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September 12, 1979 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-09-12

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Page 4-Wednesday, September 12, 1979-The Michigan Daily

~be .icbigan m aiIt
Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. LXXXX, No. 6 News Phone: 764-0552
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

Breaking the deadlock
in Zimbabwe Rhodesia

A great university?

OUR MONTHS before assuming
.F the presidency, Harold Shapiro in
a rectrt speech gave a list of
requirements a school must follow
before it can be classified as a "great
The president-designate said a great
university has to be a stronghold of
scholarship in theoretical sciences; it
must have strong undergraduate and
graduate programs; and it must main-
tain a sense of community.
Shapiro was certainly correct in
assessing part of what this school needs
in order to become a great University.
His analysis demonstrates his genuine
concern for the school's future and it's
encouraging that he's thinking about
these requirements as he maps out his
strategy for the upcoming year.
But the president-designate left out
many possibilities that must be con-
fidered if this university is to ever be
called a great institution.
Shapiro didn't mention that a great
university is one which is courageous
enough to adopt - moral and political
stances that may counter the school's
financial interests. For instance, a
great institution would be willing to
take its money out of a country in
which an apartheid system dominates,
South Africa. And that institution
would be ready to suffer the financial
consequences if such a moral decision
A great university would also strive
to assure its students of an education
tombining all teaching methods *and
ideologies, and allow those differences
to' be scattered throughout the univer-
sity. Such an, institution would not
allow one of its best professors-Joel
Samoff-to be denied tenure by his
department simply because his in-
structional methods differ from the
mainstream. Such a body of higher
education would also assure that the

school's students are guaranteed a
more prominent role in deciding which
professors are given tenure.
Another requirement' of a "great"
university is one determined to give its
students some power in the school's
decision-making process. It must
allow the student government on cam-
pus to be its own autonomous body,
removed from any strings to Univer-
sity administrators. This past yeair has
seen the school's administrators suc-
cessfully certify a student election
marked by numerous fradulent prac-
tices and seize the student gover-
nment's budget authority.
By restricting the power of the
student government, University of-
ficials can only injure the interests of
students for it is that decision-making
body which is most devoted to the
student body.
A great university would recognize
this potential problem and do all it can
to give students a say in the policies of
the university.
A great institution would work en-
dlessly to find solutions to the housing
and tuition crisis. Most schools face
these problems but it is only a select
few which find effective solutions. On-
ce again, sometimes these solutions
may be at the expense of the univer-
sity's best financial interests.
And finally, a great institution
should not'allow itself to use the sheild
of civil liberties to protect themselves
from adopting guidelines forbidding
any contact with the CIA. Such contact
seriously threatens freedom at this
The university is a fine instituton,
perhaps one of the best in the United
States. But it can only become a great
body of higher education if the above
requirements are met. If not, it will
remain just a fine place to attend

Bishop Abel Muzorewa (left), Dr. Silas Mundawara, and former ference to determine the fate of Zimbabwe-Rhodesia and Muzorewa's
prime minister Ian Smith gathered for the opening session of the con- embattled black majority government.


Thp emotionally-charged Middle East con-
flict has monopolized both the international
headlines and the minds of diplomatic obser-
vers. But notwithstanding that region's ob-
vious importance, another development is
currently taking place thisweek, an event of
monumental importance for another equally
troubled region.
The setting is London, and the issue at hand
concerns the future of Zimbabwe Rhodesia.
The issue is as complex as the Middle East
squabble and contains as many emotional
roadblocks. And as Bishop Abel Muzorewa,
and former prime minister Ian Smith sit
down with guerrilla leaders Robert Mugabe
and Joshua Nkomo, a settlement now seems
about as unlikely and elusive as a solution to
the equally frustrating Middle East conflict.
THEY ARE GATHERED in London to find
a solution to the question of black majority
rule, asolution acceptable to sides which now
have staked out 'seemingly unalterable
positions. At stake is the very future of Zim-
babwe Rhodesia, which has been a source of
almost consinuous conflict since the
breakaway British colony declared indepen-
dence in 1965. But the ramifications of that
meeting's outcome extend beyond the high-
ceiling splendor of London's Lancaster
House, touching all of Black Africa, and this
country's future foreign policy dealings on the
entire continent.
Very little is expected to emerge from this
conference. Already in only two days of
negotiations, the meeting has ben plagued
by the hostility and unretractable positions of
the parties involved.
But whether the conference succeeds in
molding an aceptable constitution-which
is about as likely as South Africa elec-
ting Jesse Jackson as president - the mere
fact that, for the first time the leaders of the
rival factions are meeting face to face far
outweighs the results of the meeting.
What's more, by finally relenting and
meeting Mugabe and Nkomo in person,
Prime Minister Muzorewa may finally have
realized that the people of Zambabwe will
never know peace until that country adopts a
new constitution and holds new elections in
which all parties participate.
SO WHETHER THIS meeting itself ends in
a deadlock - which is likely, the experts
agree - by merely bringing the parties
together any place other than a combat zone
i:s a major coup for Britain's minister Lord
Carrington, and a major step to finally
resolving what just a few weeks ago seemed a
situation that could be solved only by mortar
fire and rocket attacks.
After admirable efforts by Andrew Young
and British Foreign secretary David Owen
failed to persuade former Rhodesian Prime
Minister Ian Smith to make crucial con-
cessions, the United States and Britain took a
leave of absence from the conflict. During
this lull 'in negotiations, Smith's government
put into motion plans for a new election of a
government to be shared by blacks and
Muzorewa, a black moderate, was elected
prime minister of the new government
leading to speculation that this new leader-
ship might gain the international recognition
that it sorely needed, Promising reforms 'in
the country's legal system, Muzorewa
seemed determined to make that happen.
In May, the British elections added a new
dimension to the conflict when Conservative
Party leader Margaret Thatcher was elected
prime minister. One of her kep campaign
promises was to renew diplomatic ties with
Zimbabwe Rhodesia and end the 14-year ten-

