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Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom
1E aiI
See Today for details
Vol. LXXX.
.. . .n A -A.. . A L--. A L..:..... T .l d . 1' __ __ _I "n--
X, No. 79
A.'nn A~rbor, Mvicign-Tuesday, December. 11, I19~79
Ten Cents
Twelve Pages plus Suolement
r-..te a - .
After more than two months of ser-
vice, The Ride," the Ann Arbor Tran-
sportation Authority's (AATA) new
fixed route-based system has proved to
be both profitable and popular with city
riders, according to AATA officials and
riders themselves.
Richard Simonetta, AATA Executive'
Director, said the increase in ridership
resulting from the new fixed route con-
cept shows the public's acceptance and
support of the system.
WITH THE constraints of limited
funds and a limited operating fleet in
mind, Simonetta said AATA set four
goals for ' the October changes:
providing service to the maximum
number of citizens, making sure
s, of iaL
changes were consistent with a long-
range plan (the "1990 plan"), providing
a framework on which the AATA could
logically build, and addressing the
special needs of the elderly and han-
Changes in the system, which took ef-
fect in October, were: fewer service
hours, changes in fixed route and Dial-
a-Ride (DAR) service, and a fare hike
from 35 cents to 50 cents. A package of
twenty tokens, however, can be pur-
chased at the old 35 cent rate.
But despite these drastic changes,
Simonetta said the new system has, so
far, been very successful. However, he
said he would like to wait longer before
making a final evaluation.
- Simonetta said for every hour of ser-
New A ATA system successful
vice last October, the system carried
8.4 people. This October, however, the
He attributed these favorable results
to the fact that riders' tolerance for
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'All the financial problems
essentially gone.'
of the, past are
-Richard Simonetta,
AA TA Executive Director
federal level and say we want to add
more service. . . the people are much
more receptive to our requests. We're
really managing within a very logical
plan that makes sense to everybody."
He said extra money now goes to add
more service, while in the past it 'had
gone to bail the AATA out of debt. He
said "all the financial problems of the
past are essentially gone."
AATA board member and University
Prof. Joel Samoff said he is happy with
the results so far. "The initial in-
dications are all very positive," Samoff
HE STRESSED, however, that he
feels the ultimate judgement of any
public service "depends on the users,
not on the managers or board mem-
bers." Samoff said he "needs to have a
somewhat longer time" to evaluate
public reaciton.
Pat Minott, of the Transportation
Employees Union said the new system
"seems like it's working pretty
well ... the ridership seems to be up."
She added a number of employees
like the line bus system because it ser-
ves a greater number of people more
efficiently without "darting across the
MINOTT ALSO said the union is
"pleased that the board adopted the
fare policy that they did" because it
makes it easier for the drivers to collect
See A2, Page 3
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average was 11.3'people. He said this
represents a rise in "ridership produc-
tivity" of over 35 per cent.
AS FOR revenue, Simonetta said that
compared to last year, AATA ha 45 per
cent more revenue per hour of service.
change is higher than originally
Simonetta also said favorable reac-
tion to the system has helped the AATA
get state and federal money. "When we
talk to the people at the state and
Hostage: Captives
homesick, but OK
From AP and Reuter
DENVER - A 21-year-old Marine
corporal told NBC-TV yesterday that he
and 49 other hostages at the U.S. Em-
bassy in Iran are being treated well by
their student captors.
BIlly Gallegos of Pueblo, Colo., was
interviewed in Tehran. The tape was
relayed via satellite to the !United
States where excerpts were televised
on the NBC Nightly News." His paren-
ts, Dick and Theresa Gallegos, saw the
excerpts at KOA-TV studios here.
THE COUPLE identified their son
from the videotape and from
photographs taken at the Tehran taping
session earlier in the day.
NBC said it was allowed to interview
the hostage on the condition that the en-
tire interview - and a response from
an Iranian student - be telecast. NBC
said it would telecast the interview and
response in full later Monday night.
"The students here have been really
good to us," said Billy Gallegos. "It's
hard to belie ve, I know, but we haven't
been asked ay questions about what
really our job was."
"NOBODY'S BEEN mistreated.
Everything's O.K.," Gallegos said.
The hostages are given "everything
we need" Gallegos said, including
toothbrushes, adding, "the cleanliness
is great."
"I know everyone here wants to go
home," he said. "I don't know what
negotiations are toward this.. . I know
they keep telling us that they want the
shah to return to Iran and we'll be
THE HOSTAGES have been told, he
said, that some of them will be tried for
espionage if the shah is not returned. "I
don't know what would happen after
that," he said.
In related developments:
In northwest Iran, a peace mission
dispatched by Khomeini's
Revolutionary Council arrived in the
city of Tabriz, where dissident Iranian
Turks battled Sunday and yesterday
with pro-Khomeini forces in clashes
that left a reported nine Turks dead.
LEADERS OF the dissidents, who
want greater autonomy for their Azer-
baijan region, said they would not meet
with the Council delegation.
The Turks of Azerbaijan, known as
Azaris, are followers of Iran's No. 2
Shiite Moslem ayatollah, Mohammad
Kazem Shariat-Madari,. who opposes
Iran's new Islamic constitution because
it makes Khomeini a near-absolute
ruler for life and denies Azerbaijan the
kind of autonomous rule that it and
other ethnic regions wanted.
The Azaris rebelled last week, three
days after the constitution was ap-
proved in a national referendum. They
seized the government radio-television
station, the governor's mansion and
other key facilities in Tabriz.
OVER THE weekend, pro- and anti-
Khomeini forces captured and recap-
tured the various strongpoints in often
bloody gun battles.
