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Page 2-Wednesday, September 19, 1979-The Michigan Daily
Ike's secret journal
HOUSTON (AP)-A historian has reported finding public eye; it has m
a secret diary kept by Dwight Eisenhower during the essentials of drama
early years of World War II and preserved despite an on the spot. If broug
order that it be destroyed and that it "must not, repeat into a position when
not, be seen by anyone." him."
The typed copy of the 194142 notes reveals some of Loewenheim said
Eisenhower's private feelings about his superiors and Eisenhower had co
his fellow generals, Rice University historian Francis top aide to MacAr
Loewenheim wrote in a two-part copyrighted series in war.
the Houston Chronicle. MacARTHUR LE
EISENHOWER, WHO later became Supreme Allied One week later, Eis
Commander and went on to serve two terms as "The newspapers
president, was working in the War Department's plan- itself'a hero out of it
ning division at the time he wrote the notes. the miracles expec
The 22 diary pages were found in a Columbia Univer- few now!"
sity manila envelope included in a flood of materials Entires in Februa
received at the Eisenhower Library in Abilene, Kan., said, described Eis
after Eisenhower's death in 1969, Loewenheim wrote in who had just becor
the Chronicle. was chief of naval op
"What we have here, in effect, is the real Ike," THE FEB. 23 entr
Loewenheim wrote, adding that Eisenhower likely was born type, with too i
expresing deep-seated feelings about such figures as bullying his junior:
President Franklin Roosevelt, Admiral Ernest King, which is vastly enco
aid Gen. Douglas MacArthur. By March 10, Eis
LOEWENHEIM REPORTED, for example, that might help win thisv
Eisenhower's notes showed deep concern over He's the antithesiso
Roosevelt's decision on Feb. 22, 1942, to order MacAr- person-which mean
thur to'proceed to Mindanao as quickly as possible and Loewenheim said
then head to Australia to take command of all U.S. notes destroyed in a
troops. Frankfurt, German
"I'm dubious about the thing!" the diary was said to was sent on Aug. 2,s
have read. personal notes is me
"I cannot help believing that we are distubrbed by tial and were not wr
editorials and reacting to 'public opinion' rather than would ever see them
to-military logic." Loewenheim saidt
MacARTHUR "IS doing a good job where he is, but "The Papers of D
I'm doubtful that he'd do so well in more complicated cupation, 1945," re
situations. Bataan is made to order for him. It's in the Hopkins University P
ade him a public hero; it has all the
a; and he is the acknowledged king
ght out, public opinion will force him
re his love of the limelight may ruin
d relations between MacArthur and
oled while Eisenhower served as a
thur in the Philippines before the
EFT the Philippines on March 12.
enhower was said to have written:
acclaim the move-the public built
s own imagination. I hope he can do
ted and predicted; we could use a
ary and March of 1942, Loewenheim
senhower's mixed views of King,
me chief of the U.S. fleet and who
perations from 1942 to 1945.
ry said King "is an arbitrary, stub-
much brains and a tendency toward
"! But I think he wants to fight,
1uraging. .
senhower wrote: "One thing that
war is to get someone to shoot King.
of cooperation-a deliberately rude
ins he's a mental bully."
Eisenhower ordered the personal
a cable sent on July 31, 1945, from
y, to an aide. A second telegram
saying, "My objection to use of my
erely that they were most confiden-
itten with the idea that anyone else
the cables surfaced in Vol. VI of
plummets to new low
NEW YORK (AP)-Although public
judgment of President Carter's work
stands at a historic low, Americans say
Congress is doing an even poorer job,
an Associated Press-NBC News poll
Only about one out of eight
Americans-13 per cent-now give
Congress a good or excellent rating, the
lowest such figure found in the last
three years.
THAT COMPARES to the 19 per cent
approval mark for Carter found by the
poll, which was taken Sept, 10-11. Car-
ter's rating was the lowest for a
president since this question was first
asked nearly three decades ago.