By Michael Arkush
Carter and his top aides were conferring
about whether to remove economic sanctions
against Zimbabwe Rhodesia. Powerful con-
servatives in the Senate were lobbying inten-
sely to force the administration to lift the san-
ctions prematurely, arguing that the coun-
try's recent elections were open and free to
all voters.
And it appeared that Carter might yield to
that pessure. Some U.S. observers in
Salisbury reported that the elections were in-
deed fair and that the U.S. should life the san-
But Carter-to his credit-and largely un-
der pressure from Andrew Young,hrefused to
'remove the sanctions, denying the elections
were free and referring to a long list of in-
justices still rampant in Zimbabwe Rhodesia.
Seen as a major diplomatic victory for the
Patriotic Front and as a staggering blow to
Bishop Muzorewa, Carter's decision made it
certain that international recognition of Zim-
babwe Rhodesia could not be won easily, and
more concessions would be necessary.
For Muzorewa, the final blow came when
Prime Minister Thatcher, in a surprise tur-
naround, proposed that Zimbabwe Rhodesia
hold new elections and adopt a constitution

before England would recognize it. Those cen-
cessions were essential in order to end t,.
guerille war and create a framework h'
Salisbury to both the Patriotic Front guerilla
coalition and the new racially-mixed govern
By refusing to deal with Zimbabwe
Rhodesia, the United States and Britain were
pinning the Muzorewa government into a cor-
ner. Recognition from those two countries
would have made it much easier for Muzor-
wea to avoid any negotiations with the guerilla
coalition. with backing from those two great
nations, what else would Muzorewa have
But now he has to negotiate with Mugebe
and Nkomo. He has to realize that turmoil is
inevitable until the country adopts a new con-
stitution and holds rew elections in which -1l
parties can participate.
Thus, there are reasons for the London con-
ference. Most of the complicated problems
may not even be addressed, but at least the
parties are meeting with each other. .
When Sadat first arrived in Jerusalem in
November, 1977, many Mideast experts still
believed it was impossible that those two
countries would ever sign a peace treaty? it
took 16 months.
Michael Arkush is Co-Director of 1he
Daily's Editorial Page.

President-designate Harold Shapiro relaxes in his off ice, preparing to assume command.


Sue Warner ................................. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF
Richard Berke, Julie Rovner........... MANAGING EDITORS
Michael Arkush, Keith Richburg ..... EDITORIAL DIRECTORS
Brian Blanchard................... UNIVERSITY EDITOR
Judy Rakowsky .............................. CITY ED)ITOR
Shelley Wolson ..................PERSONNEL DIRECTOR
Amy Saltzman ......................... FEATURES EDITOR
Leonard Bernstein ...... .........SPECIAL PROJECTS
R.J. Smith, Eric Zorn .....................ARTS EDITORS
nwn lebei~n.Eizabeth Slo~wik ...MAGAZINE EDITORS

GEOFF LARCOM ......................... ..... Sports Editor
BILLY SAHN ......................... Executive Sports Editor
BILLY NEFF ......................... Managing Sports Editor
DAN PERRIN......................... Managing Sports Editor
MAUREEN O'MALLEY ................... Chief Photographer
JIM KRUZ...............................Staff Photographer
LISA KLAUSNER .......................... Staff Photographer


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