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Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom
See Today for details
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, September 27,1979 Ten Cents
Ten Pages
Vol. LXXXX, No. 19 -
can press
If you were "passed up" the stands
during a recent football game at
Michigan Stadium, city officials say
you could press charges, but
prosecution rmay be difficult.
"Anytime someone is picked up and
thrown or tossed around, it would con-
stitute an assault," explained Ann Ar-
bor City Attorney Bruce Laidlaw. "It
isn't just the touching that constitutes
the crime," added Washtenaw County
Prosecutor William Delhey. .
DELHEY DEFINED assault as "an
offer or threat to do injury to another
(person)". He also said a victim of
being passed up could file charges of
assault or assault and battery, but the
assault must come before the battery.
"The battery is the actual injury. It can
be very slight; as slight as black and
blue marks," Delhey said.
Punishment upon conviction of
assault and battery, according to
Delhey, is $100 or 90 days in jail or both.
But most of them just go on probation,"
Delhey explained. "These cases are a
matter of proof beyond reasonable
BUT DELHEY emphasized, "If the
girl is consenting and doesn't object (to
being passed up), it's not a crime."
Ann Arbor Police Major Walter Haw-
kins stressed the difficulty of bringing
criminal charges against a person
whom the victim claims actually
picked her/him up or injured her/him
in the process of passing her/him up.
S"There is no intent to harm," he said.
"The intent is the key."
Delhey said it doesn't matter how
many persons were involved in the ac-
tual grabbing of the victim. Any num-
ber of persons can be charged, he said.
LAIDLAW SAID actually identifying
tle person(s) who allegedly harmed the
victim,' and coupled with proving the
victim did not consent to being passed
up may combine to discourage
See PASSED-UP, Page 7
U.S. urges
meeting of
Mideast states
ter administration is sounding out
Israel, Syria and a number of other
Mideast parties on setting up an inter-
national conference to impose a truce in
Lebanon, U.S. officials said yesterday.
One objective is to replace the Arab
League peacekeeping force, which is
dominated by Syrian troops, with a
United Nations group. The U.S. of-
ficials, who asked not to be identified,
said they hoped Palestinian and
Christian factiohs could be induced to
meet in Beirut and agree to a truce.
AT THE SAME time, these officials
were skeptical that the most extreme
elements in the Palestine Liberation
Organization (PLO) would give up their
terrorist raids against Israel.
Secretary of State Cyrus Vance
signaled the fresh U.S. drive in a speech
Monday to the U.N. Genleral Assembly.
Since then, American diplomats here
and in the Middle East have tried to
rally support for negotiating a truce to
supplant the frequently broken
"Nothing is set yet," one official
However, Syria has raised U.S. hopes
by indicating it would like to withdraw
the troops it has stationed in Lebanon
as part ° of an Arab League
peacekeeping operation.
has managed to scale down conflict
between Palestinians and Christians.
But Lebanon's central government
remains weak, with the country essen-
tially under Syrian control. An eight-
nation interim U.N. contingent now
patrols southern Lebanon, but there
still is fighting in the area involving
Christian militias, Israeli forces and
The U.S. plan envisages building up
the U.N. contingent with more troops or
creating an entirely new group, and
widening the patrol area to include
other parts of Lebanon as well as the
Israeli side of the border.
Daily Photo by LISA KLAUSNER
INTERIM PRESIDENT Allan Smith and wife Alene greet students arriving for the annual tea with President-designate
Harold Shapiro and wife Vivian. The tea, held at the president/s house on S. University, attracted 170 students.
Students baffedattea
"I wonder if he takes boarders?"
asked one student roaming through
the President's House yesterday.
"Eh, the cookies are fair, the pun-
ch is good," said another woman
showing a friend to the table laden
with the goodies.
"They asked us questions, but we
didn't get to find out much about
them," one student remarked after
meeting the "presidents" and their
wives for the first time.
