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November 28, 1978 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1978-11-28

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Page 2-Tuesday, November 28, 1978-The Michigan Daily
SACUA eyes computer


Two films about imperialist intervention in birth control and
alternative birthing centers.

The Senate Advisory Committee on University
Affairs yesterday discussed how the University could
combat the rising cost of computer services, and
briefly reviewed an old proposal to move the opening
day of classes to the day after Labor Day.
The committee made no final decision on changing
the academic calendar. Traditionally the start of fall
term classes has been the first Friday after Labor
Day. The proposal to move opening day up to the day
after Labor Day - three days earlier - has been
under consideration for some time now, but has been
left in limbo due to a competing proposal from the
Office of Academic Affairs.
SACUA Chairman Shaw stated that there was a
general consensus among faculty members that the
period after Labor Day was being wasted, and that
there was a need for a more regular fall term

Literary College, and a member of the Computer and
Communication Sciences Department, addressed the
group on problems that he claimed are making the
price of computer services inordinately high.
Galler said security measures taken to keep
computerized infomation from reaching the wrong
hands may have reached a point of "overkill."
"Of course, when you handle sensitive information
you want to know who has access to it, particularly in
areas such as race, political affiliation, health, and so
forth" he said. "But the question is what level of
security should be taken and at what cost?"
LIVERMORE said the problem first came to the
group's attention because of complaints about
increases in the cost of using the University's
"One answer to the rising costs was the costs of
gecurity measures" stated Livermore. Another

computer problem he identified was that the sever
computing systems available to the Universi
community suffer from a lack of coordination. "
the end," Livermore said "the notion from within t
faculty is that the services are terrible expensive."
Galler claimed that the existence of a comput
policy committee has not been enough to alleviate t
problems. He said that the committee "h
historically been powerless" and that SACUA shou
consider raising the issues of increased control a
orderly growth with the administration. Livermo
said after the meeting that he would meet with Vi
President for Academic Affairs Harold Shapiro
take up the issue in the near future.
In another area, Livermore said that SACUA an
the Office of academic Affairs were "getting closer t
an agreement" on proposed guidelines fo
government intelligence information agenc
activities on campus, and that he planned futur
meetings with Vice President Shapiro on the matter.

Nov: 29th

Aid. C l

TER:documents the destruction of a 78 year old
also: alternative birthing/home delivery system for a
ghetto class population by the convergent interests of
the medical establishment, the Chicago corporate
.opm' class, and the pharmaceutical/hospital supply cor-
y a , porations.

Thur. 6:
n__ h

Kos UColAud'

Dec. Isf
Fri. 7:30pm
Res CellAud

indicts a U.S. imposed population control program in
Bolivia affecting the Quechua (one of the largest indi-
genous populations in Latin America). At first banned
by American embassy protests of its Peace Corps de-
nouncement-a ban later lifted by pressure of stu-
dents, priests, and intellectuals-allowing this film to
be widely shown in Latin America. An opportunity to
see the U.S. as others see us.

Dr. Raymond Tanter
Professor of Political Science
University of Michigan
WED., NOV. 29-12 Noon to 1:30 p.m.
ALL WELCOME Refreshments Served

Africa Week events planned to
increase students' awareness

dean of the

The African Student Association has
called Nov. 27 through Dec. 1 "Africa
Week." The association hopes to in-

crease general knowledge about
African affairs through this week
highlighted by films and guest lectures.
"Every African student enrolled here



is struck with the high level of ignort
ce that exists concerning-African evt
ts," said Riase Jakpor, president of t]
"WE FEEL OBLIGED to bridge t,
information gap," Jakpor said.
Scheduled lectures include an a
dress on South AFrica by Ghana's At
bassador to the U.S. and a speech on ti
military in African politics by Unive
sity Profs. Maxwell Owusu ai
Teshome Wagaw. The ambassador
address will be held Friday at 5 p.m.
Angell Hall Auditorium B, and tl
professor' talk will be held in Mode
Language Building Lecture Room
today at 5 p.m.
There will be two panel discussio
One will discuss African developm
and will give students a chance
discuss the issue from the viewpoint
their respective academic discipline
organizers said.
"WE TRULY WANT to increase tl
level of knowledge as we feel thi
Africa is the locale of many importa:
political, economic and military eve
ts," Jakpor said.
The highlight of a formal dinner to t
held at the Trotter House, Friday nigh
will be the launching of Miafric, tt
African Student Association newslette
According to Jakpor, the newsletti
is another attempt by the associaiton
increase knowledge of African affair
The newsletter will also bring news
those African students who are cut c
by distance, he said.#
The name Miafric is a "Brainstorm
of the editorial board, according 1
"We wanted something that would li
it be known that we were concern
with African affairs but we also wante
to relate to Ann Arbor. Thus we cam
up with the combination of Michiga
and Africa in Miafric," Jakpor said.
Further information about Africa
Week events can be obtained by conta
ting the African Student Associatic
at 764-5513.

