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September 09, 1979 - Image 1

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Vol. LAAAA, NO. 4

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, September 9, 1979

Free Issue

Twelve Pages

Blue wave drowns Northwestern,


'Cats prove weak tuneup for ND

Overcoming inexperience
and youth at key offensive posi-
tions, the Michigan Wolverines
devoured the Northwestern
Wildcats, 49-7, in front of a
crowd of 100,790 yesterday af-
ternoon in Michigan Stadium.
Opening day of the 1979
Michigan football season
signaled the start of the com-
memoration of 100 years of-
Maize and Blue football. But
the game's true meaning
quickly became apparent as
the relatively young and un-
tested Michigan offense
manhandled Northwestern.
a weak team, the game gave the
Wolverines the opportunity to iron out
the fine points in a Big Ten conference
game a week before the big showdown
against Notre Dame in Michigan
Most impressive was the running
ability of freshman Anthony Curter.
Another freshman, placekicker Ali
Haji-Sheikh also enthralled the crowd
with his name and kicking. But the of-
fense's ability to penetrate and sustain
seven scoring drives in spite of a group
made up mostly of first-time starters
was most significant.

Prior to the announcement of the
starting signal caller yesterday, a cloud
of mystery surrounded head coach Bo
Schembechler's choice. Three names
were tossed into the hat:.B. J. Dickey,
John Wangler, and Gary Lee.
BUT IT was the 5-11%, 188 Dickey
who got the nod from Schembechler.
"We felt a week ago we were going to go
with Dickey," remarked the Wolverine
coach. "He hurt his shoulder slightly,
which laid him up for three practices.
Wangler last Saturday was extremely
good," he continued. It wasn't until
Tuesday after seeing Dickey throw
again that Schembechler chose to go
with him.
Nevertheless, all three quarterbacks
saw action in yesterday's rout, with
Dickey seeing the most, the entire first
Michigan's first score came when
Dickey ran inside right end for two yar-
ds and a Michigan TD. The score which
culminated a 46-yard drive in five plays
came with 11:20 remaining in the first
With NU punting after their first un-

successful offensive series, Michigan
took the ball over on NU's 46-yard line.
In the first offensive play of the game
for Michigan, Dickey handed off to
tailback Stan Edwards who ran for
three. The 6-0, 203 Edwards rushed for
99 yards for the day leading both teams
with an average of 12.4 yards per carry.
ON THE SECOND play of the game
from MU's 43, Dickey fired a pass to,
tight end Doug Marsh for 15 yards. But
the ball was moved down to the Wild-
cats' 13-yard line when Northwestern
was penalized for a 15-yard personal
foul. But it was a costly play for the
Wolverines when offensive guard John
Arbeznik left the field with a sore knee.
Although Arbeznik sat out the rest of
the game, Schembechler said after-
wards, "If we'd been playing Notre
Dame, I think he'd have been back in
the second half."
Prior to this fall, Michigan's weakest
link was the offensive line due to
graduation. But injuries to key retur-
ning linemen Dan Kwiatkowski, Bubba
Paris, Tom Garrity, and John Powers
See WILDCATS, Page 12

n.. l .. Ph,,Ln b I ICA B IFltlCfkI "

MICHIGAN QUAXRTERBACK B.J. Dickey has his eyes on the goaline as he escapes from a Northwestern defender
during yesterday's action in Michigan Stadium.


Police gascrowdin
Kalamazoo skirmish,

MSU tu nel search fruitless

From AP and UPI.
EAST LANSING - The search for a'
missing young genius shifted yesterday-
from a maze of sweltering tunnels un.
der the Michigan State University
campus to the scene of a fantasy game
convention in Kenosha, Wis.
James Dallas Egbert III, 16, a com-
puter science student from Dayton,
Ohio, with an IQ measured at 145, was
last seen at the university on Aug. 15 in
his dormitory cafeteria. Six days later
a friend reported him missing and an
intensive search of the university
grounds has been under way since.
But campus police now say Egbert
may have attended a fantasy game
cdnvention in Kenosha several days
"NOBODY HAS positively identified
him, but a couple of people may have
seen him up there," said Capt. Ferman
Badgley of the University's campus
A search of more than eight miles of
steam tunnels -- where temperatures
can top 115 degrees - was completed
Friday night, Badgley said.
Police said the tunnel search yielded
not a single clue to the whereabouts of
Egbert, a computer genius with a pen-
chant for the fantasy, role-playing
game "Dungeon and Dragons," which
has developed cults of followers on'

college campuses.
students used the steam tunnels below
the school to act out the game - in
which players take on roles of mythical
characters and explore fantasy
dungeons, doing battle with monsters
and piling up treasure.
Police spent days searching the 8%
" Detroit's schools will open as
scheduled tomorrow while the
district's 12,000 teachers plan to
be on the picket lines. See story,
Page 2.
PgChances for a contract set-
tlement between the United Auto
Workers and General Motors
Corp. before next Friday night's
deadline appear slim. See story;
Page 9,
* Educators predicting a rise
in the SAT scores of incoming
freshpersons found the latest
averages fell once again, con-
tinuing a decade-long downward
spiral. See story, Page 2.
* Red the Todey
column, Pog 3

miles of tunnels - a system similar to
the University of Michigan network -
but found only beer cans and graffiti.
."We're satisfied that he's not in
there," said William Dear, a private
investigator from Dallas hired by
Egbert's family. "We covered every
inch of those tunnels."
ABOUT 3,000 people from all over the
country attended the Kenosha conven-

tign Aug. 16-19 sponsored by the com-
pany which makes , the game
"Dungeons and Dragons," Dear said.
Egbert was not registered in atten-.
dance, according to Badgley, but
police, and TSR Hobbies of 'Lake
Geneva, Wis., were being asked to
"Dungeons and Dragons" is sup-
See POLICE, Page 5

