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September 06, 1979 - Image 41

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1979-09-06

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C ouncil sees

When the clerk calls the roll during
i meeting of Ann Arbor's City Council,
,he votes are often split along party
ines, with the seven Republicans and
our Democrats mounting on opposite
;ides of the issue.
In such a climate, mundane issues
ecome controversial. In fact, Council
ill often debate for more than two
ours about such burning issues as
hether city voters will use computer
abulated punch card ballots in the next
ity election or stick with the old voting
SOME ISSUES turn up again year af-
er year, while others simply succumb
o marathon discussions one or two
imes and are never brought up again.
ome of the issues likely to be raised
uring the fall are:
Zoning and planning. Deciding
hat kind of edifices can be built on
ertain parcels of land is probably the
ost basic power a city government
etains. Council must approve all
.oning changes and new building plans.
In Ann Arbor, planning decisions are
ften occasions for protest from city
esidents who believe a construction
roject may be more harmful than
At last count, there were 22 neigh-
orhood groups in Ann Arbor, formed of
esidents concerned about maintaining
he amount of undeveloped space in the
'ity. Last spring, strident opposition
rom residents of the city's north side
ed to the withdrawl of plans for a $70
illion,- 22-story convention cen-
er/condominium complex on the bank

of the Huron River, which wa
called Riverside Plaza.
People who feared the develo
would ruin the beauty of the riv
their feelings known before City
cil and the city's planning comm
The developer finally withdr
proposed project.
* THE CITY'S Economic D
ment Corporation (EDC). Cre
year ago, the nine-member ED(
has the power to authorize the is
of tax-exempt, low-interest bon
business projects that the city
like to attract, such as light m
turing industries or housing for
citizens. The financial breaks
these companies may ea
monetary burden for projects the
previously not feasible.
In its first year, the EDC ha
grant final approval for a proje
that is presently under consider
the sale of bonds to fund the ren
of Arborland, an aging shopping
on Washtenaw Boulevard.
- Potholes. Since he tooko
mayor in the spring of 1977,
Louis Belcher has carried out
paign promise (made, incident
candidates of both parties) to
city streets, famous for their p
which are sometimes likened b
THE POTHOLE issue is o
crops up every spring, just in t
the yearly City Council elections
In general, Democratic can
favor spending less money on ro
more on social programs,
Republicans tend to respondI

Finding a career
affles many studen

Every year many students, including
niors and seniors, begin the year
ithout having a specific career in
nind for their post-collegiate years. In
act, many go on to graduate with ex-
:ellent grade point averages and still
iave no idea of what they want to do for
According to Career Planning and
'lacement counselor Lillian Harrison,
nost students entering college are un-
iertain as to their future goals. Some
rim for career goals that sound ap-
>ealing, but about which they know lit-
le, she said.
Barbara Weinstein, an LSA coun-
elor, said there is "A great moving
rom field to field," among college
students. According to Harrison, a
rajority of students change their
majors during their four-year Univer-
sity stints. Those who do so, Weinstein
adds, are "later most satisfied with
their careers."
Many students who have certain
cademic interests "have a hard time
ranslating" those interests into
areers, according to Weinstein. She
aid students sometimes go to college
s a "lack of desirable alternatives," or
ecause of parental pressure.
John Krienke of the Counseling Cen-
er said studies on counseling have
ecommended more vocational coun-
eling. High schools, he said, don't
rovide enough funds for career
education and counseling.
KRIENKE SAID one problem is that
tudents are indoctrinated with the idea

that "if they do well in school
doing all they can to set themse
life." As a result "students com
prepared," he said.
Many students take a
Campbell Survey before the
college. The survey is a questi
used to indicate interest
capabilities of students. But, H
said, this is only "one tool" tha
used in helping students sele
careers. It gives students some
what they would like to do, but it
offer definite answers, she said.
The Strong-Campbell Surve
Krienke, must be used in con
with individual counseling. "It
in the hands of a skilled counse

The Michigan Daily-Thursday, September 6, 1979-Page 13A
Cottage INN
recurring issues
s to be payer complaints about the quality of enforcement of the city's housing code: Carry-Out and FREE Delivery
the streets. divestment-withdrawing city invest-
opment " The city is currently looking for a ments from companies that do business WELCOME BACK STUDENTS AND STAFFI
e made buyer for its cable television system, in South Africa as a way of combatting The Cottage Inn hopes you had a super vacation and will have a great year.
y Coun- now leased and operated by a company that country's system of ' racial We're glad you're back, and thank you for your business. We appreciate it and
ission. heavily in debt. separation; and timing of city elec- willicontinue to offer you our high quality product with our usual fast and
'ew the In order to attract a buyer to the city, tions-whether it would be better to efficient pick-up or free delivery service. If you don't know us, try us. We have
l l e te c a great DEEP DISH, SICILIAN PIZZA-our house specialty! If you haven't had
Council liberalized the city's ordinance hold elections in the fall instead of the it, try it-you'll love it! Again, thanks, and have a super year here at the home
evelop- regulating cable TV. spring. of the MAIZE AND BLUE.
C board THE REVISIONS allow a company e Energy. This summer Council took WE FEATURE:
suance operating the cable system to set its steps toward formulating a six-point " 12", 14", 16" PIZZAS-10 items
nds for own rates and expand the system at its energy conservation program aimed at * COTTAGE INN'S Very Own SICILIAN DEEP DISH PIZZA
wuds own pace. Opponents of the ordinance different sectors of the community. The * SANDWICHES, SUBS, PIZZA SUB, COTTAGE INN DELUXE
anufac revisions argued that granting a com- city has decided to provide an example C Expertly prepared ITALIAN DINNERS: Spaghetti Lasagna,
r senior pany the right to operate cable TV in by starting an energy conservation THE COTTAGE INN
offered Ann Arbor would be in effect granting a program in municipal buildings and 546 PACKARD at Hil-665-6005 2307 W. Stadium-769-3495
se the monopoly. Thus, they said, cable TV operations. This issue is slated to come HOURS 4-2 AM. OPEN - . PICK UP ONLY
at were should be treated as a utility. The issue up for more discussion in the fall.
spawned a court battle over the
s yet to question of whether cable TV is a
ct. One utility. ble T e C Quick accurate computerized
ation is In late July the state Supreme Court GI re a t I ~ j -' !-;eservation service
rovation ruled that cable TV is a utility, but the-- InentoaadDmsicercs
oveter court rejected the notion that the city- Travel Consultants International and Domestic services
company contract must include a for groups or individuals
clause that would allow city voters to No service charge We honor major credit cords
oMayor rescind the company's right to operate Geat c e c
a cam- the franchise.
ally, by Although a buyer has expressed some a Reduced student fares for "Term Breaks" and "Bowl Games."
y, byr iteretthecty habyt to find acm
repair inerest, te cito ba iout the cablecom Thanksgiving Flights to New York from $95.00. Also Boston, Philadelphia flights
wiligtobalou hecsl,''
to lunar system. y Low cost fares for stand-by budget apex flights to Europe.
The city's Democratic party has also stn-yfihs Er.
targeted three other issues for action * U.S. and Canadian Charters to London and European Cities.
ne that this fall: housing-a study of rent con-
ime for trol measures and ways to improving Great Places Travel Consultants 216 S. Fourth Ave. (Near Liberty St.) Ann Arbor 313-769-1776
ads and
to tax-
they're ,PLt e ye1,
lves for (1A c o tO,
e in un- \.e o l
Strong- Ix
y enter , a a
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Y studensto sho our stoe. Thatinvitatin was alays rigt nie,things0. °For0nice pe oe.mW're Wil'sQualityImotes
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