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November 28, 1978 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1978-11-28

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Blue Pa
Defense key
Defense. That's what Michigan coach Bo
hembechler had tabbed as the key for gaining a
ird consecutive Rose Bowl berth.
The Wolverine defense proved the coach right in
e last two games-the Rose Bowl preliminaries-as
allowed only six points to Purdue and three to
hio State.
THE PASS RUSH, which came alive in both
mes, will be crucial against USC in the Rose
owl. The rush has to be controlled, since the
rojans mix play action passes with Charles White
s ,
"They (Michigan) put on a good hard pass rush,"
See editorial page

s 14-3 victor?
said a frustrated Woody Hayes after his team's
loss. "If you remember last week, that's v
happened to Purdue. They flushed t]
quarterback out of there."
The rush could pose problems for Tr(
quarterback Paul McDonald just as it did for
State's Art Schlichter. McDonald could even I
more problems, since he's not a runt
quarterback at all. His net yardage is below z
indicating that most of his rushing yardage cc
when lie is sacked.
"THE BIGGEST THING we have to do is ni
them (USC) wear us down in the fourth peric
See THIRD, Page 11

Express rips


Rose trips are expensive

While the Wolverines have earned their free trip
to the Rose Bowl, Pasadena-bound fans may find
- the journey a little more costly than the typical ex-
cursion rate.
But package deals are available for those ever-
loyal fans through the University and from various
travel agencies. Prices range from $135 to $655,
depending on the number of days spent in Pasadena
and optipns such as game ticket and side tours.
LINDA BRIEF, travel consultant for Boersma
Travel Agency in Nickel's Arcade, said non-
discount round-trip flights to Los Angeles regularly
cost $376 during the day and $300 at night.

"About 35 per cent of the seats are reserved for
discounts on most flights," Brief said.
The cheapest way to fly to the Rose Bowl other
than on a package tour is the supersaver fare, which
offers a 30-40 per cent discount. But in order to get
the low fare, the customer must book his or her
flight at least 30 days in advance and stay at the
destination for at least seven days.
THE SUPERSAVER fare to Los Angeles during
the day between Monday and Thursday costs $266.
It costs $263 on weekends. Further savings are
available on nightcoach flights leaving after 9 p.r.
Prices on these evening flights are $188 on week-
See TH E HIGH, Page 6



Low-low 20s
See Today for details


Vol. LXXXIX, No. 67
PAC wn
The People's Action Coalition (PAC)
ill dominate the newly-elected
iterature, Science and Arts Student
overnment (LSA-SG) with the elec-
ion of PAC presidential and vice-
residential candidates Bob Stechuk
and Katherine Friedman and six PAC
Executive Council candidates.
Executive Council seat winners from
AC are Bruce Kozarsky, Mary
Hallesy, Davrell Tien, Dee Ghosh,
Valerie Mims, and Michael Epstein.
here are 15 seats on the committee.
The United Students now hold four
eats on LSA-SG, with Mark Slaughter,
regory Irvin, Pamela Martin, and
Talib-Udin Abdul-Muqsit giving them
the second largest bloc of council seats.
Mike Spirnak of the Student
Organizing Committee (SOC), Bob
Warren of the Young Socialists, and
Doug steinberg of the Bullshit Party
were the only members of their parties
to obtain council seats. Winning in-
dependent tickets were Dan Solomon
and Larry Vadnais.
According to Stechuk, the first LSA-
SG priorities will be to discuss the
issues in which they will be involved
and to decide whether the group will be
oriented more towards community or
academic issues.
"LSA-SG is a self-defining group,"
said Stechuk. "In the first couple of
meetings we'll find out what the mem-
bers want to be involved in and go from
Pamela Martin, of United Students,
said she'd like to see an educational
program for incoming students to let
them know what they can became in-
volved in at the University.
Young Socialists member Bob
Warren said he plans to introduce
resolutions for a 24-hour child care cen-
ter and free abbrtion on demand, and
push for University divestment from
South Africa,. as well as ending
discrimination of minority groups in
"The Young Socialist Alliance is ex-
cited about the opportnity to be in
See PAC, Page 6
" A London-based human rights
group accused China of
repressing political dissent
through imprisonment and
execution. See story, Page 3.
t An eight hour seige turned in-
to a drinking party yesterday
when a man with a rifle held 1to
persons hostage in a Wyandotte,
Michigan, bar. He later released
them unharmed and surren-
dered. See story, Page 6.
" The Senate Advisory Com-
mittee on University Affairs
reviewed a proposal to move the
first day of University classes up
three days and discussed
methods to combat the rising cost
of computer services. See story,
Page 2.
After all three of their teams
finished the season on a losing
note, head football coaches Bob

Commings, Cal Stoll, and Mike
McGee lost their jobs. See story
on Page 10. .

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, November 28, 1978

Ten Cents

. Twelve Pages plus Supplement

Frisco 's

From AP and UP[
Moscone and City Supervisor Harvey
Milk.were shot to death yesterday in
City Hall. and a former city official
who had wanted his job back, was
arrested 45 minutes later.
Moscone was killed in his City Hall of-
fice and Milk, an avowed homosexual
who was elected to the board a year
ago, was shot to death in the Board of
Supervisors chambers, also in City
DAN WHITE, 32, was booked for in-
vestigation of the murders, which stun-
ned a city still numbed by the suicide
massacre in Guyana of more than 900
members of the Peoples Temple, based
in San Francisco.
The former supervisor surrendered
to police at a station eight blocks from
the scene of the San Francisco slayings.
Police and city officials said White,
who resigned from the Board of Super-
visors on Nov. 10 over pay and then
asked for his seat back, was meeting
with Moscone in a back room of the
mayor's office, presumably begging to
be. reappointed, when the 11 a.m.
shooting occurred.
MASCONE, 49, HAD scheduled an
11:30 a.m. news conference to announce
White's successor, Don Horanzy, who
was waiting in an outer office at the or-
nate, domed City Hall when the shots
rang out.