Rhodesian invasion ends;
forces leave Mozambique

Nine police officers were injured and
22 persons were arrested Friday night
near the Western Michigan University
(WMU) campus whEn a small "wake"
grew into a rowdy reunion.
Between 600 and 1,000 celebrants,
mostly students, filled Lafayette Street
in Kalamazoo early on the first Friday
night of the school year for a reunion.
7At about 9:30 p.m., approximately 30
Kalamazoo police officers responded to
complaints from nearby residents.
Repeated attempts to disburse the mob
failed, as officers were taunted and
pelted with-rocks and bottles. At 1:30
a.m., a barrage of tear gas finally
cleared the mob.4
everybody's front yard," said Jim
Farra, a second-year business student
at WMU, who observed the incident
from a nearby apartment. "It was
spontaneous. It was like a big reunion,"
he said.
According to Fara, a small group of
students at the "Shady Rest" house,
named by its four student inhabitants,
decided to hold a "wake" in honor of the
recently assassinated Lord Earl Moun-
tbatten. About 50 persons gathered in
the early evening, according to Farra,
andthen "it just kind of snowballed."
When owners of several cars parked
along the street tried to move them
away from the site, "people started
rocking them and throwing bottles un-
der their tires." According to Farra,
three cars were wrecked trying to get
through the party.
"AN HOUR LATER," Farra said,

"the cops assembled in riot gear and
started marching up Lafayette Street.
Some students stayed in the street,
shouting 'Hell no, we won't go.'
When police continued their effort to
clear the mob, they were pelted with
rocks, bottles, and bags of trash. Nine
officers required minor medical treat-
ment, and none were hospitalized,
Kalamazoo police said.
About 1:30 a.m.,stear gas wa's thrown
into the crowd by the police, a tactic
which finally cleared the street.
"People were pissed at them (the
police) because they wanted to break
up the party," said a student who was
on the scene and who didn't want his
name used.
"The first time, you could see the tear
gas and your eyes started burning. We
put sweaters over our heads and
thought we were all right. Then, all of a
sudden, you couldn't see the fog, but it
hit ushard and everybody started run-
ning," said the student.
Kalamazoo Police Department confir-
med the student's account of what hap-
pened. "We always get the large par-
ties at the beginning of school," he said,
"but we've never had a problem like
this. In the past, we would let the par-
ties die down, but people have com-
plained to the City Commission and we
were told to cover our beats.
"I hear they're planning another
tonight (Saturday)," Dixon sighed.
"It was a real happy crowd," student
Farra said. "Everybody was getting
wasted and having a great time. They
were good natured at first, I don't know
what turned the crowd ugly."

SALISBURY, Zimbabwe Rhodesia
(UPI) - Rhodesian forces pulled out of
Mozambique yesterday, ending a four-
day invasion that the military com-
mand said destroyed a score of major
targets and killed more than 300
Mozambican soldiers and Patriotic
Front guerrillas.
The invasion, the largest operation
ever mounted by Zimbabwe Rhodesia
in its seven-year-old war against the
guerrillas; ended as .Prime Minister
Bishop Abel Murorewa arrived in Lon-
don to attend a British-sponsored peace
conference with the Patriotic Front.

MUZOREWA AND Patriotic Front
co-leader Joshua Nkomo called news
conferences in London to denounce one
Referring to his own election as
prime minister following Zimbabwe
Rhodesia's majority rule settlement,
Muzorewa said Nkomo was waging a
war of "wicked terrorism" in the name
of "a cause that has already been won."
Nkomo, critical of the settlement he
believes keeps real power in the hands
of whites, called Muzorewa "one of a
bunch of bandits ... an ignorant bishop

Marching Band director keeps
tradition, link with football past

Each Fall football Saturday the game
begins when the University of Michigan
Marching Band high-steps its way onto
Michigan Stadium's impressive field
through the football tunnel, and is'
greeted by a crowd of over 100,000
cheering fans.
The' tunnel entry trademark of the
nationally-acclaimed Michigan Mar-
ching Band, is one tradition of
Univesity football history Glenn
Righter, new band director, stressed he
will retain.
.I THINK THEY (the fans) will find
pre-game (entertainment) is its fine
traditional self," said Richter in an in-
terview Friday.
2.iew ay. .,,.

basic commands and steps, and
prepare for the first performance of the
season, as well as get acquainted with
its new director.
"I think it's remarkable they (the
band) were able to do what they've
done," said H. Robert Reynolds, Direc-
tor of University Bands.
Reynolds said much of the success of
the band this year is largely due to the
leadership of returning band members.
RICHTER SAID he also is impressed
with the maturity of the band members.
"I think there's tremendous leader-
ship," he said.
Band members, in turn, appear to be
very satisfied with Richter.
Literary College freshman Chris
PnwP1rJ da d..ihnI moht, . a u h..ad

is definitely different," Kempter said.
MARTIN ADDED that because of the
return of former band members and the
retainment of band traditions, the
changes are "nominal."
According to Richter, Cavender's
past performances with the band have
been so varied that under his new
leadership, the musicians would not
appear very different.
"George has done just about
everything that could possibly be done
here--I can't imagine it would be that
different," he said.
yesterday's halftime show was
dedicated to the centennial year of
football at the University, and musical
history was recalled during pre-game

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