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September 22, 1979 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-09-22

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The Michigan Daily-Saturday, September 22,1979-Page 3

Luck and aprayer
TheLord may work in mysterious ways, and the FM airwaves may
just be one of them. Early yesterday morning George Jordan, an all-
night prayer deejay for Detroit-based WFBG (located just to the left of
WABX on your FM dial) received a call from a woman who asked that
we all pray for a young born-again woman named Allison who lives in
Ann Arbor and was scheduled to take a chemistry exam yesterday.
"She's very anxious about this exam, and she's kind of fractured,"
said the called of Allison. "Yes, Ann Arbor's a big, fractured place and
fellowship is necessary," said Jordan. Then, he asked that we all pray
for Allison. After a long string of Lord-be-with-sister-Allisons and
Lord-guide-sister-Allisons, Jordan narrowed his plea. "Lord, we ask
that you be with her in the chemistry exam and that she get a good
night's rest, and that her mindbe made sharp." Amen.
Why be second best?
Dearborn, that lily-white suburb that borders Detroit's west side has
long been criticized for alleged racial discrimination in housing prac-
tices. No one, however, has suggested divestment in corporations
doing business in Dearborn. But in the throes of yesterday's Regents
meeting, which concerned University divestment from firms doing
business in South, Africa, Regent Robert Nederlander (D-
Birmingham) asked Acting Dearborn campus chancellor Bernard
Klein: "Hey Bernie, what are you doing here? We're not talking about
Dearborn today." Klein, however, responded, "I know. But South
Africa's the next best thing."
A rising star
English Prof. Eric Rabkin appears to be soaring through the galaxy
of the University administration at super-sonic speed. At 33, Rabkin
has been named LSA associate dean for long range planning by the
University's Regents yesterday. Famed for his well attended science
fiction lectures, Rabkin might be expected to bring some major in-
novations to the college. When asked if his administrative visions in-
cluded cross-campus space shuttles, however, Rbkin chuckled and
said his plans are "shorter range than that."
The $10, 000 salute
Two flags flew yesterday on the front porch of the University
president's house on South University St., adding to its air of quiet
dignity amid the bustle of central campus. The two flags - Old Glory
and the University's own flag - were hung in honor of 300 members of
the president's club, holding their semi annual gathering in town this
weekend. The cereffitial t'otch seems to be deserved, since each
member of the president's club has donated at least .$10,000 to the
University. Care to join?
Ann Arbor Film Co-op-The Man Who Loved Women, 7, 9 p.m., Aud.
3, MLB.
Cinema II-Performance, 7,9 p.m., Aud. A, Angell.
Cinema Guild-The Buddy Holly Story, 7, 9:15 p.m., Old Arch. Aud.
Alternative Action-The Adventures of Robin Hood, 7, 9:15 p.m.,
Aud. 4,'MLB.
Mediatrics-Clockwork Orange, 7,9:15 p.m., Nat. Sci. Aud.
Inst. Continuing Legal Ed.-Prof. James White, fall faculty
workshop, "Current Problems and Banking Law", 9 a.m., 116 Hut-
Institute for Public Policy Studies-David Aaron, deputy assistant
for national security affairs, "The National Security Council Decision-
Making Process", 9:30 a.m., East Conference Room, Rackham.
Macromolecular Research Center-Dr. James O'Reilly, FTIR