While 13 per cent gave Congress'
work overall top marks, 47 per cent said
its work has been "only fair." Thirty-
six per cent called congressional work
poor, and four per cent of the 1,600
adults interviewed nationwide by
telephone were not sure..
In the April AP-NBC News survey, 20
per cent rated Congress good or ex-
cellent, 50 per cent only fair and 24 per
cent pooi. Six per cent in that survey
said they were not sure.
THE LATEST poll rating on Congress
indicates a substantial slippage after
more than a year of stability in the
public's rating of the nation's
legislature. Since May 1978, the public
consistently gave Congress from 20 per
cent to 23 per ,cent good or excellent
marks. But now the rating has dropped
seven points from that range to 13 pe)
On energy matters, the public again
rates Congress lower than Carter.
Nearly half-49 per cent-rated
Congress' energy work poor, while t1
per cent said it has been only fair. Only
eight per cent said it was good or ex-
cellent and . two per cent were un-
THAT FINDING is down a bit froth
the figures in the April poll, when 10 per
cent said Congress' energy efforts were
good or excellent, 39 per cent said only
fair and 44 per cent said poor. Seven per
cent were not sure.
On energy, Carter got a low rating,
but it is still above the one given
As with every sample survey, the
results of the AP-NBC News poll can
vary from the opinions of all those with
telephones across the country because
of chance variations in the sample.
For polls with about 1,600 interviews,
the results should vary no more than
three percentage, points either way,
simply because of sample error. That
is, if one could talk to all adults in the
country, there is only one chance out qf
20 that the results would vary from the
findings of this poll by more than three
percentage points.
David Eisenhower, Oc-
published by the Johns
Eisen iwer
.. war-time diary discovered
- :
Celebrate t
-Year of the C
Daily Official Bulletin
Wednesday, September 19,1979
Daily Calendar:
HAROLD SH A PIRO, Vice-president for Academic
Affairs joined by
School Children from the Ann Arbor
Public Schools
and featuring
Dr. Estefania Aldaba-Lim
SEPTEMBER 20, 1979
The University of Michigan
All events open to children and adults without charge
Problems and Prospects for Children of the world in the 1980's Friday,
September 21 3:30 P.M. PANEL DISCUSSION Auditorium C Angeli Hall.
John Hagen, Introductions; Rosemary Sarri, moderator. Participants: Dr. Alda-
bo-Lim, Ms. Beatrice 8onnevausCornmunity Psyehology, Dr. Tsuneka Yoshida,
visiting scholar .trom Japan, Dr. Teshome Wagaw, Professor, School of Educa-
tion and Center or Afroamerican nd Afr can Studies.
fl 1f
Postgraduate Medicine/Health Professions
Education: Ultrasound for Ob-
stetricians/Gynecologists, Towsley, 8 a.m.
Psychiatry: Howard Shevrin, Ph.D., "The
Psycholofy and Biology of the Irrational, CPH Aud.,
9:30 a.m.
Ctr. Russian/E. European Studies: Brown bag
lunch, R. John Wiley, "Prospecting for Russian
Ballet," Commons Rm., Lane, 12:10 p.m.
Industrial/Operations Engineering: Robert G.
Brown, Material Management Systems, Inc.,
"Modern Materials Management," 229 W. Eng., 4
Physics/Astronomy: G. Kane, "Grand Unified
Theories," 296 Dennison, 4p.m.
Chemical Engineering: Brice Carnahan, "The
FORTRAN IV Programming Language-I," Nat.
Sci. Aud., 7:30 p.m.
(USPS 344-900)
Volume LXXXX, No. 12
Wednesday, September 19, 1979
is edited and managed bystudents at
the University of Michigan. Published
daily Tuesday through Sunday mornings
during the University year at 420
Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan
48109. Subscription rates: $12 Septem-
ber through April (2 semesters); 13 by
mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer
session published Tuesday through
Saturday mormnigs. Subscription rates:
$6.50 in Ann Arbor; '$7.00 by mail out-
side Ann Arbor. Secocnd class postage
paid at Ann Arbor, ichigan. POST-
MASTER: Send address changes to
Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109.
