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November 29, 1978 - Image 1

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See Editorial Page




Low-low 20s
See Today for details

Vol. LXXXIX, No. 68

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, November 29, 1978

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages

Demswith Kenworthy, looking to


The political analysts have barely
completed sifting through the Nov. 7
election returns, but already the April
city election contests have begun to
take form. Although there have been no
formal announcements, former
Democratic Fourth Ward Councilman
Jamie Kenworthy and Republican
Mayor Louis Belcher are ready to duel.
Kenworthy, who teaches American
Studies at the University, has been
silently considering running for mayor
for some time while vehemently giving
non-denial denials about his candidacy.
A mayoral candidate search committee
met after the Nov. 7 elections and
reached no official conclusions, but the

unkempt, mop-headed Kenworthy has
been the clear favorite of party
regulars for some time.
KENWORTHY IS expected to an-
nounce his candidacy sometime next
week, probably at Tuesday's regular
Democratic party meeting. But while
Kenworthy maintains that he will go
through the long "feeling out" process
of contacting party workers before
making any statement, Democrat
Councilmember Leslie Morris (D-
Second Ward) beat Kenworthy to his
own announcement by stating in a radio
interview last week that "the four
Democrats on Council have asked
Jamie Kenworthy to be our candidate
for mayor."

"I always was one for getting early
starts on elections," Morris said, "But
Jamie is waiting to go through all the
formalities." Morris said no one told
her to announce Kenworthy's can-
didacy - especially not Kenworthy.
But for the first time in three years,
the Democrats are entering a city elec-
tion without an incumbent in the
mayor's office. Former Mayor Albert
Wheeler was defeated in a special elec-
tion last April by former Fifth Ward
Councilman Louis Belcher, and Belcher
is making no pretensions that he wants
the job again for a full two-year term.
In last April's elections, city
Democrats were stunned by the loss of
Mayor Wheeler, and the loss of Jamie

Kenworthy's Fourth Ward Council seat
to the Republicans. While the
Republicans were reveling in their
biggest electoral blitz in ten years -
winning six Council seats and the
mayor's chair - Democrats were
retreating to lick their wounds and
figure out what went wrong.
GOING INTO the April elections,
however, the party that just six months
ago was in hopeless disarray and
dreading another election showdown at
the polls, is now looking ahead to April
for what many party regulars see as a
real chance to win a majority. With the
election of Ed Pierce to the state Senate,
and the registration of hundred of new
student voters thanks to Proposition D,

Democrats are thinking loudly that
there's life in the old party yet.
One council seat in each of the city's
five wards will be up for election next
year, as well as the mayor's seat.
Democrats now have incumbents Ken
Latta and Leslie Morris in the
predominantly student First and
Second Wards, and both councilmem-
bers will be seeking reelection.
The Democrats, however, may have
a primary battle to contend with. Jessie
Thomas, the Assistant Regional Direc-
tor of Planned Parenthood in Detroit,
has taken out petitions to run for
THOMAS, 38, said he will have a final
See DEMS, Page 12

Ken wlorthy

MSA to
search panel
Despite a heated debate last night
the Michigan Student Assembly (MSA)
took no action on the Regent's
resolution of November 17 that stated
intent of the Regents to have "student
involvement somewhere down the line"
in the presidential selection process.
MSA will begin interviewing for the
student advisory committee as stated
in their resolution passed November 14
that said interviewing would being "on
the assumption the regents resolution is
satisfactory with regard to student in-
THE ASSEMBLY had voted last
month to boycott the selection process
until the Regents change their selection
Several Assembly members were op-
posed to continuing in the selection
f process because they said it would be a
reversal of previous MSA resolutions.
"I look for consistency in MSA
resolutions,"' said MSA member Mer-
vat Hatem. "We said we were not going
See MSA, Page 6

Frisco gunman

could face

death penalty

AP Photo
APPROXIMATELY 25,000 persons gathered around San Francisco's City Hall Monday night, grieving for slain Mayor
George Moscone and Supervisor Harvey Milk, who were killed in their offices Monday morning. Acting Mayor Dianne
Feinstein and Police Chief Charles Gain spoke to the candle-carrying crowd.

Supervisor Dan White was charged
yesterday with the murders of Mayor
George Moscone and Supervisor Har-
vey Milk under a law that calls for the
death penalty.
District Attorney Joseph Freitas said
at a news conference that the two-count
complaint, filed in Municipal Court,
cites murder under "special circum-
stances"-A crime covered by the
death penalty in California.
HE SAID White, 32, would be
arraigned today.
Freitas charged that White killed
Moscone and Milk, the city's first
avowed homosexual supervisor, "in
retaliation for and to prevent the per-
formance of the official duties" of the
two officials.
The two were shot to death before
noon Monday-Moscone in a conferen-
ce room of his office, Milk in White's
own office. White surrendered to police
45 minutes later.
IN ADDITION to the two counts of
murder, White was charged with
possessing and using a firearm, a .38-
caliber revolver, during the
A colleague who visited White in
prison said yesterday that White was
"a casualty of pressure" brought on by
work, money problems and the birth of
a baby..
"I think everybody has a breaking
point," said Supervisor Lee Dolson,
who visited a weeping White in his cell
Monday night. White, he said, "was just
a normal, devoted young father."
THE BODIES of Moscone and Milk
will lie in state today at City Hall.
Moscone will be buried tomorrow, and
Milk is to be cremated Friday night.
The assassinations occurred a half-
hour before Moscone was to name a
successor to White on the Board of
White had resigned from the board on

