Page 8-Sunday, September 25, 1979-The Michigan Daily
Blue Icers dealt
another blow b
l-ossof recrut
Three years ago, Dan Farrell was on
top of the college hockey ladder when
his Wolverines finished, second in the
country, losing in overtime to Wiscon-
sin in the NCAA Championships. Ever
since then, Farrell's icers have
struggled, landing in the cellar last
season in the ten team Western
Collegiate Hockey Association.
More disappointment was heaped
upon Farrell earlier this season when
one of his prize recruits, forward Tony
McMurchy of Burnaby, British Colum-
bia, decided to stay in Canada and play
for the highly touted New Westminister
Bruins. New Westminister was the
Junior A hockey club of former NHL,
Rookies of/ the Year Barry Beck
(Colorado Riockies) and defenseman
Bart Maxwell of the Minnesota North
FARRELL WAS dealt crippling
blows. last year when his two major
recruits Murray Eaves and Terry
Cullen were saddled with injuries
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throughout most of last year's season.
Subsequently, the Michigan offense
was woeful.
McMurchy, who totalled 72 goals and
68 assists for 140 points in 61 games,
could have helped this situation con-
siderably. "I think he would have
played sometime this year," said
"I wanted to play junior hockey in
New West (Westminister). I thought I'd
have a better chance to play
professionally if I played Junior A than
if I played college hockey," said Mc-
Murchy from his Burnaby, B.C., home
"I just changed my mind, I guess. I
figured I could still have the convenien-
ce of living at home, play hockey and go
to college too, here," added McMurchy.
FARRELL, WHO was obviously
disappointed, asserted that McMurchy
never even physically entered Ann Ar-
bor this fall. "This wasn't the place he
should be. There's no way you could
convince him tostay," Farrell said.
"They had been working on his mind
all summer. They recruit on size and
play up the size," noted Farrell, when
commenting on the 6-2, 185 pounder.
"If you get enough big people on a
team, some are going to make it to the
NHL. From New Westminister, though,
t is usually the defensemen," Farrell
pointed out in reference to Beck and
McMurchy's departure left one more
stumbling block to Farrell's rebuilding
process. After last year's tenth place
finish, one can only hope that more
brak's fall Farrell's way, not in his way.
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Offensive line plagues Michigan,
By GEOFF LARCOM return to full contaict of offensive "I'm worried about
Bo Schembechler might feel linemen John Powers and Bubba Sothe possible lss of Becker execution," he said. "Against
aroundi an old jalopy,n rvn would just love touse hi sta war qestio smark status ofPow er good game blocking."' av
No,sooner does he fix one part ts as soon as possible, but with anersg wshoul m atis anr Tinr-lm s behe
so it's finally running smoothly, them recovering from knee in- Mcga.sees it, is that besides the offen-
the its tmeforanohe vial urishe now h mut todThe 'ole mechanic will really sive line injuries, most of the
cog to go out of whack. lightly. ned hi ba-ftik ee trnigbcsh a r tl
The man's a frustrated football "There's some possibility seemue i ft'is blockig yung Taente yes but ackin sT
mechanic. they'll play in California,'' swhis, hase t sWolverins in gm expeene. ebt akn
Prior to last season, everyone Schembechler said, "bu I doubtshc a ie h ere ngm xeine
S was singing praises of Michigan's they'll start. They're bot in good soamucs.letefrs he Two who've been having little
2 eea o es-opi a ondton, thbkee when ou hav Schembechler says he still is trouble holding up their end of the
S going to make gridiron min- confident that his top quarter- blocking chores are center
S cemeat out of everyone.,e guyhligo u sev pl ay backs, B.J. Dickey and John George Lilja and Becker.
2| And for the most part, the of- thenlegsmightdjuttswellb-ighthuy.Lilja was voted offensive
2|| feselivd u t it prmie, ou evr kow it thseget some help from the backs and champion for the second time of
fenshie lived yupg to u itsromse "hng the offensive line, the year this week, while Schem-
S matured and also developed into ( bechler has continually singled
. a fine unit. ....} out Becker for postgame praise.
S But now, it's the defense which But Becker is only a possible
S is loaded with veterans, while the starter against California, so add
| young offense sputters and Michiganreapolm t h
S coughs in an effort to mature as Mihian.ep
S a consistent squad. Out west, meanwhile, Calitor-
S Hopefullly for Bo and the nia head coach Roger Theder had
Wolverines, the offense will depth problems of his own, In a
srtrunning smohyon this telephone interview yesterday,
startnd smoopthl Clfra, he said that besides his first 11 or
* because after that the fun stops. 12 on offense and defense he must
It's hello MSU, hello first title- go with primarily under-
* deciding game. Old Bo better classmen.
*have his machine in running or- "Michigan is better than
der by then. anyone else we've played. Their
But righ t now, he's still defense is much quicker. We'II
tinkering, and he's still not sure have to play as well as we're
how good things are going to * capable *of to stay on the field
work, with them," said Theder, whose
"At the end of three games I ~ *~, Golden Bears are 3-0 on the
thought I'd have a better idea of season. "Our depth might be a
how things are gonna go, but it problem against Michigan."
