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September 19, 1979 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1979-09-19

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C. C. Little vandalized
Almost $40 in cash was stolen from the Geology and Mineralogy
Department ,office between 12:15 a.m.-4:15 a.m. Monday morning,
Ann Arbor Police said yesterday. An undetermined number of persons
looked around the building for an open window, entered the office and
used a screwdriver to pry open several desks. The University Safety
_ Department said yesterday that although "a number of deskh" were
broken into, the $392 was taken from only two desks. A Geology Depar-
tment spokesman said the desks from which the money was stolen are
"probably" easily accessible to anyone. He also said he has no idea
who could have taken the money but would not comment further. Ann
Arbor Police have no one in custody and said an investigation into the
case is continuing.
" Not a moment too soon...
Interim University President Allan Smith said yesterday he hopes to
name an interim vice-president for academic affairs by the end of the
week. The announcement would come in time for approval by the
Regents at their meeting tomorrow or Friday. Faculty members on
the search committee said earlier they had hoped to have a new vice-
president for academic affairs by Jan. 1, when President-designate
Harold Shapiro assumes office. They now expect the search to take
longer. Shapiro will step down from his post as academic affairs chief
Waiting around in style
Even if you're still climbing the walls over at CRISP about dropping
and adding courses, the folks from the registrar's office are trying to
-create a more pleasant ambiance for the inevitable long wait. As part
of a $7,00048,000 refurbishing project, the University has already in-
stalled soundrabsorbing carpeting, and hung 12 new signs in the com-
puter terminal area of the old A&D building. In addition, a string of
homey green plants now line the wondows on one side of the room.
We're.trying to dress the place up a little bit," explained Assistant
Registrar Tpm Karunas. "We're trying to make it feel more like we're
permanent." In the planning stages since last winter, the redecorating
program is designed to "make it more pleasant for the students,"
Karunas said. The new silkscreen under plastic signs, which point out
the important areas of the room (such as "Hold credit check" and
"Problem desk") are only temporary, however. It seems the company
which made the placards only printed on one side when the contract
specified both sides, so the folks at CRISP are waiting for the new ones
to come'in.
r Rude awakening
It could well have been a chorus of angels heralding the coming of a
saviour born in a manger. But when Mayor Lou Belcher heard singing
outside his window at 4 a.m. last weekend, it turned out to be only a
chorus of representatives from God's Country, South Bend, Indiana,
heralding the virtues of the Fighting Irish. The group of serenaders
brought less than tidings of joy, however, since about 12 hours later the
Irish wereikicking the salvation out of the Michigan Wolverines down..
q in Bo country,;Michigni stadium. As for the awakened mayor, he did-
wha anne would'do nider the circumstances ihe donned batirob
S ifAdMic gan hat todtEhitWith the Notre Dane fans.
Cinema Guild-Arthur Penn's Night Movies: Old Arch. Aud.; 7, 9:05
Ann Arbor Film Co-op-Dark Star; 7, 10:20 p.m.; Assault on Precin-
ct; 8:40 p.m., only, Nat. Sci. Aud.
Dept. of Post-graduate Medicine and Health Professions
Education-Real Time Ultrasound for Obstetricians and ,
Gynecoldgists: Towsley Centre, 8 a.m. (Sept: 19-21).
Dept. of Psychictry-Howard Shevrin, Ph.D., an introduction to the
series on "The Psychology and Biology of the Irrational," CPH Aud.
9:30-11 a.m.

Students International Meditation Society-Introduction, "Tran-
scendental Meditation and TM Sidhi Programs," 4315 Miehigan
Union,, 12noon and 8 p.m.
Center for Russian and East European Studies-Brown bag lunch,
R. John Wiley, "Prospecting for Russian Ballet," Commons room,
Lane Hall, 12:10-1 p.m.
Ann Arbor Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression-Frank
Wilkins and Sen. Jackie Vaughn, "Senator Kennedy: Liberal Ar-
chitect of Repressive Legislation," Schorling Aud. School of
Education 7:30 p.m.
Dept. of Chemical Engineering-Prof. Brice Carnahan, "The FOR-
TRANIV Programming Language-I", Nat. Sci. Aud., 7:30-9:30 p.m.