(Continued from Page 1)
THERE ARE 900 homes in the Old
West Side area, which is bordered by
Ashley St. past Seventh and Huron to
Pauline. More than 600 residents are
members of the Old West Side
Association which was established in
The Association was formed because
of a possible threat to the neigh-
borhood's homogeneity. A three-story
housing project was proposed for
Ashley St., which residents saw as out
of character with the two.story frame
Butnow the Association exists
mainly to provide activities and ser-
vices to West-siders and to serve as an
information source to them. The
Association also serves as a connecting
force between the city and the West
Siders. -,
THE REVENUE. the Homes Tour
brings in from tickpt and refreshment
sales goes to the Association and is used
both to provide services and social
events, like a spring neighborhood
garage sale and a winter carnival.
"Our major expense is putting out the
Old West Side News, published 10 times
a year with information on activities
and feature stories about the neigh-
borhood," explained Evans. He added
that the newsletter and various social
events give the West-Siders an oppor-
tunity to meet the other residents.
The pride and tradition of the Old
West Side was officially recognized in
1972 when the neighborhood was placed
on the National Register of
places and in 1978 a local
District ordinance was passed.
West Side celebrates heritage
Afghanistan ex-president
and 60 others said shot
(Continued from Page 1)
referred to them as "September mar-
AMIN ANNOUNCED in his first-
public statement as Afghanistan's new
leader that from now on, no individual
would rule the country.
He said Afghanistan would be gover-
ned in consultation with the central
comii~qpd4, t phajgq party, the .
revol onry(gq4A l,, and the ,pounc.
of ministersAminis~sepretary general,
of the party, chairman of the
revolutionary council, and the coun-
try's first minister.
He made no mention of Taraki in his
broadcast to the nation. But he said that
"self-centered and notorious elements"
in conflict with the working classes had
been eliminated.
THE DIPLOMATS said portraits of
Taraki had now been removed from
streets and government offices.
Amin, in a broadcast speech Monday,
made conciliatory overtures to private
businesspersons and Moslem religiops
leaders. But diplomatic sources said
they were little different in content
from ones made by the Taraki leader-
ship and never implemented.
Area specialists expect few major
changes in the functioning of the pr)-
SSoyi t, regime, because Amin hod
emerged la.t winter as the real power
in Afghanistan, eclipsing Taraki,
Amin summoned Soviet Ambassador
Aleksandr Puzanov on Monday for 4n
"introductory meeting" at his office In
the former Royal Arg Palace, which
had served as Taraki's official residen-
ce, Kabul radio reported. The two
reportedly met Saturday also.
The United States yesterday reaffir-
med its concern about possible Soviet
intervention in Afghanistan, but said it
saw no signs that Moscow was plannieg
to sepd troops into the country.
We'd Like To See
TONITE, Wed. Sept. 19,
7-8 pm at
Bursley-East Lounge
or come Thursday, Sept. 20, 7 pm
at the Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard
(next to SAB)
Editors of Berkeley's 'Californian
(Continued from Page 1)
have published it earlier, but we
weren't planning to. If you ask me, the
government blew it."
COPY EDITOR Dana Lacy said the
Daily Californian has been "frantic."
"People have been coming in with
cameras and lights ... they forget this
is a business. The work is still the same.
There are still stories that have to be
"The whole world seems to want to
"P~rimif i"
Need ride
out of town?
Check the + ,
classifieds under
talk to us," she continued, "even
though this is just a coincidence. It just
happened that he (Hansen) decided Jo
send us a copy of his letter."
Abate described what happened
Saturday when the restraining order
was imposed: "I walked into the office
about 5:00 p.m. and there were phones
ringing like mad. The editorial directbr
told me that there would be :a
restraining order for us from (Federpl
District Court) Judge Robert H.
Schenake. At 8:40, two Department of
Energy lawyers came into the
newsroom with the order. It was ready
"It's been a dynamite experience;"
Abate added. Referring to Hansen, he
explained that "It's good to know that
in this day and age, one person can still
make a difference."
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