9.
Studio Theater Series-Anton Chekhov's "The Bear," 4-10 p.m., Arena
Theater, Frieze Bldg.
Guild House-Rob Fuschini, Deborah Dudley and John Douglass, poetry
reading; 7:30 p.m., 802 Monroe.
Center for Continuing Education of Women-talks and panel discussions
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