Yesterday, the army was in control of
See HOSTAGE, Page 2
INS finds 8 'U'
AP Photo
HUNDREDS OF AYATOLLAH Khomeini's supporters gained control of the Tabriz, Iran radio station from anti-Khomeini
rebels before Iranian troops finally seized the building late yesterday.
From AP and Reuter
WASHINGTON - President Carter
said yesterday the United States must
embark at once on efforts to help
eliminate famine and hunger
throughout the world by the end of the
He endorsed shifting the focus of U.S.
foreign aid from supplying arms to
reducing world hunger, which he was
told could become more serious than
the energy crisis.
CARTER SAID he was "very excited
and pleased" by a commission report
which urged a doubling of U.S. aid to
help avoid a probable world food crisis.
The president told members of the
Presidential Commission on World
Hunger that "this is an opportunity for
our nation .. . to embark upon a long-
range, exciting, challenging, principled
effort to alleviate the problem of world
hunger over the next two decades."
One commission member told repor-
ters later that "we don't believe we'd
have all of our embassies burned" if
people overseas felt the United States
was helping with food production rather
than supplying arms.
THE COMMISSION warned that a
global food shortage "of even more
serious dimensions than the present
energy crisis" is likely in the next 20
years unless the United States and
other nations act now.
Two straight years of bad harvest in
any major grain-exporting nation, the
report said, would produce not only
rising food prices in wealthy nations
such as the United States, but
" widespread famine and political
disorder" in poor nations and would
"disrupt a fragile world economy
already weakened by energy shortages
and rampant inflation."
The commission said the earth ap-
-nger crisis
pears physically capable of feeding its
expanding population at least through
the year 2,000, provided knotty political
and social problems can be overcome.
THE PANEL said the hunger
problem is getting worse and that one of
every eight persons now suffers from a
lack of food serious enough to stunt
growth or dull mental abilities.
It said curing the problem will
require efforts not only to help poor
nations grow more of their own food,
but to raise overall income levels so the
poor can afford to buy food when it is
The commission recommended that
the United States "as rapidly as
possible" double its non-military
foreign aid spending, from roughly $7
billion to $14 billion a year.
Iraniaqns di
Eight of the 179 Iranian University
students interviewed at the federal
building last Wednesday, Thursday,
and Friday were found to be depor-
table, said Immigration and
Naturalization Service (INS) Project
Coordinator Robert Wagus yesterday.
Wagus said the eight were found
deportable for several reasons. Three
students were not carrying a full course
load, two were no longer attending the
University, and one remained in the
has int'l
While the 19-story edifice appears to '
be like any modern apartment building
in Ann Arbor, the University Towers
Apartments can claim a unique student a
population and reputation.
In recent years, the imposing struc-
ture nestled next to Orange Julius on S. -
Forest has become the home for an
unusually large number of foreign
students at the University. Dubbed the
"United Nations" and "The Olympic
Village," the building houses students
from all over the world. They comprise
about half the apartments' 720 residen-
"USUALLY THE third, fourth, and
fifth floors smell like curry all the time
from the oriental cooking," observed
one 'U' Towers employee. While dar-
ting in and out of elevators, residents
, See 'U', Page 3
efporotab le
country beyond the period authorized,
Wagus said.
THE REMAINING two students, he
added, fell into the "other" category, a
classification which Wagus said could
be "any violation of the immigration
law. -
The cases of 18 other students, in ad-
dition, will require further in-
vestigation, according to Wagus. Most
of those students were placed in that
category because they were missing
documents at the time of the interview,
a condition which Wagus said may be
resolved easily by the presentation of
the necessary papers.
The investigations come as a result of
President Carter's November order
that all "F-1" and "J-1" visa non-
immigrant students in post-secondary
institutions must be interviewedby an
INS officer prior to December 14 and
prove they are full-time students as
required by law or face deportation. F-1
and J-1 visas are visas for educational
THE UNIVERSITY previously told
INS that there were 250 Iranian studen-
ts registered in the school, Wagus said.
Only 179 students, hwever, were inter-
viewed in Ann Arbor. Wagus said any
See INS, Page 2
Tomeorrowt Imorninugs issueof ihi,
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Iomorrour- assena hillincude-t ro
.'pieciuul por.ts: aiu i-.xcaaxir ". jar elt y
"tafar. tuspplemenist itng tie naes
and l'airies of f'ill I 1iet-rsit facatlt
fned ali i u istratiert staa/J afin d i
Dre aede-in-Revicar se ciou. ithich t-ill
routedi up ht'lemajor local,.naiotial
stud itiernatiout lvrs of the I 970
Daily Photo by CYRENA CHAN
IKEI)A NAOTSUGU, walking out of the University Towers apartment building, is one of many foreign students who
live in the complex at the corner of South University and South Forest.
,y 1 Y
ripped roads. For $20, the deluxe model includes your name
spray painted over the patched hole, a certificate, and a
color picture. For 10 bucks you get just a certificate. But it
seems Falls City is running out of potholes. "We really have
sold almost all the potholes," claims the city recorder.
"Now it's time for some other enterprising small city to take;
over." Ann Arbor better try to sell its potholes fast -
there's only 14 shopping days 'til Christmas.
Take notes
mt, I I._ .. ...... .nrr:.... t ,,,
On the inside
Khomeini's rule strengthened during the hostage crisis,
see the editorial page. . . The Who review, and the effer-
vescent Ella graces the arts page . . . See sports for a pre
vacation report card on the hockey team's performance,
page 10. 4.0
On the outside
"Holy flashback!" Robin blurted to Batperson this
I -I-"
I Fried
-_ , 'g