Mascone's bloody body was found
lying on the floor when the mayor's
fiscal adviser, Rudy Nothenberg,
walked in for an 11 a.m. appointment.
Police said Moscone had been shot
three times, twice in the head and once
in the left arm.
The mayor's press secretary, Mel
Wax, said White had appeared at the
mayor's door about 10:40 a.m., asking.
to see Moscone without an appoin-
tment. He added, "I didn't want them to
see each other. I thought that would be
a bad scene."
Police said that after the shooting,
White left Moscone's office through a
back door and ran about 100 yards down
the hall and into the supervisors' of-
fices, where he allegedly shot and killed
Milk, 48, in what had been his own office
before his resignation.
Moscone, a liberal,, and White had
been at political odds for some time.
THE MAYOR HAD been supported
by the Rev. Jim Jones, leader of the
Peoples Temple and one of those who
died in Guyana. He once appointed
Jones to the city's Housing Authority.
Police said, however, that the killings
apparently were not connected to the
Peoples Temple.
Dianne Feinstein-who as president
of the Board of Supervisors will become
acting mayor-tearfully annoi ced the
slayings outside Moscone's oLtce to.a
See SAN, Page 7

AP Photo
THE BODY OF ONE of the shooting victims is removed from San Francisco City Hall after Monday's shooting death of
Mayor George Moscone and City Supervisor Harvey Milk.

Guyana holding
cult survivors

Officials say more selling' of

Police here say a decision will be made
by tomorrow on which of the 80 sur-
vivors of the Peoples Temple suicide-
murders here can return home and
which will be held as suspects and
material witnesses.
Three members of the Sect were
questioned by police at headquarters
yesterday, but Assistant Commissioner
Skip Roberts said no charges were
filed. He would not say what the
questioning covered. Two others have
already been charged..;
"We just want to question them some
more and go back over their story,"
Roberts said. He said they would be
released but did not say when.
THE THREE WERE identified as
Tim Carter, 28, his brother, Michael, 20,
both of Boise, Idaho, and Michael
Prokes, 32, a former Modesto, Calif.,
television newsman.
The State Department said in
Washington that it expects survivors to
start back to the United States from
Georgetown today, but there was no
sign from Guyanese officials that that

Jonestown and the slayings of a mother
and her three children in the sect's
temple at Georgetwon the same day.
Meanwhile, the FBI yesteray
released the contents of a note found on
the body of dead cult leader Jim Jones
but said it had not been able to deter-
mine who wrote it.
A government source said the note
appeared to be written by a close
follower of Jones, endorsing the mass
suicide decision.
THE NOTE WAS found on Jones'
body after it was airlifted from Guyana
to Dover Air Force Base, Del., last
Thursday with the corposes of other
Peoples Temple members who joined in
the mass suicide-slaying ritual in
Jonestown on Nov. 18.
A recent letter from 653 members of
the Peoples Temple in Guyana asked
the Los Angeles County district attor-
ney to drop an investigation of the cult
and threatened forcible resistance, the
Los Angeles Times reported yesterday.
The signers are believed to have been
among the 912 Americans who died in

projects forced
With the passage of the Headlee tax limitation proposal,
Ann Arbor officials will now have to go to the voters to get
approval for most city projects.
Last night at the weekly City Council meeting, the
collected heads of city government decided that if some
projects are going to continue, a major selling job may be
in order.
CITY ATTORNEY Bruce Laidlaw outlined the three
major elements of the Headlee amendment passed in
November: restrictions on the state, local taxation, and
the bonding authority. Laidlaw pointed out that while the
state cannot decrease its appropriation to local gover-
nments in general, it can shift the amount allocated to in-
dividual local governments.
City Administrator Sylvestor Murray said the state
presently provided six per cent of Ann Arbor's budget. "I
can see the state holding that pattern," Murray told coun-
The constraint Headlee places on loeal taxation is that
any increase in the level of taxes must be voter approved.
Neither the council members or Murray objected to the
expanded voter input into the revenue process. However,
they expressed concern over whether voters will approve
City council appro
City Council last night financed by CDBG
unanimously passed a resolution years and is nom

projects which may be vital but not salient to the entire
CURRENTLY, IF STREET pavement or storm
drainage is needed in one area of town, the city can
specially assess property owners in that specific area and
. fund part of the project from the general fund. Under
Headlee, however, the project could not receive any city
support unless the voters city-wide permit it.
Council member Leslie Morris (D-Second Ward) said,
"Headlee requires a different approach to special
assessments," which could be accomplished by putting
several such plans together in one package and presenting
it to the voters. That way, people will perceive needs
throughout the city and will probably approve them,
Morris said.
Morris pointed out, however, that this process will
probably be more politicized than in the past. Council will
have to balance the project awarded between all the areas
of the city, she said.
MORRIS POINTED out two potential risks. One is that
voters may think a project is so vital that they expect it to
be funded from the general fund. Another is that voters
may refuse tax hikes for projects that do not directly
affect them. Councilman ronald Trowbridge (R-Fourth
Ward) called that "myopic."
Eves day care grant

IT HAS been
" funding for three
w an independent

their choice.
According to Laurie Wargelin of
CDBG child-care, the Main Street

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