From AP and Reuter
WASHINGTON - House Speaker
Thomas O'Neill said yesterday that
recent comments by Sen. Edward Ken-
nedy have convinced him that Kennedy
is considering a race for the 1980
presidential nomination.
In a related statement, Democratic
National Chairman John White said a
primary battle between Kennedy and
President Carter would not necessarily
split the party. He predicted Democrats
could unite behind the victor.
WHITE ADDED that Carter is under
some pressure to officially declare his
candidacy soon, a formality that would
allow Carter to get commitments of
support from important groups before
Kennedy can present himself as an op-
O'Neill's latest statement represen-
ted a quick turnabout from his earlier
predictions that Kennedy would not
seek the Democratic nomination. Over
the weekend, O'Neill had said he had
"strong feelings" that Kennedy would
not run.
Kennedy responded Monday night
that while O'Neill is "a good
friend ... I've expressed my thoughts.
My views are probably the ones to think
about." The Massachusetts senator
said several times last week that he is
not ruling out the possibility of running
for the nomination.
"I WOULD have to say he is giving it
consideration," O'Neill told reporters
after Kennedy made his latest,
The White House said yesterday that
President Carter would definitely seek
a second term, but no decision had been
made on when to announce his can-
Presidential spokesman Jody Powell
told reporters: "I can't imagine that
there is any doubt in anyone's mind
(that Carter will run)," adding later:
"Our decision is made."r
ASKED HOW Carter could expect to
win when support for him was so low,
Powell said: "I think we'll be all right."
Asked if the Democratic Party would
be split by a Carter-Kennedy race,
Powell said:
"For our part, if there is a Carter-

Kennedy race we'll do everything
within our power to avoid a party-split-
ting race that would damage the
(Democratic) Party and benefit the
HE ADDED: "We would much rather
have the Senator as an ally and suppor-
ter rather than as an opponent."
O'Neill added that he believes Ken-
nedy will have to make a decision by
December, before the presidential.
primary elections begin.
White's statement that a Kennedy-
Carter battle would not necessarily
split the party marked a similar rever-
sal. The Democratic Party chairman
had said earlier that a Kennedy effort
to unseat Carter ih the primaries would

pening," the party chairman said.
HE SAID IF Kenedy runs, "we'll
fight it on the issues, and unify and sup-
port each other strongly. . . It could
work out very well.
White said some of Carter's political
advisers met Monday night to discuss
strategy, but reached no agreement on
when he should announce.
Rosalynn Carter, asked yesterday
about her husband's chances in the up-
coming primaries, predicted he would
"win all of them."
SHE REFUSED to speculate about a
Kennedy candidacy, but added that

The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, September 19, 1979-Page 3
O'Neill says Kennedy considering race

Carter "always runs" as though he has
"You will whip him?" a reporter
"That's right," Mrs. Carter replied.
Republican Party Chairman Bill
Brock said in a speech yesterday that
he expects Kennedy to run,,but adde
that it's too early to count Carter out of
the contest.
He said Carter is "a tenacious,.
capable individual" who will fight.a
Kennedy challenge. "I do not un-,
derestimate his ability as a candidate
or as a campaigner," Brock said.