Spectroscopy and Calorimetry of the Amorphous State," 4 p.m., 3005
Chemistry Building.
Mirage dance troupe-"Terraqueous Incantations" multi-media
presentation, 8:30 p.m., Pendleton Room, Union.
WCBN-FM-46 hours of music of John Coltrane, midnight.
Football-Michigan vs. Kansas,1 p.m., Michigan Stadium.
Ann Arbor War Tax Dissidents-noon, Wesley Lounge, Methodist
Church, State and Huron Streets.
Disability and Independent Living-Rights of the Handicapped, 1
p.m., Washtenaw Community College, Room 1904 SCB.
National Organization for Women - Pro-choice rally, 9 a.m., Lan-
Hillel- Rosh Hashanah Services, Conservative service, 9 a.m.,
Power Center, Orthodox, 9 a.m., Hillel, reform, 10 a.m., Hillel.
Artists and Craftsmen Guild - Fall Art Fair, 10 a.m., Union groun-
Michigan Union Arts-- Open House, 10 a.m., Union.
Canterbury Loft - Starving artists sale, noon-6 p.m., Canterbury
Loft, 332S. State.
Supermarket picket- in support of Ohio farmworkers' strike and
Campbell-Libby boycott, meets at 11 a.m., Union.
Pro-soul-Disco Explosion-9 a.m., Union ballroom.


ALISON AND a friend experiment with real doctor's equipment and a "patient" at Mott Children's Hospital.
Getting better s not so bad at Mott Hospital

No one likes going to the hospital. And
while the emotional trauma of an
operation can be difficult enough for
mature adults to handle - for children
the anxiety can be acute.
C. S. Mott Children's Hospital in the
University Medical Center is among the
first in the country to recognize this and
to tailor its program accordingly, says
Dean Lidgard, director of the hospital's
THE HOSPITAL is observing the ten-
th anniversary of its opening this week
by explaining how hospitalized children
need care, according to Sylvia
Coolidge, administrator of Mott,
Holden and Women's hospitals.
Lidgard said children typically fear
permanent separation from their
mothers. But, he continued, children
can also fear they are being operated on
as punishment, or because they aren't
good enough as they are.
Sometimes, said Lidgard, they're
afraid the operation will change them
so much their friends will no longer like

them. He said a child may recover from
an illness, but "suffer the trauma of
hospitalization for years."
TO COUNTER this reaction, Mott has
instituted several policies new to
hospital child care. Lidgard said
hospital staff encourages family in-
volvement, including parents sleeping
overnight in the same room as their
children, and sibling visitation.
Children also wear their own clothes in-
stead of pajamas, go to school, and
hang their art work up with the
Lidgard said the staff always ex-
plains to children why they're in the
hospital and what is going to happen to
them. This is also new-Lidgard said
doctors used to believe it scares
children to discover what is happening
to them. Actually, he said, uncertainty
magnifies a child's fear. For example,
he continued, an X-ray machine can
seem terrible to a child if he doesn't
know what it is.
Lidgard added that children are
never told an operation "won't hurt,"

another old practice. "They're able to
examine all our equipment and ask
questions. They can see being hurt and
sick is part of life, not something to be
frightened of. It's the unknown that
scares them."
LIDGARD ALSO said terminally ill
children are treated as if they're going
to continue living. "After all," he said,
"we're all terminal."
According to Coolidge, Mott mixes
children suffering from leukemia and
heart disease in with other young
patients. "They're put together by age,
not illness," said Coolidge.
Mott is definitely institutional in ap-
pearance. The color scheme is mostly
beige and white, and the design
regulated. But, for a hospital, there is
an abundance of colorful graphics and,
large windows. And the hospital
children notice this.
"It's all right here," said 10-year-old
Alsion, "but I'd rather go home."
A shy, pretty blond, Alison is
recovering from an operation for a
disease, the name of which she doesn't
remember. She said she was "a little
scared" by the idea of an operation, and
that she appreciated having the
procedure explained to her.
When asked if anything at Mott stood