IN FACT, the confusion of having
both Interim President Allan Smith
and President-designate Harold
Shapiro greeting students at the an-
nual reception for students at the
President's House on South Univer-
sity proved a useful topic of conver-
sation, as did the weather and home
Some early arrivals expressed
disappointment that the "real
president" wasn't there yet -
Harold Shapiro made his entrance
after a meeting.
"I almost said welcome, but I
found it wasn't the right one
(president)" said Dee Sloan, a
freshwoman from Pit-
recalled that "somebody said
'Welcome to campus.' Allan's only
been here 34 years," she laughed.
Alene Smith said she thought the
"students are interested in meeting
the Shapiros much more than us."
"I'm glad Shapiro was there. It
shows he's interested in associating
with students, and that's good to
know," said Sandeep Shekar, a
second-year Inteflex student from
Those who were meeting a
University president for the first
time admitted they were impressed
by being introduced to the Univer-
sity's chief executive.
Botha questions ban
ident's wife,
interim pres-
Alene Smith
W ork/Study upped to $1 million
The federal government has added
nearly $1 million to the University's
College Work/Study program this year,
providing needy students here a
greater variety of job offers. About
1,800 positions are still open, with 949
filled as of Tuesday.
Nancy Longmate, Coordinator of the
Work/Study program, said that at the
peak last year, 1,200 students were em-
ployed. She predicted that the greater
availability of jobs should make this
year's figure much higher.
EACH YEAR, the University must
apply to the federal government for its
Work/Study monies. Thanks to the
Middle Income Assistance Act, passed
last November, this year's receipts
tally $2.5 million, compared to
$1,740,000 last year. Jim Zimmerman,
Associate Director for Systems,
Operations, and Fiscal Management,
said, "This increases our ability to
meet the financial needs of our studen-
Only those full-time students who in-
dicated interest in Work/Study on their
financial aid applications can get a job.
Applications are still being taken, and
late applicants need not worry about
the availability of jobs. "We always
have more jobs than we have students
to fill them," Zimmerman said.
Prospective employers give a job
description to Gail Reisman, a student
assistant for Work/Study, who files
them according to job title and depar-
tment. Students are free to look through
the files, select a job, and contact the
employer for an interview. Employers
pay 20 per cent of the worker's wages,
while the federal government funds the
WORK/STUDY money is not applied
directly to a student's account, but paid
through the University payroll depar-
tment, like other University employees.
The majority of jobs are for depar-
tments or projects on campus. They
may range from Atmosphere and
Oceanic Studies to Institute of Labor-
and Industrial Relations to Near East
Studies, with job titles from Audio
Visual Aid to Opera Production to
Research Assistant. The Athletic
Department hires more students than
any other employer.
Off-campus offerings must be
through a tax-exempt, non-profit
organization which does not deal with
on mixed
from AP and Reuter
In a startling turnabout, South
African Prime Minister Pieter Botha
has suggested changing laws
prohibiting interracial sex and
marriage - pillars of that nation's
apartheid policy.
Botha discussed both laws during a
congress of the ruling National Party in
Cape Town on Tuesday. His remarks
were published here yesterday. It was
the first time a leader of the white-
minority regime even questioned the
The prime minister skirted the issue
of whether the laws should be scrapped
entirely, saying only his government
was open to suggestions for "im-
proving" the legislation. He added that,
in his.opinion, ;mixed marriages were
BUT HE told the congress no law
should be regarded as a "holy cow" and
said that he would not tolerate laws
which insulted people in South Africa.
"If we can improve the immorality
act, not only in connection with people
of different races, but in all areas, I will
be amenable to the suggestion," he
Botha's remarks, cautious as they
were, surprised critics of the regime's
race segregation policies.
"IT IS remarkable that Botha is even
thinking about this," said Kowie
Marais, a spokesman on justice mat-
ters for the Liberal Progressive
Federal Party.