11:UC _7,,. .



virtually assure victory for the
Republican candidate in the general
BUT WHITE took a different tack af-
ter meeting yesterday morning with
Carter and Democratic congressional
leaders at the White House.
"It would be a classic struggle,"
White said, but he added that such a
clash "doesn't have to" split the party.
"If we handle our business poorly, if
we don't do our business right, it could,
but my job is to keep that from hap-

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1/4 pound* of 100%pure beef
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Enjoy two Ponderosa
lunch favorites at one
special low price. A big, juicy
Steakhouse Deluxe sandwich,
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the fresh, crisp saladiyou want from our All-You-Can-Eat
salad bar... where we feature different items daily. Free
refills on iced tea, soft drinks and coffee, too!
There's a Ponderosa Near You
3345 East Washtenaw Ave. 3
(Across from Arborland U.
S hopping Center)
On West Stadium Blvd.
(Just North of Intersection
of Stadium and Liberty) At Participating Steakhouses.
* Pre-cooked weight.'j

Laws don't protect women,
legal service lawyer says

Federal anti-discrimination laws
don't protect women the way they
protect other minorities, according to
Barbara Kessler, a studet' legal Ser-
vices lawyer.
And the situation is even worse for
lesbians, Kessler said at a Guild House
forum on discrimination and local
harassment of lesbians held Monday
TITLE VII, which bars
discrimination in employment on the
basis of race, sex, religion, national
origin, or color, doesn't affect a number
of categories, including sexual
preference and transexuals, added
Molly Reno, another student legal ser-
vices lawyer.I
Though lKessler labeled the 14th
Amendment, which requires that no
state deny to anyone within its jurisdic-
tion the rights of the law, "the most im-
portant source of civil rights in this
country," she emphasized that the
amendment was passed after the Civil
War as a barrier against race
discrimination, and is often interpreted
to apply only in cases of race.
"When it comes to discrimination
against women, the courts will not ap-
ply the same standards to looking at
your case as they would, if you were a
black," said Kessler. "This is why we
need an Equal Rights Amendment
THE ERA, if ratified, would mandate
that no state make or enforce any law
which would abridge rights on the basis
of sex.
"Without the ERA, we do not have the
right to have our cases in court
scrutinized the way other cases of
discrimination are scrutinized," said
Kessler added that filing a,
discrimination suit is now a complex
and time-consuming process, which
requires filing through both the state
and federal Equal Employment Oppor

tunity Commission (EEOC), and often
takes several years.7
KESSLER SAID state rights parallel
federal rights, but said the Ann Arbor
Human Rights Ordinance does prohibit
discrimination in housing and em-
ployment on the basis of sex preferen-
ce, among other things.
However, according to Reno, in a suit
filed in 1972 against the owner of the
Rubiyat, an Ann Arbor bar she said is
frequented by gays, the human rights
department found a case of
discrimination, but the city attorney
refused to prosecute the case.
Reno said any student who feels he or
she has been discriminated against
because of sexual preference can con-
tact student legal services or the
American Civil Liberties Union.

I 5th Avenue at Liberty St. 761-9700,
Formerly Fifth Forum Theater
The story of Antonia, who uncov-
ered her husband's secret lives,
one by one,. . . and began to
live them herself.
f V




Office of Major Events-Bad Company, rock and roll, Crisler Arena,
8 p.m.
Raft race on the Huron River-Eastern Michigan University's
Eighth "Float-a-thon'', 4:3p p.m.
Mass Meeting-Undergraduate History Association, 229 Angell
Hall, 7p.m.
Membership Meeting-University of Michigan Republicans Club
Fall membership meeting, Michigan Union, Assembly Hall, 7 p.m.
Washtenaw Audubon Society-First meetings Matthaei Botanical
Gardens, 1800 N. Dixboro Rd., 7:30 p.m.
Science Fiction-Sci-fi enthusiasts meet at the Michigan Union,
Conference room 4, 8p.m.
Art Exhibit-Two related exhibits of Canadian Inuit, Eskimo art,
Sept. 16-oct. 14, U. of M. Museum of Art.
Art Exhibit-"The Great American Medical Show," Sept. 10-Oct.
12, Clements Library.
Michigan Daily dorm meetings at Bursley, East Lounge, Wed., Sept.

Laura -An-----n--
arcello Mastroianni
Adults $1.50 tit6:30
Wed 2:10, 4:05, 6:10, 8:05, 10:00
Adults $1.50 ti!2:30

Disco ...
Students-4/Ia A1ladies
f ora5dco dFree

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