out to her as interesting, she said, "no.
They have school and shots here."
_Seventeen-year-old Sherry, who
has been in and out of Mott since she
was 8, described the hospital as "all
right," although it "really scared" her
at first. She has been there so often, she
sees the other patients as "friends like
at school." She said three of her Mott'
friends have died since she has been
coming there.
Craig, a well-spoken 13-year-old with'
a very serious illness, said, "I wasn't
scared when I first came, just a little'
nervous." He said he got over that pret-
ty quickly, and that now he thinks Mott
is "real nice ... All the art work here is
unique, and they have a lot of stuff to'
do. They really have it together here."
An articulate, clear-eyed 9-year-old
named Elena said, ."I like the nurses:
and everything, but it scares me. I've>
had three operations, and had pins
removed from my hip. I'm glad they.
told me about everything.
"But it was still worse than I thought.
it would be-well, no," she said, ;
changing her mind. "I thought it would
be really scary and it wasn't so scary. I
was operated on for a disease in my hip,
and I was in a body cast for a whole
month," she added rather proudly.

Senators meet in closed
session to review draft

WASHINGTON(AP)-The Senate went
behind locked doors yesterday to hear
secret details about manpower
problems facing the armed forces in
wartime and arguments for com-
pulsory draft registration.
For nearly three hours the public and
press were excluded as senators
reviewed the outcome of a Pentagon
test pointing out the armed services'
equipment and personnel shortages.
IT WAS THE Senate's first secret
debate since May 15, 1978, when it was
considering the sale of U.S. warplanes
to Egypt and Israel.
Yesterday's closed session was
requested by Sen. Sam Nunn, (D-Ga.),
to bolster his case for registering young
men for a military draft - an idea that
appears to have died in Congress this
Faced with a 252-163 House vote
against registration and a threatened
filibuster in the Senate, Nunn said he
would settle for a debate on manpower
shortages and would drop his campaign
for passage of a registration bill until
next year.
NUNN'S BILL, opposed by the Carter
administration but supported by the
Joint Chiefs of Staff, the nation's top
military body, would require
registration of all men between the
ages of 18-26, beginning next January.
Senate leaders agreed Thursday to
Nunn's request for a secret meeting. At
10:30 a.m., Nunn requested that the
Senate go into closed session, and the
presiding officer ordered the sergeant
at arms to clear the visitor and press
gallaries and lock the doors.
Eight senators were present at the
Nunn sought the session after Defen-
se Secretary Harold Brown refused to

lift the secrecy stamp from details of a
1978mobilization exercise called Nifty
Nugget. The senator, chairman of the
Armed Services manpower subcom-
mittee, argued that Nifty Nugget un-
derscored the need for registration.
a member of the manpower subcom-
mittee, said he also had reviewed the
classified material, but had not come to
Nunn's conclusion that registration
would solve problems that were un-
The test, largely a paper exercise,
showed problems in mobilizing enough
National Guardsmen and reservists on
short notice, mounting a big enough
airlift to the fighting front and getting
standby ammunition plants into
production quickly, according to Pen-
tagon sources.
Sen. Mark Hatfield, (R-Ore.), who
had threatened to filibuster to block
registration, said the closed session did
not persuade him to change his
Describing the closed session, Hat-
field said the sergeant-at-arms was sent
out after the doors were closed to roung
up enough senators for a quorum - half
the 100 members. The attendance
quickly dropped to about 45 senators
and had dwindled to about 15 at the
"That so many drifted off was in-
dicative there was skepticism . . . or
they felt we weren't going to reach my
conclusion," said Hatfield. ,
Nunn argued that registration alone
would not solve the military's man-
power problems, but said it would cut
three months from the time it would
take to mobilize new recruits, complete
training and make them available for

Chorus Men Needed
For the Comic Opera Guild's
production of
AUDITION Sunday, Sept. 23 at 1:00 pm
at First Methodist Church
corner of Huron & State-3rd floor
FOR INFO CALL 665-6074

New Wineskins Workshop
0 Learn how prayer and meditation can
-help you handle stress
-help you deal with sickness/pain
-help you become a more effective person
" Learn how your dreams
-lead you to inner wisdom
-open up your unconscious creativity
us LA - Mm* ut. ss.a.... . - - -

and the

lnin pis after

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