"Those acts are among the foun-
dations of apartheid," he said. "If he is
serious about scrapping them, the PFP
will applaud it as a step in the right
"Once you start tinkering with apar-
theid, other acts must fpllow.. . I only
hope Mr. Botha is serious. If he is, it
augurs well for the future."
A report in the Rand Daily Mail, a
cr'itic of apartheid, said "highly placed
government sources" indicated legal
groundwork was to be prepared to
scrap all, laws regulating social
behavior on the basis of race.
"At all times," Botha told the
congress, "we will consider positive
suggestions about any act. There is no
such thing as standing by a law whether
it is good or bad."
Comm ittee initiates .
Members of the committee searching
for a new vice-president for academic
affairs to replace incoming President.
Harold Shapiro met privately for the
first time last night.
The search group consists of the nine
members of the Senate Advisory Com-
mittee on University Affairs (SACUA)
and two representatives from the
Michigan Student Assembly (MSA).
SACUA HAS BEEN discussing the
search since its first meeting of the
academic year. Monday, committee
member Jesse Gordon from the school
of social work, objected to discussion of
procedural matters without the student
search committee members present.
new VP
According to SACUA chairman
Richard Corpron, everything the com-
mittee has done is unofficial until the
students, LSA junior Marc Breakstone
and graduate student Alan Isack are.
Earlier this week, Presidential Sear-
ch Committee Chairman Harold John-
son gave the committee a list of ap-
proximately 50 names left over from
the presidential search for whom the
post would be a lateral or upward
Shapiro will assume the University
presidency Jan. 1. The president-
designate will leave his current office
Nov. 1 to prepare for the new post.
... questions mixed marriage law
LSA-SG position interviews set
Interviews for persons interested in
committee positions on LSA-Student
Government (LSA-SG) will be held
Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 15 and 16,
according to a resolution passed at last
night's LSA-SG executive council
Currently, 15 positions are open on
several of the governments' commit-
tees, including the admissions commit-
tee, the curriculum committee, the
administrative board, the student-
faculty policy board, and the academic
The council also voted to advertise
for an elections director for the up-
coming LSA-SG elections.
THE ELECTION directorship, a paid
position, must be filled before the date
can be set for elections for the LSA-SG
Executive Council. Council president
Bob Stechuk said he has no idea when
the elections will actually be held, but
he would prefer they be held in early
November. Stechuk, a senior, recently
announced that he would not seek
reelection to his post.
In other actions, the council:
* Voted to postpone fund requests un-
til November because, Stechuk said,
the council did not have enough people
to evaluate the requests;
* Discussed additional methods of
distributing "Michigopoly," an infqgr-
m'ation booklet published by LSA-SG;
* Discussed a proposal by council
vice-president Kathy Friedman to
request funding from the Michigan
Student Assembly to print additional
copies of the booklet.
... vice-president search begins
E lb'
s o4per
visit to Detroit, the President stepped out for a nostalgic
look at the boat, and perhaps a refresher course in steering
his often cumbersome ship of state.
cumulating the right combination of pieces. McDonald's
says the odds of winning the top prize are one in 82,665,000,
while the odds of winning a Big Mac, Coke, or fries are one
in seventeen. To date, the Maynard Street McDonald's
reports it has given out hundreds of small prizes though no
one has won more than $5. But Bonnie Bradley, who lives in
Jackson, doesn't want to wait for the right game pieces un-
til she gets a prize. She placed an ad in a local newspaper
saying she'll combine her diamond hunt ticket with in-
terested persons and they can split the prize. Bradley said
yesterday she had received only one response. "There's got
have to pick up a form from a counselor, fill out said form,
obtain approval of the professor or teaching assistant to en-
ter or exit the course, and finally, return to the counselor
and obtain his or her approval. And even if you survive all
this, any drop after today will live forever on your tran-
script as a "withdrawal." Crisp will be open, today from 8-
11:45 a.m. and from 1-4:45 p.m. You have been warned.
On the inside
An examination and evaluation of student legal services
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