..R. .

You, a faithful follower of this
space, have been a moun-a
taineer'for some time now.a
You've studied the funda-
mnentds, selected your
gear and experimented rat il
with methodology. In short,
you are nobody's fool. None-;
theless, you also know a little
knowledge is a dangerous thing.
So you want to learn more.
Smart thinking.fa
First, you must realize that seasons4"ii w
once the basics of mountaineeringea
are mastered, it is only nuance
which distinguishes the trues
artists from the merely adequate.
Therefore, attention to detail,r
especially inmatters of clothing,
is vital.
Always protect the head,
according to seasonal fluctua-
tions. In winter, a warm hat
is mandatory. (The head, after
all, is the chimney of the
body.Avoid cerebral heat loss -
it diminishes your sycho-
physio abilities.)
In summertime,
a sun visor or a
billed cpwill
guarantee crucial
visibility among
the craggy peaks.
Pay particular A$
regard to your foot- insert co ents of Fig.A -xpedtion
gear. Shoes should into Fig. B. Flex Fig. C 120, dflag
be sturdy and Stable. Fig. D. Swaown
A secure footing is Footnote -
of utmost importance. Without it,C
you're asking for trouble. Point
of order: while mountaineering is -
pursued for fun, it is neverthe-

less serious business. If you are
going to down the mountains,
rather than vice versa, you must
e confident of your standing.
Between the head and the feet
es the area known to pros as "the
body'.' Mountaineering
bodywear is usuallybased
on personal preference.
However, keep a keen
eye out for one common
criterion. Your clothes
"thier should be comfortable and
ear flexible, allowing for open
movement, specifically in the:
vicinity of the arms. A free
and responsive arm is a
mountaineer's best friend.
Certain accessories, of
course, complement and
ened complete the regulation
o garb. Expedition flags
to mark your territory
in public places, con-

Free & necting ropes for those
flxbe who prefer the security
of mountaineering in
tandem and back-
packs filled with
\ beer nuts, mugs,
bottle openers
and other para-
phanalia. Beyond
these standards,
wardrobe styles
range from the rustic
to the refined And
- well they might, for
ountaineers are a
rugged and individual
lot,joined only by a
common taste for
*4 excellence.

Kale honored at 'U'
John Kale has been awarded t
Warren Cook Award as the outstandin
graduate student in industrial hygie
of the University's Department of E"
vironmental and Industrial Health, t
University said.
The presentation was made Oct. 26
the conclusion of' the 15th annu
meeting of the Michigan Industri
Hygiene Discussion Group at the Can
pus Inn.
Kale, now with the Union Carbid
Corp., received his master's degree i
industrial health in August. He als
holds an MS degree in biochemistr
from the U-M and a BS in chemistr
from Pennsylvania State University.
Slavens, Ruby publish
Prof. Thomas Slavens of the Univei
sity's School of Library Science an+
Marc Ruby, formerly of the School o
Education, are the authors of an articl
on "Teaching Library Science Student
to Do Bibliographical Searches ;
Automated Data Base," in the fall issu
of "RO," the journal of the Referenc
and Adult Services Division of th
American Library Association, th
University announce
Volume LXXXIX. No. 67
Tuesday, November 28, 1978
is edited and managed by students at the Univers it
of Michigan. News phone 764-0562. Second clas
postage is paid at Ann'Arbor, Michigan 48W0
Published daily Tuesday through Sunday mornin;
during the University year at 420 Maynard Strel
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription rates: $1
September through April 12 semesters); $13 by mail
outside Ann Arbor.
Summer session published Tuesday throtjg
Saturday morning. Subscription rates: $6.50 in An
Arbor; $7,00 by mail outside Ann Arbor.

secure "
footing .
-' J~ 'i" i' - ----'



,science andar
of drinking Busch. The
term originates due to the
snowy, icy peaks sported by the
label outside and perpetuates due
to the cold, naturally refreshing
taste inside. (cf.
lessons 1, 2,3 and 4)


r gmouiten

t .: ;;


Footgear Toehold
Toe rope 4
mm O- no "-



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