* Schembechler said yesterdayatfwtiggonfrhmsrig
his weekly press luncheon. "We wt urebc ihCmbl
could still win it (the Big Ten), or Sca 6-5 215-epud junior wo
* lose it. We'll know better twoScebherptinalsswh
weeks from today." Purdue's Heisman candidate,
Maybe by then, some of the in- Mark Herrmann.
juries which befell the They Jack depth, but their
Wolverines against Kansas wil strting lineup is the best we've
have cleared up.~ faced ,so far," said Schem-
Freshman Anthony Carter bechler.
sprained his ankle and Schem- Which may explain the
bechler is "hoping" he'll practice businesslike attitude Schem-
this week, while right guard Kurt bechlers' Wolverines will embark
didn't practice yesterdayie an"Ih ase thow many peple had
"Becker had a virus, so he was * 4 *~&seen the bay area and one kid
in the hospital Sunday. He's out AP P-0)0 raised his hand," said Schem,
now and will go to practice but MICHIGAN'S INTIMIDATING defensive tackle Curtis Greer begins to bechler with a grin. "I said, well,
won't suit up today (Monday)," unload some intimidation upon unlucky Kansas quarterback Kevin Clinton before we land everyone gather
Schembechler said yesterday. (13) in Saturday's game at Michigan Stadium. Greer was named Wolverine around the windows, cause
Meanwhile this week marks the defensive player-of-the-game. that's all they're gonna see."
Former Blue netter Holland pursues pros
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Former Michigan tennis star Brad
Holland has a dream of playing
professional tennis - but he's not so
sure about the impossibility of it. "You
have to have faith in yourself and in
your ability and potential to get bet-
ter," Holland asserted.
RIGHT NOW, Holland is practicing
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"It's a steppingstone kind of circuit;
there's not much money in it. I really
enjoy it. It's a lot of travelling but you
get used to it," said Holland, a Chicago
'Holland aspires to be a professional
tennis player because "I'm doing
something I really enjoy. It's
something I would enjoy more as a
profession," added Holland.
"I THINK I'd like to give it a shot and
see how good I could get at something
I've been working at my whole life. The
odds are certainly against me. If I could
keep playing, I'd like to though," con-
tinued Holland. Thus, the dream lingers
In any dream, the odds are against
you but that hasn't stopped Holland
any. But Holland realizes that he better
meet with success'sometime along the
way or else, the dream will be dashed.
"I'm going to do it for another year
and a half and hope. My folks are spon-
soring me and I am grateful for it. My
folks are not going to do it forever. They
want to see that I've made some
reasonable progress and so do I," noted
the former all Big Ten performer.
EN ROUTE to his "dream," Holland
has encountered many setbacks. In
fact, Holland has not survived a first
round match, but as he puts it, that's all
part of the battle. "That's a big part of
it; you have to be resilient. It's
discouraging because it sets you back,"
Holland said.
He explains, though, that the lumps,
could turn at any time and that is what
he is hoping for. "All you need to do is
get through a couple of matches and get
rolling. That's all it takes. You've got to
get a few wins. It takes a little time,
though," Holland opined with optimism
in his voice.
As a professional, this rocky road
along the way has Holland worried lit-
tle. "You have to learn how to deal with
it (the disappointment). At this point, I
feel I'm just starting to scratch the sur-
face as far as my potential is concer-
ned," Holland said.
WHILE A collegian, where Holland's
dream to be a professional was nur-
tured, Holland had very few rocky
roads. His freshman year, Holland did
not make the starting six because the
team was composed of present
professionals Eric Friedler, Freddy
DeJesus and Victor Amaya.
Holland blossomed as a sophomore,
however, fashioning a 6-3 mark at No. 4
in the Big Ten and then winning the Big
Ten Championships at No. 6, when
DeJesus was added to the lineup. In his
junior year, Holland was 7-2 at No. 3
and in his senior year, he posted a 6-3
record at the same slot. In his last three
years here, he captured the Big Ten
doubles championships at No. 2
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Gru dde
"I resigned for one reason and one
reason only," said Ralph Houk formert
Tiger manager who resigned at the endj
of last season. "Managing a major
league team and picking Griddes was
just becoming too tough for me to han-
dle at once," Houk said.
"I gave up baseball to focus all of my
attention on my first love, Griddes,"
said Houk. "And the move has really
paid off. After leaving the Tigers last
fall, my predictions went up
drastically, but that first place prize of
a small one-item pizza from Pizza
Bob's continued to elude me."
Houk continued, "It's really
becoming frustrating. I've spent a
whole year practically traveling the
country talking to all the football
coaches to help me get the inside scoop
on all the games, but I just can't win.
Take last week for example. I hit on 17
of the 20 games, but some guy named
Ben Sz4porluk of 1820 Hanover Rd.
scored 18 of 20 to win.,
"But this week is going to be dif-
ferent. I'm going to get them all correct
and all I have to do is get my picks into
the Daily offices at 420 Maynard by
midnight Friday and I'm gonna win,"
said Houk.
1. MICHIGAN at California
(pick score)
2. Michigan St. at Notre Dame
3. Ohio St. at UCLA
4. Oregon at Purdue
5. Northwestern at Minnesota
6. Wisconsin at San Diego St.
7. Navy at Illinois
8. Iowa St. at Iowa
9. Colorado at Indiana
10. Shipoensburg at Slippery Rock
(Ann Arbor)
11. Columbia at Lafayette
12. Southern Cal at LSU
13. Miami (O) at Central Michigan
14. Penn State at Nebraska
15. Pittsburgh at Temple
16. Texas at Missouri
17. Georgia at South Carolina
18. Wake Forest at N. Carolina St.
19. Aburn at Tennessee
20. Detroit School Board at DAILY
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