Nov. 10, saying he could not support his
wife, Mary Ann, and his 4-month-old
son, Andrew, on the $9,600 supervisor's
salary plus the money he made from a
fried potato concession on Fisherman's
Wharf. He had earned $19,000 as 'a
firefighter, a job he quit to serve on the
BUT AFTER securing a $10,000 loan
from his 16 brothers and sisters, White
asked Moscone to reappoint him to the
Last Friday, however, suspecting he
would not get his job back, he grimly
told reporters, "The gloves are off."
"He went through a few months of
very hard work, financial problems and
a new baby," board president and now
acting Mayor Dianne Feinstein said of
White. "It had triggered a sense of
The Board of Supervisors is the city's
legislative body.
Besides being considered among the
most conservative on the 11-member
board, White also was the most out-
spoken against gay rights issues in a
city where police estimate as many as
one-sixth of its 700,000 residents are
" The dollar now can buy only
half as much as it could in 1967,
according to a government
report. See story, Page 7.
" Although Michigan quarter-
back Rick Leach capped off an
outstanding career with an' im-
pressive performance against
Ohio State, he couldn't garnish
enough votes to win the Heisman
Trophy. The award went to
Oklahoma tailback Billy Sims.
See stor , Page ,10
h . Readthe new, expanded
F 'To'daycol"'.n, a3


Bombyk wins GEO


Women's Studies Teaching Assistant
Marti Bombyk won an uncontested

election for Graduate Employees
Organization (GEO) president tonight,
replace Mike Clark, who served as
president for a year and a half before
resigning September 25.
About 150 ballots were sent out three
weeks before the Nov. 22 election to all
GEO members of good standing. Out of
the 74 ballots returned, Bombyk
received 69 votes. Two ballots were
late, one was disqualified, and GEO
secretary Gregory Scott received the
sole write-in vote.
BOMBYK SAID she regarded those
69 votes as "votes of confidence." You
don't expect a good turnout in an uncon-
tested election, so that amount of votes
makes me happy," she said. Acting
President Dave Lechner now returns to
his position as GEO vice-president.
Clark continues to serve as GEO Legal
Defense Chairman in current litigation
between GEO and the University to
determine whether Graduate Student
Assistants are students or employees.
Bombyk stressed that GEO
organizational goals won't change un-
der her leadership. "We'll be trying to

end the trial as quickly as possible and
get back to the bargaining table," she
Bombyk said GEO would also be
working on strategy for their Dec. 15 in-
formational meeting with the Univer-
sity Regents to discuss possibilities of
ending the trial between the University
and GEO.
BOMBYK SAID GEO will send four
representatives to the meeting - Mike
Clark and herself, along with two GEO
observers. "We're hoping they (the
Regents) will come along with our
view, but in the meantime, we'll hold
tight and wait," she said.
Bombyk also noted that the Univer-
sity postponed the December trial date
to January due to unavailability of
some University witnesses. "We expec-
ted this to happen - this puts us back
another month. I interpret it as the
University stalling longer," Bombyk

hopes to work more with student gover-
nment and that GEO would be working
on rejuvenating the All Campus Labor
Council, an organization composed of
representatives from all campus labor
unions. "We will be familiarizing our-
selves with everyone's concerns and
will try to help each other," Bombyk
Bombyk said she was happy to
receive a resolution of support for GEO
from the Washtenaw County
Democratic Party whose members
voted unanimously to end the trial and
return GEO to the bargaining table.

Bottle bill upsets local retailers

Born IVk

The former GEO vice-president
organizing chairwoman added


Israeli: Arabs treated equally

Though unhappy about the prospect
of no longer selling non-returnable beer
and pop bottles, local retailers have
mobilized in anticipation of this coming
Sunday-when the bottle bill becomes
Merchants have been preparing for
several weeks to accommodate the bot-
tle ban, which requires a 10 cent deposit
on non-reuseable beverage bottles and'
cans and a five cent deposit on
STORES HAVE been stocking new
bottles-certified for deposit-for as
long as six weeks, and throw-aways
have all but disappeared from
retailers' shelves. Wine, whiskey, and
other liquor bottle remain unaffected
by the bill.
Customers bought up the supply of
non-returnables in expectation of the
bottle bill, and local merchants find
customers indignant about the bill,
..... 1..rt m~nr MA fnr 1 in1070

stocking up with their favorites in
Most stores report only a few non-
returnables on the shelves, but Big Ten
Party Store still has some collector
beers and mineral water available.
Estes predicts they won't be gone by

'Irregularities' cause
LSA election recount

Retailers passed on to their
customers any distributors bargains in
an attempt to rid their warehouses of
non-returnable bottles and cans. Last
week, Campus Corners was selling a
quart bottle of Pepsi for 39 cents, a
savings of 25 cents.
See BUSINESS, Page 7

Dov Shefi, deputy legal advisor for
the Israeli Ministry of Defense, said
last night that the United Nations'
charges of mistreatment of Arabs
living under Israeli rule are false.
"The UN set up this special commit-
tee in 1969 to investigate human rights
violations in Israeli occupied
territories," Shefi told a group of more
than 30 people at an UGLI conference

bridges policy in 11 years has seen over
seven million people go to and from
Arab lands."
"People would not come to Israel
several times from Arab lands if civil
rights were abused," Shefi emphasized.
At an interview earlier jn the day,
Shefi explained the Sami Esmail in-
cident and said that the trial
proceedings were democratic and fair.
Fmaia ehicrn, Staes ,,nv ;r,,

The Literature, Science and Arts
Academic Judiciary last night ordered
a recount of last week's LSA Student
Government elections because of "the
possibility of irregularities in the
tallying procedure" of that election.
T+ i.a m m -- -r Ita h aRan-nrg n

ballots. United Students members also
charged that ballot tallyers were "in-
toxicated" on alcohol and were
smoking marijuana during the count.
A member of the Academic
Judiciary, who asked not to be iden-
tified, said the major reason for the
decision to order the recount was the

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